Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Quit BIG 3!)


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)


Sorry, but depending on how long you have already been on minoxidil, you'll probably lose a lot of hair. What you might be experiencing is "brain fog" from Propecia. You're going to be ok, that side should go away (at least it did with me). If you really wanted to you could lower your dose- cutting up finasteride doesn't ruin it your doctor is stupid. Just make sure your not around pregnant women when you do it and clean up vigorously afterwards.

I don't think your dick is going to shrink. You're sex drive might fluctuate, but that might also be mental. Things should level off, like most posters have experienced here. I thought I was experiencing ED after one week on 1 mg of Propecia, so I got off it. Months later when I started again on .25 mg and increased to .75 mg I have been normal. I think some of this crap is mental. Just for kicks may I ask, how's your poop? I get clogged if I go beyond .75 mg.

Anyway, keep us updated and take those blood tests if that makes you feel more comfortable. Don't check every 5 mins if you can get a hard on because your going to make yourself think your having trouble.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Hey Fanjeera , dont stress becouse of the meds .

i think alcohol is allot more harmfull for youre body than the finasteride , and if u want u can take 0.5 mg doses instead of the full 1mg to start with .

good luck with youre treatment ;


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

hhj1247 said:

Sorry, but depending on how long you have already been on minoxidil, you'll probably lose a lot of hair. What you might be experiencing is "brain fog" from Propecia. You're going to be ok, that side should go away (at least it did with me). If you really wanted to you could lower your dose- cutting up finasteride doesn't ruin it your doctor is stupid. Just make sure your not around pregnant women when you do it and clean up vigorously afterwards.

I don't think your dick is going to shrink. You're sex drive might fluctuate, but that might also be mental. Things should level off, like most posters have experienced here. I thought I was experiencing ED after one week on 1 mg of Propecia, so I got off it. Months later when I started again on .25 mg and increased to .75 mg I have been normal. I think some of this crap is mental. Just for kicks may I ask, how's your poop? I get clogged if I go beyond .75 mg.

Anyway, keep us updated and take those blood tests if that makes you feel more comfortable. Don't check every 5 mins if you can get a hard on because your going to make yourself think your having trouble.
Yeah, I know. I'm not quitting minoxidil (yet) -- despite the burning eyes and a little uglier face, it has grown me lots of hair. Soon I will just let it all go anyway, because I don't want to be addicted to this stuff, especially because of its expensiveness. I just want to delay it a little.
Why I'm worried about my dick size, is because I only just got 18 and may have not yet ended puberty. viewtopic.php?f=46&t=52597&st=0&sk=t&sd=a -- this thread speaks a lot about the importance of DHT in the development of our bodies in young age. How can I know I have gone through puberty?
Umm, my poop is okay :D. And btw, so is my urine now.
My doctor wants to see me right after a month has passed of the prescription of 1 mg a day, so I can't take less atm.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Fanjeera said: -- that's very sad news (read "Causes"). I don't know what I should be doing now...

That is clearly talking about a conditional defect from birth, Propecia isn't going to permanently and irreversibly effect your hormones/genes. finasteride inhibits (being the key word) the enzyme that that converts testosterone to DHT, it doesn't cause defects in the make up of your hormones.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

It says defects in DHT synthesis cause micropenis. What else does finasteride do, if not kill DHT?


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Alright, the watery semen is now officially here. And my penis feels smaller. -- an interesting forum. There are people having side effects lasting longer than they took the pill and lots of talk on finasteride's permanent effect on our body and mind.
I got a severe panic attack related to finasteride tonight. It was so horrible.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

I'm feeling suicidal. My penis has shrinked, I have serious brain fog and can get no erections. I'm quitting this drug right now and hope everything will return to normal. If not... I don't know what to do.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Fanjeera said:
I'm feeling suicidal. My penis has shrinked, I have serious brain fog and can get no erections. I'm quitting this drug right now and hope everything will return to normal. If not... I don't know what to do.
Well... okay, go on you/p** or whatever, look at something you like... I know finasteride can be serious, however within some days? Even I say that your mind plays you some tricks here.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Here's what's up with those people Fanjeera:

Think about the demographic that is probably perusing that message board. I'd say most of the guys on there are late teens/early 20's who are just beginning to lose hair and tried Propecia. Being that our generation is so tech savvy and always on the net, they undoubtedly researched the side effects. And, given that our generation is so image conscious as well as "sexually insecure", as soon as they hear about possible erectile problems or anything like that they freak out and immediately assume it has/will happen to them.

So what happens when you put hundreds of guys like that into a message board together? Mass hysteria - over nothing. If this were 20 years ago and the internet didn't exist, they would never question their little hair loss pill. The mind is a powerful thing, and many minds thinking the same thing (however erroneous and exaggerated it may be) is even more powerful.

I thought I had gone impotent because I couldn't get it up for a girl one time - long before finasteride. It weighed on my mind so heavily that I couldn't even masturbate for a month - my dick was dead. But in reality the only thing that was wrong was my mindset. If you obsess about something like erections, which rely on relaxed muscles and the parasympathetic nervous system, you will ruin any chance of having them - propecia or no propecia.

Brain fog is equally BS. It reminds me of those late night colon cleansing commercials that claim toxic bowels are the cause of headaches, depression, anxiety, irritability, constipation, etc - in other words BEING HUMAN. You're never going to be 100% mentally alert 100% of the time. And since you've read about brain fog, from now on every time you feel a little slow mentally you'll blame it on Propecia.

See how easy it is to get caught up in this crap?


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Thickandthin is 100% correct Fan. I experienced sides and had a mega-freak out like you and stopped taking finasteride. I thought I had ed- I couldn't get it up for sex one time, and I had a flip. Then months later, a doctor told me that if I don't start Propecia again soon that I won't be able to go on it and get results later. So I started off on a small dose. Why don't you give that a shot? Why don't you take a quarter of the pill? You wouldn't know you are even on it. If your feeling good, move up a dose to half a pill, and so on.

Anyway, many of the sides are mental and I'm willing to bet that your penis and sexual sides are non-existant. Don't measure you penis everyday to make sure Propecia isn't shrinking it, that's just silly. A penis may grow and shrink many times in a day given the temperature and situation- we all know this!! Propecia did not shrink your penis. It hasn't shrunk mine or anyone elses that I know of here.

As for the brain fog (if it's real), your going to have to get used to finasteride in your system. Your body is adjusting to a new hormone situation. I had brain fog- so what. It went away in a week. Give everything time. Everyone here who says they experienced sides said it went away given a month.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

I don't care about any hair loss atm. I just want to get rid of this concentration error I have and really fast.
I went to my 45th driving lesson today. I haven't driven so horrible before. Every simple situation just seemed to strange and awkward that I started doing very foolish mistakes. I hope I'll at least be able to finally finish this driving school.
Thanks for posting and supporting!


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Even I find it hard to believe that you really have all of the side effects you complain about already, especially the shrinking penis thing. It seems like you are extremely nervous about side effects, which could be the reason for the weakened concentration.

However I personally did get sexual side effects from day 2, which never let go. I kept on taking finasteride for 6 months hoping it would improve, but it didn't. Now it's 14.5 months since I quit, and I still have reduced sex drive and reduced penis sensitivity (the latter more frustrating than the former). So IMO it IS risky to continue taking the drug and hope that side effects will go away.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

I swear my penis is shrinking rapidly. It's just so scary and depressing.
Anyway, what I'm still the most worried about are the mental side effects, which seem to have accelerated now. I'm not able to concentrate, think straight, talk fluently and FEEL the surroundings like I was used to. Today I started taking vitamins that help mind work.
Finasteride's permanent side effects are a real problem. That's why is such an active forum with many users. -- do you think people like this are posting there many years just to fool around?

This topic is not about fighting hair loss anymore -- it's about fighting hair loss treatments. The big 3 is not a tempting combination to victory anymore, but just a nightmare.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

That message board exists because of statistics. There are millions of men who are balding, and millions of men who take finasteride. Of those millions, a few thousand might have bad side effects. A very vocal few thousand. Or perhaps they don't have side effects at all but are so neurotic they think they do. It's just a negative self feedback loop. Paranoid man begins balding, takes Propecia, fears side effects, goes to, becomes certain that Propecia is the devil, develops a whole host of side effects, becomes anti-Propecia zealot, etc.

BTW, the guy in that post you linked to sounds like a damn nut case.

Oh no! I didn't fantasize about sex today! I couldn't come up with a witty comeback when my friend insulted me! My penis looks smaller! My muscles ache! It's all because of the Propecia!!!!!! :jackit:


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

I got a twitching eyelid too which doesn't want to go away after quitting. It started right when I got on Propecia.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Fanjeera said:
I got a twitching eyelid too which doesn't want to go away after quitting. It started right when I got on Propecia.

OK - obviously you refuse to listen to reason.

It's your choice now man. I mean, would you rather be bald or have hair and a rapidly shrinking dick, a rapidly shrinking IQ, and a rapidly twitching eyelid?


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Fanjeera said:
I went to my 45th driving lesson today. I haven't driven so horrible before.

45th lesson??? WTF???

How long is the course in total?

This is how it's done:
1. Buy the highway code (less than €10), read it and pass your theory test.
2. Get 10-15 driving lessons, and pass your driving test at most in 3 attempts.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Thickandthin said:
Fanjeera said:
I got a twitching eyelid too which doesn't want to go away after quitting. It started right when I got on Propecia.

OK - obviously you refuse to listen to reason.

It's your choice now man. I mean, would you rather be bald or have hair and a rapidly shrinking dick, a rapidly shrinking IQ, and a rapidly twitching eyelid?
If stopping finasteride helps, I will be bald with less shrinked dick, IQ and a twitching eyelid. If I continue to poison myself, I might get even more side effects. I have heard of people that wear down all the side effects after quitting, I have even heard of people that wear down the side effects with continued usage of the drug -- now, taking which scenario has a greater possibility of becoming a normal person again, if it even has one for a 18 year old weak puberty orgasm that already took 9 mg-s of finasteride?
ali777 said:
Fanjeera said:
I went to my 45th driving lesson today. I haven't driven so horrible before.

45th lesson??? WTF???

How long is the course in total?

This is how it's done:
1. Buy the highway code (less than €10), read it and pass your theory test.
2. Get 10-15 driving lessons, and pass your driving test at most in 3 attempts.
The rules are obviously a lot easier in your country :D. Here we all have to take at least 40 lessons to get to the exam, but some teachers, like mine, ask for more. After completing the school's driving test you get to the main driving test which usually passed in 2 attempts. The same system goes for theory.


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Re: Fanjeera's Story - ( 17-year old balding! Started BIG 3!)

Fanjeera said:
Thickandthin said:
Fanjeera said:
I got a twitching eyelid too which doesn't want to go away after quitting. It started right when I got on Propecia.

OK - obviously you refuse to listen to reason.

It's your choice now man. I mean, would you rather be bald or have hair and a rapidly shrinking dick, a rapidly shrinking IQ, and a rapidly twitching eyelid?
If stopping finasteride helps, I will be bald with less shrinked dick, IQ and a twitching eyelid. If I continue to poison myself, I might get even more side effects. I have heard of people that wear down all the side effects after quitting, I have even heard of people that wear down the side effects with continued usage of the drug -- now, taking which scenario has a greater possibility of becoming a normal person again, if it even has one for a 18 year old weak puberty orgasm that already took 9 mg-s of finasteride?
ali777 said:
Fanjeera said:
I went to my 45th driving lesson today. I haven't driven so horrible before.

45th lesson??? WTF???

How long is the course in total?

This is how it's done:
1. Buy the highway code (less than €10), read it and pass your theory test.
2. Get 10-15 driving lessons, and pass your driving test at most in 3 attempts.
The rules are obviously a lot easier in your country :D. Here we all have to take at least 40 lessons to get to the exam, but some teachers, like mine, ask for more. After completing the school's driving test you get to the main driving test which usually passed in 2 attempts. The same system goes for theory.

Omg wtf are you guys learning to drive or fly planes?! I had one lesson before the test because the guys take you over the route and give you a chance to prepare, then after that I went in and did my test, and bang, all over in 30 minutes.

I thought 10 lessons sounded crazy, but 45?! You guys probably don't have learners plates though in saying that. We have L Plates, which you are on the age of 16 to 18 and you can drive with a parent in the car with you, in this stage you are recommended to get up 120 hours of practice but you could do 0 and still go for the test.

Your IQ doesn't 'shrink' either mate. It is funny how much propecia is mentally effecting you. If 1mg of propecia was slipped into your breakfast every morning without you knowing I can assure you, you wouldn't think you had any of these problems.
Things like an eye twitch?! Lol, those sort of things are clearly by products of your anxiety brewed up from all the bad press you have been reading.