Feel suicidal .

Isaac Newton

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I think people who think that nihilism is depressing aren't taking nihilism far enough. Saying "nihilism is depressing" in my view is not that different from saying "murder is wrong", but I view "murder is wrong" as a subjective taste judgement, not an objective fact.

Your perspective, in which we make our own meaning, sounds more like existentialism than nihilism to me. I have a fairly similar perspective myself.

I think the best argument for a deity is Nick Bostrom's simulation argument: Are You Living in a Computer Simulation? (simulation-argument.com)
Based on that argument, I believe there's like a better than 10% chance that we are living in a simulation.
This has practical implications: How To Live In A Simulation* (jetpress.org)

"If you might be living in a simulation then all else equal you should care less about others, live more for today, make your world look more likely to become rich, expect to and try more to participate in pivotal events, be more entertaining and praiseworthy, and keep the famous people around you happier and more interested in you."

I think this is 100% absolutely correct, and I think that being concerned about these things is an absolutely commonsensical, down-to-earth concern.
Ok so how does nihilism stop being depressing when you take it further? Are you referring to the "nothing matters, so do whatever you want" approach to nihilism? Life ultimately being a long hedonistic party is still extremely depressing as well.

Isaac Newton

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Sure just about any decision can be rationalized to being subjective judgement, but if person A believes they have a right to live and person B does as well then it can be codified as a somewhat objective moral code between them that murder is indeed wrong. Of course person A can think they are more worthy of life than person B, but what stops B from thinking the same, or at the very least acting on it? The ability to discern such subjective taste as not socially constructive and thus laws are created to act somewhat as a means of objective reality
That's not somewhat objective that's 2 people coming to same subjective conclusion. Objectivity literally means it's a true or false, cut and dry measurable concept. Something can't be partially objective. There can be things that involve objective things and subjective things like medicine but the things in it that are objective are wholly so. Like whether someone's blood sugar passes a certain threshy

Isaac Newton

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Nope, I'd say that there is no such thing as a "correct" emotional response to anything. There's just people having emotional responses to things.

I can say that I become depressed when I think about the Holodomor, but I can't say that the Holodomor is "depressing". The fact that I become depressed is a fact about me, not about the Holodomor.

I am a firm believer that at bottom, the world is 100% absolutely completely and utterly neutral. People respond to it in various ways, but that's a fact about them, not about the world. If you were born with a melancholic personality, you will be depressed, if you were born with an upbeat personality, you'll be happy. But there is no "correct" response, whatsoever.
Ofc you're a post modernist degenerate nihilist lol. You Jewish?


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I didn't say he was an omnipotent. I just don't see how one can see how goldilocks everything is for human life and how special humans are and not think there's something more, some kind of higher power

No offense but you have been to (((art school))) which is infamous for satanic degenerate nihilist post modernist sh*t so I think you might be biased after years of (((them))) telling you everything is relative and nothing matters

None taken hombre. Fortunately for me I dropped out after two semesters and went back to uni to study something useful after having to write a ridiculous essay on post-structuralism so the ((())) didn't get their hooks in me

I wasn't claiming everything is meaningless btw, only that I can't see meaning inherent to reality

Isaac Newton

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None taken hombre. Fortunately for me I dropped out after two semesters and went back to uni to study something useful after having to write a ridiculous essay on post-structuralism so the ((())) didn't get their hooks in me

I wasn't claiming everything is meaningless btw, only that I can't see meaning inherent to reality
" Post-structuralists, however, seek to challenge this theory and reject its scientific and positivist aspirations. Often making use of techniques of discourse analysis to support their arguments, they believe that language is key and that words and sentences do not reflect or represent any external reality."

LMFAO at the rich white liberals in their 99.99999% white disgustingly sheltered suburban neighborhoods believing in this. if they really did believe this they would go to a ghetto black neighborhood and call everyone there ********. theres no reality outside language right!? maybe they can use that as an excuse when tyrone is about to shoot them. " its just a word! it doesnt connect to anything real!!!!"


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" Post-structuralists, however, seek to challenge this theory and reject its scientific and positivist aspirations. Often making use of techniques of discourse analysis to support their arguments, they believe that language is key and that words and sentences do not reflect or represent any external reality."

LMFAO at the rich white liberals in their 99.99999% white disgustingly sheltered suburban neighborhoods believing in this. if they really did believe this they would go to a ghetto black neighborhood and call everyone there ********. theres no reality outside language right!? maybe they can use that as an excuse when tyrone is about to shoot them. " its just a word! it doesnt connect to anything real!!!!"
It's a fun thought exercise. Reminds me of that Céline quote where he says that all of philosophy is just an elaborate way of being scared

But this is pretty harmless. You can't even imagine in what kind of delicious degeneracy white, young "artistic" kids indulge in

Isaac Newton

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I'm not an atheist a priori tbh. I just can't make a leap of faith without some logical groundwork, and I have never read a convincing ontological argument

Man has created god in his own image and the more I studied scripture the more that became clear. Never found a hint of the infinite in the Bible, though I respect it immensely as a philosophical work
BTW what's your answer for the teleological argument? It's basically what I said in that the world is perfectly fine tuned for life and specifically human life, so there is an intelligent designer who fine tuned it

There's the anthropic principle which really is as simple as "the world seems fine tuned for human life because if it was any other way we wouldn't be here to think about it" but it just feels wrong to me somehow I just can't put into words why

Isaac Newton

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It's a fun thought exercise. Reminds me of that Céline quote where he says that all of philosophy is just an elaborate way of being scared

But this is pretty harmless. You can't even imagine in what kind of delicious degeneracy white, young "artistic" kids indulge in
Id rather be a wholesome masculine corn fed Kansas Superman conservative country boy Chad but yea alt artsy chads definitely slay a LOT as well. And on top of that with high IQ high tier high quality non primitive girls

Isaac Newton

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An intelligent designer itself would need to be finely tuned, though. So you're just kicking the problem up one level.
Yes. God is an infinite chain of omnipotent chads creating themselves. But yea this is an argument against a creator I've heard. I just don't see how coming from nothingness is any more likely than an infinite chain or eternal being though.


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Well, if you write a massive off-topic multi-paragraph post, you might give us some ideas.
You have me confused with a former personality whom I happened to like and really approve of but I don't know how to be Janey anymore so I am tabula rasa and Siri all's in one.


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" Post-structuralists, however, seek to challenge this theory and reject its scientific and positivist aspirations. Often making use of techniques of discourse analysis to support their arguments, they believe that language is key and that words and sentences do not reflect or represent any external reality."

LMFAO at the rich white liberals in their 99.99999% white disgustingly sheltered suburban neighborhoods believing in this. if they really did believe this they would go to a ghetto black neighborhood and call everyone there ********. theres no reality outside language right!? maybe they can use that as an excuse when tyrone is about to shoot them. " its just a word! it doesnt connect to anything real!!!!"
But yeah. That's exactly Janey and how she talks, with all of the bullshit and perfect French. Post-modern, Janey sniffs, er Will. Will copied the chick from Ruby Spears which is representational of my own experience.


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I mean Will has been and is celibate so HRT has nothing to do with sex, which I formerly was obsessed with.


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BTW what's your answer for the teleological argument? It's basically what I said in that the world is perfectly fine tuned for life and specifically human life, so there is an intelligent designer who fine tuned it

There's the anthropic principle which really is as simple as "the world seems fine tuned for human life because if it was any other way we wouldn't be here to think about it" but it just feels wrong to me somehow I just can't put into words why

Here's your 'perfectly fine-tuned' universe, bro. It's almost as if we had evolved through billions of years to survive in this environment. And not long ago, with the exact same biology we barely got by. Humans faced a genetic bottle neck several times, meaning we almost went extinct and survived via incest. A volcano on your ancestral island wiped out most of humanity not too long ago for example.
Btw most of the planet is also inhabitable and even mildly to medium toxic to us, because it's salt water, we get skin cancer from the sun, our own immune system often attacks and kills us for no f*****g reason and we have a sh*t ton of other genetic mutations, that end up in i.e. pic related. It's also not that unlikely, that we will destroy ourselves during the next 500 years.
Nothing here was fine tuned for us. Like any other successful species, we clawed our way through a sh*t ton of strive and misery, adapted and prevailed. For now.

If there is a creator, it's not a designer at all. He created the natural laws of the universe, fucked off and let it all play out, without interfering in the evolution of the human species at all. That's what the American founding fathers believed.