Folexen: New Hair Loss Treatment based on S-Equol


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You're whining to the wrong person. I'm not the Admin..or even a moderator here. I didn't/don't make the rules.There are other places he can answer questions at- I even suggested one to him. It seems he's only interested in doing it here, one of the most active if not the most popular/active forum out there.

When the forum exists, the company is there, yadda yadda yadda..but he's unable to remain because of the forum rules...what do you do? Call or email them.

And I'm not just referring to hair loss forums. This happens at bodybuilding forums...etc. A new product is posted and some newbies jump in and like here- start saying they're going to try it, or even are using it. It usually isn't about just asking questions...many times they're not even asking questions.


New Member
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Hey has anyone that has ordered these pils received their order yet? I live in AZ and I ordered 2 bottles on July 13th and haven't received anything or gotten a confirm shipping email yet.


Experienced Member
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I dont think I ever got a confirmed shipped email. I ordered around the same time, got the package last friday.


Experienced Member
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they really should mark when the product is shipped and send emails out. its unprofessional to charge so much for a product and not say when it is shipped.

The Natural

Established Member
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It's probably to be expected, given the company's infancy. That stated, it is encouraging to see noted members of this forum willing to try this product. Looking forward to reading some good feedback in three to six months.


Established Member
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I received an email when I ordered mine. It's from Eclipse Nutraceuticals. Also it took a few weeks to arrive for me.

- - - Updated - - -

So, I just want to get this clear in my mind, as I want to feel comfortable with what I am taking. Can someone give me a brief science lesson on Folexen? When S-Equol attaches to DHT, I get that it inactivates it, thus stopping hair loss. And I guess the benefits are that I still have the same amount of DHT so my hormonal imbalance is unaffected--DHT just can't do what it does, like cause hair loss. But why won't having all of this inactive DHT cause side effects, if the DHT can't do what it does (sexual performance for example)?


Established Member
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You're whining to the wrong snipped

I am not whining. I am just pointing out the comments YOU made to the admin, with a whole bunch of assumptions tagged along - that people dont register to talk to medical reps, its easy to go on the other forum, folks wont come from there here etc, with all the conclusions neatly adding up to the fact that those interested were shills...were your assumptions and didn't hold up.

The fact is you came up - in my opinion - with a lot of irrelevant spiel, sidetracking what was a useful discussion into a completely irrelevant sidetrack. Your posts come across as petulant, and despite polite replies to you to see the other point of view, you continued and still continue to argue away for no good reason. In other words you wasted all our effin' time. I am being direct here because your passive aggressive style of replying is pointless.

But in the meanwhile, I'd really appreciate it if you stop with your replies about "other forums", "how I can talk to reps via email" and similar patronizing useless rubbish because you, being reasonably intelligent - so far so to access the internet & reply on a forum, should know what I meant. Instead of being obtuse about it and dragging the conversation on and on without any end to it.

Furthermore, I know you are not the admin, and I have already made my request to the actual admin/moderator and my POV clear. They have also responded politely about the rules etc. Guess what, we understand that as well.

As mentioned earlier, if you have something productive to add re: topical equol - I am all ears. If I come across anything I'd let you know too.

Next - I and most other folks here are aware of shills and misleading marketing. Also, that what works for one person may not work for others. In the past two-three weeks I have tried three different products, and can actually and would post on their cons if somebody created/flagged a thread for the same..

And if things turn out well, I hopefully can provide enough data about equol to help others taking it..



Senior Member
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The whining part had to do with not allowing Folexen to post here...for ppl to ask him questions here. It's just common sense to then email or call the company directly. There are other forums..he was pointed to one that didn't have these rules....I can't say that??

It seems like quite a few agree with me...regarding the rest of your complaints. But as I've said before..I've posted about equol in the past..and I'm still posting about things I come across these days.



Established Member
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The whining part had to do with not allowing Folexen to post here...for ppl to ask him questions here.

So? Are you choosing to be obtuse despite being informed several times about the convenience factor of a forum discussion and being part of a conversation, as versus just mailing an anon rep via email? And whats with being deliberately obnoxious re: whining and such? Your non stop complaints to the admin could be classified as such - did I state it as such?

It's just common sense to then email or call the company directly. There are other forums..he was pointed to one that didn't have these rules....I can't say that??

Other forums which have reg issues, and whats "common sense" to you is not the same for everyone else.. that too is obvious from this discussion...

It seems like quite a few agree with me...regarding the rest of your complaints. But as I've said before..I've posted about equol in the past..and I'm still posting about things I come across these days.


And quite a few disagreed with you as well. The point is to take what they said in the right spirit instead of characterizing it as whining ...

You can disagree without being disagreeable.

I am done argueing with you on this...hopefully I dont have to explain what I found objectionable all over again and perpetuate this useless discussion..

Lets just focus on the core stuff rite? The part where we figure out hair loss remedies etc..



New Member
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So sure enough I ended up getting my 2 bottles in the mail today. I'm thinking going with 3 pills morning and 3 pills night. Besides hair I'm actually curious if this would help with my very oily skin and acne? I'll keep you guys posted as I'm not taking anything else.


Senior Member
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Oh brother.......

Convenience or not....if it's not or email.

I'm aware of only one forum with "reg issues"- but here's an idea with that one- ask questions in the forum. Forward them to Folexen. Post the answers in the forum. Repeat :punk:

Yep..the newbies disagreed with me LOL........

Peace part 2

The Natural

Established Member
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Aks, Folexen came here to advertise a product for free, and this is against forum policy, irrespective of how well you perceived their manners to be. Jacob pointed out this fact. And the forum administrator agreed.

Your aggression is misplaced, and has, frankly speaking, become redundant as well as annoying. Continue your discussion with Jacob on this subject, if you must, but do it via PM.

I may very well apply for one of those "moderationships" that you reference in your next post: My first rule of business will be to rid this place of the verbose who use forum threads to grandstand their junior college educ'tion.

That would be you, Miss.

Again, avail yourself of the PM(S) function here.


Established Member
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Aks, Folexen came here to advertise a product for free, and this is against forum policy, irrespective of how well you perceived their manners to be. Jacob pointed out this fact. And the forum administrator agreed.

I am well aware of that.

The administrator, if you'd note has already posted a very polite reply above & that's fair enough. Don't need you though to state the obvious..

Your aggression is misplaced, and has, frankly speaking, become redundant as well as annoying.

Actually my "aggression" with regards to Jacobs equally "aggressive" reply was hardly misplaced (he who throws the first stone and all....), and if you are annoyed, dont read it.

Furthermore, when I have already stated to Jacob that its high time we quit this line of debate, I find your last minute jump into the discussion needless. I am well aware of your position as you have made it quite clear.

Further, I find your jumping into the conversation, one which you are not even part of, when you are not even trying the product out, and your constant refrain for freebies to be equally annoying and redundant.

If you are actually trying it out, and can contribute something, then please post.

In other words, please direct your replies on topic.

Continue your discussion with Jacob on this subject, if you must, but do it via PM.

AFAIK, you are neither an admin here or a moderator, so please ditch the attitude. I think I made it pretty clear in my previous post that I really didn't wish to keep this irrelevant side track going.

Furthermore, I have no intention of continuing the discussion with Jacob on this topic either by PM or otherwise.

By jumping into a conversation you are no part of, which was coming to a close, you are merely perpetuating it.

Kindly post about equol if you can.

Otherwise, if you wish to inform me about something not relevant to topic, use the PM function yourself.


Wow - so after your original post, you just couldn't let go and went back and updated your post with more insults!

Here you go....

I may very well apply for one of those "moderationships" that you reference in your next post: My first rule of business will be to rid this place of the verbose who use forum threads to grandstand their junior college eduction.

Go ahead and apply - but the forum would be worse off with prima donna's as moderators.

Take a look at the posts by the real moderators and see what's lacking in your post.

A) Empathy
B) Common sense
c) An ability to converse without insults!

"Junior college eduction" - dude, whats with the "eduction", bit? LOL at the next edit snazzily adding an apostrophe to the typo to cover up the obvious irony involved in misspelling the word!

Feeling insecure much?

Lets just say that there are probably many on this site with the best sort of "eduction" who are also suffering from hair loss. Think about what that means...

That would be you, Miss.

Again, avail yourself of the PM(S) function here.

Wow...seriously, what are you twelve? Got a secret bat cave with a sign saying "there iz men inside"?

"Miss", "PM(S)"...verry impressive...

Grow up..

Tell you what, "miss" - man up and "buy" the product and let us know how it works. Can you do that? Instead of asking for freebies?

- - - Updated - - -

Replying here so that other posters who have the product can make their thoughts known as well..

So is "starch" and "s-equol" the only two ingredients listed for the capsules? Or does it say something like "Equol- 2.5% S-equol"? If it is just plain S-equol, then it'll be interesting to see how the two products compare. If enough use them I guess.

The box is a plain a translucent one with just a sticker on it with a pic of some berries? and Folexen on it. No ingredients listed. Blue capsules inside.

I am going by the posts of Folexen in this thread where he mentioned that the capsule has starch+equol in it, @ 2.5mg active ingredient (s-equol) per capsule.

The reason he said that is because I asked him whether I could use it as a topical. With the presumably high starch content, I am not sure how effective that will be...I mean, what vehicle would keep the starch out and get the equol through the skin...? I don't know..

Still haven't heard anything back..except Pureformulas said they'll be carrying the Prostizine in the near future. As I thought..I did a search at Iherb- most SP products and prostate combos contain much more SP and the sterols. 320mg of SP is the normal dosage.

I suppose you could rotate between the 2 Desbio products as well.

Prostizine has 222 mg Saw Palmetto and 150mg Beta Sisterol plus 100mg Green Tea extract.

I can't speak for your choices and what may work for you, but personally, the literature suggests Five Alpha R blockers are best avoided. The above has them in a very high concentration.

Furthermore, the equol concentration is 6mg.

Just seems a bit dicey to me..

Equol slim - the other product you mentioned...

  • 7-Keto: Thryoid Support & Metabolism Increase
  • Caralluma Fimbriata: Appetite Control & Fat blocking
  • Guggulsterones: Metabolism Booster
  • Chromax®: Blood sugar regulation
    & lean body mass support
  • 5-HTP: Appetite Control & Emotional Support (pre-cursor to serotonin and melatonin)
  • I really don't know anything about all these other chemicals and how they will interact in combination.

    TBH, we are already taking a risk by taking equol, why compound it

- - - Updated - - -

PS: My plan as it stands, and if a haphazard method can really be called as such, is to use Equol @ limited amounts to see if there are any sides, and then make a topical and evaluate that as well. For the hair, also use a light anti-androgen like Eucapil.

So far...some of what I have tried:

minoxidil - works and works fast, but ruins your hair to a worse level when you quit, gives you bad skin, dark circles (literally ages you), and then there are the cardio related stuff

Finasteride - within a couple of days, sides

Resveratol + Curcumin -- no obvious effect (tried several weeks) stopped because of joint pains (very intense, and didn't stop for a week). Figured out it was because of Resveratol on googling around and seeing it was a common effect. Oh well. Had high hopes thanks to the Italian study which showed it inhibited "substance P" in hair/scalp and regrew hair

Activance (Aussie product) - overpriced, but large quantity - just adds volume to your hair and may be effective for people with light hair loss..still have a bottle left, might try it if my hair loss stabilizes..won't hurt per se..

Astressin B topical from DNC, called Spectral something - too weak. Three bottles, and it wasnt really good enough. In the initial days, it stopped a shed and there are ingredients apparently in it that can reduce inflammation so perhaps those contributed to some help. But not good enough.

Bhringaraj Oil (Eclipta Alba) - widely quoted in India & abroad for hair growth etc - BUT, is a pain to apply (very thick oil) and may actually worsen hair loss because of this. Basically, you cannot apply any other topical if you use this. Greasy as heck and stains clothes etc

Bhringaraj cream - no obvious effects

Thermascalp - scalp repair - no obvious effect. Didn't stop itch, didn't stop shedding. Was not too happy with it anyhow since it contains saw palmetto. Mailed their customer reps asking about proportion of SP in it. No reply. Which is what I meant by saying that customer service...well, lets say folks are least bothered about replying and hence forums are a good option..

Bimatoprost/Latisse - several applications, very quick sides - constant eye twitches- apparently common side effect for many folks.. great results, no magic bullets, no clear success factors. The only real thing in the above list which worked for me and worked fast was minoxidil. Shame it comes with so many sides. Hoping that equol works.

I hope the above helps somebody, and gives them an idea..


Senior Member
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Ah...I think it would have made more sense to quote and respond in the thread I posted that in...??
Here's the thread

No ingredients listed

That doesn't bother you? :shock: No wonder no one wanted to post a picture of it or answer right away :doh:

Prostizine contains 100mg...I think they recommend 2 a day so that makes it 200. That's what it says here anyway: That is not "very high concentrations", as I pointed out in the thread I posted that in. Now it still may bother some, but most prostate and sp supplements(I should add- hair supplements/combos as well) have a 320mg dosage..and many are much higher. Same for the Beta-sis. And from my recollection..those are the types of dosages ppl were trying for hair loss as well. Who knows..maybe a combo like this would even be fine for ppl that had problems in the past.

6mg is a bit dicey?

On Equolslim...I did a brief search on the ingreds and they all look fine..if not good. But maybe someone can point out a negative of one or more of them. For all we know the combination(or the Prostizine one) would actually be better. Who knows. I can about guarantee ppl are going to be taking Folexen along with other supplements, even if not at the same exact time.

You could be taking a risk just taking equol. Or a product from a company that has just started out. That doesn't list the ingreds. Now I'm having a little fun there..but you get the point.

Ppl really need to stick with things for a good year or more imo.


Staff member
My Regimen
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I apologize guys. Its probably my fault that this thread has degraded to useless so quickly.

I could bring him back here, but he's representing a product he wants to sell, and make money from .... so if he were to participate here, it would have to be as something like a paid participation.

I'm not the type to be super strict about those things, but I have to keep reminding myself he's not here because he loves you and wants to help you.

So why should he be here making money off you without paying for the ad space?

I'll shoot him a note and see what they want to do. Its lame that we have to go about it this way, and I totally understand where you guys are coming from. The thread was pretty badass before I jumped in and enforced the rules.

Let me see what I can coordinate.



Senior Member
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So why should he be here making money off you without paying for the ad space?

Someone owes you big time for the past what...20 years? :woot:

Why not have a separate section of the forum for companies only. Have them pay $100 yearly or $500 for a be able to post about their products and answer questions. Not get any special treatment or anything- tough questions can be asked etc..but then they'd be able to "advertise".


Established Member
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I apologize guys. Its probably my fault that this thread has degraded to useless so quickly.

I could bring him back here, but he's representing a product he wants to sell, and make money from .... so if he were to participate here, it would have to be as something like a paid participation.

I'm not the type to be super strict about those things, but I have to keep reminding myself he's not here because he loves you and wants to help you.

So why should he be here making money off you without paying for the ad space?

I'll shoot him a note and see what they want to do. Its lame that we have to go about it this way, and I totally understand where you guys are coming from. The thread was pretty badass before I jumped in and enforced the rules.

Let me see what I can coordinate.


Thanks man - we all owe you one (a beer if we were to ever meet at the very least!)

Same to zeroes.

You guys rock - zero fuss administration and w/members interests at heart. Most other forums don't give a fig and its very rare to see mods active.

- - - Updated - - -

Ah...I think it would have made more sense to quote and respond in the thread I posted that in...??
Here's the thread

TBH, was getting confused between two threads, same discussion two just posted here.

That doesn't bother you? :shock: No wonder no one wanted to post a picture of it or answer right away :doh:

I don't think anyone particularly cared go so far as to post a pic and all. At least I would just type it out.

Anyways, about the missing list of ingreds ....I think this is more of a start up sort of thing and Folexen is going to need to be a wee bit more professional re: the marketing and other stuff. He's probably new to this.

But lets face it packaging alone does not mean much. Its all the trust factor when we deal with anyone. Any and every company we are buying supplements from is pretty much operating on the same model. I ordered Thermascalp - it gives this laundry list of ingreds but has nothing about quantities, proportion etc. Dont even get me started on Spectral from DSC labs. Its ALL packaging. The box comes packaged as if its some million $ gizmo - and yeah, they charge an arm and a leg.

Net, yes Folexen should provide more details on the package BUT even then all we have to go on re: most of these firms is their word.

Prostizine contains 100mg...I think they recommend 2 a day so that makes it 200. That's what it says here anyway: That is not "very high concentrations", as I pointed out in the thread I posted that in. Now it still may bother some, but most prostate and sp supplements(I should add- hair supplements/combos as well) have a 320mg dosage..and many are much higher. Same for the Beta-sis. And from my recollection..those are the types of dosages ppl were trying for hair loss as well. Who knows..maybe a combo like this would even be fine for ppl that had problems in the past.

Thats a lot of buts, bro... saw palmetto and other stuff is all over the place - i mean folks have had bad reactions from all sorts of dosages.

Thing is Equols response is linear. You take x, it does x, you take y greater than x, it will do likewise.

I dont know if the other stuff scales up like that. Thats the scary part.

6mg is a bit dicey?

with the other stuff I mean..
6 mg of R+S equol - I dont know what the effect will be.

I think somebody posted a study which said s-equol has shown 10-15% reduction in DHT at 3 mg. 6 mg should be around 20-30% logically.

The other part is that in the other study I posted (check my previous posts for a PDF link) R equol is not a positive, whereas S-equol is.

On Equolslim...I did a brief search on the ingreds and they all look fine..if not good. But maybe someone can point out a negative of one or more of them. For all we know the combination(or the Prostizine one) would actually be better. Who knows. I can about guarantee ppl are going to be taking Folexen along with other supplements, even if not at the same exact time.

I am trying to minimize my exposure to multiple supplements. Around 5mg equol per day is what I intend, at most.

You could be taking a risk just taking equol. Or a product from a company that has just started out. That doesn't list the ingreds. Now I'm having a little fun there..but you get the point.

It is a valid concern but my issue is more about the ingreds to begin with. I really dont want to experiment with any Five Alpha R inhibitors.

Five Alpha R is the key issue w/unresolved Propecia sides per recent research and messing with it, changes brain chemistry.

Equol - the link per research is primarily to DHT, and from DHT to other aspects. I think its safer.

Ppl really need to stick with things for a good year or more imo.

True, but its hard when you don't see clear results ..takes discipline and strenght of conviction i guess..