Folexen: New Hair Loss Treatment based on S-Equol

The Natural

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this isnt a damn expository writing class. no one has plagiarized anything because no one is purporting that the discussion concerning equol is original research. if you dont think science or the science behind products used for balding is relevant to whether to use those products id disagree.

how can we discuss the actual effects when we are at most 1 week into treatment with this product? nothing generates a result in 1 week.

of course, it is legit to worry that a company selling a supplement didnt label the ingreds. lets hope its because they are neophytes in this industry. as long as it has active ingredient thats mainly what matters. i doubt theyd use something harmful if they wanted to generate some kind of tangible revenue off the thing.

"No one has plagiarized anything" is a rather broad statement. It is inaccurate as well. Anytime a person knowingly presents someone else's ideas, theories, etc. as his own in written form, he/she is guilty of "plagiarism." And it happens all the time in forums. But we can agree to disagree about this issue.

The point that I was trying to make, albeit unsuccessfully, is that this thread needs to eventually turn itself toward ---> actual user results, rather than discussing (or "reciting") ideas and theories about equol ad nauseum.

So as Sparx suggests, why not let the thread cool down, until we are able to provide other members with this very useful information.


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...I can't buy Equol anywhere in Canada, and all these websites selling it don't ship outside the what the hell is up with that??? At this moment, I have no choice but to go with Follexen

Are you referring to equol from chemical companies or other products containing equol?

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of course, it is legit to worry that a company selling a supplement didnt label the ingreds. lets hope its because they are neophytes in this industry. as long as it has active ingredient thats mainly what matters. i doubt theyd use something harmful if they wanted to generate some kind of tangible revenue off the thing.

The company has been around for 8 years. Now it could be the first product he's selling..but that'd be a bit strange as well.


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The bottles were also recycled. They have liquid volume measurement grading in mL on the sides of the bottle. lol its kinda ghetto. I have no problem with using something that you have laying around to cut the cost, but it would make me feel more confidant about the product if it had a label. However lets be frank -- a label doesnt actually affect the liklihood that the product will work. its purely a marketing / safety feature. I'm not particularly concerned with the safety. The main concern is does it contain the 2.5 mg of s-equol per capsule or not. 2020's argument is that it wouldnt be this expensive if it was just filler ingredient. He also notes that even if they do get a lab test it does not prove the product has anytthing since they could just send a different sample of sequol off which is not the one they used in the pills. Just gotta trust em really. Or you could send some of your own product off to get tested. I may do this if a chemical company could do it with only a few capsule. I know in the US lots of vitamins and supps have been tested and many of them didnt contain any active ingredient whatsoever. This was where my initial concern stemmed from. If this were life extension I'd have confidence that the product was legit because of their track record, but Eclipse is not LE. Virtually nothing about this company online.

The Natural

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...If this were life extension I'd have confidence that the product was legit because of their track record, but Eclipse is not LE. Virtually nothing about this company online.

Years ago Life Extension was criticized by ConsumerLabs for misrepresenting one of their resveratrol products: The capsules contained far less than was being advertised on their bottles. The company has since corrected this "problem," I think.

I wonder if Folexen's capsules actually contain 2.5 mg of S-equol. It would be good to have some of them tested.


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i emailed them a few days ago asking if they could make an independent lab test available. ill check my email to see if they got back but i doubt it.

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It'd be expensive based on what I am seeing. Probably in the hundreds of dollars. If others would be interested I'd ask that those interested make some contribution to the testing. Let's tentatively say I could put forth $100 of it. The rest could be dividied among those who are using the product and are intested in knowing for certain whether it contains the specified amount of active ingredient.

If anyone has any labs they have worked with before and would like to contact the lab or to have me contact the lab then just shoot me a personal message.


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I've ordered but haven't got it yet...I also ordered EquolSlim as well....

It's going to take a few months to get a handle on this stuff....So may as well go about our lives and let time run it's course


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yep, at least 5 months before you can anything at all. maybe youll notice something sooner if your hair has a high growth rate.


Let's pray that this thing actually works and comes without sides.


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Let's pray that this thing actually works and comes without sides.

The research is rock solid....Equol binds to DHT very effectively and it has shown to reduce DHT levels in the bloodstream....So it SHOULD work to at least slow or halt further loss...The question is how much do you need to take.

If this stuff gets some traction as a viable alternative to dutasteride or finasteride, I wonder how long it will be before the pharm companies lobby to ban this substance.?? You'd expect someone to come along and put the lid on this....

Might be a good idea to buy up a whole crap load of the stuff...


That sounds great, but I seriously hope they don't try to ban it or something like you say.


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yeah, I all the other stuff that has come before, Equol may or may not react as it should, depending on the person....Does it bind to DHT?? Research shows it absolutely does...Will it bind to my DHT in my body given my physiology?? That remains to be seen...I sure has hell hope so!!


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It bound to the DHT of those they studied. 10-15% for what 3mg daily, and about 20% in post menopausal women? Chances are it would bind to your dht as well


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It is possible they are fairly busy responding to e-mails and filling orders. Remember guys it is a small company the guy responding to e-mails is probably also helping to fill orders. Right now on their website it says it will take at least 10 days to fill your order, they are swamped right now! However I hope within a month or two we can see independent lab results. However that doesnt really mean much, we need a member to test a random bottle, not one that they send in...

My results so far, I am almost done my first bottle. When I first started taking it I thought I had some sides, maybe some minor nut ache but I think it was all just in my head. Nothing really positive or negative to report so far, my male pattern baldness itch appears to be a little better and my scalp is more of a healthy colour. Time will tell if this supplement will help me.

The Natural

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Need more posts like Nex's above. They need not be the same, mind you, only that experiences with said supplement/topical are shared. This will save us all a lot of time and money.


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The research is rock solid....Equol binds to DHT very effectively and it has shown to reduce DHT levels in the bloodstream....So it SHOULD work to at least slow or halt further loss...The question is how much do you need to take.

If this stuff gets some traction as a viable alternative to dutasteride or finasteride, I wonder how long it will be before the pharm companies lobby to ban this substance.?? You'd expect someone to come along and put the lid on this....

Might be a good idea to buy up a whole crap load of the stuff...

It's being tested by a pharmaceutical company at 10 mg, 50 mg, and 150 mg for benign prostatic hyperplasia. When that trial is finished and the article written up, they should have a dose respose curve showing it's effects on DHT, which should give us an idea. Until then you just have to experiment.

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also: 2 weeks in, no change in shed, no side effects at 20 mg daily. I feel a hair count is the closest I can get to seeing objectively without the use of special equipment. My baseline number of hairs shed daily are about 75 on the days I don't wash my hair, and 150 on the alternate days when I do wash my hair. I'd like to add a higher dose (50 mg or higher daily is what I'd like to try), but at that price, I'd honestly just switch to topical antiandrogen pharmaceuticals which I feel are fairly safe and much cheaper than this. One user is already consuming equol from a group buy which he got much cheaper than this. At the price of that source of equol I could easily increase to dose to greater than 100 mg daily without it hitting my checkbook too hard.

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So I'm not the only one they stopped responding to?

Never got a response.

If I get no response soon, I won't reorder from them.