Follica Annual Reports And Accounts April 2017


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Anybody have any idea if Follica will be compoundable? Meaning that can you get the procedure over and over again to produce better results? They've stated their goal is to compete with hair transplants, so if you can get the Follica procedure done a couple times like you would get a couple of hair transplants then that in of itself would be a pretty solid solution for most people. You probably wouldn't have a complete full thick NW1 again but you would have pretty good coverage I would think.


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With the upcoming treatments it's always tempting to just assume they'll be compoudable but:

(...) it's also interesting how most treatments are expected to yield about 10-15% regrowth.

Isn't it possible that percantage simply represents the extent of reversible damage? Even estrogen, which seems to give excellent regrowth, can't regrow temples entirely in higher Norwoods.

Maybe treatments cap off at that point not because they're not strong enough but because that's all they've still got to work with. If that's true, cumulative results would be out of the picture. No matter what you throw at it, the treatments would all be affecting the same 15% and everything else is just dead and wasted.

Admittedly, Follica is aiming for neogenesis so it could a different case - in theory.
But Cotsarelis himself seems to still be balding so there's that.


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With the upcoming treatments it's always tempting to just assume they'll be compoudable but:

Admittedly, Follica is aiming for neogenesis so it could a different case - in theory.
But Cotsarelis himself seems to still be balding so there's that.

Hundreds of professional athletes are balding, or bald... should we assume they don't have the money to get a transplant?


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Hundreds of professional athletes are balding, or bald... should we assume they don't have the money to get a transplant?

A lot of people are oblivious to their appearance and hair loss but it's far less likely to be the case with someone actually dealing with it as part of their profession.

Not to mention he would have easy access; wouldn't you expect him to do it out of sheer curiosity if nothing else? I mean, cost, stigma and convenience taken out of the equation, who'd ever really go "Nah, I'd rather be bald"?

Of course his bald patch is no basis for conclusions but it does make you think.
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A lot of people are oblivious to their appearance and hair loss but it's far less likely to be the case with someone actually dealing with it as part of their profession.

Not to mention he would have easy access; wouldn't you expect him to do it out of sheer curiosity if nothing else? I mean, cost, stigma and convenience taken out of the equation, who'd ever really go "Nah, I'd rather be bald"?

Of course his bald patch is no basis for conclusions but it does make you think.

So you think these guys that are shaving their heads are oblivious to their hairloss?


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Cotsarelis will get follicas treatment once it's out on the market.

You can't just take the meds your company is developing for fun, even if you are the lead scientists and CEO.

Except if you are elon musk maybe. ;)


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Fuckin Elon Musk, I love that guy. He gets stuck in traffic one day, funds a boring company the next day saying he will take the traffic underground and solve the problem faster, cheaper and better than anyone before. He probably did the same thing with his hair. Dude had one of the greatest comebacks in hairloss history.
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