Follica Annual Reports And Accounts April 2017


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You're right. The mass stupidity has to be on the place. Let's banish divergent opinions
Yes not spouting off his opinions. He's telling. Go back and look at his previous posts. The guy got tired of all the pessimism on the board, and decided to make a new uber-pessimistic personality.


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"Even so, male breast cancer is very rare. Less than one percent of all breast cancer cases develop in men"
i don' want troll this thread but if u take estrogen u have the same risk as women.It's very rare for women too but the contraception change this situation.The breast cancer heredetary is the same for women and men.The others breast cancers is environmental ( treatment,products exposition ect ...)

The people of this forum are out of control and agressiveness as soon as their naiveté is harmed. There is only depressive, psychic sick here who screams to head, as soon as their illusions may fall.They agress everyone who tell them the contrary of their brain masturbation completely out of the plate.ome because they don't have life and someone seeks to become famous by declaration as peremptory as stupid
It's hard to take the reality principle in the face.
The lack of hair makes stupid and visibly sheep
After the opinion of the majority I do not care a lot a lot.Nameless says sensible things.This is not a reason because he says different things to attack him.No one here has the scientists knowledge to contradict him except the mythomaniacs who invent themselves lives
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Yes not spouting off his opinions. He's telling. Go back and look at his previous posts. The guy got tired of all the pessimism on the board, and decided to make a new uber-pessimistic personality.

What do you mean by "telling"?


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If the exact wounding depth is such a deal breaker, then how is dermabrasion a common outpatient procedure? It has been for decades. I've been following the Follica effort for years and that is basically the kind of "wound" they are doing.

There are stories of ice carriers in past centuries getting hair growth from the friction on their backs. There are a few cases of cancer patients on a drug in Follica's patents getting accidental regrowth on what were probably sunburned areas. Guys on the forums get random new hairs from needling or dermarolling. Etc. Any superficial skin scrape is capable of restarting the follicle creation process. They just have to get a decent irritation scrape going but not cut down far enough to bleed & cause scar tissue.

In all likelihood, Follica's proprietary wounding device has more to do with creating a patentable & marketable procedure than doing something medically new & exacting.

Since the first issue you raised involves my concerns about the depth of Follica's laser I'll start with that issue. I assumed that depth may be a problem with the laser but it may be the actual burning from the laser that's the problem, or perhaps there's something else about using the laser that's potentially dangerous. I assume the issue is depth. In any case, there's something about the laser that could result in damage to the skin and even cause scarring. Follica itself says so. If you don't believe me check out this information from Follica:

The key quote are here in italics:

"The procedure still involves a dermatologist visit where careful “wounding” of the scalp will occur likely with a medical device, in the areas you wish to treat. They are working to ensure that the device does not create scar tissue or incur any permanent damage, as this would of course nullify the entire treatment. He would not confirm whether existing hair would be damaged but said that they are trying to find the best modality so this could be avoided. He did state that multiple office treatments may be required, but he could not commit nor confirm this, and they are hoping it won’t be a lifetime process but again no confirmation on that either."

Their own statements show that they're still unsure this can be done safely. I highlighted one statement (above) to demonstrate that Follica understands that safety issues may prevent this treatment from coming to market at all. One of the quotes states that patients might need multiple office visits with the doctor so the treatment could involve multiple clinic wounding sessions, which means more chances for problems.

I understand that some people doing derma-rolling get "random" hair growth but Follica does not want to achieve "random" hair growth. Follica wants to achieve good and uniform hair growth that's aesthetically pleasing. I'm assuming that in order to achieve this they have to laser deeper (or do something) that's potentially risky or else they wouldn't state that scarring and/or permanent damage to the skin is a potential risk.

Bottom line: it looks like they want to burn the skin in such a way that it will create uniform hair growth where they apply their laser and something about doing this involves some potential risks. Until they resolve these risk issues I'm going to assume they can't resolve them because it seems like a problem that just can't be solved today. Some problems are just scientifically impossible to solve today. For example, science can't turn north into south no matter what you do.

Perhaps 20 years from now there will be a way to get the desired effects of burning skin (as needed for Follica's treatment to work) without getting the undesired effects of burning the skin in that manner, but I don't think there's a way to accomplish both of those things today.
Hence, I'm highly skeptical that Follica will be able to achieve its' objectives in the near future. I think I have a valid point. And the bottom line is that Follica itself says they're concerned about this issue and that this issue could prevent their treatment from entering the marketplace.

And I assume that there's something about Follica's treatment that's different from dermabrasion or else they would just use dermabrasion since doctors already know how to do dermabrasion. Follica themselves say they still have to work out the details of their wounding process so doesn't that mean it can't be dermabrasion since the details of dermabrasion are already worked out?

And keep in mind that *if* the risk is associated with getting the laser to the required depth to prompt good hair growth without doing serious harm to the skin that will complicate matters because the depth of each individual's skin is different, including different depths for each layer of the skin. What if the laser has to hit an exact layer without going past it? There may be the tinniest depth window that must be reached in order to accomplish what they're trying to do, and that window may be at a different depth for each individual. If it gets this complicated I don't think the science is there yet to accomplish this.

And then there are the issues that some people are saying that it's nothing more than minoxidil and wounding. And there are issues of whether or not their treatment can be patented and if it cant be patented they might not release it. And there's also the issue that they might not release it if it can easily be made into DIY.

I feel very pessimistic about Follica. I'm not saying it's a certainty that it's junk. I'm just saying that I don't feel positive about it.
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Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean he's trolling. You need to grow up dude.
You're right, Nadia isn't trolling. You are though.


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You're right, Nadia isn't trolling. You are though.
You are the troll. You come here without any argument, just spread your bad mood and spoil the thread. On this I will nor anymore to respond to personal attacks. I am interested in what nameless say . That 's only him who gives arguments in this post


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Nah, bald chicks aren't my type.

You know, Nadia's right pegasus2. All you're doing is attacking people whereas I'm posting actual thoughtful opinions about hair growth treatments. Sooner or later most posters are going to see that you do nothing but attack while I post real and thoughtful opinions.


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You're right, Nadia isn't trolling. You are though.

I quote researchers and I present arguments using statements by researchers as the basis for my arguments and you say I'm trolling. You do nothing but attack people and you think your attacks are meaningful discussion. Think about who is really doing the trolling pegasus2.


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Everyone else is already ignoring you because you're crazy. You're bs had already been refuted, there's no need to post more studies. I'll see you in Japan next year.


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Everyone else is already ignoring you because you're crazy. You're bs had already been refuted, there's no need to post more studies. I'll see you in Japan next year.

Aaah, are you angry with me peegasis?

Are you angry with me because I don't share your optimism?

Since you plan to go to Japan next year that means you've already decided that Shiseido will market Replicel's technology and you've already decided it will be a breakthrough treatment. I think the results are going to disappoint you. Don't forget that Replicel used the same technology and grew very little hair.

If you get a plane ticket for Japan you should get a refundable ticket because you'll probably end up canceling the trip once you see Shiseido's results.
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The statement I highlighted above is proof that you're whole guff with me is that you want to believe these treatments will work and I post negative assessments of these treatments. You're mad because I don't feel your optimism. Since you talk about going to Japan next year that means you have already decided that Shiseido will market Replicel's technology and it will be a revolutionary breakthrough treatment. I suspect the results will disappoint you. Replicel used the same technology and got poor results you moron.

And everyone else is NOT ignoring me, idiot. Even YOU are not ignoring me, idiot.

And my opinions have not been refuted although my opinions have been mindlessly attacked by idiots like you. Meanwhile I continue posting my views based on the statements made by the researchers and the companies funding the researchers.
100% maintenance is a poor response? Nobody is looking for regrowth, but maintenance without side effects is a revolutionary breakthrough. It's been argued ad nauseum on here already. There's no justification for pessimism when it comes to Shiseido. Maybe you just got burned by too many scams like Nigam so now you just think everything is a scam. You're unable to evaluate anything critically, so you just have to put everything in the same basket.


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Aren't we all slightly crazy though? And with this crippling condition, how could we not be?
Half the pointless fights we get caught up in around here are down to the frustrations derived from hair loss. So much bile and anxiety.

You're good. You're all good.

It's all baldness.


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100% maintenance is a poor response? Nobody is looking for regrowth, but maintenance without side effects is a revolutionary breakthrough. It's been argued ad nauseum on here already. There's no justification for pessimism when it comes to Shiseido. Maybe you just got burned by too many scams like Nigam so now you just think everything is a scam. You're unable to evaluate anything critically, so you just have to put everything in the same basket.

I never had any work done by Dr. Nigam. I have NOT been burnt by a lot of scams.

I hope Replicel's tech will achieve maintenance but I'm not sure about that yet. And it will take a few years after you get the treatment to know for sure if it maintains for you. It might not maintain for some people.

Other cell based treatments didn't maintain for everyone. Intercytex maintained for some people but not for some other people. We need to wait to see what happens with Shiseido's larger studies, but you want to declare success now before the results are in.

Like I said, make sure you get the refundable airline ticket for Japan because I think you'll probably want to cancel the ticket once Shiseido's resuts are in.
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Peegasus, did you ever try to stop a rising river? I have. You just keep putting sandbags against the water. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes mother nature gives you a chance and you can beat her if you throw everything you've got against her. But sometimes mother nature doesn't even give you a chance. When mother nature is insistent she always wins. Mother nature is a tough opponent. These researchers are at war with nature.
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Two words: Hoover Dam.

Just a couple weeks ago you were saying reversing asking is a simple matter that will be solved in a couple years. I guess mother nature is going to sit that one out.


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Two words: Hoover Dam.

Just a couple weeks ago you were saying reversing asking is a simple matter that will be solved in a couple years. I guess mother nature is going to sit that one out.

I've seen Hoover Dam.

Anyway, like I already told hairblues, I was moved by a pessimistic post by someone else. I initially brushed it off with optimistic thoughts but it kept nagging me because he had a good point. His point finally won out with me. He's right. All of the optimism is too fanciful. The pessimistic posters are being more realistic and sensible. For example, look at how the positive posters talk about Tsuji as if it's a sure thing but as far as we know Tsuji still doesn't have a solution to the inductivity problem. They even said they have to solve that problem in their latest interview. The pessimistic posters aren't making it up that Tsuji still needs to solve the inducttivity problem; Tsuji even says it. This is a fact. And it's issues like this where the pessimistic posters have the stronger argument. There aren't a lot of reasons why the pessimistic posters are probably right but there are a few reasons why they're probably right. And those few reasons are BIG reasons. Again, even Tsuji said that the inductivity problem is a huge problem. Here below are two quotes from Team Tsuji. I will highlight the relevant statements. Please keep in mind that when Mr. Toyoshima refers to "functional requirements" it's his way of referring to INDUCTIVITY.

1. Mr. Toyoshima: For applications of our technology, both mesenchymal stem cells and epithelial stem cells, which are applicable to human clinical applications, are needed. With respect to the development of the technology to cultivate mesenchymal stem cells, that is papilla cells, being applicable to human clinical trials, we are already in progress now for development. On the other hand, as for the technology to cultivate epithelial stem cells of follicles, it still remains a significant challenge globally. We are currently in the middle of research and development for this. Based on our recent research results, we finally have some prospects and expect this issue to be resolved in the near future.

2. Mr. Toyoshima: Yes, as I mentioned earlier, we consider the development of the technology to culture epithelial stem cells as the most significant issue we face. In order to regenerate a clinically effective number of follicles, a sufficient number of cells need to be secured while satisfying the safety and functional requirements. These are tough challenges, so also pose major issues to us.
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