Shocking consumers is effective in certain circumstances, but in the case of propecia, just any kind of commercial would do. I don't know if you guys in the US get propecia ads on tv, but here in Canada I haven't seen one in almost a decade. The only one I remember was the one where some guy with thinning hair was staring at his hairline in the bathroom mirror and then there would be a voice saying stuff like, "you don't have to worry about your hairloss anymore"..... That was back when I first starting noticing some slight hairloss and I thought it was a pretty effective commercial. It had me wishing I had enough money to pay for it.
Anyways, they didn't need to shock us with their current campaign. If they wanted people to take their hairloss seriously, then they shouldn't have come out with such insulting, unrealistic, and unfunny commercials. There are no propecia ads out there (at least here in Canada) so just show us some honest statistics, clinical studies, before&after photos and that would already be effective imo.