
Funny Propecia Ads



nightlife said:
why are they trying their hardest to insult their customer base???? i dont see mcdonalds saying: hey! you're fat! eat some more! that the f*** are they thinking???

because they know it's effective. no doubt it's rude, but these commercials will scare men into getting on the drug.

i do think that it was unnecessary. they could have used a v****-like approach of positive reinforcement.


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my employer sometimes has really annoying commercial i asked one of the PR guys why we made so disturbing commercials..

he replied its the only way to get trough the media noise.

we all reacted on it on this forum...we are the targeted group.

its the very point.
It will upset bald men like hell dig into their hearts...nag them..not leave them alone buy the drugs.


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Though it is hurtful, I would have prefered them to do this when I started balding (7 years back). If propecia had been very popular before I wouldn't have gone bald.


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I agree totally. I was not even sure if I wanted my first hair transplant because so many people told me that hair does not matter.


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holyhair said:
we all reacted on it on this forum...we are the targeted group.

Yeah - it's mean & cynical. They know we are dependent on them so they can treat us like sh*t. But this stuff feeds into the general consciousness and becomes like an urban legend.

It was the way the guy went back to his mate and said something like - 'I think she's more your type' that made it evil. Because it was treated as a joke then. And there was a genuine shock value about the moment of truth, a horrendous come-on or fetish - like it was directed by Wes Craven or something.

Are they running on TV, or the net only?


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i think it's safe to say this is not a mainstream type of ad, it's most likely internet only, something that one would view in private or alone


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It seems more like David Lynch, twisted and wicked. I still can´t believe it.

But I think it´s sadistic and totally unethical. Specially when we are talking about a medical condition, with cosmetical impact only, but a medical condition after all.


Ok. Give me an anti-acne med. I´ll make a campaign where the monster of the black lagoon appears trying to kiss a woman, while she´s shouting and forcing to scape.

Fade to black and: "This is how she feels about it. Treat it with this or die in shame".

Pretty effective, eh?.

Bill Hicks said it clearly: "Are you working on marketing?. Please die. No, seriously, please KILL YOURSELF!!".


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but men and women both get acne, it works on both sides, this is just reversing what most men don't have to face with in women, as women have to face in potentially ~66% of men

sorry, but you are in denial if you think that the majority women don't think like these ads suggest, sure some don't, but if it comes down to two equal guys in most aspects, she will take the guy with the hair... at least in our western americanized culture


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Am I the only one who laughed hysterically at how surreal the ads were?

....And yes, David Lynch is my favourite director.


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I said Wes Craven because I thought the ads were poorly directed. Lynch is a good director, but his speciality is the absurd, not the grotesque. On the other hand, he did direct the Elephant I could be wrong.


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Shocking consumers is effective in certain circumstances, but in the case of propecia, just any kind of commercial would do. I don't know if you guys in the US get propecia ads on tv, but here in Canada I haven't seen one in almost a decade. The only one I remember was the one where some guy with thinning hair was staring at his hairline in the bathroom mirror and then there would be a voice saying stuff like, "you don't have to worry about your hairloss anymore"..... That was back when I first starting noticing some slight hairloss and I thought it was a pretty effective commercial. It had me wishing I had enough money to pay for it.

Anyways, they didn't need to shock us with their current campaign. If they wanted people to take their hairloss seriously, then they shouldn't have come out with such insulting, unrealistic, and unfunny commercials. There are no propecia ads out there (at least here in Canada) so just show us some honest statistics, clinical studies, before&after photos and that would already be effective imo.


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The sad difference between this and acne is everyone can be cured of acne at any time, whereas that commercial makes life harder on men who already are bald and can't be made un-bald by propecia.


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I thought it was funny simply because it was just so fucked up. I showed it to people who know how much my hair loss bothers me.

Others have said it and I agree, this is promoting a culture of fear. If you don't have hair then the girls not gonna f*** you. It is absolute bullshit, this country is getting more and more centered on vanity. It kills me.


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It is not vanity. Vanity is when you want to look better than other people. Shallow would be closer to the correct word for the people doing the rejecting, but even that word is not quite right. It is more of a reprioritizing of which superficial attributes to go for, though Merck would say women always had these priorities.


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i did not see the video, but hair loss on women would be a turn off, though not an automatic one. Of course if she had a pretty face and body (better than what I can get with haired women), that would make up for the baldness. But if I could get a woman who's face and body was just as good as the bald woman's, I would not date her.

b**ch all you want guys, but the only way many of us can be happy is if we improve our appearance so that the person sleeping with us is happy. We want sex with a pretty woman. Well we would not enjoy that if she did not make herself pretty. It is unfair that we are bald, but that is why we need to find a cure. I'm still fine tuning a very powerful regimen and trying to make it cost effective.

OK, no one here would marry the women if you could get someone who was more attractive, but who here would sleep with them one night out of sypmathy if you knew you could take home someone better looking that night? I would, because the women were in good shape and took care of themself but just had a condition out of their control.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
i did not see the video, but hair loss on women would be a turn off, though not an automatic one. Of course if she had a pretty face and body (better than what I can get with haired women), that would make up for the baldness. But if I could get a woman who's face and body was just as good as the bald woman's, I would not date her.
ok then, as the video ad says, "SHE THINKS THE SAME THING ABOUT YOU"


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Saw a woman with quite pronounced thinning on her crown while I was sneaking through the city centre today. Followed her for about half a street before I realised what I was doing - I was trying to gauge my response. Didn't have any really, neither revulsion nor sympathy. Just interest. I wanted to ask her why she wasn't hiding it the way I was hiding mine (under a hat) but I didn't want her to think I was hitting on her.

It would be interesting to see a balding woman reject a balding man because he is bald. Or vice versa.

Even Kafka couldn't think up the social morbidities surrounding hair loss.