
Funny Propecia Ads


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Solo said:
Have you ever seen any lady running away from the sight of a balding man??
yeah, check out the bald guy at the college bar / younger party, see how many girls around him???


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Where do you go to parties?? To the bar in "Saved by the bell"? or into a TV commercial set??

Man, I´ve never seen that bald, lonely loser that makes women shut up and run in the opposite direction.

They could get laid more or less, or with hotter or uglier girls, but I´ve never seen in real life a socially rejected man because he´s balding or bald.

That´s stupid.


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Yes, and they make lots of fun about the "sports guy" with the six pack, nice car, ridiculous trendy hair cut and superb job.


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Solo said:
Yes, and they make lots of fun about the "sports guy" with the six pack, nice car, ridiculous trendy hair cut and superb job.
yes, but last time a checked, that guy will win out over the bald guy


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Will win what???

In girl-score??

Dude, seriously you need reality check. Things out there don´t go as in sitcoms.

There are all kind of things happening, and many unexpected "winners" out there.

We use to put so many rules and predictions and reality never works like we expected, or like it was supposed to be socially acceptable.

Picking up girls is not mathematics, like "two points hair, three points biceps, one point tan and two for the sports car make an eight---> I have 67% of getting a girl rated 6, 50% a girl rated 8, etc...".

The hottest woman in my town is engaged with a guy who is NW7 bald since he was 17 and drives a shitty nissan, but he is a funny and outgoing bastard with lots of charm.

I hate the perspective I see in many guys here: "I´m bald---> I´m damned". No you are not, and I´m not trying to be supportive. You are a whiny piece of sh*t -----> that´s why you´r damned.

I don´t care if teenagers don´t have posters with bald guys, or of the hero is always NW1 in Holliwood/Disney movies. You are a real person in the real world, and f*****g Orlando Bloom is not, he is just a f*****g moron that hardly knows to speak wearing prosthetic elf pointy ears, he´s not a "winner", he is nothing!!

I´m tired of that negativeness, it just brings nothing but vicious circular thoughts and self-indulgence.

Fallout Boy

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I agree with what youre saying here but I mean Orlando Bloom could be a really good/considerate person and youre bashing him just because chicks have posters of him and he's famous lol. Doesnt matter at all haha just saying bad reasoning there.

But anyways....yea it's true just because a guy has more hair doesn't mean he'll win out over another guy that has less. It comes down to what kind of person you are and your personality. I admit though when youre a lot younger looks do mean ALOT. AKA highschool.
Solo said:
Will win what???

In girl-score??

Dude, seriously you need reality check. Things out there don´t go as in sitcoms.

There are all kind of things happening, and many unexpected "winners" out there.

We use to put so many rules and predictions and reality never works like we expected, or like it was supposed to be socially acceptable.

Picking up girls is not mathematics, like "two points hair, three points biceps, one point tan and two for the sports car make an eight---> I have 67% of getting a girl rated 6, 50% a girl rated 8, etc...".

The hottest woman in my town is engaged with a guy who is NW7 bald since he was 17 and drives a shitty nissan, but he is a funny and outgoing bastard with lots of charm.

I hate the perspective I see in many guys here: "I´m bald---> I´m damned". No you are not, and I´m not trying to be supportive. You are a whiny piece of $#iT -----> that´s why you´r damned.

I don´t care if teenagers don´t have posters with bald guys, or of the hero is always NW1 in Holliwood/Disney movies. You are a real person in the real world, and f****ing Orlando Bloom is not, he is just a f****ing moron that hardly knows to speak wearing prosthetic elf pointy ears, he´s not a "winner", he is nothing!!

I´m tired of that negativeness, it just brings nothing but vicious circular thoughts and self-indulgence.


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-Yeah, Ok. Six girls made fun of you. It upsets you because you were already sensitive about it and makes you feel really bad. Do you think the nicest looking man of the world doesn´t get laughs from girls on his back??. He could wear a shitty pink gay blouse one day, and a bunch of b****s coulde be laughing about him for an eternity. I´ve always like to listen to groups of girls, when you shut up for a while they continue their chatting as usual. Thing I notice: They laugh a lot about pranks, but also about the guys they like. It´s like a remedy for not feeling so nervous when he´s around. Girls are evil b****s with no other thing to do than bitching, and being the hottest looking man in the world is not going to make you avoid get laughs at your back. The worst thing a girl can give you is indifference. The problem is when they laugh on something you are sensitive about. It makes you feel like a failure, but it´s just because you were carrying the preocupation from home, not because of those girls. Find how to improve your self-steem, f*** the ho that made fun of your hair, tape it and send it to her mother. And join the laughs!!

Fallout Boy:

-Sooooo, you have Orlando hanging in your room´s wall... did I make him cry with my gross insults?. Mmmmm... find consolation thinking in him flying through the air in his skate-shield coming to my room and spanking me in the *** with his sweet white swordies.


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Solo, i like your optimism, its nice and all, but if you have two equal guys, equal personality, money, looks, body, job, house.. whatever, and one is male pattern baldness, she will take the guy with hair ALWAYS... thats called reality

Yes there are always those exceptions, that we should never strive for less, but reality and fact


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Solo, i like your optimism, its nice and all, but if you have two equal guys, equal personality, money, looks, body, job, house.. whatever, and one is male pattern baldness, she will take the guy with hair ALWAYS... thats called reality

Ummmmffff... (Shakes head in despair).

No dude, that´s not reality, it´s an hypotesis you have just invented:

"There are two equal guys...etc", what is the name of them? Where do they live?. Wait.

They don´t exist.

Ok, Bubka.

They are just two fictional characters into a hypothesis you´ve made to explain your beliefs.

Your beliefs. Not reality.

I´m not optimistic. Look this: you´r going to die.

See?. I´m just being realistic.


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yeah, bubka. Be realistic, and get a taller woman.


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It seems unrealistic to me to think that the Merck folks were out to give all men self-esteem issues. What I think is getting lost here is that it was likely meant to be an amusing commercial...I also think (since they are using the internet and MySpace as venues to host their videos) that they are likely targeting a younger audience who may not know their options. I checked out the site at the end - the your doctor can help site - and it actually does look like a pretty proactive site with some good tools if you have chosen to go that route.


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then what the f*** are you guys here trying to regrow your goddman hair if it does not matter

everything i guy does (in my opinion) is done mostly for the attraction of the opposite sex

i workout, i stay in college, i am in graduate school... its all for attracting the desired mate... and (GASPT) i take finasteride... all for the same reason. Go ahead and weasel your way around it with your "teen movie of the week" happy reality, but face it... hair freaking matters to the majority or woman

CCS: i have heard you whine about girls and your hair situation, so don't act like i am out of line here... SHHESSH


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LOL, bubka. The truth of the matter is that people are definitely aware of what they look like to other people. If everyone possessed SO much self-confidence that it absolutely didn't matter how they appeared to the outside world, sites like this would be out of business looong ago. People do care, and they want to look good for themselves and for others. I think it's ok, though, to recognize the humor in the situation. That's why I like the videos - I think they help to make a serious subject a little less serious, at least for a minute...


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i mean, sure a guy will find the girl that he likes, and does not care about hair... but reality checks let us know that it not as easy to accomplish that if you dont have hair vs having hair, and plus, you don't have to worry about finding a girl who does not car about hair

or wait, you will then have to worry about girls who ONLY like bald guys in their bizzaro world :lol:


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Yeah, I´m not denying almost everyone looks better with hair, but I´m saying it´s not the end of the world as you know it, you can continue being who you are. In fact it´s what the majority of balding dudes do. They don´t ever bother to do the less research. Shave and move on. Maybe feel a little melancolic for their lost mane sometimes but that´s it.

Now, a little test. Two options. There´s only one correct:

A) Bad ***:


B)A piece of sh*t about to start crying:



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the guy is a hollywood created "badass"

jesus man, do you think a guy like that really exists in life, driving cars around like a freaking criminal... put that guy working at Circuit City and see how much of a "badass" he is, the chicks will come flying in to see him

really, some guy can pull of a MBP look, but the minute you are in a movie or TV, something magical happens and its not that big of a deal... Vince Vaun is a perfect example


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Statham looks damn good.

He's definitely more manly than Bloom... (I sound like a teenage chick writing this... )

What about Vin Diesel?

He's a beast, and he looks damn good with short hair.