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Vin Diesel seems like a gym no-brains dude to me, but Jason is much more into the street-wise bastard role, kind of a more hardcore Bruce Willis and I prefer him. Also he starred in some movies, like "Snatch", that I liked a lot.

Check him talking, he´s got something to him, his voice or something, I don´t know:


My girlfriend laughed after seeing these videos and thought they were really funny. I didn't find them to be that funny and it's not because I'm balding. I just didn't find them funny.


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Solo: do you get the theme here, they are hollywood created characters of over emphasized masculinity and fantasy... where are the average guy examples... enough said

Fallout Boy

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Solo said:
Fallout Boy:

-Sooooo, you have Orlando hanging in your room´s wall... did I make him cry with my gross insults?. Mmmmm... find consolation thinking in him flying through the air in his skate-shield coming to my room and spanking me in the *** with his sweet white swordies.

hahaha yea i mean i only have 3 posters and 4 Orlando dolls so's not that bad yet...anyways

yea man youre treating movies like they're real life. You do know movies are not real...the X-Men don't really exist. I'm sorry you had to find out like this. Orlando Bloom really isn't a pirate and/or an elf. And that other dude from the Transporter hasn't really killed anyone or blown anything up. While we're on the subject...there is no Tooth Fairy either.


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I´m treating what??

I´ve just brought a well known character to exemplify that baldness is not equal to failure in life and nule sex-appeal.

I was precisely stating the opposite, because you and bubka were telling here that balding automatically means failure and self-destruction. But anyway...


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JayMan said:
My girlfriend laughed after seeing these videos and thought they were really funny. I didn't find them to be that funny and it's not because I'm balding. I just didn't find them funny.

Hmm...maybe it's because after reading all this stuff you knew what was coming? I laughed out loud when I first saw them...It just came out of left field - had no idea that was gonna happen at the end. Or, maybe it's just because I laugh at anything...I showed it to my balding brother who thought they were hysterical...They definitely do cater do a certain type of sense of humor, though, that's for sure...


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Solo said:
I´m treating what??

I´ve just brought a well known character to exemplify that baldness is not equal to failure in life and nule sex-appeal.

I was precisely stating the opposite, because you and bubka were telling here that balding automatically means failure and self-destruction. But anyway...
dude, that is a freaking lie, all i said that is most cases, male pattern baldness it is an automatic strike against you

and you must agree because last time i checked, you are trying to regrow / maintain


feartheturtle said:
JayMan said:
My girlfriend laughed after seeing these videos and thought they were really funny. I didn't find them to be that funny and it's not because I'm balding. I just didn't find them funny.

Hmm...maybe it's because after reading all this stuff you knew what was coming? I laughed out loud when I first saw them...It just came out of left field - had no idea that was gonna happen at the end. Or, maybe it's just because I laugh at anything...I showed it to my balding brother who thought they were hysterical...They definitely do cater do a certain type of sense of humor, though, that's for sure...

no i saw them back on page 1.


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0 each his own, I guess. I thought it was almost slapstick...I saw the one with the guy and girl in the bar first and thought it was so awkardly hilarious...Wonder if there are any other new ones?


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bubka said:
CCS: i have heard you whine about girls and your hair situation, so don't act like i am out of line here... SHHESSH

Bubka, I was just clowning on Solo's signature. I was not saying you are out of line. I agree with you entirely.

The fact is, men can compensate for hair loss, and still get some dates with decent looking women. If a guy is tall and has other genetic gifts, hair loss will just make him have to compete again. But if two guys are near equal in other aspects, they guy with hair will win.

In fact, if a guy with hair has an average personality, and is a slight jerk, and a bald buy is a better person, the guy with hair will probably win. Looks are the most important aspect of dating. Other stuff matters too, and we can make extreme comparisons to show that they can matter more than small appearance differences. But if looks did not matter much, we would have sex with our own gender.


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I heard advice that when you see a pretty woman and plan to say hi, instead of hoping she will like you, you should try and find out if she even has a good personality, and is more than a pretty face. People like to reject before getting rejected so they can save face. The fact is, if she does not like your appearance, she will not try to lead you on, and will not help the conversation as much as you want. Then you get to say that she is boring.

Women do this to guys all the time. If you hear women put down guys with six pack abs, it is because they know they can't get him, so they say they don't want him.

Anyway, most people have decent personalities. Some people are more shy than they should be, but most can sense what their chances are. They are shy if they are trying to get women out of their league. If they are happy with women in their league, then they are not shy. That is where the transition happens.

Ok, here is what I was building up to. I heard someone say that once you go bald, you have to develop a good personality since your hair is no longer there to make up for that. What this translates into is that once your hair is gone, you have to start flirting with the women whom you used to think were below your league. You can't be "shallow and stuck up" any more, qualities that are "a bad personality." Or you can just make more money or do other stuff.

And worse case cinario, just be funny. It seems possible to do that since it does not take muscles or money, which is why everyone says that. The fact is you still have to do it constantly, and the pretty woman does not have to since her looks do the work for her. Also, if a woman does not like your looks, it does not matter how funny you are. She might not laugh so she does not lead you on. Often if a pretty woman laughs at an ugly man's jokes, it is because she thinks he knows she is out of her league and is not trying to hit on her, and is just a funny guy. I heard of some bouncers who think that just because a woman flirts back that he can date all these women, when the fact is she thinks he is "safe", and won't actually try to date her.

I'm not saying this out of bitterness. I think I will get some hot women. I think I will beat this hair loss, will build muscle, will fix my wardrobe, and will get a good paying job, and will get the woman I want. I'm just passing this info on for anyone who wants to learn more.


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pride is good, and i don't think you should call yourself scum. but everyone I heard say that their are not leagues also at some people said that the prettiest women are all stuck up, or that the prettier they are, the bitchier they are, or that the pretty ones just want your money. Well, most the people who say their are no leagues. If your deception just leads to good self esteem, that is one thing. If it gets to the point where you put down all people who are more fortunate than you, then that is not good.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
If it gets to the point where you put down all people who are more fortunate than you, then that is not good.

Who is putting down the fortunate people? Define fortunate people.
We are what we are. Put our knees down before others or put other people down wont make any difference in our life. We are free minds wandering on earth.