
George Clooney Hair Status - Grey Hair - No Baldness - Why


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He doesn't wear wigs, but he is balding. And he probably (most likely) had a
hair transplant.

That seems to be the case.

He admitted to using Minoxidil in an interview, in fact, he WOULD NOT shave
his head for a movie, in the "fear" that it wouldn't all grow back.

Most actors that go the hair transplant route usually don't have clipper length
hair in movies.


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Unrelated, but does anyone know why/how people's face/skull shape changes even after they are "fully" an adult? As you can see in the above pic, Affleck's mature face is much wider, with a more pronounced jaw. Is it just the continued effects of androgens on shaping our faces? (I assume this continues after puberty/our late teen years). And even if he was very young in the younger pic there, you can clearly see that his face/skull were narrower even in Good Will Hunting, where he was already 24-25 and you'd think he was fully grown already by that point. I also don't think it's just skin sag or other aging markers, because the actual bone structure looks different. Nor is it fat, because he was super lean in Batman vs. Superman. I ask this because I'm pretty sure my face has changed in a similar manner as I've gotten older.
Haha, don't be naïve. Pay attention to what kind of camera was used. In formal red carpet type events and in "spying paparazzi" pictures, the photographer cannot get close to the target, so a zoom or telephoto camera (i.e. long focal length) is used. This has a flattening effect, as opposed to the "fish eye" effect of short focal length. How can you tell? Well compare a celebrity's shitty selfie pictures (phone cams have a shorter focal length than the human eye, so thats why selfies look like incel pics unless you are fat, in which case they make your face narrower) with their red carpet pics (telephoto focal length is longer than the human eye's) to get a better idea of exactly what they look like.






Some mild maturing of the face may happen but tha overall appearance of everything "widening" is likely due to the camera, if you are talking about someone who has finished puberty already. Look how the focal length changes perception of depth:


Also, aging skin can make someone appear very gaunt or give their face a "hard" look and bone density tends to decrease with age eventually and features are eventually lost.
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Haha, don't be naïve. Pay attention to what kind of camera was used. In formal red carpet type events and in "spying paparazzi" pictures, the photographer cannot get close to the target, so a zoom or telephoto camera (i.e. long focal length) is used. This has a flattening effect, as opposed to the "fish eye" effect of short focal length. How can you tell? Well compare a celebrity's shitty selfie pictures (phone cams have a shorter focal length than the human eye, so thats why selfies look like incel pics unless you are fat, in which case they make your face narrower) with their red carpet pics (telephoto focal length is longer than the human eye's) to get a better idea of exactly what they look like.

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Some mild maturing of the face may happen but tha overall appearance of everything "widening" is likely due to the camera, if you are talking about someone who has finished puberty already. Look how the focal length changes perception of depth:

View attachment 75344

Also, aging skin can make someone appear very gaunt or give their face a "hard" look and bone density tends to decrease with age eventually and features are eventually lost.

That would apply to still shots, sure. But it doesn't explain why Affleck's facial/skull structure is VISIBLY different in, say, Good Will Hunting (age 24-25, presumably fully grown) than in his recent movies.


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But why a wig? Anderson explains that a few days before shooting, she went to dye her hair red (“I was really looking forward to it”) only to be warned that she was risking a catastrophe if she did. Which is to say: Baldness. Her television work of the past year – NBC’s Crisis and Hannibal; Britain’s The Fall – required different colors and looks, and her hair took a beating as a result of all that wear and tear. “My hair started falling out last year,” she says. “We were in the middle of doing The Fall and they actually had to stop using tongs and hot rollers because it was literally coming out in the hair dresser’s hand.”

Anderson was told that her hair would probably survive a summer of red dye, but going back to blonde – which she would have to do for the third season of The Fall, shooting this fall – would most likely cause her hair to fall out. “The guy I use to do my hair was like, ‘You must be out of your mind [to dye it]. You have no idea what the end result will be,” she recalls. “So yeah, unfortunately, it is a wig.” And it’s a good wig, she insists. Made by fancy wig makers in London. But it hurts. “Oh my God, it’s like wearing a vice on your head,” says Anderson. “I mean, every day, I have a whopping headache.


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Sidney Crosby has an outstanding hairline for a 30 year old:

Alexander Ovechkin is ageing albeit aging gracefully:

to this:

Ryan Getzlaf is not blessed, from this:

to this:

Swedish goaltender Henrik Lundqvist is often considered the most handsome hockey player in the world. Interestingly, he has an asymmetric hairline:


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His hair Is a lot like my grandfather’s. He had an extremely thick head of shiny, grey hair until he hit his late 60’s, early 70’s from which he’s been starting to bald ever since. The exact same happened to my paternal grandfather too. It seems that W hen males get to a certain age in their elderly years.. regardless how good your hairloss genes are, you will start diffusing. I bet this is what happened to clooney’s father and likely what will happen to Clooney himself in the coming years.

Clooney’s hairline has always been very inconsistent though. I always thought his more recessed hairlines were pieces used for specific roles but from looking at some of the one’s Jean included, That is likely his actual hairline. That one SwingLine uploaded looks like a definitive piece to me, the hairline is far too rounded and simply looks unnatural.



(Reagan's LAST picture at age 80+)

Also, im 28 and i have white hairs here and there and im f*****g balding, sometimes I even see white hairs that fell. I see one white hair growing on my temple right now. It's a good way to cope thinking these hairs will keep growing in cycles and are "saved"... we'll see tho, it sounds like cope to me. Where's the science in that?

Also f*****g Reagan didn't have white hair, unbelievable. It shows "hairloss is a part of aging" is f*****g stupid and cope. There are several 60+ NW0's there.

Also if Clooney is wearing a wig.. then tell me what wig inmediately because it looks f*****g on point. None of the hair transplanted cueballs could ever aim at that result. Even the guys trying to reconstruct their hairline still doesn't look as natural as Clooney on that picture.


Holy f***. Having a good hairline matters forever.


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To the one posting the pictures of young Clooney, you're so blind lol, you can LITERALLY see his frontal is shaved, you can see the hairs growing like stubble.


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I think early-lots of grey hair men, tend to have almost always a full head of hair even into older age. Last week I had to call my landlord for fixing something. I dont know exactly how old he is, but he said is working since 30 years in this Job so he is at least 55 or something. He had a f*****g full head of hair. Thick as f*** lol. And I was standing beside him, with my cap on (cause I dont use Toppik and sh*t when I dont see my girlfriend or going out to see people, so I have to use my f*****g beanie xD) and was thinking: "This guy is f*****g double my age and has 5 times better hair. What a life.


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Proves yet again that temple recession up to NW3 is irrelevent if the center forelock doesn't recede/thin with it and the rest of the hair remains thick. I don't think his recession is NW3 there however (doesn't protrude "inward" towards the center enough imo). More like NW2.5-2.75

Still though, can't help but feel Depp's baseline attractiveness has dropped a few points since he's lost his more NW1 hairline days. That curvature in the temples distorts the face. Same thing that happened to me. I'm about his hairloss but with more thinning at the front.


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People who look at all the photos across the years and think he isn't wearing are unfortunately married to the idea that a celebrity they like and always thought was an example of "perfection" and godtier genetics isn't actually just a plebian baldite rug wearing finasteride junkie like themselves in some regards.

That made me chuckle


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Clooney's is clearly a hairpiece. His hairline is completely different in shape and positioning in different photos. ZERO consistency. There is a 1% chance it isn't a hairpiece. Maybe transplants to refine his temples too.

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Slimy wig wearing f***.
Great research, mate. These photos really illuminate the Clooney deception for me.


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Ehh, if this is a wig:


Tell me where the f*** do I buy one right now, i'll stop all shitty treatments and avoid a hair transplant to get a shitty looking hairline, which btw, the 1999 pic looks like a hair transplanted hairline as well as a wig:


In any case, look at the first pic and tell me it doesn't look perfect. Who cares how annoying a wig would be? looks f*****g fantastic.


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He has no wig, just natural hairs. I don't see any sign of baldness sorry!

Yes , his father is bald, but George Clooney? NEVER.


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he's an odd case.

hes very strong temple points with forward growth, which can convince even the best audience that he has natural hair.

He could potentially wear, or just takes finasteride ontop of having some minor hair restoration work done.