
George Clooney Hair Status - Grey Hair - No Baldness - Why


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Well first off, Finasteride doesn't work for everyone. Plenty of people still lose ground while on the drug. Also thanks for letting me know you're just another 19-21 year old who's crying about losing their juvenile hairline. Norwood 1.5 isn't sh*t.

My point was the vast majority of guys look like crap with shaved heads, plain and simple. Why do you think fullheads can only name the same handful of bald celebrities as examples of bald guys who look good? Why are hair transplants & hair loss medications a multi-billion dollar industry? Even those bald celebrities would look better with hair, literally no body has ever gotten a looks boost from turning themselves into Uncle Fester.

Finasteride has an 85% success rate. Even if you lose ground, it occurs at a much slower rate. Like, 1/4 an inch in a decade. Considering I don't want to end up a as a miserable bald loser who can't accept reality for the rest of their life, whom I appear to be talking to, I've began routine monitoring of my hairline with finasteride on hand in case I begin to notice changes. In fact I've been doing so for almost a year. Still no changes.

I do agree that everyone looks better with hair, but you're delusional if you think you go from a 10 to a 3 just because you lose your hair. It's more like a drop from a 10 to a 8. Though I'm sure you wished it was the former so you could justify your pathetic whining.

Finally, for the record, I'm actually 18, and I think you're doing most of the crying here.


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Finasteride has an 85% success rate. Even if you lose ground, it occurs at a much slower rate. Like, 1/4 an inch in a decade. Considering I don't want to end up a as a miserable bald loser who can't accept reality for the rest of their life, whom I appear to be talking to, I've began routine monitoring of my hairline with finasteride on hand in case I begin to notice changes. In fact I've been doing so for almost a year. Still no changes.

I do agree that everyone looks better with hair, but you're delusional if you think you go from a 10 to a 3 just because you lose your hair. It's more like a drop from a 10 to a 8. Though I'm sure you wished it was the former so you could justify your pathetic whining.

Finally, for the record, I'm actually 18, and I think you're doing most of the crying here.
Haha, bald shaming on a hair loss forum. I hope Finasteride gives you irreversible ED and gyno, and you stop responding to it & become Norwood 7 you pompous little sh*t.


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Haha, bald shaming on a hair loss forum. I hope Finasteride gives you irreversible ED and gyno, and you stop responding to it & become Norwood 7 you pompous little sh*t.

Aren't you a specimen of character.

Are you sure you're not projecting your own history of hair loss treatment failures?


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Even if you lose ground, it occurs at a much slower rate. Like, 1/4 an inch in a decade.
Where did you precisely get this data?
For me it was an inch in four years in my 20s.
And, believe me, I do know plenty of people like me.


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Hey, why don't you also include some pics of Bruce Willis and The Rock to complete your "bald alpha" stock response parroted by so many fullhead retards?

Meanwhile here are some average Joes who went the "just shave it bro!" route.

View attachment 92069 View attachment 92070 View attachment 92071 View attachment 92072

I actually think the second guy looks pretty handsome. The 4th guy doesn't look too bad either.

Either way, I suppose the point is when you do reach the point of no return not to crawl into a ditch and die. People can do well despite baldness.


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...People can do well despite baldness.
I agree. I have no idea why people must so quickly take the conversation to its extremes.
male pattern baldness is a very bad adventure, and a grotesque one.
However, it is very naive to think it will ruin your life. Life goes on and you may be happy despite your f*****g, horrible hairline

michel sapin

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sure for young man, according to me , finasteride doesn't maintain the hairline well at all !
it sure slow the rate of hair loss . But i think dutasteride is needed to maintain the hairline for younger man with agressive gene .7
Clearly if you don't see result in the first 6 month , you have to switch to duta ( and trust me , don't take the minoxidil route !!!)


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The proof that hairloss is a kick in the balls is, that everyone has only to show 2-3 example from the whole internet of baldis. Always the same. But you could spamm this forum to nirvana with good looking norwood 1. Also a Jason Statman wont do well in a normal Club/Tinder whatever. He can pull off some sl*ts with daddy issues.


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Do you think f*****g “sl*ts” as a lifestyle choice is sustainable and will bring happiness regardless of Norwood status?
The opposite I said. I dont know any normal next door girl that thinks Jason Statham is attractive. Not one. Just balding man are coping with him and yeah maybe some sl*ts with issues like him aswell but they are far from gf material.


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The opposite I said. I dont know any normal next door girl that thinks Jason Statham is attractive. Not one. Just balding man are coping with him and yeah maybe some sl*ts with issues like him aswell but they are far from gf material.

I’m trying to examine what’s really at the heart of the discontent on this forum. Because it doesn’t really seem to be lack of a long term relationship but a perceived inability to have multiple sexual partners. That’s destined to end in disappointment regardless of Norwood status.


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I’m trying to examine what’s really at the heart of the discontent on this forum. Because it doesn’t really seem to be lack of a long term relationship but a perceived inability to have multiple sexual partners. That’s destined to end in disappointment regardless of Norwood status.

Even if you somehow keep a NW0 hairline for your entire life (a very small minority of men), there's still a factor called aging. Over time, that will reduce your ability to have multiple sexual partners anyway. It annoys me when people on this forum compare guys who are NW0-NW2ish to guys who are slick bald and say that hair is everything (especially when they aren't even the same guy), when there are a lot of other differences to factor in, such as skin complexion (degrades with aging), bone structure in the face (which also degrade with reduced bone density due to aging), money (are they a multi-millionare or are they living on welfare), confidence (which I can't seem to find on this forum at all), muscle mass, etc. Have any of you considered the fact that there are millions of balding guys around the world who just suck it up and don't have problems with getting long-term partners?

A question I would have for the guys complaining about not being able to f*** hordes of teenage girls (that's kind of perverse anyway :p) is: were you f*****g a new girl every night while you had a good amount of hair (< NW3), and then suddenly now you can't f*** anyone anymore when you became bald? If the answer is truly yes (I'm doubtful of that considering the lack of confidence on this forum), have you considered the fact that you don't look the same at 35 compared to 20? Maybe, just maybe, it's the fact that you've also just been aging too?

Or maybe you were never a sex god in the first place and now you just found a convenient scapegoat to blame all of your personal problems on.
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Fact is, you can be bald and still have multiple sex partners, but baldness implies a multitude of others collateral social factors that will inevitably affect your sex life in a way or another, thinking the opposite will always be cope.

Sure you can settle with a long term partner and get laid that's not the main point, it will just request more luck, effort, concession, whatever you name it.

Keep in mind that not everybody can pull off the bald looks too.

All the balding frightfulness is seeing yourself prematurely rotting, it's intrinsically linked to our own universal fear of decay, disease and mortality, you can't just accept that in your early/mid-life, no matter what you say to others and the amount of cope you take with your coffee in the morning.
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I’m trying to examine what’s really at the heart of the discontent on this forum. Because it doesn’t really seem to be lack of a long term relationship but a perceived inability to have multiple sexual partners. That’s destined to end in disappointment regardless of Norwood status.

Thats easy to answer. First thing what a lot of men want is: the truth. And that means society openly admits that balding is shitt for your apperance and its simpls hard to deal with. Men are since the beginning of time "solution finder". Thats the reason why you can type in your thoughts on your PC/smartphone and send it via the Internet to a plattform for others to see. All created by men. Now, we have hairloss. Something that is out of our hands. Its hard to swallow. And takes time.

What I also experience is, that people can openly talk about your hairloss like its nothing. "hey dude you lost more hair what happened?" Sometimes I would love to reply with: "Your mother is wild in bed you know..."

About dating and stuff, some here want a long therm, some are virgins and just to see a pussy and some think the way to happines is f*****g 18 year olds from left to right. But you could find the same statistic in a forum about cooking or bodybuilding. So its not an argument.

Again here people want to have the truth. Whatever reason you have to date, be prepared that balding/bald will make it harder but you still can have success. Thats its. But posting Jason Statham to a young bloke that is desperate because he cant get laid is beyond stupid.

Its like instead you say to a fat women she should maybe start to lay down the Happy Meals, showing her pictures of some supersize X Model or what its called, with a ripped guy. "You see honey, she can get a Chad too".

Some people here think hairloss means = RIP dating life and some think it doesnt matter. I think its in the middle but you have to adjust on your hairloss or you fail.


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I’m challenging this as a sustainable way of life even for full heads. I don’t believe it will lead to lasting happiness and seems like quite an immature outlook.

I didn't say it will lead to happiness or can be a sustainable way to live.

Some folks just want to hunt and collect pussies, whatever gets someone sleep at night.


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Thats easy to answer. First thing what a lot of men want is: the truth. And that means society openly admits that balding is shitt for your apperance and its simpls hard to deal with. Men are since the beginning of time "solution finder". Thats the reason why you can type in your thoughts on your PC/smartphone and send it via the Internet to a plattform for others to see. All created by men. Now, we have hairloss. Something that is out of our hands. Its hard to swallow. And takes time.

What I also experience is, that people can openly talk about your hairloss like its nothing. "hey dude you lost more hair what happened?" Sometimes I would love to reply with: "Your mother is wild in bed you know..."

About dating and stuff, some here want a long therm, some are virgins and just to see a pussy and some think the way to happines is f*****g 18 year olds from left to right. But you could find the same statistic in a forum about cooking or bodybuilding. So its not an argument.

Again here people want to have the truth. Whatever reason you have to date, be prepared that balding/bald will make it harder but you still can have success. Thats its. But posting Jason Statham to a young bloke that is desperate because he cant get laid is beyond stupid.

Its like instead you say to a fat women she should maybe start to lay down the Happy Meals, showing her pictures of some supersize X Model or what its called, with a ripped guy. "You see honey, she can get a Chad too".

Some people here think hairloss means = RIP dating life and some thing it doesnt matter. I think its in the middle but you have to adjust on your hairloss or you fail.

Thank you. I was keen to provoke a decent response from at least one person and you provided it. The flaw in your “cooking and bodybuilding” forum analogy is that they’re not blaming a condition for not being able to f*** teenage girls for life. The fact is almost no one does that, so it’s a stupid aspiration and yet seems popular on this forum.


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Thank you. I was keen to provoke a decent response from at least one person and you provided it. The flaw in your “cooking and bodybuilding” forum analogy is that they’re not blaming a condition for not being able to f*** teenage girls for life. The fact is almost no one does that, so it’s a stupid aspiration and yet seems popular on this forum.

We tend to crave what we can't obtain, especially basic human primitive instincts like those causing daily frustration.
Like a pedophile working in a school, or an internet sex predator searching his laptop.

Edit : This doesn't concern only balding people