God some of these minor receders piss me off


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Man in Space said:
ghg I know its of no consolation what some faceless nobody thinks but fwiw i actually think you look pretty good dude!



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uncomfortable man said:
Naw, grow a little facial hair. Even a shadow would help alot. Unless you have a super chisled face, bald head+baby face= awkward.

Yeah,but he will get berated for growing facial hair.


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these days you'll get berated no matter how hard you try to please every c***.


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slipy said:
these days you'll get berated no matter how hard you try to please every c**t.

Tell me about it!I am sick to the back teeth of people telling me what I can and cant have in my life....I am not after being popular,I just want too be left alone.People can obviously say what they want behind my back,but if I WANT too shave my head instead of looking like a clown(theres no othrt fu**ing options),drive a proton,and have a goatee its MY decision!
I am NOT conforming to societies whims(even if I could).


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monty1978 said:
My god you don't drive a proton do you!?

How can you live with yourself? :whistle:

I can live with it,obviously others cant(hence the comments/laughter)....anyway IF I drove a flash car,I would only be accused of being a drig dealer. :)


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seb said:
I can live with it,obviously others cant(hence the comments/laughter)....anyway IF I drove a flash car,I would only be accused of being a drig dealer. :)

Or a hair compensater.


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monty1978 said:
Some people like to show off. More often than not though these types are either driving or wearing their entire bank account!

Indeed people with REAL money (or fulfilled lives) dont feel the need to show it off.


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well cars devaluate each year so they are worth nothing, its being on the property ladder is the real wealth.

the only way to determine if someone is rich is too see the home.

I know one guy that drives a £20,000 car but the guy stays in a rented single bed apartment, all his money went into the car, so the guy drives an upper middle class car but lives in a rented working class living space.

i personally drive a £900 car, a ford fiesta zetec silver that's 15 years old. it looks great and runs perfect.

throughout my entire life i am happy to drive £1000 cars that are 15 years old that looks and drives well, if hte car breaks down and the repair bills exceed £500 ill just buy a new one.


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HairPieceMan said:
well cars devaluate each year so they are worth nothing, its being on the property ladder is the real wealth.

the only way to determine if someone is rich is too see the home.

I know one guy that drives a £20,000 car but the guy stays in a rented single bed apartment, all his money went into the car, so the guy drives an upper middle class car but lives in a rented working class living space.

i personally drive a £900 car, a ford fiesta zetec silver that's 15 years old. it looks great and runs perfect.

throughout my entire life i am happy to drive £1000 cars that are 15 years old that looks and drives well, if hte car breaks down and the repair bills exceed £500 ill just buy a new one.

That's honestly a little surprising. I'm never gonna get a car though, it'll be useless 20 years down the line when fuel prices go up to a grand a gallon.


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fodandahalf said:
HairPieceMan said:
well cars devaluate each year so they are worth nothing, its being on the property ladder is the real wealth.

the only way to determine if someone is rich is too see the home.

I know one guy that drives a £20,000 car but the guy stays in a rented single bed apartment, all his money went into the car, so the guy drives an upper middle class car but lives in a rented working class living space.

i personally drive a £900 car, a ford fiesta zetec silver that's 15 years old. it looks great and runs perfect.

throughout my entire life i am happy to drive £1000 cars that are 15 years old that looks and drives well, if hte car breaks down and the repair bills exceed £500 ill just buy a new one.

That's honestly a little surprising. I'm never gonna get a car though, it'll be useless 20 years down the line when fuel prices go up to a grand a gallon.

what is suprising?

but in any case its owned property thats a big thing, lets say you rent a flat for £300 a month, its worth £80,000 on the property ladder, if you won £80,000 through a lottery win you could "buy" that property, at which point you would have NO overhead, so all you need to worry about is food.

at first i didnt understand this, but i understand it now, if my parents rented all their lives i wouldnt be where i am now, basically what happened was my parents payed up this 300K home in their 40s and any money they have been making form ages 40-60 has accumilated ON TOP OF the 300K home.

im guessing that is how my brother is staying in £240K home with his wife in her late 20s!, becuase my parents bought him that home, all he needs to worry about is food for him,wife and 2 kids, clothing and furnisings with his singular wage 30K a year wage packate.

again im not 100% sure as you do have heating and electricity going but im guessing the main overhead is living space rent or 30 year mortgage to pay off.


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I see HPM has magicly added another 50k to the value of his parents house, just like he added another 1" to his height.
If he stays around another year he'll be 5'6" living in a £450k house. :whistle:


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HairPieceMan said:
i personally drive a £900 car, a ford fiesta zetec silver that's 15 years old. it looks great and runs perfect.

Oh this is the car that you were bragging about your mum buying you a few weeks ago?


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my mother buys me everything.

example my tax disc came through, price £215, mum took care of it.

and no i wasnt bragging, i said my mum bought my brothers wife a 20K car for putting out with my brother, but yeah my mum bought me that car along with the £6K dental veneers etc.

but no i added another 50K becuase my mum added a double garage and a conservatory and the garden was reworked to be done better and we are converting the attic into a 5th bedroom soon.

the value of this house "type" according to zoopla is 300K, however my house is a little different to the other houses, it is a semi but its on the end the attached row and we have added double garage and conservatory + 5th bedroom to be done its clearly worth an extra 50K.


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Wow I wonder what my parents are doing to their house? (maybe they've brought a new garden gate, I could be 'rich' without even knowing it. :shock: :laugh:


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i dont get the joke.

300K is rich, im merel stating that my house row is 300K according to zoopla, but mine is worth more due to a superior garden and conservatory and garage.


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HairPieceMan said:
i dont get the joke.

300K is rich, im merel stating that my house row is 300K according to zoopla, but mine is worth more due to a superior garden and conservatory and garage.

So by your definition I am also rich? because my parents house is value'd at about £270k.
If everyone in the country took their parents houses into account there would be virtually nobody who could be classed as poor.


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because MOST people grow up in rented flats with their parents and move out in 20s to another rented flat, they never "own" property.

not many peoples parents are upper middle class and are on the property ladder, some with middle class, its still quite rare.

most people are working class renters in flats and live on a weekly income basis of about £200 a week.

renters can't make the overhead less as they get older and cannot help their children in the future.

i have known plenty of people at college who saw my place and was very suprised by my house, they are used to seeing people NOT living beyond their means (rich)

living beyond means is basically having spare bedrooms, spare toilets, spare receptions, conservatories (no lots of living spaces dont have conservatories), massive personal gardens and personal garages etc.


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HairPieceMan said:

because MOST people grow up in rented flats with their parents and move out in 20s to another rented flat, they never "own" property.

not many peoples parents are upper middle class and are on the property ladder, some with middle class, its still quite rare.

most people are working class renters in flats and live on a weekly income basis of about £200 a week.

renters can't make the overhead less as they get older and cannot help their children in the future.

i have known plenty of people at college who saw my place and was very suprised by my house, they are used to seeing people NOT living beyond their means (rich)

living beyond means is basically having spare bedrooms, spare toilets, spare receptions, conservatories (no lots of living spaces dont have conservatories), massive personal gardens and personal garages etc.

You really need a dose of reality. You're 26 and live an extremely sheltered life and its quite apparent that you have very little experience in the 'real world'.

Its blatantly clear that your life experience of your little village in Fife has skewed your perception of the world.
The rest of the country is clearly quite different.

Young people these days do struggle to get on the propert ladder but in previous generations this was'nt the case.

Your belief that 'most people' are renters is completeley untrue. The overwhelming majority in this country do not rent. Most families have family homes.
And I dont know where you get the idea that being middle class is 'quite rare'. There are literally millions of people earning over £40/50k. And many millions of couples who's joint income is over that (THIS IS THE NORM).
We already established last week that the average property value in this country is £236k

I suggest that before you make any more posts you get out into the world get a job and travel (not holiday). You really need some real world life experience.

Because right now everything you write is pretty much a complete load of tosh.

PS the phrase 'living beyond your means' actually means living a lifestyle that you cant afford. This is common knowledge to most people.


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oh ok.

well how about that link you showed about the nurse and her husband made £40,000 a year dual income and that was said to be the national avg. if 40K a year is the national average than a 100K home is the average.

now if i go around my town i see 250-500K homes in my posh town, but i hang around the city center i see 100s and 100s of flats and they far outwiegh the 400K homes i see in my local town in fife.

UK AVERAGE is £40K a year for couples, 100K homes. 5 K cars, basic holidays.