Going back to school soon, pretty terrified.

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uncomfortable man

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I enrolled at the local junior college and it starts in a few days. It's been a while since I've been in school and although I am glad that I am doing something to get my life back on track, I am terrified at the same time. The majority of the students there are super young/cool kids which makes going back to school kind of like living out this reoccurring nightmare I used to have where I was demoted back to high school as a bald 33 year old man. I am debating weather or not I should wear a hat all the time for fear of sticking out like a sore thumb and being laughed off campus. I know kids can be cruel and I am afraid of the combination of that with my hyper self-consciousness will result in an absolutely unbearable experience. I know that I am there to learn and nothing else but I can't help but think that my worst fears will be realized. I keep telling myself to be strong but I am just so intimidated by the social aspect of all of this. Any constructive comments/suggestions are appreciated, thanks.

optimus prime

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That’s great. Here are some tips I have.

1. Don’t wear a hat. Let them see your head and get it over and done with. These people have never met you before. They don’t know what you use to look like.

2. If you want to wear a hat, wear it a couple of weeks or months in the future so they think you are doing it to be cool or keep the sun of your head. Don’t wear a hat often.

3. Just forget about your hair. When I was at University there were 3 bald guys that I remember on my course. Two middle age men and a 29 years old. I was so busy trying to fit in that I really couldn’t care less about their hair. The 29 year old guy was arguably the most popular guy on the course. He was so funny. His humour was sharp as a nail. Everyone looked up to him like a big brother.

I have a lot of respect to you for doing this. Good luck. You know, if you go without a hat for the first few months and you feel comfortable with yourself, you are sorted. If after 2 months you can’t cope with it anymore. Just put the hat back on. Nobody will think you are trying to hide your hairloss because you came to lectures for 2 months without a hat.


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Excellent post optimus!

u.m. just be strong and concentrate on your work, I know who you feel man, at school I could feel myself shrink whan others made comments about my hair and I was only receeding.

Like optimus says, just wear a hat now and then once you have settled in, and try to forget about your hair.

I wish you the best of luck with your studies.


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My Regimen
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Who wears a hat indoors? Seriously. Just forget about the hat, man.


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I agree with most of what Optimus prime said, my advice is to just go in there and act with total confidence like its not an issue even if you have to imagine yourself as someone else to do it.
The first impression you make will be important, you've got to realise that you are not like the other students there (in terms of age) so dont try to be cool and fit in as one of them.

Just be what you are a mature student who's been out into the wide world and is now studying to improve his career prospects. remember you've already been through the stage in life that they are all currently at.
Dont hide behind a hat infront of them they'll spot it as a sign of m.p.b related insecurity.
If anyone does say anything just look bemused as if its never happened before and say whats the problem surely you've seen a bald guy before?

uncomfortable man

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That does it then, first day: first impression- come as you are. I'll just buzz it as always, keep it neat, dress nice and hold my head up high. Thanks for the advice everyone and I'll be sure to post how it goes. :)

Hans Gruber

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uncomfortable man said:
The majority of the students there are super young/cool kids

so long as you are a decent human being and stand up for what you believe in then youll always be cool.


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I'm not sure if you are lucky or unlucky. I never had that first day excitement when I was at uni. I guess I didn't know what to expect and as optimus said, I was too busy getting to know people to think about the details. I never had time to feel nervous.

I think you should relax and try to enjoy it. There are plenty of mature students out there. The ratio is not on your side, but you aren't the only one. My ex gf's mom completed college at 50. One of my best friends is 29 and still a student, and he's doing fine.

Have fun!!!!!!!


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who gives a sh*t what other people think...move on and just care about what people think who you care about.

terrified seems so extreme.


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ghg said:
Who wears a hat indoors? Seriously. Just forget about the hat, man.

whats wrong with wearing a hat indoors? a million people i know do it that dont have hairloss..a better question is who the hell wears sunglasses indoors? but on the topic..who cares what the kids think


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Ya, if you're going to a large school with a significant number of kids right out of high school, 1 in 3 of the guys will be wearing a hat. You won't be out of place or stand out because of it, unless the professor asks for hats to be taken off (quite common during tests).

What is your schedule like? If you're taking evening classes or attending a college without housing (a community college) you'll probably be in class with people of all sorts of ages. In my final year of school, I attended one of the regional satallite campuses of my university that was more of a building than a campus, and at 22 I was the youngest by some 20 years in many of my classes.


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threats77 said:
ghg said:
Who wears a hat indoors? Seriously. Just forget about the hat, man.

whats wrong with wearing a hat indoors? a million people i know do it that dont have hairloss..a better question is who the hell wears sunglasses indoors? but on the topic..who cares what the kids think

A hat indoors is just stupid, what next gloves indoors?

optimus prime

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threats77 said:
ghg said:
Who wears a hat indoors? Seriously. Just forget about the hat, man.

whats wrong with wearing a hat indoors? a million people i know do it that dont have hairloss..a better question is who the hell wears sunglasses indoors? but on the topic..who cares what the kids think

Dam! You must be popular :woot:


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uncomfortable man...I mean this in a respectful way to try and help you.

Its time for you to grow some balls and man up. Get on with your life. Believe it or not 99.9% of people you will see on campus will not and never will give two shits about you and your hair. They may look at you as you walk by as they will for everyone else but the moment you walk past you will be forgotten. People who worry so much about others have an inflated sense of importance in other peoples lives.

Gny. Sgt. Hartman

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uncomfortable man said:
I enrolled at the local junior college and it starts in a few days. It's been a while since I've been in school and although I am glad that I am doing something to get my life back on track, I am terrified at the same time. The majority of the students there are super young/cool kids which makes going back to school kind of like living out this reoccurring nightmare I used to have where I was demoted back to high school as a bald 33 year old man. I am debating weather or not I should wear a hat all the time for fear of sticking out like a sore thumb and being laughed off campus. I know kids can be cruel and I am afraid of the combination of that with my hyper self-consciousness will result in an absolutely unbearable experience. I know that I am there to learn and nothing else but I can't help but think that my worst fears will be realized. I keep telling myself to be strong but I am just so intimidated by the social aspect of all of this. Any constructive comments/suggestions are appreciated, thanks.

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?! Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?!


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Gny. Sgt. Hartman said:
What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?! Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?!
Oh wow awesome analysis! right on the money.."numbnuts" yeah.. thats got to be it... your wasting your time here with us, you should go study psychology right away! .. :whistle:

Ok back to topic, I think you have nothing to worry about as you are at the age that going bald (or being comletly bald for that matter) isnt "out of the normal", i wouldt go as far asn say that most 30s are bald but its more acceptable for a 30 years old to be blad then for a 19 for example (and im sure there are planty that age that are nw4 and most likely they will absorb the "heat" instead of you).
Dont worry about it and act normal, because you are !! (and even more then normal to me as i get ot know you from your posts, you seems like an amazing person, extreamly intelegent, dot let such a stupid thing be on your way up!)
gl and take care.

Gny. Sgt. Hartman

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Smooth said:
Gny. Sgt. Hartman said:
What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?! Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?!
Oh wow awesome analysis! right on the money.."numbnuts" yeah.. thats got to be it... your wasting your time here with us, you should go study psychology right away! .. :whistle:

Ok back to topic, I think you have nothing to worry about as you are at the age that going bald (or being comletly bald for that matter) isnt "out of the normal", i wouldt go as far asn say that most 30s are bald but its more acceptable for a 30 years old to be blad then for a 19 for example (and im sure there are planty that age that are nw4 and most likely they will absorb the "heat" instead of you).
Dont worry about it and act normal, because you are !! (and even more then normal to me as i get ot know you from your posts, you seems like an amazing person, extreamly intelegent, dot let such a stupid thing be on your way up!)
gl and take care.

I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be sir. Do you maggots understand that?

uncomfortable man

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Gny. Sgt. Hartman said:
[quote="uncomfortable man":1tl4njts]I enrolled at the local junior college and it starts in a few days. It's been a while since I've been in school and although I am glad that I am doing something to get my life back on track, I am terrified at the same time. The majority of the students there are super young/cool kids which makes going back to school kind of like living out this reoccurring nightmare I used to have where I was demoted back to high school as a bald 33 year old man. I am debating weather or not I should wear a hat all the time for fear of sticking out like a sore thumb and being laughed off campus. I know kids can be cruel and I am afraid of the combination of that with my hyper self-consciousness will result in an absolutely unbearable experience. I know that I am there to learn and nothing else but I can't help but think that my worst fears will be realized. I keep telling myself to be strong but I am just so intimidated by the social aspect of all of this. Any constructive comments/suggestions are appreciated, thanks.

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?! Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?![/quote:1tl4njts]
Sir, thank you sir for giving a spineless maggot like me the discipline I so desperately desire...sir!!


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uncomfortable man said:
[quote="Gny. Sgt. Hartman":1sjbl15l][quote="uncomfortable man":1sjbl15l]I enrolled at the local junior college and it starts in a few days. It's been a while since I've been in school and although I am glad that I am doing something to get my life back on track, I am terrified at the same time. The majority of the students there are super young/cool kids which makes going back to school kind of like living out this reoccurring nightmare I used to have where I was demoted back to high school as a bald 33 year old man. I am debating weather or not I should wear a hat all the time for fear of sticking out like a sore thumb and being laughed off campus. I know kids can be cruel and I am afraid of the combination of that with my hyper self-consciousness will result in an absolutely unbearable experience. I know that I am there to learn and nothing else but I can't help but think that my worst fears will be realized. I keep telling myself to be strong but I am just so intimidated by the social aspect of all of this. Any constructive comments/suggestions are appreciated, thanks.

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?! Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?![/quote:1sjbl15l]
Sir, thank you sir for giving a spineless maggot like me the discipline I so desperately desire...sir!![/quote:1sjbl15l]

Perfect...hahahaha....well played UM!!!!


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Gny. Sgt. Hartman said:
What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?! Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?!

What are you going to do when you run out of drill sargeant quotes?
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