Given that everyone is different and thus going to take going bald differently, there is a common thread that we share and that is nobody ever looses any part of themselves without freaking out a little bit. It is natural to be upset about loosing your hair, some more than others but the few guys on this forum that have actually been there understand where I am coming from whereas the rest of the majority (except Dr. House) tell me it's only hair and to get over it, and that is because they still have their hair and take it for granted. Yes, I am overly sensitive as is HP, which makes us two peas in a pod but we are also happen to be very bald- more so than the most of the people on this site. We can't stand what going bald has done to our appearance, it has devastated our self confidence which permeates to the rest of our lives. That is the way we are. Now you may be as bald as HP and couldn't give a rat's *** about it or what anyone else thinks, in which case good for you although I don't think you are some bald guy.