Thats just one week!! There deffinetley onto something!
Has anyone noticed how this is a remarkable change in direction for baldingblog? Rasman is the most grounded down to earth voice there is. My take on this is that there beginning to embrace the idea, Dr Farjo an expert has now been appointed.
Rassman always went along the lines that he would never embrace the idea until he saw proof of concept, this is by no means proof buts, its the kind of picture we want to see:
Properly Lighted
Goverment funded lol
Only draw back
Bosley, but they will not bye it because there developing alderans with 100 hundred people in phase II,
Guys if intercytex worked, although not well enough consider aderans proof of concept is a doube whammy on intercytex.
Intercytex just injected the dermil perpila - once cell step
Aderans Injects micro fibroblast and dermil perpila - two cell step
Intercytex model showed that the one cell concept as it is has not produced asethetic results, but consider doubling the mix with microfibroblasts which histogen and follcia are trying to encourage, and you have a better chance.
Best case scenario its with us in 3 years. Someone buys intercytex technology puts it into phase 3, and as dr kemp said will getter more efficent with each generation, trial and error.
Worst case, its used as a bench mark for other company's, proof of concept