Great video every guy who's losing their hair should watch


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By the way my repair hair transplant went fine, in case anyone was wondering.

Hey, swingline. I actually have been wondering about your hair transplant and figured all's well and that you've moved on. Glad it went fine and also glad you stopped by. :)


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If one more person tells me the Halo effect is in fact correct I swear-

Swingline you missed a bit earlier when I was quoting that exact article, though I did initially read the 3-4% figure somewhere else and googled it for this thread. I never denied the theory, I completely buy into the study, I was just saying it's nowhere near as prevalent as cocohot thinks, here's what I wrote:

The Halo effect has resulted in attractive people, on average, earning 3-4% more in salary than unattractive people (not even those considered "average", but particularly ugly or overweight people). So without a doubt it's unfair, but you make it sound so much more extreme than what it is, the beautiful people are earning about a fortnight's work more than ugly people, and you're acting as if ugly people are doomed to the company basement and thrown the fish heads.

So what I'm basically saying is, favouritism towards beautiful people does exist, I'll even admit the effects socially are probably more significant than the difference of 3-4% in most ways, and there's no denying that attractive people are given an aura about them. I think if you take two people of the exact same intelligence and capability, the more attractive person will have their abilities noted way before the unattractive person.

Does this mean the unattractive person is doomed to be a failure? No, not at all, they just aren't first choice, also not instantly last choice but simply not first.

Anyway I really liked the rest of your post; the competition between "us" and full heads is on parody level on here, also I like the 2 serial killers analogy- I know cocohot says he's happy for Fred and his "new found positivity" but I can tell as well he's really seeking someone out to be as desperately depressed as him. Also yes I have no problem with people feeling like the world is against them, but there is a need to have the realisation that it's not strictly true ALL of the time. I think it's a different thing entirely when people are twisting everything to be stacked against the baldites, I mean it's already **** enough just being bald without people telling us how the Halo effect is statistical proof we're all ****ed no matter what, because we might miss out on 4% extra salary (which is gobbled up by tax anyway).

But what I most appreciate is that you acknowledged there's no way of measuring or proving about having a better life or relationship, hey they may well do, I don't know, but that Wikipedia quote earlier only shows that people THINK beaut's have a better life, that's all that can really be proved. I appreciate the level-headedness.

And it is good to hear about your repair hair transplant, congrats. I also think I'm on here more than I should be lately, and it's usually just once a day briefly enough, but maybe I'll check my phone once as well too.


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Does this mean the unattractive person is doomed to be a failure? No, not at all, they just aren't first choice, also not instantly last choice but simply not first.

But whats worst than failure....?



Nah I get what you both are saying. I think to many guys (myself included) slip way to easily from venting to beginning to believe their own hype. I don't doubt the god damned instantaneous debating we all create helps solidify that.
I used to say **** like "just venting" or "Im in a mood" just so people wouldnt feel the need to debate my posts. More people might want to try this. Instead of looking for fellow Smigels just treat it as a passing phase.

good luck to everyone.
Also didnt move on because my hair transplant was so great Im no longer wandering the woods bumping into trees. That could never happen for ANYONE with an average salary. In fact the past couple weeks Ive been shedding (been really sick tho to) and Im constantly checking density but its WAY better than I was. I will need more, this is a fact. I can only hope they last long enough in between for me to pay the last one off.


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Hey Swing,
Glad to hear you're ok.

We all do a bit of tree bumping trying to find a clear passage out of the wilderness of life.
male pattern baldness trips a lot of us up. It's sort of like falling over a thick old tree root and landing face down in the poison ivy brush. Trying to regain your composure isn't so difficult, however soon some of us find that avoiding the consequences is not so easy.

Anyhow good luck with your endeavors to stay poised on your own 2 feet.


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I used to say **** like "just venting" or "Im in a mood" just so people wouldnt feel the need to debate my posts. More people might want to try this. Instead of looking for fellow Smigels just treat it as a passing phase.

Interesting. I'd probably just debate it regardless, I don't have a good gauge for such things.

People like yourself and others put the points across so strongly and often convincingly, that it's hard to take a step back and realise it's over-the-top, so I'm always sure guys who may just be venting are being 100% serious, and I get sucked in. I have noticed other members on here that are like-minded to me seem to take the high road around that, and I've thought about this before.


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Your point wasn't that simple, if you're going to make outrageous claims then at least have the set to stand by them. It wasn't as simple and innocent as people vaguely "not liking you" based on appearance (which every ****ing moron knows), you went way further than that and you said literally that bald guys are disqualified from life, there's no point in trying to be successful because bald guys don't stand a chance and people want bald guys to die, and now you're backing away from that and blatantly lying, telling me you never made such extrapolations (necessary word by the way bro! now you look smart).

I wasn't finding a "loophole", I was referring to the only thing we can officially judge statistically, you were the one who brought up your "scientific research" so I went down that road for you, and then when I did, and the stat didn't suit you, you ran from it. It's not a ****ing loophole it's the only concrete thing we can actually base our opinions on, if there's an opposite of a loophole, this is it.

I addressed before that I'm not taking this baldness=uglywife=uglyfamily=unhappiness **** into account, I never said I would acknowledge it, I said from the start that you were claiming baldness "disqualifies guys from life" and when I questioned how that happens in every aspect, you jumped straight to breeding. Not getting a promotion, not getting a 5/10 girlfriend, you jumped straight to the most extreme example, so I didn't, and still don't feel I even need to respond to that crap unless you can at least admit you are exaggerating on how we're all hopeless. Then, once you become a sane reasonable person, maybe we can actually talk about something worth debating.

I made it clear from the very start that I'm not talking about that until you at least get the basic fundamentals of your argument right, and you're acting as if I'm ignoring it. The irony being that you are failing to address why beautiful people only make 4% more money than actual ugly people (not even average looking, but with deformities). Why is that stat so low when the baldites and the fat, ugly, old, acne-ridden, are shunned out of the workforce?

- - - Updated - - -

Just re-reading things and came across this:

Fred, you are contented now with your transplant and happy with your girlfriend and I'm (truly) happy for you. But now you are like a different poster to the one we knew not so long ago, I know how you felt then because you told us. If you want to be dishonest with us that's fine but we know the truth.

Coco my friend, you are actually nuts.

- - - Updated - - -

And you can't just dismiss people as "shallow. They're not. They're trying to eliminate you from the gene pool because you're diseased.

This is another classic. I mean ****, what must it be like to be inside that brain.


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That was the most pathetic and weak response I've ever read in an actual debate. And I've debated with Fred, for ****s sake.

I'm hoping for your sake that this was actually a joke, but I don't think it was. And to pre-empt your "call my debate pathetic because you can't argue against it!" response, no, there is nothing to argue against here. That has just wasted your time, and mine.

I can't believe you literally told me to drink the kool aid! hahaha! Without a flinch! You are a ****ing laughing stock.


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But Fred you're not bald either so you are in no position to take the self inflicted lower ground in this argument.


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I could consider myself bald actually, I'm sure some people would, because it's thin but I can bush it up enough to give the impression of a thick head of hair. Still though, sometimes when I first wake up and look in the mirror after sleeping and my hair is a bit greasy and flat, it's like practically bald (or at least it feels like it).

Despite considering myself as possibly bald I still have more hair than Fred though.


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H.L., call me all the names you want, argue all you want. It really doesn't matter. The proof is in the pudding. In 30 years time we'll know who was right about whether baldness destroys your life.

There's a voice inside your head saying the same things I'm saying. I think you like arguing with me because it's a way for you to confront your own negative thoughts/depression over baldness, which you definitely suffer from or you wouldn't be on this stupid forum with me wasting your time with other lunatics.

You are completely insane. Out of 7 billion people in the world how many care enough about baldness to post on a forum every day about it? That applies to me and evillocks and Fred and everyone else too. I just think it's funny how some people try to act like they're better than anyone else on a forum only the mentally ill post on. This is a digital virtual reality insane asylum.

Translation = "I'll take some false glory in saying you'll be wrong in 3 ****ing decades which you can't possibly disprove!"

There's no voice inside my head you maniac, you don't seem to realise that despite there being plenty of nutty "realists" on here you are still in the small minority of the extreme view that baldness destroys absolutely everything in a persons life, so what are the chances I'm another one? Even Fred is now looking at things in a more balanced light (according to you anyway) and hell, swingline just admitted his venting, which is very similar to yours (I thought he was actually you by the way, the writing was so similar, but I can tell it's not), is mainly just venting.

But still, you think everyone thinks as darkly and negatively as you, just because you want everyone to? You're totally right about being insane but speak for yourself.

And what a nice guy you are. I'm inclined to like everyone here because we all have something in common. We all face the same struggle. You really are not a nice guy at all though. What was the point of that comment?

What the ****? I don't have the balls to post my hair, so Fred and others don't know what it was like. That was in no way meant to be cutting or rude, it's just that nobody knows what my hair is like so I need to give some insight as to where I'm coming from. I'm not gloating or showing off, not a friggen baldness forum.

I mean you're doing your best to twist even the most throwaway of comments into something incredibly vile.


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'At least i'm not bald"

Classic way to win a debate, and TKO someones self-esteem, and pride.


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Yes everyone is bald and everything is **** yadda yadda.

OK to some people even an NW1.5 is bald, or "balding", or would describe that as "he's all baldy" (which is particularly ignorant sounding), but to others NW3 isn't even noted as hair loss unless it's pointed out to them, but still wouldn't say a guys "bald" at that stage as long as there's some impression of hair around.


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So you think the world sees an NW6 as being as bald as an NW2?

And I mean, you must know that people do regrow here from finasteride, min and nizoral, they are in the minority but I think the fact you completely fail to mention hair transplants means you're being stubborn on purpose.

As for one person proving anything... OK! I'm sure there's been people who've grown hair from snorting coconut oil, somewhere, a few homeless bums in the world have probably had some weird reaction to smack that gave them full NW1's, I don't know if testosterone is involved (I would have thought so, I actually agree but I can't pretend to be certain based on one person's "proof") but it's just so funny how you write "that's proof..." because the example suits your point.

I mean... OK!


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I don't! I mainly don't, when I read your post I literally thought "oh ****, what to say to this" because I thought it was so wrong but I had to reply.

But you are, in a fleeting manner without even thinking about what you're writing, just casually saying that because the "baldness train don't stop", anyone with any baldness is considered completely bald. I'm sorry, I was trying to not be rude because we just had a lengthy back and forth about something else, but you consistently write such nonsense, and you don't even realise it.

I'm not picking apart what you're writing just because it's you, but it's what you're writing that is so illogical and not thought out, if anything I wish someone else wrote it because I'm sick of replying to you. I swear if some completely different poster or new guy wrote those last 2 posts of yours I was replying to, I'd be just as confused as to how someone could think like that.

But yeah also the rest, of course some people maintain and some even grow hair, and you did leave out hair transplant's on purpose to be extra negative, and the one example "proving" your hypothesis (which I'm sure is expertly researched on a few examples that suit you!) I mean it's just. such. ****.

Obviously I'm giving up on not being rude.


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Nobodies disputing that, I don't need to ask around to know that and I don't know why you thought that was the issue. When I was talking about how baldness is subjective and some people are considered "bald" by others, and some "bald" guys may not be considered bald, you just said that it doesn't matter as we're all going to be bald anyway, that's the negativity from out of nowhere, completely un-related.

My further point from that it you just went "propecia, finasteride etc." and in doing so just dismissed the idea that anyone can actually have hair no matter what they do, which isn't true, you didn't mention hair transplants (even though it's not the only way to grow hair) and I thought you were being negative on purpose.

The main point is, not everyone on here is bald, some of us could be considered bald, some are renowned as bald, and there's even some people with hair as well.


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Hours every day? I've been on here tonight for hours, no doubt, but most days I can't get half an hour on here if at all. Stalker as in waiting for you to post? Check my latest posts, I've been making posts before you came on.

But that was the lamest dodge of lying I've ever seen. You went from saying everyone's bald, to saying everyone will eventually be bald, and it took so much effort from my part to get that, and now you just completely move on to something else.

I don't claim to be better than everyone on here by the way, if you mean just you, then yeah sure, I'm way better.