Great video every guy who's losing their hair should watch


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But H.L., you're the one being stupid. There is literally no connection at all between hair and leading a country. They have nothing to do with each other at all. Or reading the news, or just being on tv in general.

Just as a deformed animal is bullied until it dies, just as kids bully ugly deformed losers, as adults we have these same primal instincts. We mightn't come out and say it the way we did back when we were children, but even as adults we don't want to even look at people with bad acne, with down syndrome, with a hare lip etc. We don't want to be their friend, give them jobs or have sex with them.

Premature baldness falls under this category and to argue that it magically doesn't because..? Well why actually? Do you even give a reason why you think baldness should disqualify you from running a country for a different reason than people just rejecting you because you are deformed and ugly and not anything else? A real reason that you can actually stand over and honestly say you believe?

You know this is true. I'm expecting lots of swearing in your answer because that's what you do when you know you're wrong.

OK even though you don't really deserve a decent answer, I'll give a more thoughtful one than my troll-ish one above.

You're just giving extreme scenarios with loaded questions, so you don't deserve a decent answer to it, much like Fred has done before, and other "realist" posters like swingline, you are making things black and white- either you're president or you're disqualified from life. I am admitting that baldness gives people limitations, such as being president, TV news anchor, presenter, etc. and in making me admit this, you want to use the same logic that baldness omits you from EVERYTHING, when it simply doesn't.

Your "question" is loaded because answering that yes, baldness does limit a persons public persona, means you'll jump to the conclusion that every bald person in society is instantly dismissed, and you're attempting to corner me into the same conclusion, because for some sick reason you want everyone to be as self-deprecating as you.

Because you can't deal with being "2nd choice" in life now doesn't mean that every bald guy is instantly last choice, or "disqualified from life" as you originally put it and you're now slowly backing away from using that phrase. There's an in-between.

So far you've focussed on being president, or being a TV news anchor, jobs that a tiny percentage of any population have an interest or realistic shot of being involved in, but most importantly- jobs that bald guys will struggle to get! What a coincidence! So you use these scenarios that are irrelevant to nearly every person in the job market trying to be successful, and you apply it to everybody, everywhere.

"As a bald man, forget about that assistant supervisor job, if you can't be president or have a feature on CNN then you can't be ANYTHING"- cocohot logic

You are so transparent as in this is all down to your failings at being able to accept something debilitating that is out of your control, that's why you're throwing around these sensationalist statements about being disqualified from life. Nobody is disqualified from life, even a bald guy who's 5'4 and a burns victim, things will always be harder for different people in different circumstances, so I guess it's just sink or swim.

OR swim while whining like a little b**ch all the time about how you're disqualified from life.

There you got your swear word.


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I must interject on one point. Baldness does not disqualify you from being a TV news anchor, President, or other TV roles, at least not here in Ireland.

In Ireland we have bald

TV news reporters


TV Presenters


Chat show hosts


Even the president is bald


Maybe there is less predjudism against bald people in Ireland than in other countries, but here we definitely don't mind putting them in high profile TV roles or positions of power.


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Then there's the BBC's principals Arts Editor, Will Gompertz:


Zero ****s given.


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Let's not forget Bernie Sanders




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Does he really style his hair like that or is it Photoshop?

What a boss.

Yeah he does. Thing is in interviews/reports that I watch of him before I started balding, he always seemed like the happier and most charismatic reporter the BBC had and that genuinely made him a more appealing guy, I think what I say is I didn't give a **** not only about his hair loss but also the fact he has a grown out horseshoe, of all the NW1 reporters at the BBC disposal this guy was one of the best to hear a report from even though it was usually about some **** modern art project, he had a strong passion for his work. Even though he had terrible hair.

So contrary to what many believe on here I think Confidence does play at least a part in public displays, not sure how well this guy did with women though so can't talk for dating.


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Yeah he does. Thing is in interviews/reports that I watch of him before I started balding, he always seemed like the happier and most charismatic reporter the BBC had and that genuinely made him a more appealing guy, I think what I say is I didn't give a **** not only about his hair loss but also the fact he has a grown out horseshoe, of all the NW1 reporters at the BBC disposal this guy was one of the best to hear a report from even though it was usually about some **** modern art project, he had a strong passion for his work. Even though he had terrible hair.

So contrary to what many believe on here I think Confidence does play at least a part in public displays, not sure how well this guy did with women though so can't talk for dating.

Do you give a f*ck about his hair loss now then, since you started balding? Do you view him differently now?


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That's not what I'm saying at all and you know it, they're just evidence for the underlying theory which is

because of these primal instincts, in life, when your face is deformed in any way you are last to be picked at everything. We have something wrong with us. Baldness is not normal therefore we are abnormal. We are not correctly formed or figured therefore we are deformed and disfigured.

If normal jobs were selected on t.v. there would be the same discrimination as with "celebrity" jobs. Get it? If there was a fly-on-the-wall documentary covering sex, friendship and jobs you would see the same discrimination and we know this to be a fact because the "Halo Effect" is scientific consensus. It trickles down everywhere.

Look up the increased risk of heart disease if you think it's just cosmetic, 80% if I remember correctly.

So wait, you actually weren't saying to forget about that assistant supervisor job because the president isn't bald, and then you go on to say that the "president isn't bald" point just proves the underlying theory which means to forget about that assistant supervisor job?

That's exactly what you were saying, I just put it more concisely in a quote. You're totally saying because bald guys won't be president or a news anchor, they should forget about being anything, because as you put it in that re-quote from yourself, we will all just be bullied out of competing anyway. What I'm saying is that there's clearly more positions in life to go for that we can't ALL be last place, there's bald people, fat people, old/older people, bad skin, teeth, nails, body odour, lisps, anxiety, and unfortunately for you and your self-defeatist crap, it's not a world run by tall beautiful people with full heads of hair waiting to bash your baldness.

And then you became a pseudoscientist. There are plenty of fly-on-the-wall documentaries, pretty much any documentary following social interactions, from in work places to reality TV shows, different people of varying degrees of attractiveness assume power and attention because of either their attractiveness or their influential persona, or a mix of both. Does being attractive help? Sure, is it everything? Absolutely not, not even close.

Things have a way of balancing out, and the amount of really good looking people, both men and women, that I've personally known, who are dull as dishwater, from a lifetime beyond adolescence of never really having to try and be funny, interesting, intelligent, and do you think that good looks will eternally get them everywhere? Maybe so far, but when it comes to that promotion and they can still barely use a computer, you can't keep moving them up as the incompetence becomes clearer, as well as their ability to work with those around them.

Also, you don't think there's any resentment from the majority of people (average/unattractive) towards good looking people? No doubt that the Halo effect is indeed scientific consensus in a lot of proven fields, but just because something fits your tiny little agenda don't think that it applies to everything, everywhere, 100% of the time, because you're kidding yourself.


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I never denied that the opposite is true so don't act like I did, if you paid attention you'll see that I completely agreed before that no bald guy, or ugly deformed person, is going to be first choice, I'm agreeing that overall life is harder for the ugly- and disagreeing that generally people want those with baldness and acne to shrivel up and die, I mean would you take a step back and listen to yourself?

I can't believe you profess this **** as if you're so baffled that anyone could even question it, despite the fact it's so god-damn ridiculous.

Short, acne ridden, down syndrome, bald - no one wants to look at you.

So further from that last point, and AGAIN- the majority of people aren't nice to look at, and- not everyone can be last choice. Unless you're living in Monaco or something (well, where even a lot of the old rich dudes look like ****) then there's a lot of people that nobody WANTS to look at, but seeing as most, or at least half of people are completely undesirable, it's mainly a level playing field.

And further to my point before that you side-step because it doesn't fit your agenda, I've seen plenty of young girls and good looking "pretty boys" discriminated against and not taken seriously because of their looks, mainly by bitter older people. A big example is one young girl who was turned down for promotion for being "too much of a cutie pie"- said by a 30 year old former stunner who was losing her looks rapidly, but this woman was more senior than me and despite my subtle pointing out of how crazy that was as a reason, she just made something else up and we moved on. Another example was a team leader who didn't want one guy in particular as an assistant team leader because he would "distract the girls", and the way this guy joked about him all the time there was clearly some bitter resentment there (or mild homoerotic tension).

There is the halo effect, there's also situations that aren't covered by scientific research, I mean it's so annoying! Why can't everything fit inside the nice little box you built coco?! It's awful having to actually consider more than one possibility isn't it?

And where the hell did I say animals and children want anyone to die? You write that as a direct response to me and you just lead into that as if I even mentioned such a thing, and considering how little you wrote that absolute bull**** phrase was like a quarter of your response to me. Don't put words in my mouth again.


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He released a new video the other day of him trying to pick up girls with a bald head. I don't think I've ever seen anything so awkward in all my life. At about the 6.05 mark in the video the confidence that he was trying so hard to pretend he had completely disintegrated like a mirror shattering into a thousand pieces with each piece multiplying the broken image of one that was. The video cuts after he talks to a few girls and he said his battery went but I reckon it was all too much for him and he just couldn't do it anymore.

At the end of the video it is him talking to the camera about what he learned from the experience and he is so exhausted that he can barely get the words out; he said the reason he was so tired is because he spent 8 hours talking to girls but the real reason is that he was trying so hard to pretend he was confident. Nothing is more exhausting than acting.

When I saw the first video I thought he was just some guy trying to get youtube views but now I believe he really does suffer from severe anxiety. He said he didn't even have the confidence to talk to girls when he did have hair. That video was a serious challenge for him. People might not like him but he is all right in my book and I don't think we should hold the fact that he is Muslim against him. I wonder if he read this thread about him with all the pages of people saying he looks like an idiot. I'm sure that helped with his anxiety.


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When I saw the first video I thought he was just some guy trying to get youtube views but now I believe he really does suffer from severe anxiety.

I think it's both, sort of, I mean severe anxiety? People with severe anxiety hate going to small pubs with nobody else in them, they don't like picking up the landline phone because they don't know who will be on the other line.

He probably has less anxiety than most people, he's just as vulnerable as the rest, it's not like he's really fighting through anything here, he's just finding 8 hours of talking to women in public exhausting, like anyone else would, including most genuinely confident guys unless they have heaps of boundless energy.

As for his adolescence, I mean did many guys in high school walk up to chicks and just start straight ballin'? **** no, that's terrifying for like, 95% of guys, especially if she's with friends or your friends are looking, it's a recipe for disaster.


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Well the halo effect is a scientific fact. Those little speed bumps you listed won't effect them long term because they have such a massive tail wind behind them pushing them forward.

Did you just come straight from the Fred School of Ignorance? You take your little study, and you take a situation I've described which you know nothing about, and you write with absolute certainty that you know the outcome, which makes you look totally stupid. The Halo effect has resulted in attractive people, on average, earning 3-4% more in salary than unattractive people (not even those considered "average", but particularly ugly or overweight people). So without a doubt it's unfair, but you make it sound so much more extreme than what it is, the beautiful people are earning about a fortnight's work more than ugly people, and you're acting as if ugly people are doomed to the company basement and thrown the fish heads. Again, you need to take a deep breath, take a big step back, and really examine how much you're claiming baldness or ugliness effects people, in reality, just, return to reality. Please.

I called you a pseudoscientist not because you're talking pseudoscience, but because you don't know how to apply scientific studies, you don't know the basis of them, how often they apply, the scenarios in which they apply, as I just wrote about 3-4% you don't know the extent to which they apply, you just read some vague click-bait article on gawker and go "oh that sounds like it fits my worldly view! I think I'll apply it to ****ING EVERTHING!!! Now my ****ed up thoughts are 'backed by scientific research!' "

Have you ever worked in different offices? Have you seen a boardroom? Or have you always been on the dole? I keep re-iterating this point and I'll make it clearer; where the **** are all these beautiful people ending up? Because I can tell you from my experience of being part of and visiting different companies, there is no high correlation of attractive people in power, simply because attractive people are rare, successful competent people are also rare, having someone who is both somewhat attractive and at least passably competent at doing a job (which doesn't take much, even in high positions) is very rare. Maybe we do want to hire hot people, but a lot of people aren't competent to move up in a job, and this includes a lot of hot people.

We may not instinctively like ugly people, but we have no choice, most people are ugly really.

And thanks for another one of your "Just a fact"'s there, I really wonder how your sociological and philisophical standpoints haven't been published yet. You're going way, way off course here when you talk about our animal instinct to want others to die, our brain has a filter that stops such thoughts (eventually) and promotes our self-preservation and evolutionary need to be compassionate in order to prosper, what you're talking about is the un-developed passivity in children towards death and wanting others to die.

Those primal instincts never fully disappear, of course not, but in an evolved and ethical society we learn to control these in an attempt to gain some sort of moral justice. As 3-4% shows, we will never control it completely, but what you're suggesting generally is close to being literally insane, I just can't have any respect for it.


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Am I the only one who skims through H.I' posts, let alone ever reads?

experience trumps your theories. Shave your head into a horse shoe, and go put your theories to a test.

uncomfortable man

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Yes, hair loss comes off as an antaganistic know it all who seems to get off on knit picking certain members here. Each camp is asserting their own view while reserving their exceptions. Yes, many people are prejudice against bald people but I never said EVERYONE is. While he never denied the existance of a baldness stigma, he insists those who follow it are the minority. Great, at that juncture we are just arguing percentages. The point is that there are people suffering enough from hairloss without hair loss questioning and actively trying to trivialize that suffering.


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Am I the only one who skims through H.I' posts, let alone ever reads?

yup. walls of text just arguing for the sake of it. along with a few others


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Your 3-4% wage stats ignore all the other aspects of the halo effect. It covers not just work, but sex and friendship too. Not to mention a myriad of other important areas such as your grades in school etc which you deliberately ignore. Here's an example of a study on wikipedia showing how powerful the halo effect is:

It's now becoming clear that you don't even understand the main point of the Halo effect, and your reading comprehension is useless. That wikipedia quote said how people assume that beautiful people are happier, more successful, have better relationships and families, it did not say that it's a fact they do, there's no way of proving such a thing. Just because people assume that beautiful people have perfect lives doesn't mean anything in reality, that's the actual "Halo effect", not just viewing beautiful people in a better light, but assuming they must live better lives, and you are living proof of the Halo effect by the fact you think they actually live perfect lives in comparison with ugly people. You're the worst case of it.

Your reading comprehension sucks because the quote simply says that those interviewed think that beautiful people have a perfect life in all ways, and somehow you managed to read this as "studies show that beautiful people have great sex, happy families, 6 figure salaries, yachts" I mean for christ sake. How do you make that mistake? Or did you just want to?

I didn't deliberately leave anything out, you mentioned how they are way, way more successful, and I have a statistic that proves otherwise, the difference is minor, neither me or you have anything to prove when it comes to friendship, sex, or anything else.

So when I bring some scientific research to the table that disproves what you said about success, what do you do? Divert to something else.

Am I the only one who skims through H.I' posts, let alone ever reads?

experience trumps your theories. Shave your head into a horse shoe, and go put your theories to a test.

I don't care if everyone's reading, if someone's writing bull**** I respond to them directly so they can read it, I don't want an audience and I really don't expect people to read the amount of stuff I write. I write so I'm expressing myself fully to the person I'm disagreeing with.

And I did use my experience, and my experience is that from working in different companies and seeing dozens of people who are promoted or more powerful, a lot of them are vastly unattractive or average looking.

What theories am I putting to the test by doing that? Do you even know what you're talking about?

Yes, hair loss comes off as an antaganistic know it all who seems to get off on knit picking certain members here. Each camp is asserting their own view while reserving their exceptions. Yes, many people are prejudice against bald people but I never said EVERYONE is. While he never denied the existance of a baldness stigma, he insists those who follow it are the minority. Great, at that juncture we are just arguing percentages. The point is that there are people suffering enough from hairloss without hair loss questioning and actively trying to trivialize that suffering.

I can't remember us debating about that so I can't be sure, but definitely in the past Fred and others (now cocohot) have insisted EVERYONE is, I apologise if I lumped you in with them. I'm not trivialising people's suffering and their self-esteem, I'm going through that myself and everyone reacts differently, better or worse. But what I always actively trivialise is the extreme exaggerations over how hair loss is viewed socially, that actually does piss me off.

To see it another way, I think people suffer enough in their own personal trauma, without coming on here to be lectured that they are useless and born to be un-successful and un-desirable to anyone, ever. Cocohot, Fred, and other "realists" insist that this is the ultimate irrefutable truth, and have nothing to back it up, so they drum up things like the Halo effect and don't just apply it where it actually effects people, but go one further and insist that it effects everyone, all of the time, in every situation.

I don't know if you've been reading cocohot's comments throughout but it's basically; if you are bald- don't ever expect to be successful, have sex, friendships, and don't have an ugly family because you'll all be unhappy and it's unfair on your children. He literally said that everyone instinctively wants to bully bald people and don't care if they die.

So you perceive what I'm saying to have the most devastating impact on hair loss sufferers here? Right...

I'm never short of putting things in perspective, I don't trivialise anyone's personal suffering, all I'm debating against are those who insist that society collectively hates bald people, because in turn that only makes people's personal suffering even worse- including my own. I don't believe the extreme **** that people like Fred and cocohot spew, so I'm not just going to sit here and watch them do it.


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It's now becoming clear that you don't even understand the main point of the Halo effect, and your reading comprehension is useless. That wikipedia quote said how people assume that beautiful people are happier, more successful, have better relationships and families, it did not say that it's a fact they do, there's no way of proving such a thing. Just because people assume that beautiful people have perfect lives doesn't mean anything in reality, that's the actual "Halo effect", not just viewing beautiful people in a better light, but assuming they must live better lives, and you are living proof of the Halo effect by the fact you think they actually live perfect lives in comparison with ugly people. You're the worst case of it.

howdy howdy....

Actually it is a proven study that beautiful people on average are more successful than non. The above is just one study Ive read over the years.
But this doesnt mean a better life or relationship.
Id say what it might mean is IF you ARE beautiful and the relationship you're in sucks you have more opportunities to change that through finding a new person faster or just having an affair.
Theres to many variables to lump everyone in as one. Id say though if you have two people an attractive and unattractive person with the same credentials and drive going for it all..... ON AVERAGE the more attractive person usually wins out. Its nature.
But then again you could have a bald tall lean 6-4 guy and a NW1 whos 5-6 but great looking and the tall fit more intimidating guy will prob win out. I think a lot of us build these scenarios as "us" competing with another "us" just with hair and its never truly that.
By the way my repair hair transplant went fine, in case anyone was wondering. I was sort of going through some personal stuff and deliberately steering away from this forum while I sorted through some stuff.
Prob still going to keep some distance but decided to stop in and see if anything changed (its didnt lol) and this last 2 pages caught my eyes.

I still stand that a lot can be "patched up" maybe not fully fixed with some elbow grease and drive but in the end "it is what it is" and continuously pummeling yourself into massive depression and defeat will only lead to a bald, broke, early, lonesome death like my pops.

Its okay to get pissed or angry and think the entire world is against you or all guys who have shiny heads and its fine to come here and vent but to many people find once they realize there are others out there with the same mindset constantly spiraling is WAY to easy. Its like 2 serial killers finding each other.

life is craps, sometimes you roll a 7 sometimes snake eyes, most of the time its just a 4 or 5 and you keep rolling