Gym shooter hadn't had sex in 20 years


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This is the top story here in the states. George Sodini, 49, killed 3 and wounded 9 in an aerobics class shooting in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night. It was a random shooting targeting women.

His journals go on and on about his miserable life of isolation and that he has not had sex in 20 years. Some of these rantings sound eerily similar to the stuff that's been posted here recently....

I think this goes to show what long term negativity and isolation can do to you.

Here are some entries (link to full PDF below)

"No girlfriend since 1984. Who knows why. I am not ugly or too weird. No sex since July 1990 either (I was 29). Over eighteen years ago. And did it maybe only 50-75 times in my life. Getting to think that a woman now would just, uh, get in the way of things. Isolated. I know nothing will change, no matter how hard I try or what goals I set."

"I dress good , am clean-shaven, bathe, touch of cologne - yet 30 million women rejected me - over an 18 to 25-year period. That is how I see it. Thirty million is my rough guesstimate of how many desirable single women there are. A man needs a woman for confidence. He gets a boost on the job, career, with other men, and everywhere else when he knows inside he has someone to spend the night with and who is alo a friend. This type of life I see is a closed world with me specifically and totally excluded. Every other guy does this successfully to a degree. Flying solo for many years is a destroyer."

"I know I will never enjoy life. This is an over 30 year trend. Some people are happy, some are miserable. It is difficult to love almost continuously feeling an undercurrent of fear, worry, discontentment and helplessness. I can talk and joke around and sound happy but under it all is something different that seems unchangable and a permanent part of my being. I need to realize the details of what I never accomplished in life and to be convinced the future is merely a continuation of the past - WHICH IT ALWAYS has been."

You can download the whole journal here - ... sodini.pdf

Here is the latest on the guy - ... etail.html


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treeshrew said:
This is the top story here in the states. George Sodini, 49, killed 3 and wounded 9 in an aerobics class shooting in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night. It was a random shooting targeting women.

His journals go on and on about his miserable life of isolation and that he has not had sex in 20 years. Some of these rantings sound eerily similar to the stuff that's been posted here recently....

I think this goes to show what long term negativity and isolation can do to you.

Here are some entries (link to full PDF below)

"No girlfriend since 1984. Who knows why. I am not ugly or too weird. No sex since July 1990 either (I was 29). Over eighteen years ago. And did it maybe only 50-75 times in my life. Getting to think that a woman now would just, uh, get in the way of things. Isolated. I know nothing will change, no matter how hard I try or what goals I set."

"I dress good , am clean-shaven, bathe, touch of cologne - yet 30 million women rejected me - over an 18 to 25-year period. That is how I see it. Thirty million is my rough guesstimate of how many desirable single women there are. A man needs a woman for confidence. He gets a boost on the job, career, with other men, and everywhere else when he knows inside he has someone to spend the night with and who is alo a friend. This type of life I see is a closed world with me specifically and totally excluded. Every other guy does this successfully to a degree. Flying solo for many years is a destroyer."

"I know I will never enjoy life. This is an over 30 year trend. Some people are happy, some are miserable. It is difficult to love almost continuously feeling an undercurrent of fear, worry, discontentment and helplessness. I can talk and joke around and sound happy but under it all is something different that seems unchangable and a permanent part of my being. I need to realize the details of what I never accomplished in life and to be convinced the future is merely a continuation of the past - WHICH IT ALWAYS has been."

You can download the whole journal here - ... sodini.pdf

Here is the latest on the guy - ... etail.html

NW1s will be shot by a mad man on these forums.


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I really feel bad for some of the people on here after reading that. This guy didn't even have BDD or hair loss - but he was still absolutely convinced that he was a loser. It must be doubly hard for some of you guys who have that mentality+BDD.

I know a lot of you probably share his mindset though, and that's a very dangerous place to be - to yourself and others. This guy was NOT bad looking and came across as intelligent in his blog. So in other words, he created his own personal hell. Much like many on here.

Nashville Hairline

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Suffice to say, as with a lot of these sorts of things, that getting laid was probably the least of his problems.

Curious as to why the mass public shooting is such a US phenomenon. I mean there have been occasional cases in the Uk and Germany in the last few years but it seems a lot more frequent in the US.


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This guys elevator obviously didn't reach the top floor. He wasn't a bad looking guy at all, so it must have been his approach that turned women off. That or he was hitting on supermodels all the time.

uncomfortable man

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The guy probably had an over-idealized image of what his perfect woman is, then being exposed to the reality and the constant rejection cultured a deep seeded hatred of women. He vilified them.


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Nashville Hairline said:
Suffice to say, as with a lot of these sorts of things, that getting laid was probably the least of his problems.

Curious as to why the mass public shooting is such a US phenomenon. I mean there have been occasional cases in the Uk and Germany in the last few years but it seems a lot more frequent in the US.

Really, the UK ? I don't think there have been any 'mass' shootings. Correct me if im wrong though. There are gang-related shootings but never anything like this.

I guess it might be a big phenomenon partly due to the fact that people are legally allowed to buy guns there !

Also I think it comes down to statistics. In a massive country with a lot of people, there are always going to be a few loons around, its just part and parcel of life.

Yep, as others have said, the fact that he hadn't had sex for 20 years can't exactly be held as the problem here. He was a loony who probably had a messed up childhood, plain and simple.

epictetus said:
I'm 32 and have never had sex. While I understand the loneliness and despair that would drive one to suicide, I can't understand taking another life.

Seroiusly ? Get out there man. Why not start with a few less then average girls just to build your confidence up? I think the worldwide average of lifetime sexual partners is like 10 anyway so with a bit of dedication to the matter you would catch up quickly. I have always thought that sex once a month(obvoiusly unless you already have a gf/ or sexual partner) at least would be an ideal target (not that I have achieved this myself, but as a general bar I think it would be feasible). I havnt had any for coming up to a year myself( Im 20).

I would say for me its partly due to my hair loss and low self esteem/depression(suprise suprise!) and also relating to that; low sexual libido. Although I think about sex - I am just not that motivated to go all the way with a female. When it happens it happens type thing..But if you stick with that attitude, then not much happens I dont think! Unless you are a celebrity/rockstair/v.popular etc.


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treeshrew said:
This is the top story here in the states. George Sodini, 49, killed 3 and wounded 9 in an aerobics class shooting in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night. It was a random shooting targeting women.

His journals go on and on about his miserable life of isolation and that he has not had sex in 20 years. Some of these rantings sound eerily similar to the stuff that's been posted here recently....

Sad. And he targets the ones who are trying to improve themselves. Maybe if he'd targeted fat ones instead, they'd workout more and we'd have more hot ones to choose from.

Basically, he killed them because they have standards. But so does he, since that is why he is upset. And lets not forget the hot guys he had to compete with. Yep. He did not think that one out well.

Probably shooting for models when he is a 7 or 8. Who knows.

Now if you don't have a girlfriend, they can take away your guns.


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CCS I saw this story and thought of you. (seriously)


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Really, the UK ? I don't think there have been any 'mass' shootings. Correct me if im wrong though. There are gang-related shootings but never anything like this.

May I refer you to this:

Not meaning to enter into a debate but the legality of gun ownership doesn't really explain it as Canada has pretty similar laws yet far far less gun crime occurs there.

I'm moving over to America from the UK at the end of the month. Slightly worried about somebody popping a cap in my ***.


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s.a.f said:
CCS I saw this story and thought of you. (seriously)

I was originally going to post this thinking the same thing, and also because it happened in my area.

But just read this from his blog:

July 23, 2009:


I just looked out my front window and saw a beautiful college-age girl leave Bob Fox's house, across the street. I guess he got a good lay today. College girls are ----. I masturbate. Frequently. He is about 45 years old. She was a long haired, hot little hottie with a beautiful bod. I masturbate. Frequently. Some were simply meant to walk a lonely path in life. I don't usually look out, but just happened to notice. Holy ----. I have masturbated since age 13. Thanks, mum and brother (by blood alone). And dad, old man, for TOTALLY ignoring me through the years. All of you DEEPLY helped me be this way.

I wish I can go back to 1975 and fix things. Awe, that wont work, big BULLY BROTHER would assert his ----. He was twice my size. He never messed with guys bigger than 5'10, or so. He is a ---- at heart. Remember, Michael is my brother (we have common parents, that's all) is still a BOSS. Repetition only for emphasis: HE IS ONLY A BULLY, even at 50ish! Never forget that! Because he exudes confidence. People believe ---- if delivered WITH CONFIDENCE. Get it??

On the same thought, things occured to me today. Michael NEVER had an attractive girlfriend. Debbie, Barb, Kim, ... then I lost track. Not to say I had any (execpt Pam, who was about a 7.25). He married a Chinese-descent, petite woman with no body, no ----, no chest and no personality. She never laughs or smiles, neither does he. But she is highly intelligent and an excellent cook. I can testify to that! She home bakes her own DELICIOUS wheat bread! But who cares about that type of small bull crap? Mike even mentioned when we were visiting dad that "she's not very attractive".

I don't know where I am going with this. I am getting tired, feels good to write and get it all out.

On still another thought, I had 20+ years of sobriety and achieved nothing about friendships, girlfriends, guys, etc. Zilch. What a waste.

Bye, for today.


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wow...what a tragedy. Hopefully this can make some people realize how powerful the mind is when it comes to thinking negatively....this guy saw himself as cursed...clearly from a physical standpoint there was nothing wrong with him at all...but due to past experiences as a child he developed a severe inferiority complex and came to see himself as inadequate...that likely projected onto most of his interactions with women...leading to rejection and furthering his own belief...

Point is...ANYBODY can convince themselves they are worthless because of something and will live their lives as if this belief is fact....even normal looking Norwood 1's....the bald guys who feel so bad on this site are IMO a big example of this...while I'm not saying baldness doesn't suck...I think this tragedy shows how important a positive mindset and good social skills are compared to lack of hair....baldness is at the very worst a minor disadvantage if you take care of other areas in your life...but chronic low self esteem and poor social skills are is those two reasons alone (mainly the self esteem because it seemed like he could fake it well enough in some social settings) that this man ended up where he is.

and rather than having the mindset that "it sucks even worse for a bald guy because his problem is real on top of having the mental issues"...I think its important to realize the separation between the two. I mean, if you're a bald guy but you also have low self esteem and think theres something wrong with you (even if you're convinced its because of baldness) then that WILL lead to major problems, much worse than just hairloss alone....and it then becomes easy to blame hairloss...this guy didn't know what exactly was wrong with him, he was just convinced he was cursed...a bald guy such as U-man will think "whats wrong with me?"...take a look around...see the fact that hes bald and then go "yeah..theres my problem..its because I'm bald."...then that starts the spiral

uncomfortable man

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I'm surprised at how good he looks for his age. It's obvious that his mental disorder is what kept him from getting laid, not his looks. He probably had alot of opportunities with women and sabotaged them to further his own insanity.


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uncomfortable man said:
I'm surprised at how good he looks for his age. It's obvious that his mental disorder is what kept him from getting laid, not his looks. He probably had alot of opportunities with women and sabotaged them to further his own insanity.

He looks like a lizzard.

Nashville Hairline

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Mr_T said:
Really, the UK ? I don't think there have been any 'mass' shootings. Correct me if im wrong though. There are gang-related shootings but never anything like this.

May I refer you to this:

Not meaning to enter into a debate but the legality of gun ownership doesn't really explain it as Canada has pretty similar laws yet far far less gun crime occurs there.

I'm moving over to America from the UK at the end of the month. Slightly worried about somebody popping a cap in my ***.
Yes and there was also this case:

so its not unheard of in the UK..but in the US it just seems to much more common. I'm tempted to say its about access to guns but as mentioned Canada has similar gun laws but doesn't have the problem. Hmm.

uncomfortable man

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Because Americans are brainwashed, fuckt in the head. Haven't my stories taught you anything? This shooter is a byproduct of this fuckt up culture. This culture encourages insanity. Don't be surprised when it backfires and bites you in the *** from time to time.


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Sadly I had his mindset for about 2 years and now I am slowly recovering from it.

To say though that tougher guns laws are gonna help is a farce, the guy was gonna kill someone whether it be with guns or his bare hands.

What needed to be help was his way of thinking and sadly the only way that works is if he wanted to be help and realize that advice might have holes in it but there is no such thing as sound advice.


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I always hoped that the superficial, vapid culture you see in American television series was just a stereotype / "put on", I do hope it's not really like that, for all of the US members sanity.

You can see that it has already damaged CCS's mind (probably beyond repair.)

We do have some people in the UK who only see other people as a score out of 10, but those people are generally considered "creepy"; the behaviour isn't lauded or normal.

Something to take note of CCS, as people have already said, your lack of luck with women isn't down to your looks, I bet you come off to people as creepy, just like this guy probably did. I see it all the time, I know a 5'5", 15+ stone NW6 guy (seriously) who is fine with women. He doesn't get the bleached blonde "health and beauty" clones, but then he doesn't want that type of girl (neither do I) He does it because he's a funny guy to be around, and he doesn't worry about whether he minoxed his eyebrows before going out.

This dude's blog is scarily similar to CCS's ramblings and it gives us an insight into CCS's mind.