Gym shooter hadn't had sex in 20 years


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rheinblick03......whats wrong with ur head????? do you want me to fu*k your mama so you have a father figure??


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i also think dudemon has a warped perception of "the gym". i am a skinny dude, with no reason to be lifting weights, but my experience has always been that the "buff" dudes there respect that you are trying. the fact you show up to better yourself, regardless of body type, commands respect.

the most fascinating part of this story for me is that this guy WAS NOT bad looking. this goes to show that rejection is not purely based on physical qualities.

i truly believe, even for the ones dealt the sh*t genetics cards (like me), attraction is 50/50 - half looks, half personality. this tragedy proves that the mental negativity can control even attractive guys.

this story has inspired me to embrace a more positive outlook on life, despite the bad hand i was dealt.

uncomfortable man

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I saw his GF thread so I popped in after he jumped into my thread spewing all this aggression at me. I spoke my mind, like I always do. IDC, the balls in his court. He hasn't bothered to reply since.... :whistle:


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Hope4hairRedux said:
Oknow said:
Yeah I can imagine, my uncle who lives in LAs tells me they are like that. Man the US sounds like such a shallow superficial place. Wouldn't like to live there.

However, it is globally known that better looking people are treated better by others. So to a certian extent, the balder and less good looking we become, the worse we are treated or noticed.It doesnt matter if its in the UK or the US in that sense. So I reckon that fully bald or badly balding guys in the UK who dont have an overall good look will probably suffer and be treated slightly worse then normal - but this is just life I am afraid.














Hair makes a difference, yes. But a lot of their attraction comes from their actual facial features which remain unchanged. Being bald imo emphasies your facial features. If you are ugly to begin with, those features will come out more and vice versa.


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OMG! Zidane is not bald! He has a hairline that FRAMES HIS FACE! ARGH, Don't you get it! He has the equivalent of a full head of hair because there is STUBBLE! WTF, don't you see! There is a shadow of tiny stubble dots on his head and it makes all the difference between him being a 10 with it, and a 4 without it! Agassi on the other hand is fully bald and he looks repulsive, repugnant and completely not normal compared to the rest of the population..alas...this is the fate that every single bald man in the world suffers. People will point, persecute, shun, attack, hurt and eventually kill all those who are Norwood 5 and above...its the fate of the bald men...

OK but sarcastic Uman/HatPrisoner/Dudemon rant're right....if you have a nice face, losing your hair will not completely kill your looks...a nice body helps too, and a low body fat will make your face look its best...

I'm telling you people..there are guys out there like Ami James, Jason Statham, Daughtry and Billy Zane who women find to be as attractive as good looking guys with hair...the bald head is just another "look" which compliments their facial maybe a greater percentage of women would find them more attractive with hair...but that doesn't eliminate the ones who find them just as good looking without hair.

Its also important to realize that being "the only guy" who is bald isn't necessarily a bad thing if you can make it work for you...standing out can be a very good thing if you're the kind of guy who can handle it.


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Oknow said:
Hope4hairRedux said:
Oknow said:
Yeah I can imagine, my uncle who lives in LAs tells me they are like that. Man the US sounds like such a shallow superficial place. Wouldn't like to live there.

However, it is globally known that better looking people are treated better by others. So to a certian extent, the balder and less good looking we become, the worse we are treated or noticed.It doesnt matter if its in the UK or the US in that sense. So I reckon that fully bald or badly balding guys in the UK who dont have an overall good look will probably suffer and be treated slightly worse then normal - but this is just life I am afraid.














Hair makes a difference, yes. But a lot of their attraction comes from their actual facial features which remain unchanged. Being bald imo emphasies your facial features. If you are ugly to begin with, those features will come out more and vice versa.

Seriously man, first of, yes there are exceptions. Im not saying every bald man is condemned to a life of having no attractiveness or or sex appeal. SOME do ok. But MOST dont.

Agassi is the only 'real' bald guy there. And yes, he looks good if not great bald. But the others, they just arent bald man.

Yes Zidane has lost quite a bit of hair, but he still has a lot on the front of his head, where it matters imo. I guess Zidane has a good head shape for male pattern baldness anyway so even if he did lose his stubble on his head he would still look good.

As for Beckham, come on man, he isnt bald at all. Thats a buzzed head full of hair, dont be ridiculous. IMO I reckon in contrast to Zidane, Beckham wouldnt look so good bald. Not terrible, but he would lose a lot of his good looks.

Agassi is an example of a guy that is very lucky, Zidane isnt 'bald' bald, and Beckham isnt at all. In my day to day life, I see lots of bald guys, and I have seen enough to realise that most just dont look good at all. To be fair, a lot of these guys could look better if they payed more attention to their overall health and look, however the realization that most DONT sport baldness well is enough to make the thought depressing. I would say 80% of bald men just dont have much attractivness at all.

One last thing, all these 3 guys have one thing in common. They are all professional sportsman. They work out like crazy, and are basically very fit and healthy. This I feel is the only way to look good bald, you have to make sure you have that athletic fit look to you.

uncomfortable man

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qball01 said:
He has the equivalent of a full head of hair because there is STUBBLE!
I never said it was equivalent to a full head of hair, but it is obviously better than being totally bald (by your own admission as well q). Forget Beckham, look at the difference between Zindane and Agasi. Although Zindane doesn't functionally have a full head of hair he looks much better than Agasi because he at least has something up there to keep his forehead in check and yes, frame his face. That is the only problem with baldness IMO, is how it distorts the proportions of your face when your forehead extends to the back of your head. Even the real handsome ones who are bald could always look better if they had that hairline again. Very few people actually look better that way so it is obviously the which you try to paint the exception as a commonplace reality when it isn't. Loosing that frame does detract from most peoples attractiveness level, weather you refuse to believe it or not.


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uncomfortable man said:
qball01 said:
He has the equivalent of a full head of hair because there is STUBBLE!
I never said it was equivalent to a full head of hair, but it is obviously better than being totally bald (by your own admission as well q). Forget Beckham, look at the difference between Zindane and Agasi. Although Zindane doesn't functionally have a full head of hair he looks much better than Agasi because he at least has something up there to keep his forehead in check and yes, frame his face. That is the only problem with baldness IMO, is how it distorts the proportions of your face when your forehead extends to the back of your head. Even the real handsome ones who are bald could always look better if they had that hairline again. Very few people actually look better that way so it is obviously the which you try to paint the exception as a commonplace reality when it isn't. Loosing that frame does detract from most peoples attractiveness level, weather you refuse to believe it or not.

firstly, I disagree about Agassi and Zidane...I don't see THAT much of a difference. You lose the majority of the benefits that hair offers when you buzz it that short while the hairline stubble factor is NOTICEABLE I don't think being fully bald will detract in such a large long as the face is still nice to begin with, then it won't kill you.

and more importantly...regarding this whole trivial matter I'll ask you this...are you honestly convinced if you had a bit more hair on your head but could still only buzz it to a 0 guard at most (like Zidane) that your life would be noticeably different and that people would pay you so much more respect?...even if you still felt bad about the fact you could only buzz your hair and not grow it out? I'm not talking about a FULL head of hair...I'm talking about f*****g stubble..are you really convinced you'd be living it up like the main man pimp you wish you could be if you only had a bit of stubble?

I mean are you not able to convince yourself your life could still be great today even as a Norwood 6 if you approached things from a different outlook? Can you really not believe that could be possible? You simply can't attribute the importance of a person's personality and how they handle things to the outcome of their life? You're implying that ANY bald man's life just stops after he becomes bald? When are you going to start isolating YOUR problem with being bald from baldness itself...when are you going to acknowledge that is a much bigger problem for YOU than it is a lot of other bald men? When do YOU take accountability for your own shortcomings in life and not just blame it all on f*****g baldness? Can you really not acknowledge that theres even a tiny chance that although baldness does may be using it as an excuse for your own inadequacy?

uncomfortable man

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Well by the same token, everything is relative. HP has said before that if he had my amount of hair loss then he would be happier. Functionally, I don't see much difference between myself and him, just like you don't see much difference between Agasi and Zindane. But I WOULD feel much better about how I looked even if I had as faint a reference to a hairline as Zindane has, because it is more than I have now. I guess it all depends on where you're coming from and what you're used to. Maybe I overestimate the effect it would have on my life, but don't underestimate how even a little improvement can make one feel better about themselves and that can have a HUGE ripple effect.


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This is way more than a 'bit of stubble'. He buzzes it down because he has lost more in the middle and crown. But from this angle and on in his sides, he still has a decent amount of hair, enough to properly frame his face. The problem is, and where real male pattern baldness problems start is when you start to lose your hair on the front. Its what 'boxes' and frames your face and make you good looking.

However Zidane would probably look alright bald, but he arabic anyway I think. He has slightly darker skin and complexion then most guys and a good head shape, with not to much fat on it.


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believe me...I acknowledge that fully U-man...but my point is...if a hairline isnt an option, are you just gonna sit back and sulk? Why can't you try and get that "little change" from other places? Do you workout? What if you hit the gym, toned up a bit...grew a bit of a beard and then went the whole 9 and bic'd your head regularly instead of just buzzing it (which to me, much like the hairline to you...makes a pretty big difference)? Those are small things but they could definitely achieve a small noticeable change which could get things going in a positive direction...what about a job/career path? These are all things that could motivate you positively but my point just seem intent on sulking, and thats why I think a lot of it IS in your head and you use it as an excuse. You think people HATE you JUST for being bald...but are you much of a real man to begin with in the first place? Because I can tell you...a real man would say to himself..."even though baldness SUCKS and pisses me off....I literally CANNOT let it affect my life to the point where living becomes a negative experience." I just think you don't seem to be doing much to change and you seem familiar and comfortable with thinking with the mindset you have. I mean its not even like you're a bad looking bald guy..based on your pic you seem completely normal, hair or not...but you don't let ANY positives register.

I just think you should give some merit to what I, and others have told you...people DO create worlds that are mostly in their heads because it coincides with their beliefs. You believe you're inferior...and you use baldness as the basis for your inferiority...I mean can you not give any of what I've said credit?

and Hope 4 Hair...the little bit of frontal hair does not determine your looks man...FACE shape, bodyfat, eyes, chin, jaw...etc. THAT determines the majority of how good looking you are....Billy Zane, Bruce Willis Ami James, Gabe KApler Daughtry, etc. Those are just a few BALD guys who look better than a lot of Norwood 1's despite no hair. You guys give way too much credit to this "hairline frames the face" talk...having no hairline won't destroy the way you look if you look good to begin with. And if you give it that much importance, then grow some facial hair...that adds some character to your face, essentially "framing it" and takes the attention off the forehead.

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, I rely on that beard stubble to define other features. I've had someone say to me once that my head looks upside down. That is when I flipped him off upside down, but I look TOO naked when I shave my face down to the skin. I said something positive not too long ago that is in the same vein as what you are saying. I'll have to dig it up. A positive attitude won't guarantee success, neither does good looks alone SO, you might not get as far as the stud even if you adopt a positive attitude, but you will certainly get farther than you would have if you harbor negative beliefs...or something like that. How does that tickle you?


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uncomfortable man said:
Well by the same token, everything is relative. HP has said before that if he had my amount of hair loss then he would be happier. Functionally, I don't see much difference between myself and him, just like you don't see much difference between Agasi and Zindane. But I WOULD feel much better about how I looked even if I had as faint a reference to a hairline as Zindane has, because it is more than I have now. I guess it all depends on where you're coming from and what you're used to. Maybe I overestimate the effect it would have on my life, but don't underestimate how even a little improvement can make one feel better about themselves and that can have a HUGE ripple effect.

People always want what they can't have, that's the problem with the world.

In the same way that I would want to be a NW0 again instead of a NW1. Indeed, it's all relative.


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uncomfortable man said:
A positive attitude won't guarantee success, neither does good looks alone SO, you might not get as far as the stud even if you adopt a positive attitude, but you will certainly get farther than you would have if you harbor negative beliefs...or something like that. How does that tickle you?

Time and time again from reading your posts you continiously compare yourself to studs. What is the point?

Why dont you just accept that you are not that guy, like loads of guys arent "that guy". Instead of comparing yourself to others, why don't you just work on emphasising your BEST traits that you have now. This is why I don't get some of your viewpoints.

You should be proud that you are "Uncomfortable Man" rather then some Ken Barbie doll who has life on a silver platter. I mean you may think they have it easy, yeah materialistically they may do, but beyond their looks they have no f*****g substance a lot of them because they won't have to work as hard for success. And with that in mind, it is hardly surprising that most powerful, influential people in the world - from great scientists, businessmen to polticians are normally ugly, balding/bald men. Heck' even many hair transplant surgeons like Rassman are bald! And before you go into "oh I am bald, I can't be a success" arguement, history has shown time and time again that IT can be done, just open up any textbook, loads of pioneers were BALD men.

Difference between them and you, is that they wanted to be a success, and instead of their looks they rely on their brain and intellect to define who they are as a person.

If you can show people that you have real gritty substance, you will command respect from men and women alike, even if at first they will have their misconceptions about you based on the way you look.


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Since when is Rassman bald. He has a receding hairline but I would not say he is bald. He has never had a transplant himself.


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DoctorHouse said:
Since when is Rassman bald. He has a receding hairline but I would not say he is bald. He has never had a transplant himself.

On the balding blog he wrote that he had a transplant.


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Can you show me the link where he mentions he had one because I don't remember him mentioning he did.


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I would consider him balding, not bald.