Oknow said:
Hope4hairRedux said:
Oknow said:
Yeah I can imagine, my uncle who lives in LAs tells me they are like that. Man the US sounds like such a shallow superficial place. Wouldn't like to live there.
However, it is globally known that better looking people are treated better by others. So to a certian extent, the balder and less good looking we become, the worse we are treated or noticed.It doesnt matter if its in the UK or the US in that sense. So I reckon that fully bald or badly balding guys in the UK who dont have an overall good look will probably suffer and be treated slightly worse then normal - but this is just life I am afraid.
Hair makes a difference, yes. But a lot of their attraction comes from their actual facial features which remain unchanged. Being bald imo emphasies your facial features. If you are ugly to begin with, those features will come out more and vice versa.
Seriously man, first of, yes there are exceptions. Im not saying every bald man is condemned to a life of having no attractiveness or or sex appeal. SOME do ok. But MOST dont.
Agassi is the only 'real' bald guy there. And yes, he looks good if not great bald. But the others, they just arent bald man.
Yes Zidane has lost quite a bit of hair, but he still has a lot on the front of his head, where it matters imo. I guess Zidane has a good head shape for male pattern baldness anyway so even if he did lose his stubble on his head he would still look good.
As for Beckham, come on man, he isnt bald at all. Thats a buzzed head full of hair, dont be ridiculous. IMO I reckon in contrast to Zidane, Beckham wouldnt look so good bald. Not terrible, but he would lose a lot of his good looks.
Agassi is an example of a guy that is very lucky, Zidane isnt 'bald' bald, and Beckham isnt at all. In my day to day life, I see lots of bald guys, and I have seen enough to realise that most just dont look good at all. To be fair, a lot of these guys could look better if they payed more attention to their overall health and look, however the realization that most DONT sport baldness well is enough to make the thought depressing. I would say 80% of bald men just dont have much attractivness at all.
One last thing, all these 3 guys have one thing in common. They are all professional sportsman. They work out like crazy, and are basically very fit and healthy. This I feel is the only way to look good bald, you have to make sure you have that athletic fit look to you.