The main thing I've had to accept is that trying to stop male pattern baldness by purely systemic health improvement is an "uphill" battle, hence I am considering bigger guns(finasteride, min). That really did hurt, because every aspect of my life has improved as a result of improving general health. I put "uphill" between quotation marks, because supporting and enhancing general physiological function should be a primary focus in anyone's life anyway, IMO, as the resulting shift in neurophysiology is a much more direct path to happiness than women, status, recreational drug use, etc. Once physiology runs really well, there can be a state of uninterrupted peace and bliss. I am not convinced that's the case for everyone, I'm sure some have genetics or early life environments that put their brain in a state from which that is very hard to reach. It's still a worthwhile goal, IMO. I have some ambition to reverse Androgenetic Alopecia, if I do indeed have it, purely by optimizing systemic health, but another part of me fears losing ground by trying that, what I'll do, I'm not sure of yet. If I posted a picture though, you might be disheartened at how reasonable my hair still is. States of high joy, seem to involve forgetting one's internal model of how one looks, in flow-states, the brain seems to stop being concerned with estimating/creating a model of how one looks moment to moment. When in such states, it is seen that aesthetics are a bonus, the correct functioning of the nervous system is the real gem. But IMO aesthetics are still very much worth pursuing, and male pattern baldness is one of the biggest killers of aesthetics. If one can go ahead and try treatments, do hair transplants, etc, all without feeling overwhelming emotional pain when things don't go right, it's worth a shot. IMO this requires a pleasant state of the nervous system that is not conditional upon anything other than health. The dynamic experience of life, interactions with people, sexual experience, is definitely enhanced when one looks great, though.