Just wanted to add in here, I think you guys separate aesthetics and attractiveness from systemic health to an overly large degree. Also, I think you compartmentalize aesthetics too much, which ties into my first point. Many features of aesthetics and attractiveness at some level relate to health, unfortunately, much of it to health early in life. Still, facial edema(which is very common), high body fat levels, lack of muscle mass, poor coordination, poor speech style, poor speech content due to bad neurophysiological function(ability to sense situations and respond in the correct way quickly, lack of humor, etc) all relate to general health. Body fat levels for instance are regulated partly in relation to many environmental inputs, such as circadian rhythm, light exposure, dietary composition, activity level, psychological stress level, etc. All these factors also influence other areas of attractiveness. Androgenetic Alopecia is more complex(based on my limited understanding), the initial trigger may very well relate somewhat to systemic health, but it's tough to stop once it gets going. I think relative to some other aspects of aesthetics, it relates less to general health. Still, there seems to be a connection.
I see some very bitter people in this thread and forum in general, leading me to believe the general health, which does tie into mood quite a bit, is quite low here.
Another point I want to make, you all seem to have a strong attachment to have sex with attractive women. Why is that? Are you chasing the specific neurophysiological state that induces? I have a feeling that this is a compensatory reaction of mood regulating aspects of the nervous system. When my systemic health dips due to bad habits, my mood dips, when my mood dips, I desperately want to f*** attractive females, I suspect this is because it gives the brain some relief. In good systemic states, sex is a bonus, not needed for relief and so much better. Whether this makes evolutionary sense, I don't know, if you have research refuting such a view from that perspective, I'm quite interested to see it.