God thank you, yes! I will have to do a diet schedule, with allll the good things, and then re-evaluating my levels.Great reddit find, thank you for posting!!
@Pls_NW-1 if you're out there somewhere, sulforaphane aka sulphoraphane enhances anti-oxidant systems, ameliorating oxidative injury, so eat more broccoli sprouts...lol. But seriously, eat more broccoli sprouts.
Fails to explain the gender difference in hairloss.This is a response to a really interesting article on Tressless:
Interesting how the topic for many went off-course to diet's being able to improve hair loss outcomes by eating broccoli.
I don't pretend to be a chemist and much of what is in the article is beyond my ken. I do note again and again that conjured theories that seem to have all of the ducks lined up in a row tend to fail miserably at actually regrowing hair, any hair at all and even if minoxidil squeaks out a bit of hair, it isn't necessarily comparable in quality to what we had before hair loss.
My feeling is that a "cure" will involve a choice by men to forego beard growth in favor of scalp hair growth. Right now, that isn't possible except for those under about the age of 25; otherwise mechanical beard removal is necessary. Beard and hair growth for whites are largely intertwined and this is exactly why some men like Sam Elliot are so distinctive in their look, having great hair along with a great beard. FtM's growing minoxidil beards appear to often suffer from hair loss soon after. Why would this be? Perhaps because hair amount in general, on all areas of the body are calibrated and changing the hormonal outcome of hair say under the arms, might change it on the scalp as well.
We also can look at things in terms of our bodies reserving resources and not using them when it isn't pertinent, much less necessarily. Male pattern baldness doesn't affect health so why would "repairing" dormant follicles be any sort of system priority? Why on earth (this is primarily a white/Semite issue) would we gain protective facial hair at the same moment, more or less, that hair loss begins/hair quality decreases around roughly 15 years old for most of us.
Why does hair quality among inuits and other Native Americans not vary between males and females? Even the hair line shapes are the same. Hmm, well Native Americans tend to rarely have facial hair unless their genes are mixed with those of caucasians. You can see this all over Mexico, Central American and down into Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru.
I don't know if any studies have been done but from the time that I started balding at 19, I notice again and again that white males with little to no beard growth outside the goatee area seem to have great hair? It's because all of this is related hair-wise with the exception perhaps of lashes perhaps. In many Middle Eastern countries and into former British India, we see much more of an adherence to beard hair as being given to males and in some societies, it is an infraction to trim or remove beards. Strangely enough or not, many such males also are required to maintain head coverings, where presumably there is not a lot of hair to be hidden anyway. Do Sikh boys mind going bald? I have no idea but I would assume that it is less of an issue in a sociological or psychological sense.
Great research and the English is fine. This is high level stuff indeed but just as using female HRT is a choice proven to regrow copious amounts of high quality hair, it could be that altering beard growth patterns are a separate aspect that could be part of this. Does DHT migrate from face to scalp depending upon where follicles are available? What sort of hair outcomes do MTF's have when do not engage in beard removal? Anecdotally, all I know is that removal of my beard coincided with a huge improvement in hair in all aspects but maybe the hormones would have achieved this anyway but my gut feeling is that no. My dermatitis didn't improve from HRT but removing my beard appeared to stop it cold.
There's nothing wrong with having one's cake and eating it too but I had little to no use for my beard and I don't find them attractive except in rare cases like say the younger Jeff Bridges in Against All Odds. But you guys want to be bodybuilders and have great hair and great beards and I would assume you also want excellent virility and fertility but so did Ponce de Leon presumably.
Good observation. The article seemed better until I read various critiques. I have very little faith that conjecture is going to lead us to a permanent solution for male pattern baldness especially for caucasians. We are just swimming upstream in a male context when we try to deal with hair loss, i.e., I think that there is significant push-back. Our bodies are programmed for hair on our faces with less hair on top and nobody knows why. We could conjecture that white females maintain a full head of hair as an evolutionary survival means for babies to hold on when the mother has to move quickly but it could just be a mutation that won out because some guy with the original baldness gene proved to be exceptionally fertile as did his children. In this context, the mutation is also correlated with a countervailing factor that propels baldness forward even if eventually its effects on attractiveness become an issue.Fails to explain the gender difference in hairloss.
I think we agree on that point. Darwinian fitness seems to be a bit tautological in nature.You are reading too much reason into this whole evolution thing. Hairloss might as well be a result of one early hominid being hit by a primal coconut and only his brother with an absolutely random and novel mutation for hairloss surviving.
Well. You have an excellent protocol. Keep topical min but consider adding oral min once to twice daily. Many see great improvement after that. It turns out that minoxidil's efficacy is dependent on people having sufficient sulfurotransferase which is needed to make it effective. Oral min creates its own enzyme via the liver. Many reports related to oral min make it sound like an entirely different med and much closer to HRT in its regrowth abilities. Add it to HRT and Zoom!I wish I could get my hairline full and low, but I don't want to grow boobs and I don't have time for a hair transplant.
What dosage should I take?Well. You have an excellent protocol. Keep topical min but consider adding oral min once to twice daily. Many see great improvement after that. It turns out that minoxidil's efficacy is dependent on people having sufficient sulfurotransferase which is needed to make it effective. Oral min creates its own enzyme via the liver. Many reports related to oral min make it sound like an entirely different med and much closer to HRT in its regrowth abilities. Add it to HRT and Zoom!
You and everyone on this forum want this.I wish I could get my hairline full and low, but I don't want to grow boobs and I don't have time for a hair transplant.
Generally, for males, 2.5mg to 5 mg of Loniten or the equivalent in milliliters using a metric dropper and drizzling the med on the back of your tongue. I have been "drinking" topical min since October and it seems to work great in conjunction with my other meds. Oh yeah, and if you use liquid, then you will be amazed by how small this is in fluid. Make sure to swallow it because you want to process it via the liver and not via the tongue which is also possible.What dosage should I take?
Oi, Tato. Bem-vindo ao filo meu.You and everyone on this forum want this.
The question is, is this possible?
If you are not under treatment yet and your hair loss is recent and you are young you have a CHANCE to achieve it.
Start early, and start praying now and listen to janey's advice, that soul is too good.
Portugues? Eu adoro. Ja falei espanhol mais quando oi o portugues pela primeira vez, eu sabia que tinha que fala-lo. Tem uma lingua chamada espanhol judaico e e muito interessante porque eu entendo e sona mais ou menos, mitade portugues e mitade enspanhol arcaico. Ladino se chama. Fui varia vezes a Portugal e eles pensavam que eu era brasileiro. Eles me entenderam sem problemas mais me foi dificil entende-los.Adoro seu português![]()