Has The Impact Section Changed You?


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Also there is a Caucasus region.

Women here are really hit or miss. They are severely ugly or goddess like this:



Dark hair, tall, best facial structure.


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But, but... to be attached you have to be compatible, right? If a woman's beauty has faded and her man is still attached, doesn't that mean he loves her and doesn't want to lose her?

I'm not surprised at all actually. I believe a loss of attraction is very common, maybe especially for men. I recently read a study where men and women from 20 years of age and up to seniors were asked what age they find the opposite sex the most attractive. The results? Women found men of the same age the most attractive all their lives, while men - no matter what age, found 20 year old women to be the most attractive. Yet many men stay with their wives, maybe it's because they have no other choice, but it could also be because they've built a life with her, and that they don't want to lose that.

i think most men even as women age as long as she is attractive and keeps the intimacy going they are happy.

I don't think men are as hard to please as women, generally speaking of course.

Men are mostly happy if you are having sex with them. And unless woman really lets herself go--they are pretty content.

are they fantasizing about a hot 24 year old when masterbating? Sure but it's not something they are really consciously seeking out in real life unless they are unhappy already.

I would imagine its got to be hard to keep sex life hot with kids--this is probably a large problem in marriages the dynamic must change after kids--IF not careful about it.


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Your standards seem unusually high if you saw 2 or 3 women you find beautiful among thousands. Or do you just not like Indian women?

It's not about being Indian. It's about me finding a women attractive. Like I said, I have seen two or three Indian women in my life that I found good looking enough to date. However, it's exceedingly rare for me to find an Indian women with physical features I find attractive.


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My Father was like this he is very good looking Italian but never found Italian or Medteraian woman attractive-even the beautiful ones-he always loved very fair women. Married my Mother i think mostly for her beauty and she was/is very feminine, very lady like in appearance and speech.


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My Father was like this he is very good looking Italian but never found Italian or Medteraian woman attractive-even the beautiful ones-he always loved very fair women. Married my Mother i think mostly for her beauty and she was/is very feminine, very lady like in appearance and speech.

@Dante92 is triggered


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Evil, Hairblues and I got to stick together, it is a matter of survival. Though, I still like you :)

I don't think you are triggering him, I think you are bonding with him ;)

I have to say in this virtual dysfunctional odd little family of ours, i would rathe see you hook up with Dante then PJ...
Even Dante does not objectify women to the extreme degree Pj does.

I think a dumb, good looking woman Dante would have very little patience for after a sexual session.
Intelligence and taste similar to his own he would at least appreciate.
Even if he won't ever admit it here.