Have U Read 'the Game' By Neil Strauss





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I have no idea, and neither can you. We aren't there with him.

I've seen footage of him doing very well with women though.


I think the simple things you can take from books like this:

-Be fun
-Make the move (approach women and try)
-Work on looks - low body fat, some muscle, dress well, whiten teeth
-Realise that women are not attracted to submissive or negative men.


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I think the simple things you can take from books like this:

-Be fun
-Make the move (approach women and try)
-Work on looks - low body fat, some muscle, dress well, whiten teeth
-Realise that women are not attracted to submissive or negative men.

-grab her in the pussy


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How do you explain guys uglier than me, like Neil Strauss and RSD Tyler being better with women?
Strauss was/is an extremly successful journalist. When he got involved with the pick up scene, he was working for the "Rolling Stone"-magazine and with famous rock musicians. Of course, this will attract (some) women.


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I think the problem here is that its seen as pua.

The whole thing has moved on since then and has put a focus on other things that go beyond openers and negs.

Perhaps the best way of seeing it is self development - being more confident and charismatic, talkative and fun, will not only help your love life but your social life.

As for the looks thing - perhaps you are right - perhaps people do see rsd tyler as attractive.

Just out of curiosity, have you seen him - he's Norwood.4 o4 5, ginger, 5.9, and pale as hell.

Nothing wrong with being ginger and pale.


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Fred and his Dance with Dislikes. Pure Beauty.


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@tellersquill I think your confusing being shy introverted and socially anxious about approaching women with being rejected solely on looks because i am sorry but your a good looking guy--and if you did not get laid in HS that was some 'body dysmorphia' or self consciousness not about your looks.

But i also think its naive to think money and success are not attractive to women.

Wait until you hit late twenties early thirties. IT matters unless you are living in a small town or a poor country i dont know..bt in NYC and MIami==that sh*t matters.


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@tellersquill I think your confusing being shy introverted and socially anxious about approaching women with being rejected solely on looks because i am sorry but your a good looking guy--and if you did not get laid in HS that was some 'body dysmorphia' or self consciousness not about your looks.

But i also think its naive to think money and success are not attractive to women.

Wait until you hit late twenties early thirties. IT matters unless you are living in a small town or a poor country i dont know..bt in NYC and MIami==that sh*t matters.

It makes sense that money and status matter more in expensive cities like New York.

ETA Google says the average rent in NY for a two bedroom apartment is 3619/month.


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Heheh, FredTheBald typical Low country arrogant and hustly sh*t :)


Hairblues, I am actually 30 - I just look mid-twenties in the face.

I honestly live off £11,000 per year because I've gone back to university for another year. I've been single now for around five months and I've been using Tinder and nobody seems to care that I don't own a house or that I'm not on much money right now - I'm still getting dates.

Money probably matters to some women - what I find most is that a lot of women just want you to have motivation and passion. I write fiction and have worked for my local paper and people always seem impressed by that even though I barely make any money from it.

(edit: I'm living in England - not sure if our women care less about money than Americans)


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Hairblues, I am actually 30 - I just look mid-twenties in the face.

I honestly live off £11,000 per year because I've gone back to university for another year. I've been single now for around five months and I've been using Tinder and nobody seems to care that I don't own a house or that I'm not on much money right now - I'm still getting dates.

Money probably matters to some women - what I find most is that a lot of women just want you to have motivation and passion. I write fiction and have worked for my local paper and people always seem impressed by that even though I barely make any money from it.

(edit: I'm living in England - not sure if our women care less about money than Americans)
How can someone care when they haven't formerly met you?

If you think women in your age group are interested in going back to your parents house to meet the cats, and eat mommas homemade meatloaf, then I got some bad news? (Unless you live in a mansion)

Might work if the girls you are seeing are 25 and underthough. Most people who are 25, and under live with there parents


You misunderstand - I live in a house with two of my mates - we split the bills to keep the costs down.

Women don't seem to mind that I live with friends.

Its not that weird to do this in the UK until you can finally afford a mortgage (first time buyers are now the average age of 35 I believe).


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You misunderstand - I live in a house with two of my mates - we split the bills to keep the costs down.

Women don't seem to mind when they come over that I live my mates.

Its not that weird to do this in the UK until you can finally afford a mortgage (first time buyers are now the average age of 35 I believe).
Oh living with mates is fine. As long as your not the guy living in the den, and have your own room.


Same goes both ways, too. I dated a woman who was 29 and she still lived with her mum. Didn't faze me one bit. She said she did so she could afford to travel every summer.


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You can't be sexually attracted to money or someone's status.

"Attractive" is not the right word here.

Anyway, if you're not sexually attracted to a man, his status and money won't matter.

And if you find him attractive, you won't care about his money and status.

And please don't try to use extreme examples, I didn't say you could just be handsome, live in a cardboard and get laid.

Oh honey, you can most definitely be attracted to a life style money can provide.
Is it an absolute for everyone? no is it an absolute every guy will be attractive because he has money? no of course not

women in late 20s (most of them) start to 'think' in the back of their minds the kind of lifestyle they want with a mate...some work themselves for this--but whatever level (most) get to they still want someone higher in money and status...this is because they are thinking or feeling sensing whatever word you want to use about possible marriage and kids and the life they want and the life they want their kids to have.

On flip side of this is women who do not want kids--money can still be an aphrodisiac of sorts because lets say you meet a man whose 'gorgeous' on physical level--okay and you 'match' your physical levels match perhaps he's even one step up so to speak..but you do better financially and professionally and socially then this gorgeous guy.
Okay then you also are presented with a guy who is maybe 2 steps down from you in 'looks' he's 'okay' but not gorgeous and not even noticeable BUT he dresses to perfection (whatever style casual or dress does not matter) he's tailored well he looks sharp--he also is professionally financially and social status--equal to you or even 1-2 steps up from where you are. ad you have sh*t in common to talk about.

The first guy wants to take you to a nice romantic bed and breakfast in upstate NY or maybe the Hamptons off season when sh*t is cheap and its romantic but 'dead'.

The second guy wants to take you to St Barths to stay at private villa for the weekend.

The second guy is looking real good now. Its the 'experiences' money can buy and the level or courting a man can do that is attractive to a woman. These things 'can' make you wet your panties. Is it absolute for all women all men? no of course not but it can factor in depending on other criteria.


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You can't be sexually attracted to money or someone's status.

"Attractive" is not the right word here.

Anyway, if you're not sexually attracted to a man, his status and money won't matter.

And if you find him attractive, you won't care about his money and status.

And please don't try to use extreme examples, I didn't say you could just be handsome, live in a cardboard and get laid.

As far as i know humans, we all want to be looked up to. The majority of women are drawn to men with power.

Culture has alot to do with who we are able to fall in love with. Wich traits who is appreciated in a culture defines the ideal.

We are different and we get sexually attracted to different things. For some, looks can be everything, for some others it can be something farfetched as what you work with. You underestimate the power of status and money. That alone will not probably make a girl fall in love with you, but it certainly will get you sex. Money and status is like a ticket.

Looks and chemistry is the most important at early age. Dating after 30's is more like a jobinterview, where you get evaluated to see if you fit in some kind of idea.
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