Have U Read 'the Game' By Neil Strauss


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Oh honey, you can most definitely be attracted to a life style money can provide.
Is it an absolute for everyone? no is it an absolute every guy will be attractive because he has money? no of course not

women in late 20s (most of them) start to 'think' in the back of their minds the kind of lifestyle they want with a mate...some work themselves for this--but whatever level (most) get to they still want someone higher in money and status...this is because they are thinking or feeling sensing whatever word you want to use about possible marriage and kids and the life they want and the life they want their kids to have.

On flip side of this is women who do not want kids--money can still be an aphrodisiac of sorts because lets say you meet a man whose 'gorgeous' on physical level--okay and you 'match' your physical levels match perhaps he's even one step up so to speak..but you do better financially and professionally and socially then this gorgeous guy.
Okay then you also are presented with a guy who is maybe 2 steps down from you in 'looks' he's 'okay' but not gorgeous and not even noticeable BUT he dresses to perfection (whatever style casual or dress does not matter) he's tailored well he looks sharp--he also is professionally financially and social status--equal to you or even 1-2 steps up from where you are. ad you have sh*t in common to talk about.

The first guy wants to take you to a nice romantic bed and breakfast in upstate NY or maybe the Hamptons off season when sh*t is cheap and its romantic but 'dead'.

The second guy wants to take you to St Barths to stay at private villa for the weekend.

The second guy is looking real good now. Its the 'experiences' money can buy and the level or courting a man can do that is attractive to a woman. These things 'can' make you wet your panties. Is it absolute for all women all men? no of course not but it can factor in depending on other criteria.
This is so true. it seems like a double standard, but it's always been expected that the man of the house hold carry a good income, and I could totally see a women resenting her man if he made a median wage while she was on the high spectrum.

Money doesn't matter for people who don't have it.

once a beautiful women get used to a certain life style she will always be on that calibre. It's starts to become more then just physical attraction, but the ability to live a certain life style, and be in a different social ladder all together.

Of course when your life consists of going to denny's with the girlfriend on the weekend, followed by taking her back to your place to crack a beer you will never understand the luxury, and rush behind being financially competent.

Where I reside. Women get bored with the whole typical 'go out, meet, bring her back to your place' every weekend. They will dump your ***. Most want to go on adventures, because they are used to high incomes, and life style that goes behind it.


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As far as i know humans, we all want to be looked up to. The majority of women are drawn to men with power.

Culture has alot to do with who we are able to fall in love with. Wich traits who is appreciated in a culture defines the ideal.

We are different and we get sexually attracted to different things. For some, looks can be everything, for some others it can be something farfetched as what you work with. You underestimate the power of status and money. That alone will not probably make a girl fall in love with you, but it certainly will get you sex. Money and status is like a ticket.

Looks and chemistry is the most important at early age. Dating after 30's is more like a jobeintervju, where you get evaluated to see if you fit in some kind of idea.

this is a lot true

the job interview part...I glance at photos but i really look to see education and type of work they do. Is it 'only' factor no but it plays into what i know from my experience what will most likely work or won't work.
I have dated uneducated guys but its usually because something they wrote is witty to me or interesting...but if its just like very generic and not educated i come to conclusion i most likely won't have much to talk about with them..and i dont care about 'face' i turn down a lot of 'hot' looking men because their profiles either read boring or their list of facts does not really seem comparable.
Im not like that so much on actual dates--but the first accessing online profiles yes for sure.


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ignorance is bliss though. it's almost a blessing that most women are used to living a poor lifestyle, because many men cannot provide them with the luxury of expensive lodges, resort and spas. Had most been introduced to this lifestyle, a lot of men would have trouble sustaining a hot womens interest because of the lack of rush, and fun they provide.


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This is so true. it seems like a double standard, but it's always been expected that the man of the house hold carry a good income, and I could totally see a women resenting her man if he made a median wage while she was on the high spectrum.

Money doesn't matter for people who don't have it.

once a beautiful women get used to a certain life style she will always be on that calibre. It's starts to become more then just physical attraction, but the ability to live a certain life style, and be in a different social ladder all together.

Of course when your life consists of going to denny's with the girlfriend on the weekend, followed by taking her back to your place to crack a beer you will never understand the luxury, and rush behind being financially competent.

Where I reside. Women get bored with the whole typical 'go out, meet, bring her back to your place' every weekend. They will dump your ***. Most want to go on adventures, because they are used to high incomes, and life style that goes behind it.

I also think a lot of successful men 'like' women a little less successful then them.


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I don't know of any men in my age group for whom that's true.

men who make over $200 k a year over age 35 working over 80 hours a week dont want same in mate...they would never see one another..by the time they are 45 or 50 they are most likely not going to stay.

its not the money per say or the success in their profession its the hours of working to get that.


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i can't say about men making lets say $80 grand they may want a partner making as much as them if having kids etc.

also age may play a role in this for sure.


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ignorance is bliss though. it's almost a blessing that most women are used to living a poor lifestyle, because many men cannot provide them with the luxury of expensive lodges, resort and spas. Had most been introduced to this lifestyle, a lot of men would have trouble sustaining a hot womens interest because of the lack of rush, and fun they provide.

i think money/sucess really is subjective to peoples socio-economic climate/ surroundings where they live and what they are used to etc.


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i think money/sucess really is subjective to peoples socio-economic climate/ surroundings where they live and what they are used to etc.

It's crazy how much money you need to make to sustain a certain life style. Not renting a room, and driving a beat up toyota corolla :D

I think a lot of people within my generation are in for a huge wake up call of there expectations. I wonder where everyone will be at by the time they are thirty.


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men who make over $200 k a year over age 35 working over 80 hours a week dont want same in mate...they would never see one another..by the time they are 45 or 50 they are most likely not going to stay.

its not the money per say or the success in their profession its the hours of working to get that.

I know men well on their way to high incomes, or already there, and many, many people who work very long hours. They want women who are their peers, not their secretaries.

I suspect the idea that men want dumb and lazy women is a myth invented by a lot of career women to feel better. It may be something a lot of your friends believe.

Admittedly, I only hang out with very intelligent people, it might not be true of the men I know.


Hairblues, remember you are in NYC. I imagine its like London where people are more obsessed with how much each other earns.

Proof attraction is not about looks: I just had a date with an attractive woman but there was no chemistry as she didn't like to read (a big deal for me) and we didn't have that spark. Its a shame because she was quite pretty :/


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Hairblues, remember you are in NYC.



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Hairblues, remember you are in NYC. I imagine its like London where people are more obsessed with how much each other earns.

Proof attraction is not about looks: I just had a date with an attractive woman but there was no chemistry as she didn't like to read (a big deal for me) and we didn't have that spark. Its a shame because she was quite pretty :/
might just be proof you don't know how to conduct, and carry out a conversation?

do you have trouble talking to women, and having interesting conversations?


Nah, we had a good conversation but we didn't like a lot of the same things.

I'm fine with dating and talking to people.

Sometimes you meet someone who is attractive and smart but theres just no spark.


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I know men well on their way to high incomes, or already there, and many, many people who work very long hours. They want women who are their peers, not their secretaries.

I suspect the idea that men want dumb and lazy women is a myth invented by a lot of career women to feel better. It may be something a lot of your friends believe.

Admittedly, I only hang out with very intelligent people, it might not be true of the men I know.

I can only go by what i see and know over the many years i am alive..what i have 'witnessed'.

I never said men want 'dumbo lazy women'--your saying that..

i don't need a myth to feel better because for some reason even at 45 i still do really well with men.


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Hairblues, remember you are in NYC. I imagine its like London where people are more obsessed with how much each other earns.

Proof attraction is not about looks: I just had a date with an attractive woman but there was no chemistry as she didn't like to read (a big deal for me) and we didn't have that spark. Its a shame because she was quite pretty :/

so if i was a check up girl in but f*** Texas working at the 'Piggly Wiggly' then i can go out on a Friday night with the stock boy or the local Body Shop owner --im going to go with the Body Shop owner.

Its all relative.


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I can only go by what i see and know over the many years i am alive..what i have 'witnessed'.

I never said men want 'dumbo lazy women'--your saying that..

i don't need a myth to feel better because for some reason even at 45 i still do really well with men.

You might be reading a lot of articles aimed at, or listening to women, who do not.

For nearly all of the couples in my age group that I know, the man and the woman have comparable intelligence and drive.

This actually applies to the gay couples too.

But you're 45. Maybe things were different then. When they say women make 73 cents on the dollar, they're not referring to millennials.


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You might be reading a lot of articles aimed at, or listening to women, who do not.

For nearly all of the couples in my age group that I know, the man and the woman have comparable intelligence and drive.

This actually applies to the gay couples too.

But you're 45. Maybe things were different then. When they say women make 73 cents on the dollar, they're not referring to millennials.

David if i say to you its what i am witnessing--how about you take my word.

Im actually still alive and I'm telling you what i witness now.


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David if i say to you its what i am witnessing--how about you take my word.

Im actually still alive and I'm telling you what i witness now.

I believe what you say describes your situation. You've met a lot of men who want to date down and who don't want successful women.

I've never met such a man though. All of the men I know prefer women with their own intelligence and drive. And a lot of them work long hours lol.

I don't know why there's a difference. But I wrote it could be a generational thing. Maybe your generation is the last one for which it's true.


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If reading this book isnt going to help regrow or get me more hair I honestly dont care. I am not really here to mentally masturbate by over analyzing what girls do or dont want. Im not here for that, and you can waste all day going over this kind of stuff.
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