Have U Read 'the Game' By Neil Strauss


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I appreciate the advice coming in and I know with you guys it comes from a good place.

But what I'm hearing right now is "you need to do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8".

It's modestly depressing.

I'm going to relax tonight. Maybe think about your suggestions tomorrow.


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Neil Strauss....what can i say? He is bald BUT he has charisma + a strong self-confidence = many girls.

Nothing is more sexy then self confidence for a woman:D

Yes he is a woman killer you can see it in his eyes!

The most guys here just don't understand how a woman is working!

Example me : Im really not a hot guy BUT i have absolute no problems with girls.....they always told me your charisma is killing me. And yes i love girls :cool:


Cool, take it east David.

N003 - that's more like it. Nothing more attractive than a big personality!


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You have been losing since 2005 and you never did porpecia or only recently started minoxidil?

No offense but what did you do for 10 years?

Its a little off topic but letting nature run its course i guess. I have never been big a fan of current treatments especially the dangers of propecia so minus that not much else to try. My hair loss has been very slow and gradual


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Charisma is very strongly correlated with looks in my observations.

An example of someone who has both looks, and charisma, is Chris Hemsworth.

An example of someone who has looks, but somehow lacks charisma, is Liam Hemsworth.


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Online dating is more brutal then real life by far its pretty horrible especially for men. All online dating sites basically turn into sausage fests with extreme competition and it boils the whole thing down to looks and pictures to even get to the talking stage.
So of course the few decent looking girls on there have literally hundreds of guys to pick from. Even real life aint that bad.


Online dating works well for me -

I'm around a 7 in the looks department, I make very little money, I'm really good at chatting to people online and in person so its easy enough to build rapport.

I don't think we should just blanket dismiss online dating as it works for some of us. I'm not a model or wealthy and I do alright.


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I googled Neil Straus

he looks kind of tacky.

this is not what i mean when i say sharp dresser just for the record.

but he's not bad looking face--but the facial hair is no good style
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Charisma is very strongly correlated with looks in my observations.

An example of someone who has both looks, and charisma, is Chris Hemsworth.

An example of someone who has looks, but somehow lacks charisma, is Liam Hemsworth.

He has struck out a few times....just at a SUPER high level



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Unfortunately, I don't dig black girls. If I did I would make a killing. There's a lot of them around here.

I'm of North African Jewish ancestry.

I love black women :D



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I have always thought that PUA books were a bit sexist. Apart from certain workplaces and politics (but things are changing even there, see the Donald), sexism always backfires.

I haven't read this one book in particular (nor will I: I am finishing Franzen's essays).

My reasoning is:

- according to PUA, if you are a man, you read a book, you can talk a nice woman (put your definition of nice here) into dating you;

- if you are a woman, you just pick what destiny and PUA readers have in store for you.

Is this realistic?


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Systemic health improvements leading to better behavioral output from your physiology, combined with gaining experience and being observant, should improve your "game" more than the writing of any PUA.

Beyond that, looks are likely most key, and understanding what it involves to improve looks can be worthwhile. All the way from skincare, to fillers, to implants, to bone breaking surgeries that are likely to give you permanent nerve damage. Once you understand your face, and its flaws, in a fairly complete way, you can try to improve things, and start with medically safe therapies, and if you're truly desperate, move on to medically less safe ones. Physique is likely quite useful to optimize as well, but not to the degree facial aesthetics are.

Then there's location, some places allow you to benefit from your ethnicity a lot, and may have lower standards for appearance, and/or different elements that play a big role in attraction. In the first world west, I'd say appearance is likely most important, in some other places, financial status is more key. Behavioral things also seem to differ in their impact in different locations. One thing that seems fairly steady is that a behavioral output suggesting good systemic health, high levels of motivation and high concentrations of androgenic hormones is attractive, AKA alpha male behavior, as long as it's natural and smooth.

Combine health, looks and location, and you are bound to slay, unless you're old, then only Neil Strauss can save you.


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You can't be sexually attracted to money or someone's status.

"Attractive" is not the right word here.

Anyway, if you're not sexually attracted to a man, his status and money won't matter.

And if you find him attractive, you won't care about his money and status.

And please don't try to use extreme examples, I didn't say you could just be handsome, live in a cardboard and get laid.

I think the degree to which it matters varies from location to location, but I do suspect there may be a biological basis for attraction to power and money that goes beyond wanting to live a certain lifestyle by proximity to the man with those things going for him. May be interesting to look into, sorry for being lazy and just responding with this instead of trying to look for any sources myself.


It depends on who you are dating as well, Fred.

My ex liked to game and eat crap food and was around a 5 or 6 lookswise and she didn't care if I did those lazy things.


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