Still, Terskikh method was based on mouse epithelial stem cells, and we know that everyone today can grown hair on mice.In other to create new hairs, it's necessary TWO types of stem cells: dermal papilla and epithelial
- In 2014, scientists found out a way to derive epithelial stem cells from iPSC for the first time.
- In 2015 Dr. Terskikh and other scientists managed to derive dermal papilla stem cells from ESC, and later on from iPSC.
Since iPSCs are very easy to amplify and it's now known how to derive both dermal papilla and epithelial stem cells from iPSCs, now it is possible to create unlimited amounts of hairs.
According to Dr. Terskikh, the fundamental problem is solved, now it's just a matter of getting the engineering part right to deliver the cure.
This research was far more groundbreaking than any other before.
Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells
Hair-bearing human skin generated entirely from pluripotent stem cells - Nature
Skin organoids generated in vitro from human pluripotent stem cells form complex, multilayered skin tissue with hair follicles, sebaceous glands and neural circuitry, and integrate with endogenous skin when grafted onto immunocompromised mice.
They created skin and hair from 100% human iPSCs.
One of the persons who peer reviewed this paper was Claire Higgins (HairClone).
Also, TissUse last year made good progress with their research and paper
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