Hello I am new, and looking to go dwn the natural route.

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Health Truth

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Hello folks,

I would like to introduce myself, give my story, my theories about hair loss, the approach I have planned and what I have tried so far and replies and advice are all greatly appriciated.

Ok, starting off I am 22 years old. I have begun to notice a bit of a thumb print around my crown, and while my hair line has receded a bit, the hair on top of my head is now becoming thin, if a light is shining I can see my scalp after getting out of the shower now. I had a very soul destroying break up earlier this year and it was actually the day after that I noticed the thinning around my crown.

Firstly, I would like to say that I strongly, strongly believe that my hair loss has been related to my lifestyle and while probably not too many studies agree with this, I have had advice from a PHD scholar who believes stress is related to male pattern hair loss. The reason being that when a person is stressed they produce far, far more of the hormone cortisol; cortisol usually ends up being converted into estrogen which the body will then produce the male hormone DHT to attack (DHT obviously being the culprit in hair loss as you all will know). He strongly advised me to avoid too much estrogen intake within food because he claims that the body will always produce excess DHT to counter act it.

Secondly, I strongly believe that years of high intensity muscle training has had an impact. At the age of 15 or 16 I started to training with weights obsessively almost and at around 18 I began boxing, often training 2 to 3 times a day which often involved heavy circuit training. It has been proven with studies that heavy weight training can increase testosterone by 25%, now I don't care what anybody says if you are producing 25% more testosterone there is a high, high chance you will also be producing more DHT. To put this into perspective for you my weight floats around between 238lbs and 245lbs. My brother who hasn't shown any signs of hair loss weighs around 190lbs to 200 lbs. He has shown no signs of hair loss and has had a far less stressful time than me the past few years.

In my extended family, which is very large, I only know of one cousin who has gone bald and he like me is a very verile and muscular man, we're the two muscliest men in the family, and he lost his hair completely round the age of 31 or 32.

I honestly believe that increased cortisol production due to a stressful life, and increased DHT caused by years of an intense testosterone increasing workout reigme has caused the hair loss I have expierienced. I now plan to counter act this with an improved diet, taking some time away from boxing, and putting more time into doing things I enjoy. I am also going to give yoga and meditation a go, why not?

I am unwilling to use finasteride as the potential side affects of it are sickening and I do believe from research can be permenant, I am also not going to waste my time using minoxidil because that is just plastering the cracks and I don't want the shock of possibly taking it for 7 years coming off it and losing all of my hair. I may try it at 30 if I still have hair and it is a last resort to keep it for a few years.

If anyone has any more advice or input thanks again.


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It is a disputed whether weight lifting does effect the onset of male pattern baldness. But I actually do believe it does have an effect. Good luck in the future, hopefully hair loss doesn't effect you too much.


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hi there .. we are very similar ,im 22 too,always had full head of thick hair,but now they are not only receding,they are thinning too , I can feel it by brushing trough with fingers and as you said scalp is more visible...now I dont lift or do boxing,but I have my way upping testesteron,Im not overweight , but I sit infront of computer waaay too much,and so no need to eat much, its a bad diet ..too had my bad breakup recently and in general life is too stressful.. I cant blame genetics too,no family members had it like I do. And finally Im interested more in less harmful products as you.. So yea Ill be watching your progress and will comment more on subject it self later :)


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You are wasting your time. "Correct" those things you believe to be causing your hairloss, and it won't help. You will still lose your hair. The only way to stop it is to stop DHT from getting to the hair, and not just by a few percent which may or may not be caused by the things you mentioned. I am 100% sure of this. You can come back in a few years if you decide to go down this route, read my post again, and either be completely bald or worse off and still losing hair and know you could have stopped it through finasteride.

What "research" led you to believe finasteride causes permanent sides?

Health Truth

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Here are several links to interviews with men who have had their lives ruined by finasteride and doctors who have studied the side effects of finasteride in numerous men and believe the side effects can be permanent in many of them. I have read surveys done which monitor the amount of hair loss suffered by people on traditional modern day western diets and people who have oriental diet and those on the western diet had significanty higher hair loss.

Hair loss is related to hormone levels and hormone levels are related to diet and life style. Even if this does not slow or stop my hair loss completley I believe it is a good move for my overall life style and I am unwilling to take a drug which is given to men who are having a sex change to be a woman. I have in the past used party drugs but would never use that rubbish again either.

Even if I did go bald, upset as I may be I would find that far easier to deal with than the side effects the men in these videos claim they have suffered from finasterid and that doctors claim to have recorded from men using finasteride.

Health Truth

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I posted several links to youtube interviews with men who claim to have their lives ruined by the long term effects of using finasteride as well as doctors who have done studies on several men and found it. These type of stories are easily found by just typing in on youtube hair loss finasteride. It all depends on if the moderator approves it but like I say seeing young men who have suffered those terrible side effects is enough for me.

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Just type in finasteride side effects and you will find several videos. It is my personal choice to avoid it.


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if you go on the natural route, "You are going to naturally lose your hair." -Notcoolanymore, 11/25/2014

Armando Jose

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Hello folks,

I have had advice from a PHD scholar who believes stress is related to male pattern hair loss.

You must think about the special pattern of common hairloss. Stress acts in all scalp hairs not only in the area affected in this case. Stress can act only in difusse alopecia,

Agustin Araujo

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There is no natural route when it comes to male pattern baldness.

I totally agree.

When it comes to talking about hair loss and people tell me about natural treatments, I tend to lose interest very quickly. Saying that you can treat hereditary hair loss naturally is like saying you can have war and peace at the same time. Either of them don't exist, at least to my knowledge.


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natural stuff is the earliest and usless part of the try and fail process to find your regimen... everybody has to go through it

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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natural stuff is the earliest and usless part of the try and fail process to find your regimen... everybody has to go through it

Yep, sure is. I learned the hard way that nothing natural works, at least to our knowledge.

How's your regimen going frenchy?


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I went the natural route early on, the only result I had was losing more hair. If you want to improve your overall health with diet and such then go for it, but don't think it will do anything for your hair.

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natural stuff is the earliest and usless part of the try and fail process to find your regimen... everybody has to go through it

I definitely did, but in my defense I just wasn't aware of the options I had to treat my hair loss.


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I definitely did, but in my defense I just wasn't aware of the options I had to treat my hair loss.

i myself, was on nettle root, nettle leaf and brewer's yeast for 6 months... Damn, went full retard

How's your regimen going frenchy?
Thx for asking, not bad actually no more finasteride-related boobs pain/growth so far, but no sign that finasteride is working like it was at 0.25 EOD, have to wait !
so, i saw you are on lllt, how is it going?

Health Truth

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The way I see it is hair loss is related to your hormones and your hormones are related to your diet and stress levels. If my hair goes as dissapointing as that would be it is still preferable to impotence and tits which is why I will not use finasteride. I completely respect anyone's decision to use use that but it isn't mine, if anyone has any methods that they feel have worked for them not including finasteride I am interested.

What is the deal with this scalp peel stuff sounds good. Anyone here tried it?


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Agustin Araujo

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Thx for asking, not bad actually no more finasteride-related boobs pain/growth so far, but no sign that finasteride is working like it was at 0.25 EOD, have to wait !
so, i saw you are on lllt, how is it going?

My LLLT is going great. Yes, I use it everyday. Using it 3x a week is too little. I use it on the top of my scalp where my hair loss is since I have thinning in a NW6 pattern. It helps to improve the quality of my hair and it stimulates my scalp. From my experience, it's helped me a lot. My scalp used to be super sensitive to the touch and I don't have that anymore since I started using LLLT.


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finasteride sides are overrated, a lot of the time they pass as your body adjusts to the drug or they are psychosomatic. In very rare cases you get reports like the ones you say but its extremely rare, there are sides to every drug a the chances are you wont get them.

Armando Jose

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Originally Posted by FredTheBelgian
There is no natural route when it comes to male pattern baldness

Nature is our? best laboratory, ....,
unimaginable, inconceivable even today for us, humans laboratories in comparison are a trifle

But we are on the road, ..., possibly in future, we can discover a cure.
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