Hello I am new, and looking to go dwn the natural route.

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OMG frenchy. . .you are killing it with the memes lately :uglylol:



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OP, I saw those youtube vids you posted.

Put 100 people in a study on finasteride and probably about 1 is going to get permanent erectile disfunction. Why? because it isn't exactly uncommon among males. However the placebo group will have the same thing. One guy taking the sugar pills will have permanent ED.

Those people complaining just happened to get ED while on finasteride and they are blaming the drug for it... They got upset enough to make videos/go on TV. because you know ED just never happens to men naturally (sarcasm)

You showed me anecdotal evidence as evidence.... There have been studies tracking thousands of users and control groups. finasteride has the same permanent sides as placebo groups every time, therefore it does not have permanent sides


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natural stuff is the earliest and usless part of the try and fail process to find your regimen... everybody has to go through it

This is possibly step #2 in the balding process.


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very smart to say, but studies are only done for a short period of time, and just because only 1 out of 100 affected, does not mean that is really the case. Studies can be affected and artificially enhanced to make the drug look more promising than it is.

Anyway - everyone I know who has tried finasteride has had sexual problems. Are you saying that those are still 1 out of 100?


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very smart to say, but studies are only done for a short period of time, and just because only 1 out of 100 affected, does not mean that is really the case. Studies can be affected and artificially enhanced to make the drug look more promising than it is.

Anyway - everyone I know who has tried finasteride has had sexual problems. Are you saying that those are still 1 out of 100?

1. The FDA does the studies and has no incentive to increase a separate entity's profits
2. Would pharm. companies really have the incentive to rig a study on such a relatively worthless product? finasteride is only pennies per pill. They are in the business of drug far, far, FAR more profitable than that.
3. You are suggesting people develop permanent sides long after starting treatment (years) based on absolute zero evidence.

I said 1/100 were "permanent sides". Temporary ones are higher than that

Health Truth

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i myself, was on nettle root, nettle leaf and brewer's yeast for 6 months... Damn, went full retard

Thx for asking, not bad actually no more finasteride-related boobs pain/growth so far, but no sign that finasteride is working like it was at 0.25 EOD, have to wait !
so, i saw you are on lllt, how is it going?

Are you actually being serious mate? You mean to say you have had these type of side effects and you STILL use finasteride? That's crazy.

I would never touch the stuff it's poison, looking through the dozens of personal testimonials of guys who's lives it has destroyed on youtube was enough to put me off.

Health Truth

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The dude is saying he was getting tits from it yet still takes it? No I think I will pass. No doubt in my mind finasteride has a strong relationship with a crash in a man's endocrine system. This is a drug given to transvestites having a sex change into a woman and even they are complaining about it. Horrible stuff I'll never try it.

- - - Updated - - -

If you want to take the massive risk of permenant sexual dysfunction that comes with finasteride that's your choice and I am not going to judge but if you are doing so under the pretense that this risk isn't there wake up and stop telling others that. Just watch the testimonials of people on youtube some who only took it once or for a few weeks this stuff is poison.


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long hair

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health truth:
The dude is saying he was getting tits from it yet still takes it? No I think I will pass. No doubt in my mind finasteride has a strong relationship with a crash in a man's endocrine system. This is a drug given to transvestites having a sex change into a woman and even they are complaining about it. Horrible stuff I'll never try it.

getting tits ...hahaha ...that's my friend what happened when some one play with his body chemical ,now he lose his hair and turn to a woman too ..really sorry for him and hope he reversed it soon .
i agree with you that stress is a major factor on this issue ....so go relax your scalp now ..this will be the first step of treatment. you will find a lot of negative post about alternative treatment ,but it all coming from lazy ppl who want take a piece of drug ,swallow a glass of water ,go to sleep and bam their hair pop up at the early morning with no effort .it will not happened that way unless you want to wait to year 3010 so researchers will finally invent that magical drug :jump:


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health truth:
The dude is saying he was getting tits from it yet still takes it? No I think I will pass. No doubt in my mind finasteride has a strong relationship with a crash in a man's endocrine system. This is a drug given to transvestites having a sex change into a woman and even they are complaining about it. Horrible stuff I'll never try it.

getting tits ...hahaha ...that's my friend what happened when some one play with his body chemical ,now he lose his hair and turn to a woman too ..really sorry for him and hope he reversed it soon .
i agree with you that stress is a major factor on this issue ....so go relax your scalp now ..this will be the first step of treatment. you will find a lot of negative post about alternative treatment ,but it all coming from lazy ppl who want take a piece of drug ,swallow a glass of water ,go to sleep and bam their hair pop up at the early morning with no effort .it will not happened that way unless you want to wait to year 3010 so researchers will finally invent that magical drug :jump:



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Just let nature take it course man try all the vitamins. Least you will have full nuts

Yup. Why all the arguing Health Truth? If you prefer not to risk your health, then don't. Simply bald...naturally.


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Atually .......



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DDF went off the deep end. He is the first guy that I have seen actually lose it.

long hair

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well that's funny from you guys ..may be DDf is stupid but at least he has a full hair as you see in that pic and you know why stupid ppl have a full hair? because they don't stress they don't care about hard situations in life ....i just want to know how much you achieved with minoxidil ...if it work with no side effects i may use it too.


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you know why stupid ppl have a full hair? because they don't stress they don't care about hard situations in life

Damn, so that is the secret, BRB have to inform all men !!!!

i just want to know how much you achieved with minoxidil ...if it work with no side effects i may use it too.

don't use minoxidil, just don't stress and you will have full head of hair..

in my case i helped me slowing the process during a few years, but alone it might not help you a lot

Health Truth

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Basically, finasteride is a demasculating drug that respected doctors (not the FDA pat roll ones) say effects at least 5-10% of users a very seriously 33% of those being effected for life another 33% of those for a very long time so basically is ruins the lives of 2-3% of people who take it and that figure could go up significantly when more long term studies are available. When you are taking something and it starts giving you tits (and God knows what other uspecified side effects), that is your body's way of saying stop giving me this poison.

Frenchy could have his crash any minute it could just after he comes off finasteride and his body crashes or it could be while he is on the drug. Quite frankly I think it is ridiculous that he has the cheek to try and make fun of me because I have more sense than to go on the stuff. No doubt if he does have a crash he'll end up being one of those poor f***** on the post finasteride help forums.

Anyway by simply cutting out dairy almost entirely especially if it is not organic, sugary foods and basically anything that can increase sebum or or estrogen (the body uses DHT to attack estrogen) not only have I not noticed any hair loss but I feel and look great, lost a stone and a half and had lasses all over me the last few times I've been out.

It's a bit like how extremely fat women can not get pregnant because of all the estrogen they have stored up acting like birth control. Even women on the pill can be known to suffer hair loss as the body produces DHT to fight the excess estrogen. Just as male sterod users can get tits from the excess estrogen the body creates to fight the excess testosterone being put in. If you have a lot of muscle plus are carrying too much excess fat hair loss disaster guys.

Each to their own methods, anyone wishing to take finasteride I will not ridicule but for me it's just way too extreme especially if you have already suffered severe side effects especially I'd advise you to come off because the side effects often come before a life altering change caused by the drug based on a lot of the testimonials I've read.
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