hmm what do you think...?


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sometimes i have dreams.. or just random thoughts inside my head during the day and i see myself with a full thick head of hair. i remember somebody else posted something similar to this one but, do you think that if you can envision yourself having that full head of great hair one day that it will come true? even through all of my severe doubting right now and worrying, i do believe that it will come true.. heh just asking what you guys think about this.



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I've dealt with this for over 10 years. Once about 2 years ago, I got a hair system. I looked in the mirror, and finally had it. It was the most astonishing feeling I ever had! I felt like I could go anywhere and speak to anyone with complete confidence. What a rush!!! :freaked2:

But it was short lived. First, people DID notice (which was worse than the "look" at the top of my head at other times. Then the thought of spending a couple of thousand a year set in.

I went back after 2 weeks and told them to scalp me. I proceeded to purchase a new Mach3 razor, and the rest was history.

I've been trying to grow it back while now on the big 3.

I have realized now, and we all should, that I will NEVER have a nice head of hair. NEVER.


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You guys never know.

Even if you come to accept and live with your hairloss over the next ten years, by that time you might turn around and find amazing new treatments that could completely fill in your shiny head.

I suppose cost could be a problem, but barring that, maybe we'll be out of the woods by the end of the decade. It sucks for me to have to go through this at such a young age, but at least I don't think I'll have to go through the rest of my life like this like all my grandparents did.


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It's just your conscious and unconscious desire to have great hair. I've never had great hair so losing what I have is just the final kick in the gut. Given the choice, of course I would want something better, but if I let those dreams get the best of me I would only feel worse about myself. Here's something weird-- I project my inner self as shaved head bald and muscular and that liberates me somehow.

Now I do SORT OF have dreams of a procedure like hair cloning to one day restore my hair, but I'm not counting on it (in case it just never happens). I have hope though.


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wastingpenguins, I share your sentiment. I like to think that I wont have to spend my whole life bald and this whole 'thinning' and 'shaved head' we're just my 'style' for a while between 2005 and 2010. :) I'm 23 now.

Then, magically, when I turned 30 I decided to grow my hair out again and it is magnificent! Sorry this was a departure from my cautious post from above. I keep a balance somewhere between hope and pessimism.


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this hair loss is a bloody cancer...a slow death...death of your morale, your confidence and your happiness. I sometimes wonder that I would happily exchange this with a disease like cancer. At least its curable. I am just sick and tired of fighting this daily battle which I know I will never win.


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I attended a conference on stem cell and gene therapy research two weeks ago for my honors Biology course.

Aside from learning a TON of interesting stuff about stem cells that I never knew, it made me realize that this research is real, and not just politics or science fiction.

It's real stuff, guys. It's going to bring about some truly amazing advances in medicine (not just hair restoration :) ) in the coming years.

Have faith.


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wastingpenguins said:
Aside from learning a TON of interesting stuff about stem cells that I never knew, it made me realize that this research is real, and not just politics or science fiction.Have faith.

And if we could have had federal funding for stem cell research... ARG!


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Okay, here's something else I learned that day.

I too was pretty disheartened when Bush won the election, mostly because of the stem cell issue.

But, I have since learned what Bush's plan really meanns-- federal funding cannot be used to "destroy an embryo".

The way it has been explained to me, if private funds were used to destroy the embryo, federal funds could be used to study it.

Not that embryos even need to be destroyed for the most of the research anyway. It's sad, because most people equate stem cell research with abortion, which is about the most ignorant opinion you can have. Some people I've talked to think that the reason scientists are researching stem cells is so they can clone individuals.

The masses are stupid.

But really. In many parts of the country, especially California, research is pushing full steam ahead.


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wastingpenguins said:
Not that embryos even need to be destroyed for the most of the research anyway. It's sad, because most people equate stem cell research with abortion, which is about the most ignorant opinion you can have. Some people I've talked to think that the reason scientists are researching stem cells is so they can clone individuals.

The masses are stupid.

But really. In many parts of the country, especially California, research is pushing full steam ahead.

Embyonic stem cell research is very similar to abortion. I can't eblieve you would call people ignorant and stupid for holding this view. I'll grant you that most people probably haven't thought it through that well, but there is a lot of ethical similarity between ebryonic stem cell research and abortion.
I don't understand how you can't see that when supposedly you're studying honours level biology.
In any event, it's likely that hair cloning won't require embryonic stem cells. It will more likely use our own cells or adult stem cells. This negates any ethical issues no matter what your views are.


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there's no room for ethics when it comes to getting people "all better".. .at least not in the ethics regarding embryos.

we need to advance humankind, and progress.. not stick to the same damned stupid holy books that do nothing except numb the minds of the weak.

besides, if people really cared about dead babies, they wouldn't allow for innocent civilians to be bombed by our wars, that's for sure... and they wouldn't send your kids off either... a meat grinder is not found in the lab, it's found in the battlefield.

keep your church out of my science, and i'll keep my science out of your church.


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I'm against abortion from a moral POV, but as a libertarian I'm against criminalization. It would be just another government boondoggle, like federally funded stem cell research.

What really urks me about abortion from a personal standpoint is when you have people like that c*** Tammy from The Real World who have abortions just because having a baby is inconvenient for them. And then go about it like it's a regularly scheduled dental cleaning.

Whatever. If it's that immoral, "God" or whomever will deal with them on judgement day. I certainly don't want the government deciding when an abortion is considered murder.


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IwantMyhair said:
there's no room for ethics when it comes to getting people "all better".. .at least not in the ethics regarding embryos.

we need to advance humankind, and progress.. not stick to the same damned stupid holy books that do nothing except numb the minds of the weak.

besides, if people really cared about dead babies, they wouldn't allow for innocent civilians to be bombed by our wars, that's for sure... and they wouldn't send your kids off either... a meat grinder is not found in the lab, it's found in the battlefield.

keep your church out of my science, and i'll keep my science out of your church.

When I read comments like this I just feel disappointed. You really don't understand what you're talking about. Clearly you have a problem with religion. That's fine, whatever. It doesn't bother me what your opinions on religion are. The point is that there is a clear philosophical / ethical argument against using embryos to harvest stem cells. You haven't even acknowledged this argument but rather have seen fit to launch into a rant against religion.

Not that I was even interested in what you had to say. I posted in response to a post from someone who said he was studying honours level biology. I thought he might have had more insight into the issue.
I was asked to explain how abortion and embryonic stem cell research could be compared ethically by another poster. If this is the response I can expect I'm not inclined to do so. If you're really interested then do a Google search. I'd be happy to discuss any specific issues that interested you.


ginner said:
When I read comments like this I just feel disappointed. You really don't understand what you're talking about. Clearly you have a problem with religion. That's fine, whatever. It doesn't bother me what your opinions on religion are. The point is that there is a clear philosophical / ethical argument against using embryos to harvest stem cells. You haven't even acknowledged this argument but rather have seen fit to launch into a rant against religion.

Not that I was even interested in what you had to say. I posted in response to a post from someone who said he was studying honours level biology. I thought he might have had more insight into the issue.
I was asked to explain how abortion and embryonic stem cell research could be compared ethically by another poster. If this is the response I can expect I'm not inclined to do so. If you're really interested then do a Google search. I'd be happy to discuss any specific issues that interested you.

poor, weak response.


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Not that I was even interested in what you had to say.

Wow, I really upset somebody enough for them to not be interested in what I say, but write a whole couple paragraphs on it.

That's pretty neat.

Anyway, I do have a problem with organized religion... I was raised Catholic and went to their schools, so of course I have a problem with religion! :lol:

Anyway, if it takes some embryos in order to make a huge step in science... I say chop em' up!

Hey, I wouldn't mind if I never made it to this point... and somebody chopped me up as an embryo (Probably cause I wouldn't remember or even care).


Besides, we chop up baby animals and eat them.. why not use our own species for advancement ? (except we won't eat them, we'll only learn about hair and diseases and sh*t).



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tynanW said:
Old Baldy said:
As if science is separate from the Creator. Simple mindedness at its best.

the Creator.


I believe in a creator... it's just not the same one as found in your major world religion books. Those versions of gods are tyrants and do not deserve my worship. My 'creator' is simply the root/source/entity/power... that created the universe. It does not revolve around human emotion, and it doesn't hear prayers or any of that tomfoolery either. If it cared about things, it would have fixed them nice from the beginning.. and stopped wars and ended hunger by now. It doesn't. It won't.

( ... lieve.html ) <-- read here for more information on the tyranny and disgusting styles of "Christian God".

Anyway, science is seperate from the 'creator', because we have to ignore those so-called "morals" which are imposed upon us by the religious right/politicians.. in order to achieve REAL scientific advancement. Perhaps we have to use embryos. Big deal. (I really don't know enough about it but I find it funny to say nontheless!).

If the religious rights' "Morals" come into play, then we make very little progress because of THEIR personal views of a 'God'. We need to ignore these people and progress without them. Let them pretend about fairies and demons on their own.. I'm interested in science!