hmm what do you think...?


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I'm liking the religion arguements, so, i'm going to chip in and if anyone gets offended then okay, thats your right! But if you really have faith in your beliefs then you won't be offended at all.

Why is it that people can literally tear each other to shreds about their political opinions but when it comes to religious beliefs you are meant to just accepted and respect other peoples beliefs? in a way that is different from political debate.

I think that further into the future people will look back at us and our religious beliefs and think we were stupid. Like we do now when we look back to the past at people believing that when if it was thundering then the God's were angry and human sacrificies.

Religion can be a good thing for some people, offering support, morals and principals in which to live your life as a good person, but, generally religion is constantly used to manipulate and control people. Much as the Republican party in the USA use's religion to increase its popularity. Back in England during the early 19th century religion was used against the working class to get them to accept that they should do all the work and defer to the ruling classes.

Lecture over.


Petchsky, I have no respect for peoples religious beliefs, I realise this is a strong statement, but to me religion is a poison that has yet to be removed from the human condition.

f*** these bastards and all the hell they have brought to the earth.


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Petchsky, I share you sentiments regarding religion, mostly about how it is used to influcence people.

In any case, Ginner--

Embryonic stem cells can be derived from an unused blastocyst (an immature embryo). Do you realize how many THOUSANDS of these blastocysts are stored by fertility clinics across the country? These cells have never been implanted into a prospective mother's uterus. Their fate is to remain frozen in nitrogen waiting to be implanted or destroyed when donors no longer pay maintenance and storage fees.

That's right-- after a certain period of time, these stored blastocysts are deemed "unclaimed", and destroyed.

Unfortunately, the warped world of politics has left the vast majority of the world completely unaware of this.

True, embryonic stem cells can be attained from an aborted fetus. But they don't have to be.

BESIDES, what I actually said was that most people equate "stem cell research" (not EMBRYONIC stem cell research) with abortion. What I meant was, much stem cell research can occur without any embryo involvement. There is a great deal of research being done with adult stem cells, which can be attained from a number of different tissues, including ubilical and placental tissue.[/b]


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tynanW said:
Petchsky, I have no respect for peoples religious beliefs, I realise this is a strong statement, but to me religion is a poison that has yet to be removed from the human condition.

f*** these bastards and all the hell they have brought to the earth.

I think you meant to say "people's religious beliefs". Other than that, well said!


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Guys, guys.

My two cents: No matter what your religious beliefs are, you must admit that faith, in all forms, has historically been used as a weapon against happiness. Corrupt and greedy leaders have warped almost every form of worship right from the very beginning and used it either for monetary gain, power, or political advantage. Given this history, I firmly believe it should be a private matter. Perhaps a *society* can be too secular, but a *government* cannot. 'S my 'pinion.

Spirituality (the word I prefer over "religion") can be the best medicine for the soul if one is receptive to it. If they are not, I cannot believe that is enough reason for the Creator (whoever he/she/it is) to cast them into the fiery depths of Hell forever.

The afterlife has gotta be more complicated than that. :p

ginner: I am very curious as to why you think embryonic stem cell research is morally equivalent to abortion, especially given what wastingpenguins pointed out. Please give us some insight. I speak as a conflicted liberal who wonders sometimes if abortion is a "sin" (read "inflicted wound") against God (read the Creator, or universal life force, or whatever.)


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Another thing me must all remember:

Religion was invented by man.

Carry on.


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Looks like we are preaching to the perverted...apart from Ginner, who has ran for the hills.

Look no further than the Middle East for religion being used to control people. When i look at the Middle Eastern countries they just seem behind in evolutionary terms.

Ever notice how religion always seems to prosper in poor, uneducated countries?


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Chujgcha said:
One post and I bury threads...mwwaahahaha. :snipersmilie:

Hold your fire! this thread ain't dead yet Reverend


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Yes Petchsky, that is very interesting.

I once watched a TV special on Discovery Times Channel called "Children of Terror". The focus was mainly on Pakistan and Afghanistan. They explained how poor, starving children in these countries find solace in mosques. They teach them to read and write, give them food, clothing, shelter, and even money. And in the process turn them into raging Europe-and-Western-hating fanatics.

It's a great program.


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Better pray for me to, i'm damned!

Yeah some parts of the US are religious. Evangelical Christians, some of them have some fucked up beliefs. But, although America is a economic powerhouse there are some states that are pretty damn poor, which i find disgusting in a country that is so rich.

Mitchigan (?) where Old Baldy is from is, i believe, quite poor and run down, with high unemployment. Maybe i'm wrong on that. Oldie?


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Petchsky said:
Mitchigan (?) where Old Baldy is from is, i believe, quite poor and run down, with high unemployment. Maybe i'm wrong on that. Oldie?

Old Baldy can't respond - he's actually looking for something to eat in Mitchigans garbage containers.


Old Baldy

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Detroit city proper is rundown. Too many non-working lazy, alcoholics and drug addicts left over from the Democratic Party's created welfare state that started back in the late 1960's. Govenor Engler and President Clinton effectively ended the assinine liberal welfare state created by the Democrats.

Other than Detroit city proper, (Flint also) the state is in good shape and brings in millions of tourists every year. (Manufacturing jobs for the uneducated have been dwindling for the last 30 years. We have too many uneducated people in the Detroit area. But as time goes on they die off and they aren't as large of a problem as they used to be.)

Golfing, camping, hiking, hunting and fishing are the major attractions. We are a very unusual state in America in that we are a VERY gun friendly state, yet our politics are on the liberal side. VERY unusual. Democrats in America are usually vehemently anti-gun sheep. Not so in Michigan.

The vast majority of people from Michigan would disapprove of governments that create a population of unarmed, wimpy sheep. Like it is in England.

Petchsky and Bismarck: Like I said, in Michigan we are men and aren't afraid to post our location on this forum. We aren't scared little sheep that don't let people know our location like, for instance, you two are.

Btw, the wife and I have done very well money wise. We don't have to get our food from garbage cans. We could probably buy Petchsky and Bismarck out without even putting a dent in our finances.