i agree that some people probably don't decline, and might even climb a little more after 2 years.
most of the people on this sight are people thinking of trying propecia who want to research it first, and people who had bad results with it and are back here looking for answers.
i have seen some posts with good results. most posts on here don't have very good results. dutasteride gets better results.
i recommend people with very mild hair loss and low hair lines to just take the finasteride. I recommend dutasteride and an bunch of topicals to people who want to regrow a lot of hair. i think if holyhair wants to regrow his hairline, he will need more than just propecia.
I also believe that many topicals are just needed to regrow the hair, and once it is fully terminal, and not light colored or thin, dutasteride 2x per week could maintain it. i believe that some people who grow more hair with minoxidil + propecia will find that they lose some of it when they drop the minoxidil. it just depends on your genetics and if you actually regrew the hair. one thing i don't like about minoxidil is it makes your hair look like it is terminal when it might not yet be terminal. However, i still think you should use it just because it protects blood vessels from attack, it seems.