holyhair's story - (my st0ry a bit different)


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a pencil is about 1/4 inch. you have hope there.


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Maybe you should cut your hair as short as you can bear it while your fighting this thing.

I always had a yen for long hair and grew it shoulder length early last year - then it started coming out in clumps. Someone told me the length was putting too much strain on the follicles and that it would fall out and grow back stronger - it fell out sure enough, but it didn't grow back. But when I cut it short the shedding stopped completely - I was left with a runway where I had my parting.

Good luck with it anyway - you've come to the best place.


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very depressing reading here right now.
yes i will shorten it a bit more.
im going to try to fight this and since i have just started im trying to not give into negative thougts.

if i loose i do but im not going to think about that now.
i will do what i can see how it works.

time will tell.


Definitely add some rogaine to your propecia regimen and consider adding an anti androgen like spironolactone as well. You've got some major thinning going on and it needs to be stopped.


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bought a 3pack rogaine 5% today.
been staring at it for almost 30 minutes.
feels like its a treshold.

if i step over it i let my hair control a big part of my life.

i will have talk with my ex and ask advice.

its not really the physical act im considering,its the state of mind.

i have already an entire pharmacy on the sink just for my hair in 1 months time.

is this what my life will become..daily eatig rubbing and showering..staring at the mirror a billion times a day.

and shedding and after 5 years loose the battle in best case scenario.


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you make a commitment to your teeth when you brush them and don't just have them removed. do your teeth control your life? does your makeup control your life? what about cologne and good clothes? i agree on the last two, which is why i wear blue genes and skip the cologne. But applying 5 drops of minoxidil accross smooth skin with your finger will take you 10 seconds, and you can rinse it off after 3 hours if you want.

really, it is no worse than brushing your teeth, and a lot easier than applying makeup. you only feel like it is controlling your life if you want to feel that way, but i doubt you feel your shower or your toothbrush control your life. just change your mind set, and don't freak if you miss a dose once in a while, so long as it only is once or twice a week.


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yes your right..its more the mental lock it will have on me.
but i understand your point.

i have a stupid question...i have been reading the instructions that came with it but only says 4 hours to dry.

but im going to apply it at the evening and sometimes shortly before bedtime (work late sometimes)...

how long must it dry on the skin before i can go to bed and not smudge it on the pillow and from the pillow to my face?

dont wanna wakeup one day looking like chewbacca in star wars.


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depending how much you use, 30 minutes is usually OK. if you put 1mL on a shaved crown, it will take the full 4 hours to dry, at least on my brothers head. 5 drops rubbed into your forehead should definitely be fine in 30 minutes. just touch it with your finger and see if any stick to it and comes off easily.

4 hours is optimal, but you can get 90% that at 3 hours or 75% that a 2 hours. just get it on there twice a day if you can or once a day, and fit it into your schedule and shorten it if you have to.


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just to get it documented i started rogaine today.


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holyhair said:
and shedding and after 5 years loose the battle in best case scenario.

Everyone always says this, but I don't quite get it - the graphs I've seen show that there's an increase in hair for two years, and after that there's a slow decline, but after 5 years there's still more than there was in the first place. And this is on average, which I believe would take into account people who weren't affected by the drug at all and just slowly declined the entire time. Thus, if some people didn't decrease after 2 years and just held steady, the graph would still show a decline cause of the average with the people who'd been in decline all along. I might be wrong about that though.

Some people on this site have been on the stuff for more than 5 years, and I THINK that they've basically maintained all this time (or they probably wouldn't have remained on it so long!).


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true i agree on this i have seen the graph but i have never seen anyone post and say that they have lived and seen it.

i guess thats why it feels like its a "truth".


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i agree that some people probably don't decline, and might even climb a little more after 2 years.

most of the people on this sight are people thinking of trying propecia who want to research it first, and people who had bad results with it and are back here looking for answers.

i have seen some posts with good results. most posts on here don't have very good results. dutasteride gets better results.

i recommend people with very mild hair loss and low hair lines to just take the finasteride. I recommend dutasteride and an bunch of topicals to people who want to regrow a lot of hair. i think if holyhair wants to regrow his hairline, he will need more than just propecia.

I also believe that many topicals are just needed to regrow the hair, and once it is fully terminal, and not light colored or thin, dutasteride 2x per week could maintain it. i believe that some people who grow more hair with minoxidil + propecia will find that they lose some of it when they drop the minoxidil. it just depends on your genetics and if you actually regrew the hair. one thing i don't like about minoxidil is it makes your hair look like it is terminal when it might not yet be terminal. However, i still think you should use it just because it protects blood vessels from attack, it seems.


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i must just enter a note about the rogaine.

i love it! it cured my oily scalp problem i got from propecia.

the side effects of propecia is also slightly better i can almost think again and i was almost horny for once for the first time in a few weeks.

it sounds corny but its a joy in small steps in the right direction.

bought a really nice looking medicine cabinet polished steel and tainted glas to keep my hairproducts in.
i figure they are in my life to stay so i might give it some class and get it off the sink.
gonna buy a pretty glas contain for the rogaine also.

im trying to turn it into something i feel belong in my life instead of sterile packages with labels or hide them like i was a sick person with some shamefull secret.

we have done nothing wrong and nothing to be ashamed of.
we just need some extra products to look a little better :)


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how about blue berry blue glass? I doubt that white bottle blocks out all the light.


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old medication jars was often in darkbrown glas maybe that would work or some other dark color?


Dude just drop the fuken charade and stop being a lil f** bag who dressing up as a girl f*** ur 29, shave it down, get a job, and fuken bang some pussy already...jeeeeez wtf would make any1 dress up as a girl is beyond me...a lil fuken peter pan fairy kid