holyhair's story - (my st0ry a bit different)



Aplunk1 said:
TheMoose has left the building!

I hope so. Any confirmation he's been banned? He's free to hold whatever opinions he wants but he shouldn't express opinions like that on here, and ESPECIALLY not in someone's tell your story thread.


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TheMoose said:
Dude just drop the fuken charade and stop being a lil f** bag who dressing up as a girl f*** ur 29, shave it down, get a job, and fuken bang some pussy already...jeeeeez wtf would make any1 dress up as a girl is beyond me...a lil fuken peter pan fairy kid

May warts grow on your dick sir.
For the record i have job and i dont know how that would have anything to do with my hair or choice of life its year 2006.

I took a few minutes to think trough what i would like to tell you mister.
There is probably hidden trannies on this sitewho ask advice and read posts.
So i feel i represent them in a way.

I could just tell you to f*** off but that wouldnt really give me any satisfaction.

This is what i want you to hear:

You give the impession of somebody who cant actually match me in IQ so you use strong words to look big and scary.

The effect is that i only see a small and scared person behind the words.
Your so scared of the world that another person on the other side of the world is a threat against you.

You will never meet me or talk to me so obvioulsy the problem is rooted deep inside your mind.

Your fear is not wanted here.

Trannies are regular people..and they are brave..not afraid like you little man.
They go against the grain and alot of rules.
All they want is to live the way they want.
And they have to face alot of afraid people like you.
They choose that their own happiness is more important then the fear of others.

They are good friends..soemtimes fathers,sons and family.
They and i deserve the same respect that everyone else get.
Not more not less.
And we are everywhere and wont go away no matter how much you go insane and rant about it on forums.

Friend or foe is your own choice.
You dont have to understand or love us but you WILL respect other choices.
People die i wars for the right to freedom.
This is that freedom.
I wont waste one more word in reply to your insults.
Your have already occupied my story line far to long.


Silly silly fool. I fear you not, and have no reason to. Sure it's 2006...sure freedom is a gift passed on. But, freedom with limitation is the key. If freedom was without limit, this world would be a lot more terrible. Limits like policemen to stop murders, bouncers to prevent underage drinking etc etc. People can't just go around doing anything they like. And for the record good sir, it is nothing with you that I have something against. It is the fucked up life path that you have chosen. The problem is, that people are liberal pussies nowadays and can't take any offense whatsoever, that I have to heed way. Well I will not heed to you and if you are offended what I have to say then so be it, Im not some afraid person who is afraid to go against the liberal way, I will not call fat people culinarily challenged...they are FAT FAT...thats fucken it, I will not change my words for you. I bet a lot of people here have an issue with your lifestyle, but are just afraid to speak out against it. Well if I get banned for excercising my FREEDOM of speech to speak out against your pansy *** so be it.


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People are too liberal? Hmm, well if we're going to be such a harsh judge of fat people, transvestites, etc, we could easily judge you for being... say... balding?


TheMoose said:
Silly silly fool. I fear you not, and have no reason to. Sure it's 2006...sure freedom is a gift passed on. But, freedom with limitation is the key. If freedom was without limit, this world would be a lot more terrible. Limits like policemen to stop murders, bouncers to prevent underage drinking etc etc. People can't just go around doing anything they like. And for the record good sir, it is nothing with you that I have something against. It is the fucked up life path that you have chosen. The problem is, that people are liberal pussies nowadays and can't take any offense whatsoever, that I have to heed way. Well I will not heed to you and if you are offended what I have to say then so be it, Im not some afraid person who is afraid to go against the liberal way, I will not call fat people culinarily challenged...they are FAT FAT...thats fucken it, I will not change my words for you. I bet a lot of people here have an issue with your lifestyle, but are just afraid to speak out against it. Well if I get banned for excercising my FREEDOM of speech to speak out against your pansy *** so be it.

Moose, may you bald fast and furious. And might i recommend getting some education. You have no freedom of speech on a private website. That comment shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the first amendment and how it is applied. The first amendment only refers to the government not being allowed to censor your right to free speech. But this isn't a government web site, is it? Nope. Sorry big boy.

Very sorry about this holyhair. I want to apologize on behalf of all fair minded here for Moose being such a prick and crapping all over your well-intentioned thread. Hopefully he will be banned soon and we can continue.


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No you can let them stay i think its a good thing if some other trannie with hairloss registers that she can see the friendlies outnumbers the haters on the forum.

Thank you for your support all of you.

At the moment im more concerned with my hairline really.


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im in a strange place with my hair.

im now certain about im having sprouting hairs.
i have also devloped baby hair in the corner on my left temple.

got a a haircut also just som tuning really and the girl mentioned i had alot of black short hair in the middle of my head and at the front.

the thing is i got very light brown hair...strange.

on the other hand im loosing alot of hair...alot more then usuall..trying to not freak out about it.

the sprouting is strange...also hard to tell if it "survivors" or new hair..but im sure i have sprouted some..if it keeps up it will really..blow me away.

But i try to stay positive without getting hopes up (yeah its hard).

I wish i could fast forward one year from now,the days have never been slower in my life.

Its just a question who will win the battle the hair that falls off in loads or the sprouting ones...i swear im loosing and gaining at the same time no matter how strange it sounds.

yes im in a strange place with my hair right now.


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You have three options:

1. Shave it all off and say goodbye to being a tranny
2. Get a hair transplant
3. Wear a wig
4. Wait for HM

Unless you are an extremely great responder to the treatments you will never have womens hair. Now I don't know what passes as desirable in your circles but the sooner you accept the fact that you're a man and you have hairloss the better. Maybe you can dress as a pimp and your friends as girls.


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a year of the most expensive combo of the strongest drugs costs a fraction of the price of a hair transplant, and a transplant takes 1.5 years to get to the density you want, and has a 6 month initial period without growth, wheras topicals may regrow a lot of hair in 1.5 months, considering how well she is responding in a few weeks.

If propecia is working this well for you, I think you should caugh up an extra $10 a month and get dutas from http://www.inhousepharmacy.com for $13.50 for 10, no shipping, and take 2 or 3 per week. The only risk is you might get side effects, since you said you had a few from the propecia that went away. But you will regrow more hair, and you risk only $13.50 to see if you get them. That is a 1 month supply. I still think you should add folligen. Since the hair loss was so recent and you are getting such good results, I really think you can regrow your hairline.


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that makes me wonder if there is fake avodart floating around or if there is some other reason.


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i dont think i can capture it with my crappy camera,its not much to see yet really its black hairs spaced out abit apart it must thicken up alot before its anygood but im happy for responding at all and not just getting the side effects.

the reason i see them at all is that i have started to keeping an eye on the tempels and the hairline...if i was a stranger i wouldnt be able to tell that it was new hairs.

im not really aiming for getting back to when i was 18 as i said before if i can only back up 2-3 years and maintain for a few years i will be happy.

being tranny is about illusion anyway im only aiming to maintain it.
i realise that somewhwere along the line i will probably loose the battle but i dont want to right now at this moment.

life is short live it at the moment :)


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out of pure curiousity what would happen if i took premarin 1.25mg x4 daily?

would it actually be more effective and replace the propecia?

i have tv friends who take it..it has though deeper effects and dangers and not for regular men.



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like testosterone, there is no correlation between estrogen levels and male pattern baldness in men

taken a synthetic estrogen supplement would obviously cause a man to exhibit female secondary sex characteristics


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strange i thought that propecia was jsut doing that...reducing the male hormone levels? wouldnt increasing the female ones have the same or better effect?

im not trying to argue against you im just trying to understand how it works.

i only considered it since im not afraid of the "side effects" and thought that is why nobody uses it.


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no, finasteride reduces DHT, a secondary testosterone hormone...
Finasteride (marketed as Proscar, Propecia, Fincar, Finpecia, Finax, Finast, Finara, Prosteride) is an antiandrogen which acts by inhibiting 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

no, i understand your position, don't worry

as stated, finasteride reduces DHT only, now because of lower DHT tissue and serum levels, sometimes the body will have an overcompensation of estrogen, this is why some males get gyno

but increases estrogen levels alone do not grow hair in MBP


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yep i have now started a bad shedding since 2 days back wasnt sure first..but yeah a handfull of hair is a nice addition to my life everytime i shower.

crap and im just in the process of applying for a new job with some luck this shed will combine its powers with the minoxidil one just in time for my face 2 face interview in a week or two.

also tried to take pics of my sprouters but they wont show on pictures (vampire hair!!)
i have developed alot if babyhair in the left temple corner..its kinda wierd to feel it against the fingertop so light in color its hard to see though.


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Baby hair, already? That sounds promising - you haven't been on your regimen that long.


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yes i know im almost at the 2 month mark on propecia and nizoral.
only a few days on the rogaine.

that is why i first thought i must be imagining it.

but im now sure about the 2-3 mm long white hairs and some black sprouters...the reason im sure about the black hairs is that some has sprouted from bare skin.

and they are black...wich is not my normal color...and they are shorter then the rest of my hair.

the sprouters dont really give me any hope i belivie its propably "sleepers that woke up at first chance" but the baby fuzz is really positive...but its on the wrong temple...i need it more on the other side.

im trying to not get my hopes up.
my entire hair can fall off next week for all i know.