holyhair's story - (my st0ry a bit different)


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estrogen seems like a very unlikely solution, and is one of the side effects most men want to avoid. finasteride just keeps as much testosterone from getting turned into DHT.


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captains log stardate 06 08 15.
i hate minoxidil it makes hair grow all over my body.
i have been really careful about not applying when wet to avoid systematic effect but obviously it didnt really matter.
i really dont have any body hair for being male now im getting black thick hairs all over me.

its a great irony to have hair growing in the wrong places.

woudnt surprise me at all if the joke would be if i quit the rogain everythiong but my body hair would fall off...lol..


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Well if you use steroids that's exactly what happens. You start growing body hair on shoulders and other areas but you lose your hair on the head. When you stop using you also keep the body hair but the hair on your head won't return.


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2 moth mark pictures.
my camera suck,i fi dont use flash u cant se crap and with it i lok like a cancer victim,trust me it makes it look worse then it is.


i dont think you can rally se any change yet.
its after just applied minoxidil so hair is a bit wet.

but i think you might spot some black hairs growth along my hair line its the shorter "fuss".

Im still loosing more then usuall,i dont know if its good or bad...to early to tell anything yeti have decided that if i dotn have regrowth after the 1 year mark i will say screw it and quit everything and jsut shave it short anf use the money for some good wigs instead and hate myself for a while.




Did some inspection of my hair after the pics i have been avoiding the mirror on purpose lately.
And damn me if its not popping up very short black new hairs at the front.
But these black hairs must thicken up like a ton before its any good.

Got som random black hairs also in no hair land..they seem to pop up from nowhere grow about 2cm and then slow down.

im not gonna over analyze it..its there ..thats all..time will tell.
Wish i had a better camera.

All these hairs must be propecia alone..cant wait for the minoxidil to kick in.


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today sucks..im used to loose hair in the shower...but today i filled my hand with hair when it was dry....never done that before..
im kinda shocked.
just stared on it for along while..a f*****g handfull

must be the minoxidil?
if i keep loosing it this pace the regrowth must pickup like right now.

since i have always had long hair its hard to not notice when its everywhere but this..this is freaky...like i got cancer or something.

im just blowing off steam becuase it shocked me..im not going to change my regimen in any way..but it was horrible...this day will suck to got to work.


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have avoided the mirror a while now.
but today i took a long look i did this on purpose so i could se if i had progress.

and yes..i am..its now impossible to not se the regrowth..the hairs are traveling down the skin area..blackhairs..very unatural...impossible to not see them.

left temple has most hairs..front is moving forward..yet only 2-3 millimeters..i se black hairs coming ..

i have finaly started to se black hairs on the right temple (where i really want regrowth)...same wierd pattern..looks very unatural.

Yet my hair looks thinner then ever..flat dead and not hard tyo se the scalp.

it might be that the regroth adds this illusion.

Anyway..my hair mus thicken up a billion times before its any good.
but i am haing regrowth from this point on i will not know if its minoxidil or propecia doing it.

my hair is turning darker also.
still the regrowth havent changed my state of hair in any way..
but obvioulsy the meds work.

i just dont know how good it will work yet.
atleast it might give hope to someone who reads all the negative posts...the stuff work..but takes time and might not give you what you want.

its a lottery.


Damn, you are seeing regrowth after only two months. You are really lucky and probably a good responder.

Btw. a few months ago I saw my wet hair under a halogen lamp and I also thought that i looked like having cancer. Being retarted as I am I didn´t not even face the truth that I was thinning but went on and lived in denial of my hair loss for some more time.

Good Luck!


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ive been living in doubt a long tie afraid of fooling myself that it was survivors of male pattern baldness and not new hairs.

now im sure of regrowth...but its like having a snail dragging a lifesaving drug across the room to you.
one drop at a time.

i also drop hairs everywhere..all the time...the shower is the worst..its alot more then usuall amount...about twice i would say.

buts it going so slow...feels like the hair that falls out will make me bald as a desert before the regrowth can catch up.

im not sure im a good responder...im having the sides though ..mostly libido...sucks a bit but i dont care...its worth it.
the minoxidil also makes my body hair black long and yucky...the hairs on my right arms is like twice as dark as the left arm(i use right hand to apply)

the regrowth can stop at any second...this might be all i get...its mighyt fall off tomorrow..i dont hagve th guts to get my hopes up...i just have some black hairs...thats all.
most expensive black hairs i know actually :wink:

i think people here do ghet regrowth but miss it if they have dark haircolor.
i spot them easy because i have very light brown hair...its like alien hair..not like it belong on my head.
black thick..strange hair


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just popping by to show im not dead.
gonna post 3 month mark pics in a few days.
it should be possible to capture the black hair now even with my crappy camera.
its a crown of short black hairs around the hair line.

a few hairs in dead mansland...on is in front and annoying the life ouit of me since its long and really displaced but cant find the heart to cut it off sice i use it as a landmark.

i have regrowth but still my hair looks like sh*t.
i think it has also slowed down..im not sure about anything anymore..im porbably having regrowth but it doesnt change the fact myhair looks crappy and shedding so i dont bother to look to much in the mirror anymore,its not worth the effort to get excited for a few hairs...i want more than that.

funny thing is i have alot of white fuss on the left temple..so much that it absorbs the rogaie so i have to apply more on that side to feel confident about it actually doing anything.

im shedding like a pig.
got nutache also for a week..then it went away im doing this tour in all the side effects hehe.

avoiding this forum to not go insane.
started taking anti depressives..but they have a warning that they might reduce the uptake and absorbing in the blood of other drugs..how ironic.


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3 months.




Well i was bored as hell so i dyed it purple...the fact that my hair is dark purple says something about how crappy my camera is.

Im so sorry i cant capture the regrowth for you guys..but the state right now:

i got about 2 milimeter of hairline moving forward at the front.
i got shitload of fuzz in the corners of my tempels..it got alot of baby hair there ranging from 4-6 mm to 1 mm in lenght mostly colorless hair but increasing numbers of black.

i got black hairs comming all along the hairline..it has moved into the dead mans lands cleary and impossible to miss..i am having regrowth for sure.

my top is also widening a bit.

Still im shedding like a pig...i would laugh my *** off at how absurd it is if it wasnt for the fact its my hair.

im avoiding mirrors as much as i can....i resist to count hairs and i try to ignore the shedding on pure willpower to not go insane.

if i had regrowth at the speed of loss i would have filled my tempels in 2 months.

im having regrowth no doubt but it hasnt actually helped me anything my hair looks crap.

you can still see tye amount of fuzz around my hairline.

if i had a better camera i would take closer pics showing regroth pattern...and i will get one but i couldnt afford one this month sorry.


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the bad hair day that never ends.

still shedding but i think the amount is now stable,im kinda suprised im not totally bald considering the amount of hairs falling off.

im having regrowth on the sides...and front..well actually all over the hairline.
i have a crown or strip of hair all around the hairline wiht about 2cm long black hairs.

but i am also loosing hair i think..im not sure..the regrowth makes the hairline look like crap so i cant really tell anymore if im winning or losing.

strange statement?

not really..if hairs grow its cool but you need density.
the front actually looks worse then ever.

its to much skin between the hairs.
regrowth is not really certain win situation.
it can make you look more balding.

Does it matter? no not really im going for the 12 months mark anyway i just want to log down how this trip is going.

if it doesnt pick up and just move in this pace im not sure if im gonna continue after the 12 month mark.
its mainly the minoxidil i dislike..the showering the applying the drying..the planning to make sure i have time for it.
takes hours for my hair to dry after showering.

my libido is lower then normal still but slightly better then the first weeks on finasteride.

its the hoping that is the real pain in the *** i think.

the nizoral is great though it makes the hair really thick.
talked to a girl i know who uses it for her scalp..and she lit up like a light when we talked about it because she had sworn her hair was alot thicker but couldnt figure out why.

its the nizoral doing it!

well thats all i just wanted to write down alot of thougts ive had and reflections.


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Good to see you back, Holyhair. I think there has been an improvement. Stick with it. Here's to the bitter end...


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dont worry im gonna keep posting the entire 12 months.
i realize my hair is a construction site right now and i cant judge until i have reached 12 months...but personal reflections might aid others going the same road..that they arent alone.

for the record i have also tried to help friends with male pattern baldness with what i have learned here.

like me they didnt know anything about this stuff and thought balding is the regalar way to go...one is now on finasteride and nizoral..the other one i havent talked to in a while so i dont know about him.


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I am aware that your desire is to grow your own hair, but if alll else fails... There are numerouse Human Hair Enhancements for Women.

I deal with several trannies and numerouse Transexuals who wear one type or another, most full time some just for special occasions. They are less expensive and much more realistic in most cases over those available for men. 16" hair in a varity of colors is available in Stock units.


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4 months 1 week.
Wet hair.
I can no longer judge how its going..it has eihter stopped or gone worse or only stayed the same and the regrowth i have has only grown longer hairs.

i cant tell anymore.

I might start female hormones soon,if it affects my hair i will let you know.




As usual the flash is so strong you could use it as an x-ray machine so its doesnt really show how it look in real life.


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if you like having a dick that works properly, and you want to have kids, stay well away from female hormones


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Hey there! I've just been reading your thread, and looking at the first pics you posted, and then at this last set, and it seems like your hair has improved!



Seems to me like your temples have inched forward and filled out, or is it the slightly different camera angle?

Anyway, good luck!