"hot" Chicks With One Major Flaw ?


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It's all about personality bro, looks don't matter.

https://www.instagram.com/p/BfPb9EQA-qC/?hair loss=en&taken-by=barstoolsports


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Girls surely are amazing, they're able to use their superior senses to sense the personality and confidence of these guys within milliseconds!



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i pulled a borderline BBW last night. beautiful face, curvy and little chunky with a great body underneath.

Its considered a flaw, but wasn't a deal breaker. Put in work, and laid down the LAW on her vagina.

GAME is freedom.


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i pulled a borderline BBW last night. beautiful face, curvy and little chunky with a great body underneath.

Its considered a flaw, but wasn't a deal breaker. Put in work, and laid down the LAW on her vagina.

GAME is freedom.
Hog hunting can be fun


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A lot of hot girls I have interacted with tend to have the worse personalities ever.

They are:

- Arrogant
- Self absorbed
- Self centered

And it is all because they know they are fit, sought after and can get away with murder.


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A lot of hot girls I have interacted with tend to have the worse personalities ever.

They are:

- Arrogant
- Self absorbed
- Self centered

And it is all because they know they are fit, sought after and can get away with murder.
they act like this around normies, and melvins

Around Chad's they blossom.

it's all relative


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These are women I have matched with on online dating, so clearly they fancy me but I am not playing ball.
what did you excpect.

Hot chicks on Tinder have no interest in being with normies and sub 7 dudes.

They want the cream of the crop. Why would they waste there time otherwise??? theres thousands of other normies who 'right' them

they want guys like this brah



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i pulled a borderline BBW last night. beautiful face, curvy and little chunky with a great body underneath.

Its considered a flaw, but wasn't a deal breaker. Put in work, and laid down the LAW on her vagina.

GAME is freedom.

I pulled a girl last week too, the only difference is...I don’t brag about it.

Game is freedom.


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what did you excpect.

Hot chicks on Tinder have no interest with being with normies and sub 6 dudes.

They want the cream of the crop. Why would they waste there time otherwise??? theres thousands of other normies who 'right' them

A) I don’t use tinder

And generally I do not get matched with hot girls that don’t fancy me. They have to swipe right too.

B) I find out how sh*t their personalities are after matching and chatting to them!


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what did you excpect.

Hot chicks on Tinder have no interest in being with normies and sub 7 dudes.

They want the cream of the crop. Why would they waste there time otherwise??? theres thousands of other normies who 'right' them

they want guys like this brah

View attachment 79699

I’m sure every girl wants a guy like that, in the same way we all want to date a super model.


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I pulled a girl last week too, the only difference is...I don’t brag about it.

Game is freedom.
banging chicks online doesn't count as a pull, mate!

your orchestrated dating through validation and picture approval aint GAME.

GAME is raw feedback, and real time results in motion.


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banging chicks online doesn't count as a pull, mate!

your orchestrated dating through validation and picture approval aint GAME.

GAME is raw feedback, and real time results in motion.

The goal is to bang a woman, it does not matter how you meet them. Chances are if she doesn't fancy you online, she won't fancy you in person either!


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The goal is to bang a woman, it does not matter how you meet them. Chances are if she doesn't fancy you online, she won't fancy you in person either!
LOL. you dont have much experience do you?

I have very handsome buddies that get sh*t, and what I like to call 'time waster' experiences through online. meanwhile in person they are scoring hot babes left, and right. So yeah your correlation between online and person doesn't confirm anything outside of most never look like there photos.

Snapchat is the only way to confirm what they actually look like. Women are sneaky... I always need to see them in motion.

Baldies use tinder because they are scared of the reality of face-to-face interaction. Real time responses can be fragile on there ego :D that's the beauty of online dating, orchestrated pictures, perfect angles and anonymity behind a computer screen.


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banging chicks online doesn't count as a pull, mate!

your orchestrated dating through validation and picture approval aint GAME.

GAME is raw feedback, and real time results in motion.
LOL. you dont have much experience do you?

I have very handsome buddies that get sh*t, and what I like to call 'time waster' experiences through online. meanwhile in person they are scoring hot babes left, and right. So yeah your correlation between online and person doesn't confirm anything outside of most never look like there photos.

Snapchat is the only way to confirm what they actually look like. Women are sneaky... I always need to see them in motion.

Baldies use tinder because they are scared of the reality of face-to-face interaction. Real time responses can be fragile on there ego :D that's the beauty of online dating, orchestrated pictures, perfect angles and anonymity behind a computer screen.

Said it before, will say it again, you seriously are an idiot.

I do online dating because it's cheaper, and is a lot more convenient way to meet women. Most of dates/lays have come from there, not many offline. Offline works of course if you are the type to go out a lot and approach - not everybody wants to do that and you shouldn't act like you are better than people who are using other means of meeting women because that is your preferred method. Also, the first date is where most of the work happens from online dating (in person), if being bald is a dealbreaker, first date will fail. She will see it and reject you. Hence, having pictures that are not a reflection of who the person is, is absolutely pointless.
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