"hot" Chicks With One Major Flaw ?


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Said it before, will say it again, you seriously are an idiot.

I do online dating because it's cheaper, and is a lot more convenient way to meet women. Most of dates/lays have come from there, not many offline. Offline works of course if you are the type to go out a lot and approach - not everybody wants to do that and you shouldn't act like you are better than people who are using other means of meeting women because that is your preferred method. Also, the first date is where most of the work happens from online dating (in person), if being bald is a dealbreaker, first date will fail. She will see it and reject you. Hence, having pictures that are not a reflection of who the person is, is absolutely pointless.

you need all the motivation you can get at this point.

are you going to match with her bro? :D



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you need all the motivation you can get at this point.

are you going to match with her bro? :D


That gal is an angel

giphy (3).gif


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Well if she doesn’t fancy me online, she won’t fancy me offline. Fool.

If we cannot reframe your hairline, lets start by reframing your mind set. :D


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rate her, inb4 mole



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Seems to be a lot more trolls on this forum. 6 years ago, people were disgruntled but a lot more empathetic and normal, now it is full of retards.


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Seems to be a lot more trolls on this forum. 6 years ago, people were disgruntled but a lot more empathetic and normal, now it is full of retards.
@Oknow, shook is one of us. He has BDD.:D He might be cocky but he knows what he is talking about. Your dating method is fine but its not "old fashioned". I did better in person than online. I don't photograph well either. I exude alot of great energy in person. And dress well enough that I get looks from young women still at my age. With a full head of hair, well dressed, standing up straight, smiling, and being charming, funny, and interesting, you can pull better than online. Just my experience.


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@Oknow, shook is one of us. He has BDD.:D He might be cocky but he knows what he is talking about. Your dating method is fine but its not "old fashioned". I did better in person than online. I don't photograph well either. I exude alot of great energy in person. And dress well enough that I get looks from young women still at my age. With a full head of hair, well dressed, standing up straight, smiling, and being charming, funny, and interesting, you can pull better than online. Just my experience.

It's the reverse for me, today I just got 4 matches and on average going on a date twice a month, could be higher if I went on dates with every single girl I matched with. So much easier and convenient. Before online, I had no action for about 5 years.

The key to online dating is to play the numbers game, eventually with enough likes you will get a fair amount of matches. It is no different to real life - go into a club, approach a 100 girls, a few will want to bang you.


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Baldies use tinder because they are scared of the reality of face-to-face interaction. Real time responses can be fragile on there ego :D that's the beauty of online dating, orchestrated pictures, perfect angles and anonymity behind a computer screen.
The majority of under 30s use or have used tinder in the past.

A recent study revealed that 40% of under 30's are actively using online dating (including tinder).

When you consider that 50% of people are in a relationship (same study) it goes to show that over two thirds of the single under 30s use online dating to some degree.


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The majority of under 30s use or have used tinder in the past.

A recent study revealed that 40% of under 30's are actively using online dating (including tinder).

When you consider that 50% of people are in a relationship (same study) it goes to show that over two thirds of the single under 30s use online dating to some degree.

LOADS of people are doing online dating,


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But it's not real dating.

I'm also trying to come to terms with the fact that the 4 years of my life I've spent in relationships don't count, because I met the vast majority of those girls online.

I also thought I had had sex with 30 different girls but in fact, I had "real" sex with only a handful of them that I met in real life.

Online dating is a tool to get people together. Thanks to it, you can meet girls you would never be able to meet otherwise. When I get together with other couples, a substantial percentage of them have formed through online dating.

It's becoming the norm, especially for introverted people. There's no shame to it. And it's not necessarily less stressful and easier, I remember the rush I used to feel on my first dates. Many of the girls I met were terrified before meeting.

It's a mistake to think one's personality make-up and preferences should apply to everyone. I don't go around mocking people who like to go out and party every week-end in hopes of sleeping around or finding a girlfriend. That's what extroverted people do and more power to them if they find that enjoyable.

For some of us, online dating works like a charm. It's especially useful for people who have busy lives and can't afford to go out all the time or pursue multiple hobbies in the hopes of meeting a partner.
Great post.


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For some of us, online dating works like a charm. It's especially useful for people who have busy lives and can't afford to go out all the time or pursue multiple hobbies in the hopes of meeting a partner.

This is why I do it.

Before online, i would spend tonnes of time and money approaching women (often unsuccessfully) in bars/clubs or signing up to expensive 'hobbies'. Online dating cuts the bullshit and saves me time, and money, both of which are hard to get back once spent. The time I am saving is allowing me to focus extensively in my career, where I am going to the next level currently. It is a great tool.


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Never witnesed how Game seduced girl. Plenty of Face seduсtion I've seen with mu own eyes though


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What exactly has he won?

So whilst you are all mentally masturbating over what women want, I am about to set up a date with another one. *Sigh* , second date in 2 weeks.

Are you actually f*****g these women though or just buying their dinner

Dates are such a waste of time unless you know in advance she's specifically someone you would want to be with long term.