How do girls react to NW2's?


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The girls have never seen a man who doesn't have a perfect NW1, so go figure... NW2 = revolting.


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Norwood 2 is not even noticeable hairloss...Norwood 3 is probably when people start to notice, and even then it's not that terrible, unless you have a raging mega huge head like me.


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If you think about it mate, some guys are never NW1's, it's not a big deal, women don't go round saying "oh look at that NW3 over there, gross"

uncomfortable man

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Much better than they would react to an nw6, so quit your bitching.


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uncomfortable man said:
Much better than they would react to an nw6, so quit your bitching.

He's right. These are the types of questions to which we probably already know the answer.


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this thread is full of BS.... NW2 is not noticeable.

Bald Dave

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I hate to say it but my hair is prob a nw4 or nw5 aged 26. People always think that I am alot older than I really am (some even say that I look 10 years older) which really sucks. People say that I should shave but I would look like an egg if I did that but if I keep my hair they way it is then people will say I look like an old man. Everyone in my family has got full heads of hair. I've got an uncle who is 55 and he is a nw1 - no joke! Even my 83 year old grandad has prob more hair than me. My younger bro who is just 3 years younger than me has got a nw1 and he gets loads of attention from girls whilst I am the invisable man - they totally ignore me and just look at him! Me and my bro are the same height, weight, have the same facial features etc. Honestly, we could be identical twins if I didn't have hairloss. The other day a girl mentioned my balding when I was in a nightclub - why would she mention that??? All the guys in nightclubs have full heads of hair and the only ones that don't are the bouncers, the over 30s and people like me (which I don't see many guys in their 20s with male pattern baldness) - IT SUCKS - Sorry but I just had to rant!


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Depends, I guess..
I started to make jokes about how I'm going to be front of the girls...didn't have any problem...I even spent a "pleasant" night with one girl yesterday :whistle:
...and yeah, she called be the day after ;)
So, I guess the first impression is important, but they will always fall for some other qualities. If you don't have them, then I guess you must relay only on how you look. But even that won't keep them to stay a bit longer ;)

Also...I think I'm getting used to "being bald"...or better said, I'm slowly accepting my bald destiny.

If nothing can't help you...then the good news is that Follica has promising treatments.


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Bald Dave, sporting a skullet at your age just screams for attention. You've been telling about your bad experiences for a long time here and you haven't even tried the buzz cut yet. What the hell is it that you have to lose? Really? 2.5 yrs ago, when I first noticed that I was going bald, the 1st thing in my mind was to try the buzz cut to see how it looks. It took me 5 months to try it and I'm glad I did. It was a shock at first and #0 still kinda is, but a 3mm buzz is the best hairdo for me at the moment. My balding clearly shows with that length but at least I save myself from all the hassle. I've been continuosly sporting a buzz cut for 1 year now and it has literally saved me from a lot of sh*t. No styling, no covering, nothing. Just 15 mins of my time once a week for buzzing it. And I got the worst headshape ever. I think you should at least try it.

P.S. And although I think that a buzz cut doesn't look great on me, I haven't heard any negative comments during this time. None. Kinda vice versa, my friends had told my bro to just buzz it like me. I think that's a positive comment.

Cassin: there are 5 user levels and it takes a 1000 posts to reach level 3? Pretty hardcore for a hairloss forum.

uncomfortable man

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Bd, thats why I never go to nightclubs or those high end lounges that require a dress code and a manicure and where everyone is sucking in their cheeks and peering through their trimmed nostrils. I go to dive bars where the chicks are easier and men are allowed to be men.


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Bald Dave said:
I hate to say it but my hair is prob a nw4 or nw5 aged 26. People always think that I am alot older than I really am (some even say that I look 10 years older) which really sucks. People say that I should shave but I would look like an egg if I did that but if I keep my hair they way it is then people will say I look like an old man. Everyone in my family has got full heads of hair. I've got an uncle who is 55 and he is a nw1 - no joke! Even my 83 year old grandad has prob more hair than me. My younger bro who is just 3 years younger than me has got a nw1 and he gets loads of attention from girls whilst I am the invisable man - they totally ignore me and just look at him! Me and my bro are the same height, weight, have the same facial features etc. Honestly, we could be identical twins if I didn't have hairloss. The other day a girl mentioned my balding when I was in a nightclub - why would she mention that??? All the guys in nightclubs have full heads of hair and the only ones that don't are the bouncers, the over 30s and people like me (which I don't see many guys in their 20s with male pattern baldness) - IT SUCKS - Sorry but I just had to rant!

lol bro. Let it all out. It's cool. I know how you feel.


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About the nightclub commet, if i may i suggest quit a simple solution...
I find out that the older woman is the less she cares about mens looks (and yes, its a generalziation, im talking about the majoriy here tho..) talk with a 18-20 years old, ask her about hairloss and certainly youll recive a different answer from 30 years old.. now i dont know whats your take, but id do a good lookin 30s~ over teens/20s no questions asked, and its a well known that men around their mid 20s are at thier prime so this plays for you there, find clubs/pubs where they hangout, youll be surprised plus no women at the age of 30+ will ever make a commet about a 26 years old looks, guaranteed!


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Smooth said:
About the nightclub commet, if i may i suggest quit a simple solution...
I find out that the older woman is the less she cares about mens looks (and yes, its a generalziation, im talking about the majoriy here tho..) talk with a 18-20 years old, ask her about hairloss and certainly youll recive a different answer from 30 years old.. now i dont know whats your take, but id do a good lookin 30s~ over teens/20s no questions asked, and its a well known that men around their mid 20s are at thier prime so this plays for you there, find clubs/pubs where they hangout, youll be surprised plus no women at the age of 30+ will ever make a commet about a 26 years old looks, guaranteed!

I totally agree with this. Dave, you are getting comments because you go to nightclubs and most people in there tend to be in their late teens/early 20's and very superficial. Try a pub next time and talk to an older gal. Even a girl around your age should not give you sh!t.

uncomfortable man

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Girls don't react to nw2s because they are not bald and see them the same as any other person with a full head of hair. It is the nw5s and sixes that get the reactions and they are usually bad reactions.


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uncomfortable man said:
Girls don't react to nw2s because they are not bald and see them the same as any other person with a full head of hair. It is the nw5s and sixes that get the reactions and they are usually bad reactions.

I'm glad to hear that. Im an NW1.


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I was out last weekend, there were couple guys in our group that were NW5-6. One of them started talking about hairloss but I was too busy talking to a girl, I don't know what the conversation was about. He was saying that he feels bad about it, etc. I told him it's OK, I have thinned a lot recently, blah blah... I don't think my words made him feel any better.

After I said I was thinning, one of the girls started playing with my hair and looking at the thinning regions... That annoyed me, I don't like people touching my hair. I would let a girl touch me if we were flirting but this particular girl has a f*ckbuddy, so the chances of her and me having a relationship are slim.... but she was really nice to me somehow :dunno:... Maybe she's fed up with her f*ckbuddy and she's looking for a new one and she felt sorry for me :whistle:

TBH, the girls around my age aren't that interested in the hair. First impressions probably matter, but they are after the personality more than anything else.


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True story, Nathanial. I loooooove women between 25 and lets say 33. Of course there are loads of women past that age who are fine as hell too. I need to get myself a couger/sugar mama. :ididit:


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Me too buddy, i'm not in to younger girls at all, even met a 42 year old not long back who is gorgeous, never would have thought it at that age, so don't disregard the 33+'s