
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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If someone said that he smoked 1 cigarette and the next day he woke up with stage 4 lung cancer, everyone would say he is retarded.

Should be the same when someone says that 1 pill of finasteride caused penile atrophy, tinnitus,depression,neurosteroid depletion,gynecomastia,numbness, tachycardia, eye floaters, muscle wasting, and ,paralysis overnight.


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Ohh yeah, i never imagined i could ever see something like that. I like it when they start fighting in studies and take 10 pills a day, today an anti cancer pill, tomorrow some estrogen, the day after some cypro... Yesterday one of them was trying to educated the russian idiot that does not know english saying that WOMEN DO NOT HAVE DHT LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, i simply died i swear. And when i looked at his regime i could not believe what a cocktail he is taking... This are the scientists of hair loss forums, all the mentally unstable low IQ apes of the world... What's sad is that some poor uneducated and uninformed kid could take their words for granted that's the saddest part, but you know how it is, you can't save them all, people need to learn to look out for themselves or they will suffer the consequences after!

You are another alt of a banned account (I could tell because there is only one person who writes paragraphs upon paragraphs in response to people), and it’s interesting that you would call us that when the only issue here is you. You act as if we’re not clever on the subject of anti-androgens, when we are the only ones who do countless amounts of research on the topic. Bridges thread is number one on this website for a reason, and it’s because it is full of success and information. Not a single one of us is recommending this treatment to kids; that thread has been up for over two years, and not a single kid has started using these treatments. Every single person is eighteen or above, yet you like to play the victim role and act as if you’re doing something useful for this website.


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Yeah, the tranny drug addicts were really upset about this, they almost had the forum for themselves for a really long time without anyone interfering, they almost legalized estrogen for treating of hair loss for 14 year olds and this guy with his PFS story destroyed their progress now they have to start it over again

Who is legalising estrogen for fourteen year olds? Last time we checked, we are all eighteen or above, and we are not getting these medications from doctors. We still dominate the website, and have the most popular thread and the most educated people.


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Let’s just put another message out there, his past account was Alekzander.


How embarrassing?


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Yeah, the tranny drug addicts were really upset about this, they almost had the forum for themselves for a really long time without anyone interfering, they almost legalized estrogen for treating of hair loss for 14 year olds and this guy with his PFS story destroyed their progress now they have to start it over again
How much new accounts are you going to make? U seem really frustrated and invested. What's the matter?


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Isn’t that what you’re doing now self diagnosing me by telling me it’s not finasteride but lupus? What makes you the medical expert here even though I went to a Urologist that first told me about post finasteride syndrome so I would take one of the best Urologists in Ireland’s opinion over yours any day of the week.

No, not at all. I’m not saying it’s lupus, I’m saying you should consider the possibility that it could be that, or something else and continue to seek professional help.

Given all of the symptoms you have listed I find it very strange that you would cling on to the comments of a urologist. You are doing yourself an injustice.


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No, not at all. I’m not saying it’s lupus, I’m saying you should consider the possibility that it could be that, or something else and continue to seek professional help.

Given all of the symptoms you have listed I find it very strange that you would cling on to the comments of a urologist. You are doing yourself an injustice.

Not just a Urologist but one of the top in Ireland that is very familiar with finasteride side effects. Like I said I’ll take his opinion over yours or anyone else on this forum any day of the week. I have seen over 20 different doctors who run every test you can think of I suppose you’re smarter than all the rest of them combined.
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Well, it's clear that your delusional i haven't had an account on this forum for years now, i especially made this one for this poor f*** that got harassed by the tranny drug gang. That does not mean that i did not lurk it and that i don't know who am i talking with. And that tranny thread of yours is number one because your all obsessed and mentally ill and have no actual life, and all you do is to sit on this forum and debate useless stuff thinking that your some kind of doctors or something. I watched it from to long ago to not know who am i talking with, go play scientists there with your delusional and retarded friend like Yar and the other retard Lexus that said yesterday that women don't have DHT etc
Stop thinking that you mean something to this community or to the world itself, cos in reality your nothing more than a mentally ill kid that found a meaning in this life by taking tranny drugs and reading studies over the internet. And it's nothing wrong in that but your trying to spread your disease and sh*t information to innocent and uninformed kids and you will be banned soon that's for sure! I saw you saying that you got a discord server and that you couldn't care less about this forum, now f*** off and mind your tranny squad and leave normal people alone, nobody wants to have nothing in common with your or your mental illness!

I can do whatever I want, and you can’t do anything about it except stay shook. It’s number one because there is legitimate interest in the thread, and is based around success and information. Why are you using LEXUS as an example? He is not someone we would like to claim, especially since he has put his body in danger by using excessive doses. And honestly, I am more clever than my doctors when it comes to hair loss and they have admitted that; both, my endocrinologist and dermatologist, have admitted that.

(Women have minimal amounts of DHT, although that is rarely the main contributing factor for them with hair loss. It’s testosterone as a whole, which is why flutamide has been shown to be a greatly successful anti-androgen within women who have female pattern baldness compared to 5AR inhibitors)

What kids? Please tell me one single kid who has at least commented on his thread.


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"Listen to the guy mate and consider you have cancer", consider whatever and everything except finasteride. Stop picking on and thinking that your symptoms are related to their beloved tranny pill, understand that they know better and they all think it's in your head lol... What did i tell you yesterday, block them, i blocked 5 i think last night, f*** them nobody cares about them, they just argue without facts without nothing just for the sake of arguing and because they like attention and they think they are important by doing it. It's clearly that 90% of this forum has mental illnesses and the first thing to notice that is the time they spent on it!

This is definitely either Alekzander or ObsoluteTinker


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Not just a Urologist but one of the top in Ireland that is very familiar with finasteride side effects. Like I said I’ll take his opinion over yours or anyone else on this forum any day of the week. I have seen over 20 different doctors who run every test you can think of I suppose you’re smarter than all the rest of them combined.

How many of those 20 different Doctors have officially diagnosed you with PFS?

But I suppose you’re smarter than them all combined.

I’m only trying to help you but you don’t seem willing to help yourself.


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I know you also brooooooo, your one of the biggest incels of this site. As i already said above, i didn't had an account on this forum since a couple of years now, i made one first in 2016 or something like that and i asked for deletion after seeing which people dominate and lurk this forums, i made this account especially for this guys story and because he was bombarded by you retarded fucks who have nothing in your head except taking whatever to save your hair, even if that costs your health and life. Your opinions are useless and meaningfulness to the rest of the people who actually have a life and don't spend their lives on the internet, and especially on hair loss forums, offending and arguing with people 24/7 because of your mental illnesses. So don't worry, we all know you, your post history reflects your character and your username also so mind your own business cos nobody was talking to you anyways and nobody is trying to take your tranny drugs away, keep ingesting whatever the f*** you want but let people speak what they want because it's a public forum, it's not a pro finasteride or pro tranny or anti androgen forum, it's a f*****g hair loss forum and we can speak what the f*** we want related to this, so f*** off nobody cares about your shitty delusional opinions anyways

Propecia Side Effects
According to Merck sales data from 2002 to 2008, there were over 20 million sales of Propecia in that 6-year period alone. This means hundreds of millions of prescriptions have been filled for Propecia over the last 20 years, without a single concern. Lately there has been an absurd amount of misinformation flying around, fueled by Lawyers who want to start frivolous lawsuits. To date, none have succeeded.

Here’s the lowdown on side effects with Propecia: the chances you’ll have a single problem are literally almost zero. But even if you do, you can simply stop the treatment. Simply evaluate how you tolerate it. You’re not going to wake up one day and be a castrated soprano choir boy for life. This is why its truly a bad idea to avoid it just because you’re worried about the unknown.

The owner of this site (me) has friends who have been on it for nearly 20 years and not only have they kept all their hair, they’ve had no problems or side effects at all. This is the reality, without all the misinformation.

U mad bro?


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Lmao, yeah i'm real mad, keep spreading the Merk propaganda, let's see what your gonna do when they unseal the documents that he kept under seal haha. It took you something to find that sh*t article that does not say sh*t, there are millions of prescriptions given through internet apps every year who the f*** knows how many actually take it, for how long, who get sides, who get permanent ones, for f*** sake nobody knows exactly for how many it works or not. But as i said, let's wait until the real documents come out into the light, not your shitty Merk propaganda, no wonder you are "Merck employee of the month" you really earned that status lol
Lol you idiot you said this is not a pro finasteride forum, and that is literally an article from the forum so i proved you wrong. And now u wanna go talk sh*t about other things again.


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Propecia does have side effects, and for every drug with sides there will always be two ends for the spectrum. People who belong to the worse side of the spectrum will have their lives destroyed. It always comes back to the individual, if he's willingly taking this risk. What you all should do is just inform everyone about the sides probabilities using studies, without any fear mongering or being disrespectful. No need to fight over it ffs.


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It's a hair loss forum, that's why it's called hairlosstalk you moron, and finasteride being the only thing that actually scientifically works for hair loss does not mean that it's only a pro finasteride forum or tranny regimes and the other things that people do to combat it, like injecting acid into their balls for example like that retarded f*** did. Being desperate and retarded and cutting your balls of does not mean that it's a method accepted by the whole world just because people do it, people do a lot of retarded things including smoking 2 packs of ciggs a day and drinking until they die, that does not mean that we are all retarded and doing it also, or encouraging it.

And regarding those numbers, most probably they are just sh*t Merck propaganda because last year, in the US, the most drug consumer nation in the world, there were 10 million prescription of finasteride, from which only 1.6 million were for hair loss, the rest were for BPH. Besides the fact that it's a very big age gap between the people who take it for BPH and those people are most over 60 years old and don't give a f*** about sides or sexual health, but also you can't even actually f*****g know how many of them really took it as i said, for how long, who got sides, who got permanent ones, for how many it worked, etc but your to dumb to comprehend such info, it's too much for your incel brain to handle!
I don't think u should be inclining what the purpose of this forum is, since u already got banned twice and yet keep coming back and using the same boring insults.


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I was talking in general from what i saw since i lurked this forum, if you think i have time to waste my life or to keep in mind or remember all the sh*t i have seen here, you are mistaken. It's enough and i'm not gonna start debates or argues with you or with other just because i know who you are and that most of you like it and have a profession made out of it. You can think and do whatever the f*** you want, that does not mean that others will take it as it is and that we will all look in your delusional and ill minds and mouths. From what i heard they are gonna make a special part of the forum for you and your friends and if your gonna start promoting your shitty tranny regimes elsewhere from there like Yar is doing, insta perma ban, looking forwards for that so enjoy "your freedom" while it last.
And regarding the interest in your thread, your just 10 retarded trannys who spam 500 pages of nothing, quoting studies and debating things that most of you have no idea of what your talking or reading so keep thinking that your smart and educated by taking transgenders route that was invented by actual doctors in the first place, you just take it and talk endless sh*t with your delusional friends thinking that your important. It gave you a meaning in life and i can understand that but stop thinking that we are all retarded and that we really look into your mouths. Go play there and f*** off nobody cares about you or your friends anyways, scram on discord didn't you say that you don't care about this forum and that you created your tranny community there? What the f*** are you still doing here, f*** off. I just blocked you so i will be sure i won't keep wasting time with all the retards of this forum, i did this a couple of years ago i'm not gonna do it again

You can only make claims without showing proof, which is typical amongst the anti-finasteride cult. I can still comment on this thread, and it’s none of your business when done. They can make a special section of this website, but that doesn’t mean I won’t comment on ridiculous threads like this, where it’s infected with misinformation and ludicrousness. I am not promoting the use of my medications, but I can still provide information about these medications. Our thread has five-hundred pages of information and success, besides the pages which were wasted responding to your alt - ObsoluteTinker - where you acted like a deluded dolt.

This is a hair loss website, where hair loss treatments inevitably will be discussed, and that includes ‘extreme’ regimens. If you don’t like it, go back to Lookism.


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Looking at your post history you shouldn't be allowed to write not even a single sentence but with all that here you are doing it. You keep thinking that you are entitled to say what people can do or not but in reality things look very different from what your incel mentality is telling you. It's not your forum, you have no power over it and over what people can say or not, you can just not agree with them and that's kind of it. You can yell and write until you get tired of it, in the end nothing will change the truth and the facts that are well written by a lot of posters here, things that you willingly ignore because you ill mind refuses to let you comprehend simple and well documented things, peoples experiences, etc



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You are an absolute f*****g idiot.

A balding imbecile invested so hard in your hormone treatment that is too fragile to handle the truth. But please continue taking the pill, you will get side effects in the future.

DHT is biologically important for sexual differentiation of the male genitalia during embryogenesis, maturation of the penis and scrotum at puberty, growth of facial, body, and pubic hair, and development and maintenance of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. It is produced from the less potent testosterone by the enzyme 5?-reductase in select tissues, and is the primary androgen in the genitals, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, skin, and hair follicles.[2]

Yeah taht's exactly what I've said. After you are an adult there's no ujse for DHT.

Because of course, you post a "Wikipedia" page as a source of some kind. Even if you had posted the actual source of that article ( you would have read it doesn't say that.

But I was warned already of you.

Don't worry about side effects. My uncle's been taking Finas for 22 years. He's 57 now. Not a single side effect. As 95% of men around the f*****g world.

And please stop with the Merch bullshit. Yeah, we already know Big Pharma is a b**ch in the USA. Thankfully I'm european and Finasteride here is not developed by them hahah.


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I showed all the proof that is needed, not my fault or of others that post it that you chose to ignore it or find it not good enough for you or your shitty mentalities. Nobody cares anyways as i said about what you think it's good or bad considering your all on transgenders regimes, willingly transforming into women and putting your health and future in danger just to save your hair. So your opinions, thoughts and many other things are equal to 0 and not just in my eyes, but in the majority of normal people who live on this planet and struggle with hair loss. So keep at it, cos nobody cares anyways! And keep delusioning that you actually know who i am and making false accusation in me having more accounts except this one, or had, or whatever the f*** your delusional mind is telling you there. I guess the drugs affected you brain and mind pretty badly if i can say so!

What proof? You have not shown any proof. Neither does Pigeon with his progress with Zix, because there is no progress and it’s all hearsay. I am not putting my health in danger, and neither does my endocrinologist think that; who is more trustworthy, you or my endocrinologist? Sexual health isn’t health; I won’t die if my testicles shrink, or if my sperm production stops.

It’s not a false accusation, I wasn’t born yesterday. You’re not fooling anyone, Mr. Your Vagina Is Gonna Be Scared.


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Yeah taht's exactly what I've said. After you are an adult there's no ujse for DHT.

Because of course, you post a "Wikipedia" page as a source of some kind. Even if you had posted the actual source of that article ( you would have read it doesn't say that.

But I was warned already of you.

Don't worry about side effects. My uncle's been taking Finas for 22 years. He's 57 now. Not a single side effect. As 95% of men around the f*****g world.

And please stop with the Merch bullshit. Yeah, we already know Big Pharma is a b**ch in the USA. Thankfully I'm european and Finasteride here is not developed by them hahah.

DHT in adult males has minimal use, and contributes minimally in terms of sexual function. In my opinion, inhibiting 5AR enzymes has a larger effect on us rather than reducing DHT. And these effects of inhibiting 5AR enzymes aren’t common.