
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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Looking at your post history you shouldn't be allowed to write not even a single sentence but with all that here we are. You keep thinking that you are entitled to say what people can do or not but in reality things look very different from what your incel mentality is telling you. It's not your forum, you have no power over it and over what people can say or not, you can just not agree with them and that's kind of it. You can yell and write until you get tired of it, in the end nothing will change the truth and the facts that are well written by a lot of posters here, things that you willingly ignore because you ill mind refuses to let you comprehend simple and well documented things, peoples experiences, etc
Lol, finasteride is the same compound everywhere in the world you moron, it's made after the same patent that was developed by it's first manufacturer and discoverer, minor things differ from the brand name and the generics, things that don't actually matter that much in having such a great impact on it's effects. Damn your stupid aren't you?
What norwood are you?


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Yup, your retarded it's clear, there is no point in having discussions with you, there only feeding your mental illnesses and it seems you like it. I just posted above and you ask me what proof and after you say that sexual health isn't health, it's clear your one of the most retarded users of this forum and i'm not gonna give you more attention that i already gave you. Have a good one!

I am much more concerned with the health of my liver rather than sexual health, since one causes can lead to death and one can’t. And don’t include suicide, I do not have sympathy for anyone who commits suicide over having a lack of libido, for example. And, you continue to give me attention, you probably think about me every night.


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His endocrine system has been disrupted, of course

Then you're even dumber than I thought, the wikipedia article is correct.

I'll quote your retardation once more for others:

"Why? Because DHT is useless after you are 21 years old. Its nothing more than a mutation, something that evolution will take care of. It's useless and doesn't do anything for the body except pure damage. It works when you are a teen; after that it just damages your body."

DHT is an important hormone, sorry to burst your fantasies.

"Stop with the Merck bullshit? I'm european and fina here is not developed by them?" Holy fck I found an even dumber idiot than Scaredofbalding and Ikarus.

It doesn't matter if you buy it form a european or american munfacturer, the molecular structure stays the same you mongoloid.

But keep on coping with your delusional lies and fantasies that fina is safe.
Can u show ur results of zix please kind sir?


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What do you use or recommend to treat hairloss? I would like to hear your opinion.

I kinda agree with you. And I also respect other members opinion as well.

I personally hate drugs in general and I don't really think anyone should take them unless its there last resort,this is because what i'm seeing and is happening right now in the world is that most of the pharma companies(even doctors) are focusing more on how to make more money rather than finding a real solution/treatment for the diseases, this means they would sell/prescribe you a drug that will cause more side effects than healing you, then sell you other drugs to fix the sides that you got from the previous prescribed drug... That is not the only field thats going bad, you can see the plastic production and the climate change issues... and so on, people are blinded by the money that they don't see the final effect, the world is going toward really bad direction.

I hate the fact i got these bad genes that are causing me to bald and I really feel bad for everyone else here that got the same issue as i do.

And I really feel bad for the OP that he got these sides from this drug. I would recommend that you look into a drug called MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement), do some research about it and see if it helps you out. I'm not saying take it, but I'm suggesting you this, because i have been using it personally had really great results from it(not for hairloss) and have seen also relatives, friends and other people with really hard to treat diseases have used it and they completely healed and became better. Doctors told the patients that have came to take this drug that it was almost impossible to treat some of their cases and after the patient have tried this drug, doctors were surprised by the results they got from this drug. There are claims that it actually treats cancer(and many other hard to treat diseases) as well, but i'm telling you the only things/results i have seen in-front of my eyes. This drug is a miracle drug because it comes without side effects, but as you know the drug industry and huge companies will loose if they let it penetrate the market so they will promote false claims about it and won't let people use it. I have no relation to the guy who made this drug and I'm not even telling that you take it, rather than just a suggestion for you to help you out. And i really hope that with this drug you will recover and get back your health like before.

I also think that there is a cure for hairloss somewhere in this world but just like i said before, its hidden to public due to these huge pharma companies promoting there drugs and making false claims about them. I really hope one day i would find this drug(just like i found mms) and would happily share it with all of you guys.

Lol, finasteride is the same compound everywhere in the world you moron, it's made after the same patent that was developed by it's first manufacturer and discoverer, minor things differ from the brand name and the generics, things that don't actually matter that much in having such a great impact on it's effects. Damn your stupid aren't you?

And first you said you were taking it for 22 years now your saying that your uncle is taking it, f*****g pathological liars you don't actually have a limit don't you? And who cares about your uncles anecdotal experience if you don't care about others anecdotal experiences? His experience is better than others just because he has no sides? And how can you prove that he hasn't? Do you measure his neurosteroids levels or his dick before and after the treatment? Or his sperm volume and prostate? Damn the stupidity in this one seems to have no limits


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Oh, so you admit that fina isn't a safe as some here want us to believe then?
Yeah, not because it reduces DHT but because it inhibits 5ar enzyme which has other functions as well. In some it reduces it whereas in others, it can simply stop it's production, giving them these sides.

It's my sixth month on finasteride and I have exactly 0 side effects.


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Then you're even dumber than I thought, the wikipedia article is correct.

I'll quote your retardation once more for others:

"Why? Because DHT is useless after you are 21 years old. Its nothing more than a mutation, something that evolution will take care of. It's useless and doesn't do anything for the body except pure damage. It works when you are a teen; after that it just damages your body."

DHT is an important hormone, sorry to burst your fantasies.

"Stop with the Merck bullshit", " I'm european and fina here is not developed by them" ??? Holy fck I found an even dumber idiot than Scaredofbalding and Ikarus.

It doesn't matter if you buy it form a european or american manufacturer, the molecular structure stays the same you mongoloid.

But keep on coping with your delusional lies and fantasies that fina is safe.

And are you in Ikarus's special tranny discord server? Lmfao, the autism and coping must be of the carts there.


Lets see which source I trust more: medics who have been recommending Finasteride since 1997 or some user of HairLossTalk called Pigeon.

MMMMMMM. Tough one.

I don't give a f*** about what you think of Finasteride. I really don't. The reality is that it's the only AA aproved for Androgenetic Alopecia (along with Dutasteride), there have been hundreds of studies done on the matter, and even the most pessimitic ones say the same thing: safe as f***.

There are dozens of more dangerous meds out there aproved by every single healthcare authority. There are millions of women taking "the pill" which is a hormone treatment 10 times more dangerous than anything Finas o Dutas will do to you. You don't see a massive pandemy of side effects or deaths from them. Why? Because science has rules.

Don't take Finas. You'll be bald within 5 years but "safe" and sound. The rest of us will suffer severe side effects and die from them ;)

Hahahahaha these dumb fucks. You actually believe you know more about DHT, enzymes or Finasteride than thousands of medics and chemists who develop it. Lol dude. Come, I told you already. It's time to be an adult.


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Interesting theory but unfortunately nobody knows exactly and that's sad, they should invest more in finding the truth, it would be a lot easier for people to manage sides or to get proper treatment!
I might sound absurd but we gotta accept that there's never going to be a "cure" for Androgenic Alopecia, because Testosterone causes it and it's what make a male a male.

It's actually very clear because thousands of trans people take it and they don't suffer from these sides. They also reduce their DHT but they do it by reducing T.

I agree that treatment is not possible for cis males. I think some 5 mg Cyproterone Acetate and 100-150m Spironolactone are rather safe even tho it will sound absurd to you guys. This way a male will remain a male and will also retain his hair.


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Claiming that hundreds of studies are made when in reality they are a maximum of 20 lmao. But what can you expect from a retarded kid who thinks that hundred of millions of people take it or that DHT has no role in the male body after the age of 21 lmao. Damn poor f***, very very low IQ and you can also see that from the way he is writing and making his statements based on the sh*t he takes out of his ***

HAHAHAHA. There are more than 150 studies done on Finasteride. But come one. You want me to show you the 150???? Don't be retarded dude.


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Oh, so you admit that fina isn't a safe as some here want us to believe then?

I believe other anti-androgens are safer and more effective than finasteride. I would much rather use a low-dose of cyproterone acetate and oral minoxidil instead of finasteride. I have never agreed with the use of finasteride, but it's the only option these people have.


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Damn poor f***, you really don't have a chance, your mentally ill, i will leave you be don't want to trigger your illnesses more than you already trigger them yourself! Have fun and good luck!

Come on dude. Educate yourself. 4023 studies done on Finasteride. Many of them depend on big ones, that are around 150 in number. Every year there are more than 50 new studies done on Finasteride.

Why? Because its one of the most sold meds in the entire f*****g world.

You are not from an undeveloped country so you don't have an excuse not to educate yourself. It's time to start learning.


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And people this is what a meltdown looks like;

You know absolutely nothing. Even daring to say DHT is a useless hormone just says everything we need to know about you.

The truth is you're coping so hard and trying to convince yourself that fina is safe, the truth hurts too much, you are so deeply invested in your hormone treatment that you ignore reality even when it stares you in the face. A prime example of cognitive dissonance.

I'll post this once more, read it (but I know you won't since you're too weak to handle the truth)

The studies of Merck are not credibile, only hopeless, gullible, balding idiots like you who still believe in fairy tales. Time to wake up kid;

An fresh article of this month:


Court let Merck hide secrets about a popular drug’s risks

Lawsuits claim baldness drug Propecia causes sexual problems and depression. The judge sealed evidence – uncovered by Reuters – suggesting the maker downplayed the side effects. A widow wants the truth out.

Now let's see what happened with a drug just like fina which was also approved by FDA and made by Merck:

Approval by the FDA should mean that the substance in question is reasonably safe for use in the wider population. Sadly, despite FDA approval, many drugs have had to be subsequently withdrawn from the market after wider use showed severe consequences which were not adequately assessed or communicated by the very institution that was supposed to protect the public from such outcomes. Take another Merck (makers of propecia) drug, Vioxx, which was approved by the FDA. Withdrawn from the market after five years, it caused approximately 100000 heart attacks and thousands of deaths. The revelations that resulted from the ensuing scrutiny offer a chilling insight into the machinations of a pharmaceutical company that nakedly prized its profit margin above its duty not to harm its consumers. It also exposed the FDA’s rank inadequacies in preventing such a tragedy from happening in the first place.

“Merck Manipulated the Science about the Drug Vioxx”

Scientists from the pharmaceutical giant Merck skewed the results of clinical trials in favor of the arthritis drug, Vioxx, to hide evidence that the drug increased patients’ risk of heart attack.

Tragically, Merck’s manipulation of its data—and the FDA’s resulting approval of Vioxx in 1999—led to thousands of avoidable premature deaths and 100,000 heart attacks.?Dr. David Graham, the Associate Director for Science and Medicine in FDA’s Office of Drug Safety, testified in 2004 before the Senate Finance Committee that the FDA's failure to recall Vioxx earlier had resulted in as many as 55,000 premature deaths from heart attacks and stroke, calling it the equivalent of allowing "two to four jumbo jetliners" to crash every week for five years. Even years after discontinuing use of the drug, patients who have taken Vioxx continue to experience complications.

“Drug giant Merck accused of deaths cover-up”

When a study suggested that Vioxx was more dangerous than a rival drug, for example, the company is alleged to have decided not to publish the results or properly inform the FDA.

Egilman says the documents also contain an email in which a Merck employee tells a co-worker that “this is a very serious result and you will hardly be surprised by the idea of keeping this VERY TIGHT for the moment”.

“Vioxx maker Merck and Co drew up doctor hit list”

An international drug company made a hit list of doctors who had to be “neutralised” or discredited because they criticised the anti-arthritis drug the pharmaceutical giant produced.

The email, which came out in the Federal Court in Melbourne yesterday as part of a class action against the drug company, included the words "neutralise", "neutralised" or "discredit" against some of the doctors' names.

"We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," a Merck employee wrote, according to an email excerpt read to the court by Julian Burnside QC, acting for the plaintiff
“Merck Agrees to Settle Vioxx Suits for $4.85 Billion”

Three years after withdrawing its pain medication Vioxx from the market, Merck has agreed to pay $4.85 billion to settle 27,000 lawsuits by people who claim they or their family members suffered injury or died after taking the drug, according to two lawyers with direct knowledge of the matter.

You're a hopeless balding idiot who sees fina as his only salvation for hairloss, that is the truth. Keep on coping though, it's amusing me.

Come one bird. I may not speak the best english in the world but I thought I was pretty clear. I don't give a f*** about Merck, USA, etc. I don't. There are more than 4000 independent studies done on Finasteride. 150 of them are big enough to take years and years to be done. Every single university in the western world has done at least one.

Stop with the Merck bullshit. Nobody gives a f*** about it. Not even judges. Lets be serious here, I told you.


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Yeah primarily studies done to know the effects on the prostate since it was developed for that purpose.

But I like your retarded logic, more studies = safer drug. Absolute retard.

Come one little bird. I know you can do better. I've told you already. I trust you to do better.

Finasteride: 1mg and 5 mg. 1 mg for Androgenetic Alopecia. 5mg for prostate. I thought you knew this :(

If 5mg is safe as f*** (as it is), 1 mg is...a death sentence? Yeah buddy. Good luck explaining that to a doctor.

More studies = more information. Information tells us one thing: finas is safe.


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And people this is what a meltdown looks like;

You know absolutely nothing. Even daring to say DHT is a useless hormone just says everything we need to know about you.

The truth is you're coping so hard and trying to convince yourself that fina is safe, the truth hurts too much, you are so deeply invested in your hormone treatment that you ignore reality even when it stares you in the face. A prime example of cognitive dissonance.

I'll post this once more, read it (but I know you won't since you're too weak to handle the truth)

The studies of Merck are not credibile, only hopeless, gullible, balding idiots like you who still believe in fairy tales still trust them. Time to wake up kid;

An fresh article of this month:


Court let Merck hide secrets about a popular drug’s risks

Lawsuits claim baldness drug Propecia causes sexual problems and depression. The judge sealed evidence – uncovered by Reuters – suggesting the maker downplayed the side effects. A widow wants the truth out.

Now let's see what happened with a drug just like fina which was also approved by FDA and made by Merck:

Approval by the FDA should mean that the substance in question is reasonably safe for use in the wider population. Sadly, despite FDA approval, many drugs have had to be subsequently withdrawn from the market after wider use showed severe consequences which were not adequately assessed or communicated by the very institution that was supposed to protect the public from such outcomes. Take another Merck (makers of propecia) drug, Vioxx, which was approved by the FDA. Withdrawn from the market after five years, it caused approximately 100000 heart attacks and thousands of deaths. The revelations that resulted from the ensuing scrutiny offer a chilling insight into the machinations of a pharmaceutical company that nakedly prized its profit margin above its duty not to harm its consumers. It also exposed the FDA’s rank inadequacies in preventing such a tragedy from happening in the first place.

“Merck Manipulated the Science about the Drug Vioxx”

Scientists from the pharmaceutical giant Merck skewed the results of clinical trials in favor of the arthritis drug, Vioxx, to hide evidence that the drug increased patients’ risk of heart attack.

Tragically, Merck’s manipulation of its data—and the FDA’s resulting approval of Vioxx in 1999—led to thousands of avoidable premature deaths and 100,000 heart attacks.?Dr. David Graham, the Associate Director for Science and Medicine in FDA’s Office of Drug Safety, testified in 2004 before the Senate Finance Committee that the FDA's failure to recall Vioxx earlier had resulted in as many as 55,000 premature deaths from heart attacks and stroke, calling it the equivalent of allowing "two to four jumbo jetliners" to crash every week for five years. Even years after discontinuing use of the drug, patients who have taken Vioxx continue to experience complications.

“Drug giant Merck accused of deaths cover-up”

When a study suggested that Vioxx was more dangerous than a rival drug, for example, the company is alleged to have decided not to publish the results or properly inform the FDA.

Egilman says the documents also contain an email in which a Merck employee tells a co-worker that “this is a very serious result and you will hardly be surprised by the idea of keeping this VERY TIGHT for the moment”.

“Vioxx maker Merck and Co drew up doctor hit list”

An international drug company made a hit list of doctors who had to be “neutralised” or discredited because they criticised the anti-arthritis drug the pharmaceutical giant produced.

The email, which came out in the Federal Court in Melbourne yesterday as part of a class action against the drug company, included the words "neutralise", "neutralised" or "discredit" against some of the doctors' names.

"We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," a Merck employee wrote, according to an email excerpt read to the court by Julian Burnside QC, acting for the plaintiff
“Merck Agrees to Settle Vioxx Suits for $4.85 Billion”

Three years after withdrawing its pain medication Vioxx from the market, Merck has agreed to pay $4.85 billion to settle 27,000 lawsuits by people who claim they or their family members suffered injury or died after taking the drug, according to two lawyers with direct knowledge of the matter.

You're a hopeless balding idiot who sees fina as his only salvation for hairloss, that is the truth. Keep on coping though, it's amusing me.
Yeah. These idiots must be told that six is superior to finasteride.


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Nice straw man.

Try to convince yourself some more that your tranny treatment is safe, you're an even bigger idiot than the spanish moron who only uses fina.

Come on try to amuse me, the spanish guy is boring me, I look forward to your next cope.
Safe? I think buzzing it off is the safest thing for guys like you; to me however it will give the treacherous, chronic depression.

I have nowhere said that AAs are safe - if you consider things like low libido, slight gyno (can be easily prevented), better smooth skin, no acne, no oil, less body hair and of course more hair, no further loss, to be more "unsafe" than chronic depression and continues lack of self esteem (that harms my career a lot), then these treatments are obviously not for you.

And please, it seems you don't have aggressive baldness like us, so think twice before judging us.

What Norwood are you btw? Cheers.
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Maybe the PFS guys should swallow some progesterone to boost some neurosteriods.


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The guys from the PFS forum have tried them all, it's more complicated that this and that's why nobody is managing to find out the real cause of their symptoms...Treating individual symptoms from drugs or treatments with other drugs never sounds like a good idea, it's like taking v**** and Cialis for not being able to get it up because of finasteride or dutasteride, it only masks the problem and it's only a temporary solutions that could actually make things worse, and i'm sure you know that, considering the amount of time you spent researching this type of stuff and considering the treatment you have taken and which you are on!

I don’t think the fools on PFS forums have tried progesterone


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The guys from the PFS forum have tried them all, it's more complicated that this and that's why nobody is managing to find out the real cause of their symptoms.
Didn't @Pigeon say earlier that a few of them got better?

Treating individual symptoms from drugs or treatments with other drugs never sound like a good idea, it's like taking v**** and Cialis for not being able to get it up because of finasteride or dutasteride, it only masks the problem and it's only a temporary solutions that could actually make things worse,
If someone is permanently damaged, sometimes taking temporary solutions is the only solution available. If you get HIV then you must take pills everyday indefinitely until a cure is found.


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Nice straw man.

Try to convince yourself some more that your tranny treatment is safe, you're an even bigger idiot than the spanish moron who only uses fina.

Come on try to amuse me, the spanish guy is boring me, I look forward to your next cope.

Why are you on a hair loss forum when you’re against treatments for hair loss? Why don’t you go to a PFS forum, where people can relate to your alleged experience?

(Hair systems and shaving your head aren’t treatments)


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Yeah some of them got better but i think and from what i read it was because with time their body healed and maybe it got back to it's natural state that was before starting treatments... And yeah, maybe for some taking other stuff to give them a boost from now and then it's the only solution but unfortunately it's only temporary and some of them got even worse after trying a lot of stuff.. What's sad is that your like a lab rat and testing everything others say it worked for them and could damage you instead, sad sad thing that they don't invest to really find out what's wrong with them and how to treat it... Most blame it blindly on genetics of course, like they blame almost everything they don't understand, like hair loss for example :)

I have hair loss due to genetics; I went to a hair loss specialist and she diagnosed me with what I am already aware of. If you’re a male suffering with hair loss, nine times out of ten, it’s going to be androgenic alopecia. We understand hair loss, and it’s an androgen dependant issue, where the only actual cure is castration; this is even told on The Belgravia Centre, which is a huge hair loss company based in London.

Hair loss and acne are androgen dependant issues, and the only solution for these are to use anti-androgens (not 5AR inhibitors). You’re probably going to foam at the mouth for saying this, and claim that I’m promoting castration to kids, but this is facts and you can’t even deny it.