For some there are, that's why this forums also has a section dedicated to hair systems, in the end it's a hair loss forum and all subjects related to it are allowed, no need to tell somebody what are treatments and what are not. As i already said a couple of times since yesterday, this is not a only finasteride forum, or just a transgender regimes forum, or just an incel forum, etc it's a f*****g hair loss forum and everybody comes here for the same thing, but not everybody has to take your route or be on the same line with you just because you think they should. And it's vadlid vice versa of course, it would be more helpful and constructive for everybody if we all would just get a long in fighting something that nobody wants anyways, in the end, we all have the same common interest and if we would have been more united, as people in general, the pressure that we could put on the whole system and science itself would be much more meaningful than it is right now and maybe they would really struggle to find the real cause of why men are balding, without saying blindly that it's genetic and that's that.
Let's see what they will say when most of the men in the world will be bald, they will say for sure that we all inherited the gene and nothing can save us anymore.
Hair systems and shaving your head aren’t treatments, it’s a cover-up solution. That’s like saying wearing makeup is a treatment for acne.
You are preaching that to me, but you’re a blatant hypocrite. You are preaching HairLossTalk etiquette to me, yet you don’t apply it to yourself. You are the one who causes tension on these threads, and so do the other anti-finasteride cult members. Men are balding because of testosterone; if you take testosterone out of the picture, your hair loss stops. Is this just a coincidence to you?
When most men are bald in the world, hopefully I won’t be included in that group.