
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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For some there are, that's why this forums also has a section dedicated to hair systems, in the end it's a hair loss forum and all subjects related to it are allowed, no need to tell somebody what are treatments and what are not. As i already said a couple of times since yesterday, this is not a only finasteride forum, or just a transgender regimes forum, or just an incel forum, etc it's a f*****g hair loss forum and everybody comes here for the same thing, but not everybody has to take your route or be on the same line with you just because you think they should. And it's vadlid vice versa of course, it would be more helpful and constructive for everybody if we all would just get a long in fighting something that nobody wants anyways, in the end, we all have the same common interest and if we would have been more united, as people in general, the pressure that we could put on the whole system and science itself would be much more meaningful than it is right now and maybe they would really struggle to find the real cause of why men are balding, without saying blindly that it's genetic and that's that.
Let's see what they will say when most of the men in the world will be bald, they will say for sure that we all inherited the gene and nothing can save us anymore.

Hair systems and shaving your head aren’t treatments, it’s a cover-up solution. That’s like saying wearing makeup is a treatment for acne.

You are preaching that to me, but you’re a blatant hypocrite. You are preaching HairLossTalk etiquette to me, yet you don’t apply it to yourself. You are the one who causes tension on these threads, and so do the other anti-finasteride cult members. Men are balding because of testosterone; if you take testosterone out of the picture, your hair loss stops. Is this just a coincidence to you?

When most men are bald in the world, hopefully I won’t be included in that group.


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Neah, i'm not saying your promoting castration to kids and yes i know and we learned in school also that this is how they found it was "genetic" because of the doctor that studied the eunuchs. But there are a lot of unknown variables and with time, a lot of new science suggest that this whole genetic and DHT theory has a lot of misinformation and things that we don't really understand and a lot of information that contradicts itself. I'm not gonna start debates because it's useless, i'm just gonna let science run it's way, i'm sure that with time they will figure it out, becoming much more main stream and affecting more and more young people that put a big pressure on scientists who try to figure it out...

I don’t agree with the DHT theory either. I believe them looking at those with a 5AR deficiency was only useful in the case of treating benign prostate hyperplasia. Hair loss is definitely difficult to treat, but it can not just be a coincidence that once someone cuts out testosterone their hair loss stops. I think that’s why it’s difficult, because that’s the only legitimate cure but it comes with it’s losses.


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Maybe the PFS guys should swallow some progesterone to boost some neurosteriods.

They have tried and tested this and almost anything that you can think of some have went to this best doctors in the world which can’t help us as this condition is at the epigenetic level.


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I took one pill from finasteride and my penis fell off. Never happened before.

It's 2022, who takes finasteride pills anyway? Use topical you mongs.

Everyone knows finasteride pills are poison.


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I rarely post on the forums now as there’s nothing but name calling and conflict but decided to post here. These kind of debates over finasteride will never end.

In my opinion the side effects from Finasteride are rare but when they do happen to a small minority they can absolutely be devastating. I don’t doubt for a minute that there are a group of individuals who are genuinely experiencing legitimate side effects from Finasteride. I strongly disagree with people saying it’s all in their minds and mocking them.

Secondly, There are some indivuals here who are using extremely strong drugs to stop hairloss. The majority of men would not use them because of the risks. That is a fact. I do not believe they should be promoted.

Finally, sexual health is very much a part of health in general. Ikarus I know you stated that sexual health is not a part of health in general but I can not disagree with you strongly enough. Remember two important things. 1) you have claimed numerous times you have never had a libido. Obviously lack of sexual health would be of no concern to you. 2) for the majority of men i believe that losing sexual health would severely negatively impact their mental health which in turn would negatively impact overall physical health and wellbeing. If sexual health wasn’t important to men in general why would so many complain so much when they lose that sexual health because of drugs?

Pigeon, I agree with you on quite a few things but I do not believe a wig to be a solution to a number of men. There is a lot of maintenance needed and mentally being worried that you will be spotted wearing one will cause numerous mental issues.



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I have all the sympathy for you and your hairloss, I wouldn't be on this forum if I thought hairloss is a minor problem.

If you are really deeply depressed by hairloss then please go the route you're taking, but don't downpaly the risks you are taking to save your hair. You need to be completely honest, the hormone treatment could have devastating effects to your health.

Also funny that the "benefits" you mention are a sign you are feminizing yourself, it's not a good thing if you value your male health.

Now let's see what you can get from spironolactone:

Common side effects include electrolyte abnormalities, particularly high blood potassium, nausea, vomiting, headache, rashes, and a decreased desire for sex.[1] In those with liver or kidney problems, extra care should be taken.[1] Spironolactone has not been well studied in pregnancy and should not be used to treat high blood pressure of pregnancy.[18] It is a steroid that blocks the effects of the hormones aldosterone and testosterone and has some estrogen-like effects.[1][19] Spironolactone belongs to a class of medications known as potassium-sparing diuretics.[1]

...and as a part of feminizing hormone therapy in transgender women.[1][16][17]

Wow, look at all those benefits you're getting...really amazing and all that to save your hair BTW which isn't even guaranteed to save your hair.

So you're nuking your endocrine system with fina + spironolactone in the hope to save your hair.

It's clear you're dealing with aggressive balding if that is what it takes, a hair system is the only real alternative for you. They look great now, only downside is the maintenance imo. But atleast your hea
s safe. Oh what does it matter, Ikarus and co have already convinced you it's ok to destroy your endocrine system to save hair. Good luck man

I'm against transexual regimens to save hair, hair and health is important. Now stop promoting your lunatic regimens, it's criminal what you're doing, trying to normalize your lunacy to save hair.

And a hair system is a valid alternative for people who bald aggressively, you know what's not a valid treatment? Transexual regimens that could destroy your life as a man.

This would probably be my last reply to you.

1.//Common side effects include electrolyte abnormalities, particularly high blood potassium//

Wiki is sh*t to an extent.These are basically
the same because spironolactone hold potassium which may cause electrolyte abnormalities.
For this, earlier it was suggested to monitor blood levels through blood tests, but in recent years some studies came out concluding that it is not necessary to monitor if you're not taking much potassium in the first place. Also, it is pretty rare. Alltheabove, jgray, americanhairlines, etc all of these have regrown from spironolactone and none has any of electrolyte abnormalities. Others in that bridge's group have also taken it and didn't observe any abnormality.

2. //nausea, vomiting, headache, rashes//
It's been 4 months and I have none of them.

3. //a decreased desire for sex//

It's a weak Anti-androgen and is used in trans regimen solely because Cyproterone Acetate is banned in the US.
I haven't suffered from this much but it sure is a real side effect.
Personally, I think I get this at 200mg taken consistently but don't mind it since it helps me focus on my studies. Again personally speaking, masturbation weakens me and I don't like it much. Rn, since I haven't taken Spironolactone for a few days (3 I guess), I have been masturbating daily and therefore less productive.
So yeah, here too a cis male can take it. Some won't get this side, those who get it may drop it for some days before they're going to have sex. Otherwise too it won't matter much.

4.//In those with liver or kidney problems, extra care should be taken.[1]//

I don't have any such problems. No pregnancy either lol.

5. //and as a part of feminizing hormone therapy in transgender women.[1][16][17]//

Dude, it's used only because it is effective when used with Estrogen. Even then it is weak AA.
Feminization is not easy - trans women go through various surgeries to get feminized; treatment by itself (yeah even high doses of E) doesn't do much. It may demasculinize (not a word nvm) you but feminization won't be much, unless you do it artificially.

Moreover, you can take breaks and retain your masculinity. Or use low dosage.

Gyno is the only real issue which should be tackled with Raloxifene.

6. //Wow, look at all those benefits you're getting...really amazing and all that to save your hair BTW which isn't even guaranteed to save your hair.//

I haven't found anyone whom Cyproterone Acetate failed. spironolactone became less effective (=still worked) in a few individuals.

I didn't like body hair from my very childhood. I only like beard. You see all Male models get laser hair reduction for a reason.

7. //So you're nuking your endocrine system with fina + spironolactone in the hope to save your hair.

Not really. Spironolactone doesn't even reduce T levels - it just blocks it in skin and hair. So only DHT is reduced which has done most of its job till 18. Although I think it's required for very hyper sexual function.

Btw, you have already assumed that I have been indoctrinated by Ikarus so whatever I say shall be read with biased mind.

I can refer you to threads on this website itself wherein cis males took spironolactone, gained hair and remained cis males.


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For the people who want to see what a modern hair system looks like:

@Ikarus, meanwhile this young man isn't fukkin his health up and turning into a woman and has better, thicker hair than you will ever have. How does that feel?
Also, please!! They are expensive as f*** and you have to keep the hair down to not show the holding material. Lots of maintenance and lots of money and lots of inconvenience. Looks fake af.

In fact, hair transplant is better and way cheaper in long run.


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Anyone who takes oral finasteride has some explaining to do considering topical gives similar effects with a much smaller effect on blood serum.

The only side effects I had from finasteride is not being able to perform for a*** but vaginal was perfectly fine. May be an issue if you're not into women though.

It can be worse. Let's put things in perspective.


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Yeah bro, let's block testosterone to save your hair bro. Who needs a dick and balls anyway?

Lmfao, you utter lunatic

Save my hair, skin and sanity...
For the people who want to see what a modern hair system looks like:

@Ikarus, meanwhile this young man isn't fukkin his health up and turning into a woman and has better, thicker hair than you will ever have. How does that feel?

His hair looks 'better'* until the wind blows it off, or until it comes off during a hookup like it did for that one person on this website. I would much rather cut my balls off than stick a dead trail rat on my head...

*Let's be real, his hair looks stuck on.

Nevertheless, you never seem to mention the costs of hair systems. I bet it costs a whole lot more than using anti-androgens, whilst ADT provides much more benefits.


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I rarely post on the forums now as there’s nothing but name calling and conflict but decided to post here. These kind of debates over finasteride will never end.

Debates about finasteride use on here are just like when people debate religion or politics. People state their stance, someone disagrees, an argument with name-calling ensues, and people leave with a firmer belief in their original opinion than they started with.


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Ok but what's the alternative if you're balding aggressively? Obviously you're against tranny treatments?

Shaving and accepting then?

No option is perfect.

Realistically there aren’t really any alternatives if the medications don’t work for you. That’s the point.

medications and hair transplants can produce excellent results but if you’re young and balding aggressively and medications and hair transplants aren’t possible then realistically there isn’t anything else at this point of time.

It’s Unfortunate and I wish it wasn’t the case but that is where we are at this point in time.



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The 5x standard dose that inhibits 80% of DHT instead of 70%. And i guess most of you don't actually know that the mechanism is the same, finasteride being the main compound that shrinks the prostate by atrophy and killing the cells that will never regenerate again. I mean, i think i'm asking too much but i'm sure that at leat 1% of this forum actually know the chemical and physiological process of how this drugs work!

awesome posts man


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Debates about finasteride use on here are just like when people debate religion or politics. People state their stance, someone disagrees, an argument with name-calling ensues, and people leave with a firmer belief in their original opinion than they started with.

it’s a dead end road and a waste of time. One of the reasons I don’t really post anymore.



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Debates about finasteride use on here are just like when people debate religion or politics. People state their stance, someone disagrees, an argument with name-calling ensues, and people leave with a firmer belief in their original opinion than they started with.

So true. You literally aren’t going to change anyone’s mind with your opinion.

Just a broken record going on and on and on.....


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Well, at least when it comes from me at least, my intentions were never to change somebody's mind, rather than everybody should be informed and have the correct information, not all the misinformation and all the shitty ideologies and opinions based on their desperate and ill minds of the sick fucks who promote this kind of drugs like sugar pills.. But what i noticed is that even with the recent news that shows clearly that Merck lied and manipulated the studies of finasteride, again, like he did it also in the Vioxx case, people are still dumb and have the same mindset. And this is because hair loss traumatized them, and i can understand that, but i will never understand ignoring the truth and still promoting them as safe or saying that it's worth it, etc. And i saw that the most people who actually do this are the same ones that from the start they said that they will rather die than go bald, they would rather have PFS than go bald and many other things. It's like asking that guy from this forum that injected acid into his balls if finasteride is safe and if you should take it. Let's be serious, this freaks should not even be allowed on this type of forums, not to mention actually sharing their opinion on this things to normal people or kids who seek help fighting hair loss, especially at 17-18-19 years old when their bodies did not even develop properly...

You may say that everybody is free to inform himself and make a decision based on that, because the truth is that the info is available everywhere online, but you have no idea on how much power this guys could have and how much they could influence a desperate kid in taking something that could actually destroy his future and whole life, more than hair loss ever will. And with people like me, like HLV and many others that left this forum and stop commenting, leaves this forum dominated by incels and transgender in making this things a normality and by the time you notice it, your gonna come after some years and taking estrogen and transforming into a women to prevent hair loss will be a normality, and i really think that this forum and many others should be changed, from rules, to sections, to a strong moderation team, etc... But i don't see it happening, so with time, we will all be gone because it's useless to fight something like that when you get no help from the leadership of this forum and the trannies and incels will take over. After 20 years, your son will come here one night because he thinks he is balding and Yar will encourage him to start estrogen without you knowing it and by the time you know it, your gonna have a hermaphrodite instead of a son

@Yar is iconic


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I took one pill from finasteride and my penis fell off. Never happened before.

It's 2022, who takes finasteride pills anyway? Use topical you mongs.

Everyone knows finasteride pills are poison.

Fact, it’s worse than poison at least it kills you instantly finasteride kills you slowly from severe debilitating side effects. If it goes wrong that’s the thing with this drug there is no solutions, no treatments, no doctors to help you nothing- we are backed up into a corner frightened, scared and in severe pain with nobody to turn to for help all we have is the website propeciahelp. The drug should have been banned years ago and everyone knows it. I can tell anyone right here now that I wake up every morning without fail with the most severe depression unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, like something is sucking the life out of your soul and there’s nothing you can do to get rid of it no matter how hard you try no amount of healthy eating, no amount of supplements or mediation will help it’s like the brain is missing something critical. People can either believe my story or not but before I leave this world I want the young men coming here seeking advice for hair loss not to risk your life because of hair I know it’s hard losing hair believe me I was there but I would trade my old life back in a heartbeat if I could.
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I think that finasteride should be the first line of defense. I acknowledge that it does cause side-effects in a minority of guys who use it, and the side-effects can be devastating. But the truth is that the large majority of guys get minimal to no side-effects.

Those who have not had results from finasteride could consider switching to dutasteride. If dutasteride isn't strong enough to stop their hair loss either, a hair system is really their only option. A hair system might also be the best option for those who cannot take 5ar inhibitors due to side-effects. There are weaker alternatives to 5ar inhibitors, but if even dutasteride hasn't been able to stop your hair loss, I honestly don't think anything else will. Tranny drugs are not a viable option for normal men. Oral minoxidil might be worth carefully considering, but it is potent stuff that you need to be careful with. Low doses are safest. Topical antiandrogens like CB-03-01 are also an option, but I think it is very unlikely they will be of much benefit at all if oral 5ar inhibitors have not managed to stop your hair loss.

A hair system is a useful option for those who have not been helped by finasteride, either due to side-effects or due to it not managing to stop their hair loss. A hair system is far from being a cure, though. It is a lot of maintenance, and is costly, and there is also the fear that it might be discovered. Additionally, it is not undetectable to the touch, and any girlfriend you have in the future is going to find out at some point. Also, there is nothing that feels quite the same as having your own real hair on top of your head. But I've got no doubt that a hair system can really help a lot of guys.
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Your all the same mate, if you take those 500 pages and read them, you will find out that 99% of what is said there is just pure nothing. A bunch of mental ill idiots thinking that they are some kind of scientists just because one of them managed to mimic a transgender regime and actually grow hair from it, and you all now think that he is some kind of god, without even taking a look at the reddit pages and the transgender forums to see that a lot of them managed to do the same with the same regimes that most of you are on. From the DHTcell idiot that you all promoted until he showed his real face and now he is on the r/bald reddit page and asking if he is balding, to the Yar retard that is promoting estrogen as safe for men to take for hair loss, because finasteride does not work lmao... The stupidity has no limits in that thread and those 500 pages are the only proof that somebody actually needs to see it!
You are all so stupid that you actually don't understand that chemical castration is simply the same thing as castration itself but without the cutting the balls off part, or like that retard from your thread injected acid into them. That stupid you are, and thinking that juggling with those drugs is different than actually cutting your balls off...

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Your all a bunch of mental ill retards and have no place in this world with this shitty and destructive attitude that actually can cause damage to innocent kids that actually seek help in finding a solution or accepting hair loss.

Who is saying that chemical castration isn’t the same as surgical castration? We are much aware that using these medications is classed as chemical castration, and that’s something we desire. It’s an alternative for surgical castration, although the former isn’t the safer option in the long term.

Why do you keep mentioning DHTcel? Almost no one likes him on that thread, and he’s the same person who created ten accounts to dislike my posts almost 2,500 times.