
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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Yes I’m not really here to argue whether the OP is or is not experiencing side effects. I’m pointing out that the reception and treatment of him by some members is unacceptable.



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He actually said that He is the most knowledgeable member when it terms of anti-androgens, check his post history i'm tired of making print screens and posting them just because endless pages come and nobody admits after what they said or acts like they meant different things!

Yes I think I remember that too. He could very well be one of the most knowledgable members here but a lot of it intentionally or unintentionally sounds like boasting in my opinion.


Armando Jose

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Finasteride is recommended by every single doctor and dermatologist as the only effective treatment against Androgenetic Alopecia.

I'm Spanish, my country has one of the best healthcare systems in the entire world. Our doctors study for more than 12 years just to be able to work on a hospital. Every single urologist and dermatologist I've been to has said the same thing to me: Finas is really effective, and safe.

Please stop with the bullshit. There's not a single doctor that accepts PFS as a legitimate syndrome.

News in ABC in 2015

A Eduardo López-Bran, jefe del servicio de Dermatología del Clínico San Carlos de Madrid, también le preocupan los riesgos del medicamento. «Son problemas serios que debemos tener muy en cuenta. Yo apenas lo prescribo en mi consulta», dice. A este experto, que participó en los primeros ensayos de seguridad de «Propecia», también le preocupa el efecto que puede tener sobre la próstata en pacientes que han empezado a tomarlo desde muy jóvenes. «Nadie lo ha explicado»


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Besides the fact that his attitude and mentality does not have nothing to do with actual knowledge. Take this for example:

View attachment 129676

How can you actually trust or have a decent conversation with one that think he is smarter than his doctors just because he is reading studies online and reading transgenders regimes in getting his hair back? Let's say he knows more than his doctor about a drug, does that mean that he actually knows how it works? Or how the human body works? Does he have any medical experience or genetic knowledge? From where the f***? From reading studies and articles online and debating them with people like Yar and DHTcell that was his mentor for Bica? Let's be serious only a fool would really believe and look into his mouth. Not even doctors after 6-12 years of school can't call themselves more knowledgeable than others and most are modest and always keep studying to keep up with what is coming out and with evolution itself, how could a no life 19 year old that is fucked by depression and delusions from the drugs he takes and from sitting 24/7 in the house living a virtual life for years could actually know more than people who work with this daily, besides the school they made before this...

I told you already, he really believes what he is saying because his reality was already altered by his depression and what he had prior to this forum and the drugs he takes now, but now he is over that stage and his reality has nothing to do with the real world. Most of the people of this forum are more knowledgeable in some ways and in some stuff about others, a lot read studies, a lot implement them in the real world, but only a few really know with what they are dealing because they lack basic knowledge about biology, genetics, and how the f*****g human body actually works. He just reads studies about transgender regimes over the internet and now he thinks that he is a hair loss expert, a doctor and scientists, all together and just after a couple of years of searching google for terms he does not really understand anyways.

Well I mean, even forgetting all that, referring to the OP and everyone on an entire forum as a bunch of “fools” is very judgmental. The OP was called a “donkey” by other members here. Does no one understand that that behaviour isn’t ok? I’m grateful I don’t invest all my time on this forum like some other members do, it’s a bullying mentality.



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Ryan, I'm sorry about what you're going through man. I'm 31 and diffuse thinning badly all across my scalp in a NW5 fashion. I've been through a lot of hell in my life including multiple concussions and an armed robbery which nearly left me dead, hence my username. The balding process only began in the last 4 years for me. This year I was prescribed finasteride by some cheap dermatologist nearby who was reluctant to offer much of any help.
I picked up the prescription in June and never bothered touching it. I will be throwing it out this week.

I want to find a proper solution to hair loss but it won't be through finasteride I can assure you this. I'll keep using my laser helmet and doing other things that are much less invasive.

Edit: 3 years ago I got PRP + ACell done on my scalp one time for $5000, yes seriously, and ever since then have been experiencing chronic seborrheic dermatitis and my scalp sebum is out of control. My scalp gets oily within hours after a shower to the point where if I touch my hair or scalp within minutes it's all oil.

Good man throw that sh*t out trust me it is not worth it people only think their problems are bad until they get hit with PFS it’s life shattering.


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Good man throw that sh*t out trust me it is not worth it people only think their problems are bad until they get hit with PFS it’s life shattering.

Ryan any morning or nocturnal erections at all?



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Nothing at all man it’s completely dead only thing it’s useful for at this rate is taking a piss.

If you had morning erections prior to Finasteride and they disappeared after Finasteride then that really points to a physical cause. you already know this of course but I am pointing that to those who dismiss your claims entirely. Sorry to hear that.



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You are right, and it's true that it's the only way and that we don't have any other choice and our only chance is for the same people who invented this drugs also, to find a better solution that does not require chemically castrating yourself to save your f*****g hair. I wish you the same, to not be forced in taking such things and to keep your hair naturally as much as you can, in the end not everybody balds in the same pattern, some stop at some point, some bald until a degree and they can fix it with a transplant even if those have risks also, it's important not to let your desperation and feelings take over you and make a decision upon them that could impact your life or change it forever in a very negative way, just because we were unlucky to lose our hair. But you are perfectly right!
Agree with you on everything. One should take it easy and be calm, to be able to make the right decisions at the right time. Although it is very hard to stay calm when your hair is disappearing overnight, always try to have a solid plan and be patient. Patience is the name of the game.


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Yes I think I remember that too. He could very well be one of the most knowledgable members here but a lot of it intentionally or unintentionally sounds like boasting in my opinion.

He may be. But what he certainly is one of the very few people who take rare drugs. We shouldnt bash them or insult them for their decisions, as everyone has a different situation. Ikarus and many others take drugs most of people dont dare to. They bring extreme value to the forums, wether we like it or not.


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If you had morning erections prior to Finasteride and they disappeared after Finasteride then that really points to a physical cause. you already know this of course but I am pointing that to those who dismiss your claims entirely. Sorry to hear that.


Before finasteride I was hypersexual and my libido was sky high had no trouble ever getting it up in my life so I know without a shadow of doubt finasteride did the damage there’s absolutely no question about it. Thanks man what can I do but a least spread awareness that I’m a real man that has had everything taken from him.


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Before finasteride I was hypersexual and my libido was sky high had no trouble ever getting it up in my life so I know without a shadow of doubt finasteride did the damage there’s absolutely no question about it. Thanks man what can I do but a least spread awareness that I’m a real man that has had everything taken from him.

How long have you been off the drug?



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But do you really believe this person had all of these side effects from just one pill?
I doubt it. If it is true, it would have a very miniscule chance of happening, if it could ever scientifically happen.
I think most of these threads are influenced by placebo effects. The mind is a very strong factor. Take me for example, one day I couldnt jerk off! If I was on finasteride I would have blamed it on finasteride and then my mind would carry this placebo effect till I get off the drug, which would not have been the cause from the start.


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Before finasteride I was hypersexual and my libido was sky high had no trouble ever getting it up in my life so I know without a shadow of doubt finasteride did the damage there’s absolutely no question about it. Thanks man what can I do but a least spread awareness that I’m a real man that has had everything taken from him.

I also completely lost any muscle that I have it’s like I’m now completely androgen deficient like finasteride has shut off the androgen receptors. This was a picture of me last year in Turkey I’ve now completely lost all muscle and can barely walk.


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I doubt it. If it is true, it would have a very miniscule chance of happening, if it could ever scientifically happen.
I think most of these threads are influenced by placebo effects. The mind is a very strong factor. Take me for example, one day I couldnt jerk off! If I was on finasteride I would have blamed it on finasteride and then my mind would carry this placebo effect till I get off the drug, which would not have been the cause from the start.

It can happen from a single pill you can doubt what you like but this is my testimony so either I’m lying or I’m not it’s one or the two but why would someone go to the trouble of exposing themselves like that and have visited all these doctors and paying thousands in private care. It doesn’t add up does it? I get it I would be critical of someone too if they said they got this all from one pill but I did and that’s that. You see I have heard the term placebo and all this rubbish on this forum before I even took the drug those that came here talking about side effects were shut down and told it was all in their head and Instead of believing them I believed people like you. Placebo doesn’t shrink your dick, cause complete sexual dysfunction, causes extremely dry skin, ringing in your ears, chronic diarrhoea, blurry vision and floaters these are all physical symptoms.
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He may be. But what he certainly is one of the very few people who take rare drugs. We shouldnt bash them or insult them for their decisions, as everyone has a different situation. Ikarus and many others take drugs most of people dont dare to. They bring extreme value to the forums, wether we like it or not.

I haven’t critised Ikarus because of his extreme regimen in this thread. I’ve pointed out his treatment of the OP as being unnaceptable.



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Just over 7 months now man seen zero improvements in my condition if anything it’s got worse which is really scary.

Hopefully by the end of the first year you’ll have seen some improvements.



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I also completely lost any muscle that I have it’s like I’m now completely androgen deficient like finasteride has shut off the androgen receptors. This was a picture of me last year in Turkey I’ve now completely lost all muscle and can barely walk.

You didn’t have that much muscle to begin with...