
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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Can you actually prove that it's just a minority who experience sides or you just trust blindly those manipulated studies from Merck and co that were actually debunked now and shown that were mostly lies, and even the studies poorly conducted and not including in the percentages the people who got sides and quit and not following the others who stayed? How can you make such statements being so sure of something you don't actually know?

And let's assume that the studies are valid and you are right and the percentages who get devastating sides are real, how could you possibly promote such a thing not knowing who will get them or not? Do you actually know how much is 1% from 10 million, or 100 million? Are you willing to promote playing russian roulette with your life just because you think the risks are worth it?

That's what the real problem is, the mentality of the people who are so desperate in accepting such a thing, it really does not matter if the percentages of sides are 2% or 50%, people will still risk it and say that it's worth it, and that's why actual numbers and valid ones are needed, because if the percentages are the way the recent studies show and the damage that this treatments could make, than 90% of the people will not take it, and the rest, who cares, they would cut their balls off anyways, so for them taking the risks of 5 alpha reductase inhibition are equal to 0!

That's why the f*****g Merck CEO admitted to the court that if they would have said the real numbers and that the drug could lead to permanent damage in some people their sales would have dropped to sh*t and that's why you can actually trust a manufacturer that does this kind of things and that actually killed 500k people with another drug and got away like nothing happened. And you fuckheads still quote and trust their studies, that's how dumb most of you really are and if something happens with you a long the way, you really deserve it, because stupidity and ignorance comes with a price, and it always get payed, even for some sooner and for other later!

Because to be fair even the Propeciahelp website doesn’t have millions of registered users. Most people have access to a computer and would eventually stumble on that website.

Considering the millions of users of Finasteride 1MG worldwide, the number of users on that website is very low. Not that that makes their problem any less serious or less important.



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Reporting sides over the internet has nothing to do with actual people that could have them and reporting them only to doctors, or the ones that don't even actually f*****g know if they have them from the medicine they are taking, like the millions of 60 year olds who are on it for BPH and so on... On the Propecia help forum are only the worse cases from what i saw and the numbers of serious sides reported to the national side reporting bla bla is way larger than the numbers of users on both of this forums, this one and propecia help combined, so this forums are not relevant. Not everybody, especially older ones are seeking for advice from incels spread on hair loss boards and seek help from their doctors.

And many of them get the same responses, it's in your head, it's from the age, bla bla etc. I bet that most of the users who have bearable sides don't even f*****g know how life off finasteride is like, and many admitted after 20 years of usage when they panicked because they were not ejaculating sperm anymore and they stopped the drug and noticed how life is without it and never took it again after, get it? So the numbers on the forums are irrelevant, even if we are in 2019 and a lot of people have access to the internet, this forums and the internet itself still remains dominated by the young generation, in most part at least and when it comes to serious stuff, most people, especially the majority who takes this drugs, are trusting their doctors and if something happens they go to their doctors also.
Many of them think the sides will go away, many get convinced that it's in their heads, a few report them but it's an actual pain in the *** to fill a complain and the majority know anyways that nothing happens with that complain..

There are a lot of factors and many other things that people don't take in consideration, that's why you see all the idiots on this forum saying that the people who are ok on finasteride are enjoying life and not staying on forums, all tho the rest who say that they are ok also from this forums, are still here instead of enjoying life, with different excuses, cos they want to see what's new everyday, cos they have no life, bla bla etc... This are just assumptions, nobody can actually prove, neither do i of course, what the real numbers are, statistics are made from prescriptions and nobody ca actually tell who takes them, for how long, how many get sides, how many don't, how many get stuck with them, for how many it works and for how many it doesn't... They could trow any f*****g percentage and numbers in those studies anyways because they actually know that the majority of people will believe them blindly because there is no way in proving it, and that's the only truth in this.

And as i already said, even let's say that it's an 1% chance of getting real serious sides from this drugs, considering that the studies were done on how much, 1000, 2000 people and concluded with a couple of hundred? From those millions who take it, and this is only for hair loss not counting the BPH ones, what does that 1% mean? Who is to say that people should play russian roulette with their life and after if something f*****g happens to go seek help and nobody believes you and they don't even f*****g have the guts to say that he was from the unlucky ones, they just blame his history, his depression because of hair loss, etc... It's all well made mate, because the brain is strong correlated with all the sides that this pills gives, that's why it hasn't been banned yet, because nobody can prove sh*t, that's why it's prescribed by a f*****g dermatologist that does not even take blood tests before administration or prescription... Keep thinking that your the lucky ones until it starts hitting everyone of you and let's see what your gonna do then, when your gonna be part of the "unlucky ones"...

And besides the fact that the perceptions of life is different from every individual itself, and the one of sides is also the same, especially from this fucked up generation that masturbates 20 times a day, smokes weed and eats Mcdonalds 3 times a day, without getting out of their beds and houses for decades, that's why nothing can be trusted and proved, because there are a lot of factors involved that nobody can actually dissect and prove.

Your right, nobody can prove anything. But the fact is that people are more willing to trust studies than trust comments from strangers on the internet. That's just the reality of it.



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Maybe the FDA is willing to let anything go out of incompetence or corruption but the recent news of vaping related illnesses seems to dispute that. As soon as a handful of abnormal cases sprung up it turned into a national emergency.

I doubt millions of guys waking up with ED and other sides all after taking the same pill would be overlooked in a world of 24/7 news and social media.

The biggest risk is in the long term effects of DHT/5AR suppression. That's where we're taking the highest gamble.


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Imagine trusting manipulated studies done by people who actually kill half of million people in 1 year with a drug made by them, getting away with it, making other drugs and lying in those studies also.. Lmao... I mean i get what you mean and i am not saying that all science is like this and that you should trust random strangers over the internet, but a lot of things don't add up and i won't trust pharmaceutical companies or the medical equipment companies that are actually worse than pharma, not even if my life revolves around them. And i was raised among doctors and scientists since i was little, luckily for me that i was born in a country that most people had morals and ethics back then, especially doctors and even now, we still have a lot of them who are not rushing in prescribing hormonal treatments as sugar pills and even if they are starting to be a rarity also here, 90% of dermatologists in my country refuse to prescribe finasteride for hair loss, so lucky for us that most get rejected so many times and start asking questions and those questions leading to answers like the ones that hide the manufacturers real face and history... It's sad i know, but unfortunately is true and i would rather take the truth anytime than the most well said and comforting lie in the world!

Were you negatively affected by Finasteride?



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Lucky for me that when i started loosing my hair i was in my third med school year and my colleagues and professors educated me well enough in not taking it, all tho i have a couple of colleagues who were taking it, most of them quit it fairly fast after, one got actual gyno from it and then it was when i started documenting more deeply on the matter.. I had also a professor as a family friend, one of the best dermatologists in my country, he is well known for his treatments and cures for psoriasis and he strongly advised me to take finasteride but luckily for me that i did not listen to him because i was to find out after that he actually did not know sh*t about hair loss and that most dermatologists don't actually know sh*t about it, i mean they keep repeating the same genetics and DHT theory that we are all though even if there are a lot of flaws that don't add up in it.. After i started searching for the companies that contract him to sell and prescribe their pills and found one of the Mercks European distributors on his list... I could keep at it all night but i got bored of all the writing, i had some days off and i'm sick and i over exaggerated with the writing that's for sure...

That's fair enough. I was just wondering what it is that you're trying to get across to people, other than not to trust pharmaceutical companies or dermatologists.



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I actually had a quick look through this thread. I don't understand the hatred towards the OP. He's simply stating his experience with Finasteride which unfortunately was negative. Trying to mock him or dismiss his claims as being all in his head is very condescending. No one here is a doctor, or a 'specialist'. Please stop acting like it.



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Exactly, that's the whole point and this is how every side reporting thread goes on every f*****g single forum of the internet, because people are personally and sentimentally invested in this treatments and take it personally, it's like when they see somebody else's story they immediately feel attacked but who the f*** knows what reasons,probably because most of them are seriously mentally ill and take it to the extreme!

Yes, and I hate to point out individuals in particular but some of the things Ikarus has stated in this thread I personally find to be outrageous. He is entitled to his opinion and I used to disagree with him on a lot of things a few months ago, but coming back here and seeing some of the things he's posting, with all due respect I just cant disagree more strongly. Some of the things stated are mind blowing.



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Yes, and I hate to point out individuals in particular but some of the things Ikarus has stated in this thread I personally find to be outrageous. He is entitled to his opinion and I used to disagree with him on a lot of things a few months ago, but coming back here and seeing some of the things he's posting, with all due respect I just cant disagree more strongly. Some of the things stated are mind blowing.

Yes some of the statements i have seen are imo very dangerous

There are enough people here that are smart enough to figure it out for themselves... but i worry about the people lurking and reading this thread taking the advice and statements to heart

Imo it’s extremely irresponsible and dangerous that some impressionable kids could be reading this and taking the advice to heart....

Extremely irresponsible and dangerous


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I am one of the most educated people on this website when it comes to anti-androgens and I don’t contribute my personal experience to create falseness. I had a negative experience with spironolactone, but do you see me creating threads trying to fearmonger? No, because it’s an individual experience which has no legitimate relevance to others.

I have numerous issues with this particular statement.



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The saddest part is that he really believes it like many others also and the fact that they are not getting confronted it gives them more assurance that they are actually right lmao... But as i said, as long as the people who actually have power to do something about it don't do it, what can we actually do except ignoring and blocking them...

The thing is I don't want to keep pointing the finger at Ikarus as I don't think that's fair and I know he's only 18 or 19 but I do think he needs to begin entertaining the fact that maybe he doesn't know everything, and even if he did, his character and dismissal of the OP and attitude towards those who claim to suffer side effects does not reflect him positively.



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I have seen you lurk this forum for a while now and seen you speaking very nicely to all the people around here including the ones that are actually dangerous to others and i respect that and don't understand how can you be so polite, i wish i could have your calmness and attitude but i guess that's why people are different but i don't understand how do you still think after all those debates with him, that he actually cares about your opinion or about others opinions? People with severe mental illnesses like he has, especially if they remain untreated they evolve and aggravate to a point in which their mind is a cage from which not even if they want to they can't actually escape. Trying to come to a decent and normal understanding point with this kind of people is useless, it's not like he is depressed or sad and that he needs somebody to talk too like that guy Peterson was lying about, this people need psychiatric attention, it's the only thing that could actually help them and for them being left roaming around free especially on the internet where they can pretend to be whatever they want to be and say and do whatever without paying the consequences is only making the situation worse and worse until they actually take it as granted and it becomes their reality...

There is no point as i said in trying to come to an understanding or thinking that they will understand like you or other normal human will, because it won't happen and you have to understand that and let it go. I have the same problem, because of my extreme trust issues i have a problem in trusting and thinking that a lot of people can be helped just like that when in fact a lot of them have no chance, especially the ones that spend their lives over the internet and when the virtual life becomes their only life. They live in a delusional world where nothing is real and everything changes every second, go take a look at his posts, take a look at his posts and that guy noakenedy or whatever the f*** is his name, the posts of that guy that injected acid into his balls and the other one that grew hair on the transgdender regime, check their posts in which they describe their lives before this and you will see a pattern, they all suffer from long standing depressions and delusional thinking, depersonalization and many other things that this forum and their drugs only accentuated. Their hormones are out of wack from all the fluctuations and from all the shits they are ingesting everyday, for them reality does not exist anymore and nobody here or online can actually help them and if their parents or closed ones don't care and don't take measures there is nothing somebody else could do for them.

It doesn't matter to me if he does or doesn't care about my opinion. I'm sure he doesn't, but that's not of any importance of me. Ikarus has told me numerous times in the past that I know nothing about treating hair loss and that because I had a transplant my opinion doesn't matter and I shouldn't give out advice about hair loss. Kind of judgmental right?

But The reason I post sometimes is to challenge people who are spreading misinformation or being unfair. The difference between myself and some other posters is that I'm not posting on this forum all day, every day. At the end of a day, this is a forum, with strangers, so for me personally its at the bottom of my priorities in life. That's not to say this forum isn't helpful and does good things, but there are more important things in life than arguing all day on this forum. Arguing on this forum is waste of always will be.

If the OP says he has side effects, ill give him the benefit of the doubt. I may or may not agree with everything he claims but if I was going to disagree with him I wouldn't do it in the way that some users here have. Some users here have really displayed bad character.



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I have numerous issues with this particular statement.


You can disagree with me, but you’re entitled to your opinion.

The thing is I don't want to keep pointing the finger at Ikarus as I don't think that's fair and I know he's only 18 or 19 but I do think he needs to begin entertaining the fact that maybe he doesn't know everything, and even if he did, his character and dismissal of the OP and attitude towards those who claim to suffer side effects does not reflect him positively.


I might be young, but that doesn’t mean I’m dumb. I do not exactly care if my comments don’t reflect me positively, because my opinions are being read by the anti-finasteride cult members, where they already believe my regimen reflects me negatively.


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Ryan, I'm sorry about what you're going through man. I'm 31 and diffuse thinning badly all across my scalp in a NW5 fashion. I've been through a lot of hell in my life including multiple concussions and an armed robbery which nearly left me dead, hence my username. The balding process only began in the last 4 years for me. This year I was prescribed finasteride by some cheap dermatologist nearby who was reluctant to offer much of any help.
I picked up the prescription in June and never bothered touching it. I will be throwing it out this week.

I want to find a proper solution to hair loss but it won't be through finasteride I can assure you this. I'll keep using my laser helmet and doing other things that are much less invasive.

Edit: 3 years ago I got PRP + ACell done on my scalp one time for $5000, yes seriously, and ever since then have been experiencing chronic seborrheic dermatitis and my scalp sebum is out of control. My scalp gets oily within hours after a shower to the point where if I touch my hair or scalp within minutes it's all oil.


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Yeah but unfortunately since the management of this forum and the whole society does not take measures against this kind of people and actually encourages them, their behavior and mental illnesses, there is nothing that we can do except to protect ourselves and our closed ones. It's everybody for himself as harsh as it sounds and it comes to every individual to inform himself and make decision based on his own will, logic and information, if not they will suffer the consequences without somebody being able to help them.. And that's kind of it!

You continuously mention that we have a mental illness... What mental illness? It’s almost comical that you say that, and then can never mention what mental illness we have.


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There are no anti-finasteride cult members, there are only smarter people than the average sheep that takes pills as bombons and does not question anything because they trust everything "science" and doctors tell them!

And "your regime" is a transgender regime that is actually used by most transgenders in their transitioning process. You just hope to get hair with it, but unfortunately your gonna get the other parts of the treatment as well, and i don't think you won't like than anyways, considering your "special" condition that you had anyways, since before you started castrating yourself and transitioning!

There are anti-finasteride cult members, and they are in the low-grade class of education with hair loss. They are the flat-earth conspiracy theorists of this website...


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The scary thing is how pro-finasteride the subReddit r/tressless is. You dare say one bad thing about finasteride over there you're dead. If you wanna know where the source of the peddling truly manifests itself check out that forum.


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Well, even if i did mention a couple of them in my comments i won't start it again over and over again just to satisfy your attention fetishes. I can't actually diagnose people over the internet but from your behaviors and attitudes, at least most of you, have deep severe mental illnesses, that vary with your conditions and symptoms. A proper psychiatrist can help you with that if you really want to find out, but i doubt you will, mostly mentally ill individuals never seek help and rarely are aware of their condition, admit or acknowledge it..

I have depression, but that’s not a mental illness to be ashamed of, and is more common than not within the young generation. Otherwise, your claims are irrelevant. I can definitely tell you have some issues, narcissistic personality disorder maybe?


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I actually had a quick look through this thread. I don't understand the hatred towards the OP. He's simply stating his experience with Finasteride which unfortunately was negative. Trying to mock him or dismiss his claims as being all in his head is very condescending. No one here is a doctor, or a 'specialist'. Please stop acting like it.

Because he is a troll. U don't get nerve damage, joint pain, floaters in ur eyes etc from one pill of finasteride. U don't even have to be an expert to see that.