
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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You can say whatever, that does not mean it's actually true, you just call them that because you fear people that don't agree and are smarter than the average sheep that ingest pills like you do.. But your just a kid and don't have the brain developed enough and it's normal in a way to think like you do, from some point of course. But when your mental illness strikes you start to delusioning and find everything that is against your believes or ideologies, a flat earth conspiracy theorist. And unfortunately those drugs that you are taking and the treatment you are on, will stop your brain development, besides the body one also and at 30 years old, you will be a undeveloped vegetable from any point of view, physically and psychically. So good luck with that

I find it hilarious that one of the only points the anti-finasteride cult members have against me is my age, even though that’s clearly nonsensical. You’re older than me, yet you can’t decipher the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’.

Actually, I am open to people disagreeing or responding to my beliefs, but that doesn’t my ability to respond perishes, especially when these responses are ludicrous. And your final claim, it’s just another claim with no proof behind it.

Your way over the depression part my friend, it's not even clinical at this point, and only a psychiatrist can help you at this point!

Your digs are terrible, try again.


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What do you mean you did not see it? Of course you did not see it. No one has done any study on it because it hasn't happened to any human ever. There's no need to do a study about what happens when you take one pill of Finasteride. Because nothing happens.

Unless there is a study showing that just 1 pill has no effect of 5AR, neurosteroids, DHT or whatever, you cannot state that one pill does nothing.

1 mg of Finasteride doesn't do anything on your body. It starts a process that takes months to actually start. But you have to take one, every day, for at least 3 months to have any effect on your body. And that's the quickest. It's actually around 6-8 months. 1 year to see the full effect on your body.

Ah I see where you might go wrong now. You confuse therepeutic effect (effect on hair) with effect on the body. Just because we usually only start to see hair related results does not mean only then the drugs starts 'doing something in the body'. It is just so happens to be that the hair growth metabolism works like that. A lot of man experience a slight ball ache for example in the first few days, this is a sign that the drug is already 'doing something'.

Men in Spain have been doing Finasteride since 1997. 22 years in a row. 95% of them are perfectly fine. The other 5% had side effects and stopped taking it. All of them ceased to have side effects after that. And you can read that.

Even Merck itself discloses that some side effects might be persistent when you get off the drug... You can read that as well.

PFS is not even taken seriously here. Urologists laugh at you when you mention it. I can tell because it happened to me. I was afraid of it. They all explained the same thing: studies of PFS are not taken seriously because they do not follow the scientific method. They are not even "studies".

I lived in Spain, it is actually where I got my first proscar pills. Once I got side effects my (Spanish) urologist told me to get off the drug and said that it is well known that finasteride could cause these side effects. He also worked with people where these side effects persisted after quiting. Just because your urologist said one thing does not mean they all share the same opinion.


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Hello everyone, this is the story of Ryan2310, who has Münchausen by internet.


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people are desperate and don't have other choices in saving their hair
Thats what it comes down to anyway at the end of the day.
It's obvious life crushing sides may appear, that's the gamble you have to take against destiny and flip a coin, when swallowing finasteride.
Either that or your bald dome. Realistically side effects of bald head can be truly much more crushing than some sides of finasteride.


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Because he is a troll. U don't get nerve damage, joint pain, floaters in ur eyes etc from one pill of finasteride. U don't even have to be an expert to see that.

I disagree with you on that. The eye floaters etc are very unlikely yes but I put his claims about those side effects down to the fact that he is in obviously a bad state right now due to the ED he is experiencing right now.

Even if some of his claims were impossible, that is still not a reason to brand him as a troll. Last I remember trolls hide behind computers. This man has uploaded a video of himself and his face claiming he has ED. He would have to be in quite a state of distress to do that. If I asked you to upload a picture of your face right now would you do it? Probably not,
And that’s my point.

And while very unlikely, yes I do believe you can experience side effects after one or two pills. Normally, I wouldn’t think that, but experience teaches me otherwise.



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I disagree with you on that. The eye floaters etc are very unlikely yes but I put his claims about those side effects down to the fact that he is in obviously a bad state right now due to the ED he is experiencing right now.

Even if some of his claims were impossible, that is still not a reason to brand him as a troll. Last I remember trolls hide behind computers. This man has uploaded a video of himself and his face claiming he has ED. He would have to be in quite a state of distress to do that. If I asked you to upload a picture of your face right now would you do it? Probably not,
And that’s my point.

And while very unlikely, yes I do believe you can experience side effects after one or two pills. Normally, I wouldn’t think that, but experience teaches me otherwise.

He has no signs of hair loss. Unless he proves his symptoms are real, he is a Munchausen by internet and nothing more.


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He has no signs of hair loss. Unless he proves his symptoms are real, he is a Munchausen by internet and nothing more.

This isn’t about hair loss. The degree of hairloss you have when taking medication has no effect on what side effects you may or may not get. This has nothing to do with his hair.



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This isn’t about hair loss. The degree of hairloss you have when taking medication has no effect on what side effects you may or may not get. This has nothing to do with his hair.

Unless he proves his physical symptoms are real, he is a Münchausen by internet and i will continue to call him out.


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Unless he proves his physical symptoms are real, he is a Münchausen by internet and i will continue to call him out.

why the need to call him out? If you disagree with him why not just leave him be and continue with your life.

How exactly would he prove his ED is real?



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why the need to call him out? If you disagree with him why not just leave him be and continue with your life.

How exactly would he prove his ED is real?

I do consider ED a legit side effect of finasteride. I do strongly doubt that it is possible to get after one pill but that's another issue. But his list of symptoms go on to a pre pubescent penis, joint pain, floaters in eyes, etc... which have not been observed as side effects in clinical trials.
This is the problem with pfs and the website propecia help. If ur going to blame all ur health issues on finasteride after taking one pill, ur not in any way believable, so why bother posting at all?
There are doctors speaking out about seeing PFS, but noone of these will include the long list of side effects that these people on forums talk about.


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I do consider ED a legit side effect of finasteride. I do strongly doubt that it is possible to get after one pill but that's another issue. But his list of symptoms go on to a pre pubescent penis, joint pain, floaters in eyes, etc... which have not been observed as side effects in clinical trials.
This is the problem with pfs and the website propecia help. If ur going to blame all ur health issues on finasteride after taking one pill, ur not in any way believable, so why bother posting at all?
There are doctors speaking out about seeing PFS, but noone of these will include the long list of side effects that these people on forums talk about.

Yes I agree that many things get blamed on Finasteride. But the question is, if some of the side effects like eye floaters are in his head, does that automatically mean his ED is in his head too?

I take the view that most likely his ED is real, therefore is in a state of distress right now and as is paying more attention to his body now than prior. I don’t think it’s ok to write off all his symptoms.

Besides the point, this guy posted his experience and was immediately, and I mean immediately ridiculed and brushed aside. In no way is that ok.



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You can disagree with me, but you’re entitled to your opinion.

Ikarus the way you stated that sentence would imply that we are both on equal footing and whether you are an expert is up for debate. I do not believe that to be case.

In my opinion, you are a teenager who has not 1) attended medical school, 2) holds a medical degree or 3) conducted scientific research into the subject. That is apart from from using online search engines.

That doesn’t mean you are or aren’t knowledgable about the subject, but it does mean you need to review the high position you hold yourself in because apart from your own opinion as to your knowledge, you have no legitimate document or third party to validate and support your expertise in the field.

And I mean that with no offence intended.

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Ikarus the way you stated that sentence would imply that we are both on equal footing and whether you are an expert is up for debate. I do not believe that to be case.

In my opinion, you are a teenager who has not attended medical school or holds a medical degree apart from using online search engines.

That doesn’t mean you are or aren’t knowledgable about the subject, but it does mean you need to review the high position you hold yourself in. And I mean that with no offence intended.


Actually, I originally said ‘you’re entitled to your wrong opinion’ but changed it because the anti-finasteride cult members are holding their pitch forks!

And, that’s interesting, because most people within the medical field still believe DHT is the sole factor which contributes to hair loss. I went to a hair specialist with many degrees in science, and she told me that DHT is the only cause of hair loss, and that cyproterone acetate will not work as effective as finasteride. How embarrassing?


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Actually, I originally said ‘you’re entitled to your wrong opinion’ but changed it because the anti-finasteride cult members are holding their pitch forks!

And, that’s interesting, because most people within the medical field still believe DHT is the sole factor which contributes to hair loss. I went to a hair specialist with many degrees in science, and she told me that DHT is the only cause of hair loss, and that cyproterone acetate will not work as effective as finasteride. How embarrassing?

you mean my wrong opinion about you more or less being an expert in this field? So as far as you are concerned you are the most knowledgable member here and that’s a fact? again, I’m simply trying to understand if that is what you are claiming.



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Very true and i think it's the right way to say and put it, you are very correct, especially now that you can'e even trust studies done by them, especially because the way the studies are conducted and the way the patients are followed before and after the treatment, the way they hide the percentages and info, the way that the FDA approves the drugs, etc you are right and everybody should take a look at all the info available before making a decision. That does not mean just taking out of context what suits your desperation caused by hair loss, just the stories you want to hear or believe or just the studies you want to read and dismiss the other for whatever reason people dismiss them.
I do agree studies can be biased, they want to sell the drug after all. But we cant deny the fact that finasteride works, and it got sides, just not very common. I do believe some people took a deep dive into the darkness because of finasteride and other factors, but it is one of the crucial weapons we got to fight back balding. I hope I wont depend on it in the future.


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you mean my wrong opinion about you more or less being an expert in this field? So as far as you are concerned you are the most knowledgable member here and that’s a fact? again, I’m simply trying to understand if that is what you are claiming.


I never said I am the most knowledgeable member here, I said that I’m one of the most knowledgeable members here in terms of anti-androgens. In fact, most of the people from the ‘tranny thread’ are the most knowledgeable in anti-androgens, and can also speak on experience.

Who would I trust? Someone who is claiming a medication is bad with no proof, besides a study he read incorrectly and doesn’t even know what the LNCaP line is, or someone who has proof with an understanding, and has personal experience?


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I do agree studies can be biased, they want to sell the drug after all. But we cant deny the fact that finasteride works, and it got sides, just not very common. I do believe some people took a deep dive into the darkness because of finasteride and other factors, but it is one of the crucial weapons we got to fight back balding. I hope I wont depend on it in the future.

But do you really believe this person had all of these side effects from just one pill?


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I never said I am the most knowledgeable member here, I said that I’m one of the most knowledgeable members here in terms of anti-androgens. In fact, most of the people from the ‘tranny thread’ are the most knowledgeable in anti-androgens, and can also speak on experience.

Who would I trust? Someone who is claiming a medication is bad with no proof, besides a study he read incorrectly and doesn’t even know what the LNCaP line is, or someone who has proof with an understanding, and has personal experience?

The average man that does care about keeping the mental/physical traits that make him a man (minus male pattern baldness) should definitely not listen to you. Everyone that only cares about their hair, no watter what the cost should listen to you probably. That's all.


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I never said I am the most knowledgeable member here, I said that I’m one of the most knowledgeable members here in terms of anti-androgens. In fact, most of the people from the ‘tranny thread’ are the most knowledgeable in anti-androgens, and can also speak on experience.

Who would I trust? Someone who is claiming a medication is bad with no proof, besides a study he read incorrectly and doesn’t even know what the LNCaP line is, or someone who has proof with an understanding, and has personal experience?

But a few months ago I remember you also stating that you are very knowledgable when it comes to skin and acne?
