
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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He is not plastering his face all over the internet. We have no way to know if any pictures he has posted are actually him. He is still completely anonymous.

Whoever that is in the video they are still saying they are essentially impotent. whether it is the OP or not, that is still someone's face in the video.



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Im seriously laughing my *** off to this thread, one pill....... But its sad anyway that people can trick themself into this and probably feel horrible psychosomatic effects thanks to the PFS lunatics brainwashing them before they take their first pill.


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If my body has produced more DHT as some kind of mechanism of adjusting, it would still only end up being a tiny fraction of the DHT levels that I had pre-dutasteride, unless my body were to adjust by attempting to produce an absolutely insane amount of DHT, which I don't think is backed up by the existing evidence. The dutasteride has put a complete stop to my hair loss, and has given me extensive thickening in my crown area and some regrowth in my temple area too. I suppose that the fact the dutasteride has worked also means that my body couldn't have tried to adjust by trying to produce huge amounts of DHT.
Placebo can cause ED. You’re brain creates the illusion that you cant get hard if you continue on taking finasteride. As to the other sides, some cant be caused by finasteride. I am not saying you’re lying. What I am saying is that you may be deceived by your very own brain, and believe me this sucker is powerful.

Yeah I know. I’ve said it as in general, to point out Ikarus is a valuable member.

While I do agree, when multiple, double-blind, controlled experimental long-term studies shows that a certain drug doesnt have sides/extreme sides, it is very safe to claim the drug’s safety, without the need to get a degree in the medicine field.
The degree is very important. But speaking in the domain of drugs’ side effects, appropriate studies will suffice.

Placebo? C’mon get out of here with that nonsense never heard more rubbish in my life. Like I said Placebo doesn’t cause severe nerve pain, eye floaters, constant ringing in ears, blurry vision or diarrhoea you need to stop already.


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Im seriously laughing my *** off to this thread, one pill....... But its sad anyway that people can trick themself into this and probably feel horrible psychosomatic effects thanks to the PFS lunatics brainwashing them before they take their first pill.

I never knew PFS existed before I took finasteride, I only connected it to the pill once everything else was ruled out by the medical profession and upon visiting a top Urologist in Ireland.


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At this point this thread is running in circles

As i said before i am sorry for your loss op, however nobody on this board is going to be able to help you with your problems. You should continue to seek medical treatment.

Mods should lock this thread



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At this point this thread is running in circles

As i said before i am sorry for your loss op, however nobody on this board is going to be able to help you with your problems. You should continue to seek medical treatment.

Mods should lock this thread


I’m spreading awareness about my experience with finasteride it’s no different to someone talking about a new hair loss solution and their experience. I can understand why people get mad here someone like me comes along and takes away their only hopes of regaining hair and I know hair loss is awful but they do not want to mess up their lives in the process of fixing a cosmetic issue.

Peace to you too.


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Ryan, I'd have to be honest and say that it doesn't look like you have much hair loss at all in your video, and I'm surprised this hasn't been touched upon yet in this very long thread. What Norwood level were you before you took that finasteride pill? Has your hair loss got worse since then, and have you tried any treatments like minoxidil?


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Ryan, I'd have to be honest and say that it doesn't look like you have much hair loss at all in your video, and I'm surprised this hasn't been touched upon yet in this very long thread. What Norwood level were you before you took that finasteride pill? Has your hair loss got worse since then, and have you tried any treatments like minoxidil?

Michael, I have already stated on the thread that I went to a dermatologist who took a scalp biopsy which is a small piece of skin on the scalp that gets sent away to a laboratory they found calcification, fibrosis and inflammation I was losing clumps of hairs on my pillows and in the shower I have mini bald patches on my scalp covered by my hair. My hair loss no longer worries me anymore I just want my health back.
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Placebo? C’mon get out of here with that nonsense never heard more rubbish in my life. Like I said Placebo doesn’t cause severe nerve pain, eye floaters, constant ringing in ears, blurry vision or diarrhoea you need to stop already.
You should consider every other factor, beside finasteride. It could be the cause. It can be also ONE of the many factors that lead to your current situation. Either way, I am sorry you're going through this utter sh*t. More power to you.


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I never knew PFS existed before I took finasteride, I only connected it to the pill once everything else was ruled out by the medical profession and upon visiting a top Urologist in Ireland.

Well i suspect you are not truthful, i believe either

1: you had read about PFS before you took the pill.
2: you imagined sides or got mild sides and looked up pfs after taking the pill which led to the shitstorm your mind is playing you now.

I myself felt like a braindead zombie with all kinds of weird pfs symptoms for some weeks after starting finasteride until i realised it was my own mind creating the symptoms cause of what i had read. Then here i am years later with absolute zero sides, perhaps a bit slower beard growth.


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Mods shouldn't lock a thread because it hurts the feelings of insecure balding dudes who take fina or duta.

The side effects are real and everyone here can get effected sooner or later.

No the thread should not be locked, however saying it's inevitable you will get severe sides on finasteride/dutasteride is just silly. There are men all over the world who have been taking it decades and they are fine. Im very sorry that you can't tolerate it because of sides, but posts like this are going to drive men away from one of the few viable cures for this horrendous condition, yes there are chances for bad sides, but they are rare.


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Another delusional fina user who tries to convince himself that sides are rare. It's hormone treatment and part of transexual regimens and people like you who try to normalize usage of fina/duta are dangerous to hopeless young balding men.

Do you know about vioxx? The studies are not credible at all. This explains why forums are filled with men who have side effects and we're getting polls with 50% of people on fina having sides.

Read this new article from Reuters:


Court let Merck hide secrets about a popular drug’s risks

Lawsuits claim baldness drug Propecia causes sexual problems and depression. The judge sealed evidence – uncovered by Reuters – suggesting the maker downplayed the side effects. A widow wants the truth out.

Saving your hair at the cost of your (male) health is not worth it, stop promoting it.

By bad sides i meant severe ones like being unable to get an erection at all for example, i experienced the side effect of lower libido so for me i know finasteride and dutasteride can give sides, im not in denial, i just think a small loss of libido is a small price to pay to maintain my hair. No need to call me delusional.


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So you already experienced lower libido? You know side effects could and probably will get worse right? I've seen the story countless times, first starts out with bearable sides that are acceptable for stopping hairloss...after a while side effects get worse, ed, watery sperm, lethargy, brain fog,...

You think you're immune to worse sides? Blocking an important male hormone for long times aka hormone treatment is an almost guarantee you will get worse side effects in due time.

And you're taking duta now too if I saw right... Be very cautious.

I have been on dutasteride since last november, the only side again was slightly reduced libido, same as finasteride. No mental sides, i already suffer from pretty bad depression and anxiety and neither have gotten any worse, no brain fog either. I still think these options are the first line of attack against male pattern baldness, but i understand that from your bad experience of it you are maybe more cautious in recommending to others.


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Meanwhile you were laughing at a man who committed suicide itt because of fina sides and you dare to say "this forum treated me horribly"

Absolute solipsistic pos.

I do not have sympathy for someone who has committed suicide over sexual side effects, especially when he has kids and a wife. If I was one of his kids, and I found out my father committed suicide due to not being able to please his wife, I would think differently about who my parents truly are. There comes a point in life where your family is your priority, but his priority seemed to be his sex life.

And this forum has treated me horribly, I have constantly been called a tranny since starting my regimen. And it’s always by the anti-finasteride cult members who some how have experienced every side effect on the leaflet. And then this thread creator, who is somehow experiencing all of these side effects after just taking one pill of finasteride. Next, we will see someone saying that dutasteride has caused the same issue from just taking one pill, even though it takes months to even reach it’s maximum accumulation and requires a build-up.


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I do not have sympathy for someone who has committed suicide over sexual side effects, especially when he has kids and a wife. If I was one of his kids, and I found out my father committed suicide due to not being able to please his wife, I would think differently about who my parents truly are. There comes a point in life where your family is your priority, but his priority seemed to be his sex life.

And this forum has treated me horribly, I have constantly been called a tranny since starting my regimen. And it’s always by the anti-finasteride cult members who some how have experienced every side effect on the leaflet. And then this thread creator, who is somehow experiencing all of these side effects after just taking one pill of finasteride. Next, we will see someone saying that dutasteride has caused the same issue from just taking one pill, even though it takes months to even reach it’s maximum accumulation and requires a build-up.

I think that's the difference between you and I. I would feel at least some sympathy for someone who committed suicide full stop, as it would show that they were obviously seriously struggling to deal with their problems. To each their own i guess.



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I think that's the difference between you and I. I would feel at least some sympathy for someone who committed suicide full stop, as it would show that they were obviously seriously struggling to deal with their problems. To each their own i guess.


In that case, you would feel some sympathy for Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged suicide


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I think that's the difference between you and I. I would feel at least some sympathy for someone who committed suicide full stop, as it would show that they were obviously seriously struggling to deal with their problems. To each their own i guess.

Well said. I had a twin brother who had schizophrenia and took his own life very young. I think that any decent person would feel some sympathy for anyone who takes their own life, unless the person who had taken their own life was an extremely evil person such as a serial sex offender or murderer.


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Please watch the following video.

This year I took a pill called finasteride, it's a hair loss drug that blocks a hormone called DHT which is the cause of hair loss in men. I'm a 28 year old man from Northern Ireland that had zero illnesses prior to taking this drug I was in very good shape and just last year ran a a marathon, I ate clean and went to the gym 4 times a week, it was a life style for me that is until I took one pill this February and that is were my whole life was changed over the course of a day. When I took the drug I was in my room and then went out with my sister with the dogs that is when I began to feel a tingling sensation in my face, I thought it was very odd, a few hours went by and my heart began racing at an unprecedented rate so I decided to sleep it off, I slept for what must have been an eternity, I awoke the next day in a puddle of sweat, it wasn't until I went to the toilet that I seen the horror that was in front of my eyes, my penis had completely shrunk it was like I was sent back in time through pre puberty, it was lifeless, dead. This is were things began to really get out of control, the racing heart went on for 2 weeks, I have ringing in both ears, my balance was off and I began explaining symptoms of extreme lethargy, everything felt like I was in a haze completely cut off from reality so to speak it was like my brain was shutting down or was operating at a really low capacity. It's now been 7 months since I took that pill and things have altogether worsened, I have been hospitalized twice, been to accident and emergency almost 30 times in extreme pain, have seen countless doctors, specialists, had countless blood works done, MRI's, lumbar puncture, X-rays, private neurologists, endocrinologists, urologist and the list goes on. My side effects that I'm dealing with have been detrimental to my health and well-being, I now suffer from extreme uncontrollable depression were I have had to ring lifeline dozens of times and seen a private psychologist, I have floaters in both eyes that were never there, blurry vision, extreme nerve pain, muscle loss, chronic diarrhoea, insomnia, muscle weakness and have been bed bound now for all those months with the inability to walk. I had to quit my Job and give up my house to move back in with my parents, I've lost everything. I hope you take interest in my story to save other men from this poisonous drug, my life and my families has been destroyed. I should add that I also found myself on these hairlossforums obsessed with hair loss and read all the horror stories from finasteride but it seemed like every post was being hijacked by people saying it’s bullshit now I realise that PFS is very real and you could destroy your life from a single pill.

I had the same thing. I recovered for the most part. Its terrifying