
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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In that case, you would feel some sympathy for Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged suicide

I didn't feel the need to type 'unless the person was someone seriously evil' at the end of my last post because I was hoping that would be obvious to you and you wouldn't feel the need to try and split hairs. I was wrong.



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This post just sums up your borderline psychopathic tendencies.

You can agree (I assume) on the effects of hairloss and that it can push men into depression and even suicide BUT you can't fathom that a man losing his sexual function because of side effects from a drug to have the same mental effects?

Yes even if that man has a family, this could still push a man into suicide. I know you do not value sex but try to imagine what a healthy male goes through when losing one if not the most pleasurable thing on this earth.

Also 1 pill can be enough to disrupt the endocrine system, it does not need accumulation before men notice side effects. Me personally I had ball ache after 1 week of taking the pills, it did go away after a few weeks, months (and came back much later though). The human body is not the same for everyone, some like OP could be very sensitive to endocrine disruptions, this is quite logical.

Btw, I noticed you stopped promoting (as far as I noticed) your hormone therapy, so I hope others will leave you alone. If not contact the mods.

Because Ikarus has never had a libido he doesnt understand its importance for the majority of men. In my opinion a wiser individual would realise they should not criticise what they don't understand.



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This post just sums up your borderline psychopathic tendencies.

You can agree (I assume) on the effects of hairloss and that it can push men into depression and even suicide BUT you can't fathom that a man losing his sexual function because of side effects from a drug to have the same mental effects?

Yes even if that man has a family, this could still push a man into suicide. I know you do not value sex but try to imagine what a healthy male goes through when losing one if not the most pleasurable thing on this earth.

Also 1 pill can be enough to disrupt the endocrine system, it does not need accumulation before men notice side effects. Me personally I had ball ache after 1 week of taking the pills, it did go away after a few weeks, months (and came back much later though). The human body is not the same for everyone, some like OP could be very sensitive to endocrine disruptions, this is quite logical.

Btw, I noticed you stopped promoting (as far as I noticed) your hormone therapy, so I hope others will leave you alone. If not contact the mods.

I’m not going to further discuss about the whole suicide situation, since we obviously have polar-opposite opinions.

Hair loss can’t be compared to sexual side effects; one exists and one is alleged.

One pill would not cause all of those issues: ringing in both ears, being hospitalised twice, having to have MRI scans, having to visit private neurologists, floaters in both eyes, blurry vision, chronic diarrhoea, the inability to walk, and there’s more. You had ball ache after taking it for a week, that seems more believable. I initially had ball ache with my regimen within the first couple of weeks, which stopped. But, all of those side effects from just one pill of finasteride?

I have never promoted my regimen in the first place, I don’t need to. People come to me and ask questions regarding the medications, and that’s the way it has been and still is.


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I didn't feel the need to type 'unless the person was someone seriously evil' at the end of my last post because I was hoping that would be obvious to you and you wouldn't feel the need to try and split hairs. I was wrong.


I mean, we don’t know if the poster of this thread has malicious intentions. He did explain how he was taking this further within Ireland, and that is stupid. He is ruining it for others, all because of delusions.


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Because Ikarus has never had a libido he doesnt understand its importance for the majority of men. In my opinion a wiser individual would realise they should not criticise what they don't understand.


Libido isn’t something necessary in life, unless your life depends on sex. Fortunately, my life doesn’t depend on sex and I can focus my energy on what’s important.


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This comment is the only proof somebody needs to understand that this poor f*** suffers from deep severe mental illnesses and he is the perfect example of why not even psychiatrists can help them. Unfortunately and fortunately in the same time, the internet is the only place where they can manifest like this without suffering the consequences of their actions and for spreading their mental illnesses all over the place and putting young and innocent desperate kids in danger, that could in a moment of desperation listen and look into the "mouths" of this retarded mental ill fucks!

Looks like you haven’t ignored me yet


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Mods shouldn't lock a thread because it hurts the feelings of insecure balding dudes who take fina or duta.

The side effects are real and everyone here can get effected sooner or later.
Where did i say i was an insecure dude taking finasteride?

I’ll have you know i’ve never taken finasteride in my life and have 0 reason to defend this

But as i said this thread is literally a circle of the op talking about his experiences while other people call bs and make fun of him

Its a waste of time imo

The side effects of finasteride are well documented. This thread is just a dog pile of the same bickering people can read in every other finasteride thread


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With comments like these you are only proving my point.

Having a healthy libido is extremely important. It may sound weird to you, but it's is one if not the biggest motivator in life for a young male.

It's not important, it's a distraction from a persons real intentions in life. Without a libido to begin with, you wouldn't have spent two years on this website complaining about finasteride.


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You did not have a libido to begin with and with all that here you are for years spreading your mental illness and bitching all over the place, so i don't know how you have the nerve to speak about others, but it's understandable from a point because of your severe mental illnesses!

You still haven't ignored me yet


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Libido isn’t something necessary in life, unless your life depends on sex. Fortunately, my life doesn’t depend on sex and I can focus my energy on what’s important.

It’s not necessary in life for You personally. That doesn’t apply to the majority of men. That is a solid fact.



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So people, this is what lunacy looks like.

If your daddy and mommy did not have libido you would have never been born. If everyone would be an asexual creature like you, humanity would cease to exist.

You're a complete lunatic and people need to be aware of the danger you trying to normalize and downplay side effects. Funny you call other people cult members, your projection is hilarious though.

"just go on a trans treatment to save your hair bro"

But your point of sex isn't to pro-create, it's to fulfil an addiction. You're part of the anti-finasteride cult, you can't call anyone a lunatic without automatically being hypocritical. And, you're the same person who believes this man had every single side effect listed on WebMD.


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Ikarus I’m not pro or against Finasteride and I’m telling you a lot of what you say causes a lot of controversy.



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Neah, there are millions of men in the world who are balding as we speak, this freaks just use it as an excuse for their shitty useless lives and to find a meaning in life by feeling they are doing something with it also lol... They are mentally ill and should be locked for good and treated properly!

Hey bananblunt
I remember you were saying that this forum is a complete waste of time and you were planning to leave it. You got banned so mods did you a favour. But you are back with another account? Dude get a life srs.


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Not only from my experience but from scientific reality.

If you are suicidal because of hairloss (which I could understand) then yes, oral AA's are fine but this should not be the first line of attack more a last line of defence imo.

In the end we're all brothers fighting the same enemy but I choose and advise to do it rationally, not ignoring or downplaying the incredible health risks just to save hair.

I wish you all the best and hope you will not regret your decision down the line.


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I mean, to someone with a brain, you could tell the thread creator is another delusional dolt.

A very condescending and distasteful attitude.



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Well, i actually requested that ban and even said it before, but your too stupid for that kind of information. And second of all, with all my waste of time on this forum, i still have and will have a 10 time better life than most of you, so no worries. I know and noticed from your dislikes that your on the verge of transitioning also, so your opinions is just likes Ikaru's or of the others trannies, meaning useless!

You requested to get banned but 1 week later you come back with another account? Yeah you clearly have a lot of things going in your life

I am not transitioning into anything but whatever..


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Sure you don't, at least for now lol... And yeah, keep thinking that you actually know sh*t about the lives of some online strangers

You said that I am an incel 1 week ago. Now you say I am a "tranny". Sure I am the one who is acting like I know "sh*t" about the lives of online strangers


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A very condescending and distasteful attitude.


Keep the compliments coming the only delusion is you thinking that finasteride is safe and can’t cause permanent irreversible damage.