
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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You should consider every other factor, beside finasteride. It could be the cause. It can be also ONE of the many factors that lead to your current situation. Either way, I am sorry you're going through this utter sh*t. More power to you.

Sorry but there is no other alternative factor like I said I began to display side effects within hours of taking the drug. There is no other possibilities as I was healthy before this.


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Ah yes this is the part where everyone just starts insulting each other

The fact this thread hasn’t been locked is a joke

Mods what are you doing...


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Keep the compliments coming the only delusion is you thinking that finasteride is safe and can’t cause permanent irreversible damage.

I think people are are naturally a bit wary of your claims because you only had one pill and are saying you had every side under the sun and then some others like being unable to walk, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to back them up. People are rightfully a bit skeptical. No one is denying that sides exist though.
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Ah yes this is the part where everyone just starts insulting each other

The fact this thread hasn’t been locked is a joke

Mods what are you doing...

I don’t think this thread should be locked, I started it if people want to insult each other and call me names then that’s their business but I want this thread to continue so other people can understand that this is serious and the fact that I found out about finasteride on this forum as well. I just couldn’t live with myself if another young man came on and the same thing happened to him from listening to awful advice from others who don’t care about you if it goes wrong.


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I think people are are naturally a bit wary of your claims because you only had one pill and are saying you had every side under the sun and then some others like being unable to walk, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to back them up. People are rightfully a bit skeptical. No one is denying that sides exist,

Let them be I could lie and say I took a packet of pills but I would be doing myself a disservice by lying. Yes and my only evidence right now to convince people is my testimony, talking about sexual dysfunction on open forums and other media platforms is not easy in fact it’s humiliating but it has to be done. Every single thing that I have said is the truth there is no question about it. I’m just your average guy that has nothing to gain by doing this other than getting the word out how my life has been ripped away from me.


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People here can keep hiding the dangers of finasteride but I have made another video that people should see.



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DHT is biologically important for sexual differentiation of the male genitalia during embryogenesis, maturation of the penis and scrotum at puberty, growth of facial, body, and pubic hair, and development and maintenance of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. It is produced from the less potent testosterone by the enzyme 5?-reductase in select tissues, and is the primary androgen in the genitals, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, skin, and hair follicles.[2]

Surely blocking an important male hormone for a long time is completely healthy and safe...

Great source pigeon. If people still watch that video and say finasteride is safe there is something mentally wrong with them.


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You're a butthurt duta user who is trying to convince himself that your hormone treatment is safe.

Even fina couldn't save your ratsnest, you think duta will save it? Why not follow in Ikarus's steps and go on a full blown tranny treatment? Come on dislike my posts you balding tranny.

Why is there any need to use this sort of language? you said it before, we are all suffering and fighting hair loss together, we should have each others back, not constantly making snide remarks about how an individual chooses to fight this battle. We are all in this together, chill out a bit.


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Clearly you didn’t watch the whole video.

I checked the one where it said it ‘ruined his skin’, I’m guessing it’s acne because it looks like it. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t use 5AR inhibitors alone, it increases your testosterone which can lead to skin issues in some people theoretically. If he used an actual anti-androgen, he would have experienced a decrease in sebum production along with smooth skin.

Yeah bro, I'm the one taking a mix of transexual drugs just to try and save my hair. You fckin moron.

I should encourage you to keep on taking your hormone treatment you stubborn 19 year old idiot.

You hurt my feelings!

Hahaha, the one "with a brain". Surely something you lack, just like a healthy sexual appetite.

Thank god you won't procreate though.

Just like the thread creator it seems, looks like me and him have something in common


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DHT is biologically important for sexual differentiation of the male genitalia during embryogenesis, maturation of the penis and scrotum at puberty, growth of facial, body, and pubic hair, and development and maintenance of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. It is produced from the less potent testosterone by the enzyme 5?-reductase in select tissues, and is the primary androgen in the genitals, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, skin, and hair follicles.[2]

Surely blocking an important male hormone for a long time is completely healthy and safe...


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That's what we all thought at first, that we are all fighting hair loss and that's kind of it, i mean there are hundred of millions in the world who are balding as we speak but you don't see them on this forum anyways, and not acting like the bunch of desperate trannies or the ones who are injecting acid into their balls, that's for sure, not to mention the influx of incels who are starting to flood this forum with their incel "studies" about women, about the world, bla bla etc, to put it more simply, excuses for their shitty and useless lives.

But after some of you took your masks off and showed what you are really fighting, meaning strong mental illnesses and trying to change genders, with the excuse that your doing it for hair, just then we understood what your agendas really are. I have to admit that your not all the same, but the vast majority at least and that thread of 500 pages is the only proof somebody needs to understand this, or most of your comment histories!

I don't see anything wrong with someone taking estradiol as a last ditch attempt to save their hair as long as they are adults and properly informed about the sides, id rather they have hair on their head than a noose around their neck at the end of the day, and believe me when i say that a lot of people exploring these sorts of extreme treatments would probably be suicidal if they lost their hair. Live and let live.


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You're a butthurt duta user who is trying to convince himself that your hormone treatment is safe.

Even fina couldn't save your ratsnest, you think duta will save it? Why not follow in Ikarus's steps and go on a full blown tranny treatment? Come on dislike my posts you balding tranny.

1-I am not on Duta
2-I don't have ratsnest. My hair is at NW2-2.5
3-I never said it is safe.
4-You are confused


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I agree, but what's up with all the tranny autists bashing a man who got severe side effects from fina?

If OP was a troll he would not make a video with his face in front of a camera.

The lack of emapthy by insecure fina/duta users is digusting, also explains why I have no problem insulting the balding trannies itt.

No it's not right to instantly dismiss the sides someone is experiencing from finasteride, it does have sides, i have had my own experience with sides, lower libido, and lower semen volume, nothing drastic mind you. But for all this to happen to a guy after just one pill and to still be experiencing them months later sounds a bit far fetched, im not going to call him a liar as i have no evidence to call him that, but it just seem like too much to believe. If he is 100% telling the truth then it's probably the most severe reaction to finasteride i have seen.


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Oh please, take me to jail!

I think maybe taking some time off this forum and finding something more worthwhile to do in real life might do you some good? I started posting here again a few days ago after a few months break and you’re still more or less living on this forum.
Just a friendly suggestion.



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I think maybe taking some time off this forum and finding something more worthwhile to do in real life might do you some good? I started posting here again a few days ago after a few months break and you’re still more or less living on this forum.
Just a friendly suggestion.


b**ch, I became inactive on this forum for over a month. Stop acting as if my entire life is being spent on this forum, because it’s not and you know that. You should definitely give that advice to the other members in the anti-finasteride cult though, because some of them seem to come coming back like Ebola after being banned.


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Ok then you're an insecure fina user. Congrats, you're still on a hormone treatment with possible life destroying side effects.

I never said it is 100% safe. I know that it has possible destroying side effects. That's why I have been hesitant regarding taking it for the past 9 months.

But to say that one pill of finasteride caused every single possible side effect we know within less than 24 hours is ridiculous and retarded.


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I suggest you checking out propeciahelp, his story isn't that rare sadly.

But cretins like Ikarus and co laughing at people killing themselves because of side effects, not showing any empathy is beyong fcked up.

Agreed that no one should judge someone for taking their life because of debilitating sides they experienced, but on the other hand baldness can lead to suicidal thoughts as well, it's a double edged sword, take the chance that in very rare case finasteride fucks you over and puts you in a coffin because of sides, or you lose your hair and end up in a coffin regardless. I personally don't see hair systems,smp or shaving as viable alternatives for me personally, but if others like to go down that route then i have no problem with that. If my hair loss ever became severe enough i would definitely think about estradiol, maybe see about transplants before that, though i don't think im a good candidate for one.
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Armando Jose

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If at least finasteride causes new hair to grow
but very few cases, but none
Prevention better than cure, and messing with hormones is no a good preventive road.

Good luck Ryan, in a year you will be better, sure, more if you disminsh stress, and be adicted ,as me, to this forum is not going good.
Relax .... and be patient, you are young and live in a gorgeous country