
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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What's really hilarious about this forums is that most people are really and strongly believing that they know how science work after reading a couple of studies online from which they don't understand much anyways... A forum full of scientists and doctors lmao
I am finishing a master of science this year. Does that mean i have no clue how science works?
Pigeon copy pastes a wikipedia article and claims its science lol, if u would ever consider doing that in a symposium they would laugh so hard at you, even harder than at your nw7 slaphead.


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I was talking in general, it's true that there are smart people that really understand things on the internet also, but that does not apply to the general public that is roaming it! And keep calling everybody that you don't agree with a nw7, most of them have much hair than you for sure lol and i'm one of them, let's see that full head of hair of yours that finasteride gave you and while your at it show us that limp dick and b**ch titties also that your hiding behind the keyboard, keyboard warrior that you are
Hahahahahahaha, man u are so entertaining.


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That's all you got? Let's see that full head of hair you little science major incel? And what master in science are you finishing? Science of promoting finasteride on a hair loss forum and bitching around 24/7? When do you actually have time to study when you spent your whole 2 last years on this forum?
Master of science in chemical engineering. And i didn't spent the last 2 years on this forum lol.


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Ok i believe you now show us that full head of hair and those boobies i wanna jerk of on your hair and c*m on your titties... Ohh wait that didn't sound right

I bet you say that to all the boys :oops:


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Yeah you got me, you nailed this one also, your the man, ohh wait didn't want to assume your gender excuse me i don't know of what your identifying as, what are you anyways? What new gender are you?

I identify as someone who can correctly use “your” and “you’re”. They’re not interchangeable my dear, and you ought to actually read through your posts before uploading them.


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It’s when this kind of stuff happens that I’m grateful I have a life outside of forums otherwise I might end up like this poor individual.



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A reminder that not only is this pseudo “doctor” so far up his own pompous a*** cavity he’s met his own brain face to face; but he’s also a hypocrite to boot. Not that I’m really surprised when it comes to the hateful freaks lurking about here.



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This thread is becoming so toxic.. why is everyone fighting, we are supposed to be on the same side battling the real enemy: hair loss. Come on guys, let’s all reduce stress.


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I made 2 accounts in 2 months, your on the same account for over 2 years now bitching about the same things everyday.. By the time you notice i will be gone and back to my life your still gonna be here doing the same things after 2 years, i'm gonna come back and check on you
Still having trouble with simple grammar I see.


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But be my guest, i'm gonna leave anyways, this forum is useless anyways, just like all other hair loss forums are.

It doesn’t really work when you have to announce that you’re leaving on multiple occasions; yet again hypocrisy trying to roast others on attention seeking.

And you probably find it useless because you scream “tranny retardz” at anyone with a potential solution so why are you here again?


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SOLUTION? LMAOOOOOOOOOOO AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA this tranny is really hilarious i have to admit it

a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
"there are no easy solutions to financial and marital problems.”

No ones saying there’s no risks and downsides (there are, well done) but if it works to resolve the immediate issue then it counts as a solution but I suppose you’ve demonstrated time and time again that you’re a dense c*** when it comes to grasping English yikes bro.


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View attachment 129870

A reminder that not only is this pseudo “doctor” so far up his own pompous a*** cavity he’s met his own brain face to face; but he’s also a hypocrite to boot. Not that I’m really surprised when it comes to the hateful freaks lurking about here.


If I clicked “dislike” on your posts it was by accident. Or I disliked the same post once or twice by accident. That’s also supported by the fact there is only one or two dislike notifications, compared to the ten or so you gave me. Cut the crap. And I’m not a doctor. Ive never claimed to be one.



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If I clicked “dislike” on your posts it was by accident. Or I disliked the same post once or twice by accident. That’s also supported by the fact there is only one or two dislike notifications, compared to the ten or so you gave me. Cut the crap. And I’m not a doctor. Ive never claimed to be one.


Wow that’s a back-pedal and a half if I’ve ever seen one. You knew the childish games you were playing but when you’re called out you resort to “noooooooOo it’s an accident”.

But fine let’s play that game: sorry my cat walked across my keyboard and it disliked 6 of your posts :33333

But you do come across as a pompous moron, we can’t all be intellectually gifted enough to wear our usernames at the bottom of our messages like a badge of honour after all!



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Wow that’s a back-pedal and a half if I’ve ever seen one. You knew the childish games you were playing but when you’re called out you resort to “noooooooOo it’s an accident”.

But fine let’s play that game: sorry my cat walked across my keyboard and it disliked 6 of your posts :33333

But you do come across as a pompous moron, we can’t all be intellectually gifted enough to wear our usernames at the bottom of our messages like a badge of honour after all!


I wasn’t on a keyboard. I was typing while I was walking home.



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You're the idiot that thinks DHT has no value.

You're the naive hopeless balding idiot who believes the garbage Merck studies to convince himself that the poison he's taking is safe because you're so scared of losing your ratsnest. (hence your nickname)

You ignore the new Reuters article and Merck's history with Vioxx.

And yes, the fact is that you are using a drug that is part of a transexual regimen. Cry about it all you want balding tranny, it won't change the truth.

Hey, so what's the issue with bicalutamide, besides mild gynecomastia?


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What ever could be the issue with a hardcore transexual treatment just to save hair....Hmmm that's so hard to answer now is it?

Keep on coping tranny gang.

Keep on flogging the dusty roadkill with a lace front cap sewn in out of your car trunk mama.