
How Finasteride Has Destroyed My Life


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b**ch, I became inactive on this forum for over a month. Stop acting as if my entire life is being spent on this forum, because it’s not and you know that. You should definitely give that advice to the other members in the anti-finasteride cult though, because some of them seem to come coming back like Ebola after being banned.

Starting to Show your true colours again I see Ikarus.



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I never said it is 100% safe. I know that it has possible destroying side effects. That's why I have been hesitant regarding taking it for the past 9 months.

But to say that one pill of finasteride caused every single possible side effect we know within less than 24 hours is ridiculous and retarded.

I never said that every single side effect showed up overnight it happened in a matter of weeks I did have sides within a few hours but nothing compared to what I’m dealing with today.


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If at least finasteride causes new hair to grow
but very few cases, but none
Prevention better than cure, and messing with hormones is no a good preventive road.

Good luck Ryan, in a year you will be better, sure, more if you disminsh stress, and be adicted ,as me, to this forum is not going good.
Relax .... and be patient, you are young and live in a gorgeous country

Thank you man I really hope so I pray every night that God will take some mercy on me.


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They say prevention because you can't predict it i guess you know that? I mean there are people who stop balding at NW2, they take finasteride out of panic and after 10 years of sides and struggles they say, "at least it didn't progress" but nobody knows exactly if it wouldn't had stopped and didn't progress further without the treatment... It's very well made and marketed, very hard to prove sides, very hard to prove efficacy, i recently saw a study that showed that after 5 years not even 10% miniaturized hair got terminal on it, very hard to predict or prove something on it and a lot of contradicting studies with a lot of conflicts of interests and many other things, not to mention the history and recent news of it's manufacturer...

Imaging trusting and actually taking a drug made by someone who killed 500k people in 1 year with one of it's drugs, besides the other drugs he made and destroyed peoples lives, there is a site dedicated to the massacre he did with his pills and pharmaceutical company. He even contaminated the f*****g lake near his factory and labs with all the chemicals and infected the water that was going into peoples houses in the town near him, he is really fucked up and he is very powerful, very rich and with big connections, he actually does not give a f***, we could all die tomorrow and nothing would touch him, and that says a lot!

Take a look at this, MERK KILLER DRUGS LMAO :

He even tried to get it approved for kids under 18 years old, but the FDA said it was too much. After he tried to prescribe it for cancer, but they found him manipulating the studies to show efficacy of it on prostate cancer and they actually found out that it increases the risk of getting a more aggressive and stronger type of cancer while on it.. Really, really fucked up and with all that, he still does not pay sh*t for his crimes, because of people who are actually taking his drugs like sugar pills. As long as he has fools who ingest what he is making and trusting him, nobody can actually touch him! This are the Hitlers of our times, they wear all masks and they kill you through pills, social media manipulation, foods, drugs, alcohol, ciggs, etc bla bla

Well said.


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I never said that every single side effect showed up overnight it happened in a matter of weeks I did have sides within a few hours but nothing compared to what I’m dealing with today.

You changed your mind after you realized that you sound stupid.

Anyway you still literally said that you got penile atrophy to your prepubertal size overnight. This is physiologically impossible. If you meet a skinny guy who weighs 150 lbs and you tell him he needs to hit the gym and he says oh bro I was 200 lbs yesterday but I lost all my muscles because I didn't train last night.. what would be you reaction?


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You changed your mind after you realized that you sound stupid.

Anyway you still literally said that you got penile atrophy to your prepubertal size overnight. This is physiologically impossible. If you meet a skinny guy who weighs 150 lbs and you tell him he needs to hit the gym and he says oh bro I was 200 lbs yesterday but I lost all my muscles because I didn't train last night.. what would be you reaction?

Yes it completely shrunk and turned a pale white colour like it was dead as I said this was resolving itself after 2 weeks went by and I crashed and my whole body has literally deteriorated ever since. I’m getting tired of this now you either believe me or you don’t and I think you have chosen your answer. I don’t need to sit on here anymore trying to convince people that don’t want to be convinced because all their hopes have been on finasteride saving them. I’ve told my story and I’m going to take a step back from this forum now and hope there is a least a few with the common sense to believe that my story is real and not fabricated or over exaggerated or all in my head everything I talked about in my video is 100% true and that’s the bottom line.


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Well it's not like it's private information. Luckily this internet has it's upsides as it's downsides also and luckily for us that not only the fake news travels fast, but the real one also, because 30 years when it was first invented, your only source of information was your dermatologists or urologist. Imagine what the people have gone trough who got struck with sides then and not having all of this info, not having not even a f*****g forum where they could share their story... Even Merk's CEO admitted that if they would have said the truth about how the studies were conducted and about the true nature of sides, about the persistent and permanent ones, they would have never had the sales they had...

Yeah man I really can’t imagine what those people went through in the 90’s without this information we have today.

Now that’s just scandalous for a CEO to come out with something like that just shocking.
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I was on @ChemHead's profile a few days ago and he treated finasteride crash with a vegan raw diet.

He seems very smart.

Maybe have a look.

Sounds like a bit of a meme, but I do believe in the validity of stuff like that in certain cases.


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I think diets and other shits are memes also, calling them cures at least or saying that you were cured from a diet... From my understanding and from what i understood also from doctors, and i know this myself also, the body has a tremendous capability to heal itself, more than most people know or understand, the younger you are, the faster and the more chances. But, this takes time, it differs for everybody and the lifestyle has a meaning also in this, from what you eat, how you sleep, how you exercise, how much sun you get, bla bla etc
Rest are just theories and maybe for some a boost of testosterone makes him feel better for a couple of months and after he "crashes" again, but he never did nothing from the start because treating individual symptoms has nothing to do with the root actual cause of it. Like hair loss, it's a cascade of events and even if you start to treat symptoms, like injecting DHT into the penis, it's not gonna solve the rest... So i think it's better to just let your body heal, help it with different stuff but only time and him are gonna solve the problem, it may take years, maybe many years for some and maybe if irreversible damage is done, maybe never. Unfortunately nobody knows what is happening at a molecular level and that's the main problem and can't actually predict or find out why, how, how much, etc

I’ve heard some reports of guys recovering after a few years and just letting Time heal so there is hope.



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Y’all are just mad that the ‘tranny thread’ has almost 500k views sksniemdnsisks

all hail the grand tranny


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You have more dislikes that likes you seem like a popular guy around here.
Almost all of these dislikes were from the same person. It was a mentally ill forum member by the name of DHTcel, who developed a grudge against Ikarus and decided to go through all his post history and dislike over 2000 of his posts one by one.

I don't agree with everything Ikarus writes, but I just wanted to point this out.


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Almost all of these dislikes were from the same person. It was a mentally ill forum member by the name of DHTcel, who developed a grudge against Ikarus and decided to go through all his post history and dislike over 2000 of his posts one by one.

I don't agree with everything Ikarus writes, but I just wanted to point this out.

What caused the grudge? It seems like Ikarus is one of the least liked members on the forum although he’s quite a character I’ll give him that.



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What caused the grudge? It seems like Ikarus is one of the least liked members on the forum although he’s quite a character I’ll give him that.


Im not liked by the anti-finasteride cult, and you are not liked in our eyes. Nevertheless, he mass-disliked my posts because I called him out on his lies, he didn’t like that and threatened that I will ‘regret’ not apologising to him.




I mean, it was a pretty darn hilarious situation though...


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Im not liked by the anti-finasteride cult, and you are not liked in our eyes. Nevertheless, he mass-disliked my posts because I called him out on his lies, he didn’t like that and threatened that I will ‘regret’ not apologising to him.

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View attachment 129824

View attachment 129825

I mean, it was a pretty darn hilarious situation though...

Sounds like a deranged ex girlfriend. Anyway guys thanks for allowing me to share my story with you’s and I honestly wish each and everyone of you’s the best in life even the ones that talked sh*t. Good look boys and I hope somewhere down the line they can find a treatment for hair loss.