How Often do you Guys and Girls receive negative jibes about your hairloss?

Agustin Araujo

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I work with a guy who is a noorwood 7 at the age of 22.He is a recluse,hat prisoner,has no friends,his family has all gone their seperate ways.He lives in a 1 bedroom unit by himself and plays video games same routine every day.all he has is work in his life which is bloody sad.People at work mock him behind his back about his hairloss they call him Benjium Button.I try to get him to at least come to the pub for an hour or so but he won't even do that..I think he has given up on life completely..

I would definitely be worse off than the poor man if I was Norwood 7 at age 22. There is truly no sympathy at all for hair loss sufferers in the real world. As I've stated before in my posts, the non-balding people believe that those who do bald are just individuals that don't know how to take care of their hair, and then are mocked for that, when in fact their hair loss is out of their control.


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My brother's hairloss was apparent before mine. He'd always shaved his hair very short so I assumed he didn't really care about hair. One time I made a little dig at him at a KFC while standing in line and he said "how would you like it if it was you and someone had a dig at you about something you can't help in public" I never said anything to him again. He actually found finasteride before I did and recovered a lot, nobody thinks he's going bald anymore though his hairline didn't totally recover. A couple of years later I noticed hair loss too and he pointed me towards finasteride. We actually have about the same amount of hair now, maybe he has more...

Point is, people are insensitive assholes, they lack empathy for others, and for years bald jokes have been institutionalised. People without hair loss just don't realise how painful it is for people who do have hairloss. Perhaps if it wasn't us it was happening to, we'd all insensitive assholes too...

be happy he doesnt have a full super lush head of hair you get to look at all the time and your not the bald/ing brother

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Feel sorry for him also.

Having wisdom, and confidence unfortunately doesn't get you laid. Could be the most interesting person out there, but without something pleasing to look at you will be swiped right for X.

We are judged by the cover in most cases, without a moderate base most people won't even look twice.

wisdom, confidence and blah blah MIGHT get you that chick who wants to turn herself around and "try" a relationship. But then it goes from getting some in the first date or 2 to waiting a month because she doesnt "want to take things to fast"........... lucky YOU


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As I've stated before in my posts, the non-balding people believe that those who do bald are just individuals that don't know how to take care of their hair, and then are mocked for that

Yes they do. They treat us like we brought it on ourselves by being unhealthy or unhygienic. That is why the "natural cure" guys piss me off. They are pretty much buying into the BS that we somehow caused this **** by being slobs.


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Yes they do. They treat us like we brought it on ourselves by being unhealthy or unhygienic. That is why the "natural cure" guys piss me off. They are pretty much buying into the BS that we somehow caused this **** by being slobs.

honestly there is a lot of truth to this. I work out (as stated) and (yes Im going there again) my brother doesnt. Hes not fat, but not fit. Mainly just average looking body, kind of slouchy tho.
People see us together and automatically think hes healthier and takes better care of himself all because of his hair.

Im honestly losing my lust for working out. Im finding it harder and harder to get to the gym and care about being there. My GF keeps saying we need to invite my idiot pops back up to the house, but all I can think of is having to look at his head and wanting to BASH it in with my hammer when his back is turned. Honestly no one would come looking for him so I know Id get away with it to which makes it ALL THE MORE tempting!

Wish they would invent a permanent wig, Id get laser removal on my entire head and have it implanted up there and NEVER worry again.


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Hair is the difference between aging gracefully, and prematurely looking older then you actually are. Asides from skin elasticity, hair is the biggest contributor towards ageing.


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Im honestly losing my lust for working out. Im finding it harder and harder to get to the gym and care about being there.

Same here. I have been working out for close to 20 years now and the desire just isn't there like it used to be. At this point I am forced to do it because I know if I stop I will look like ****. At 38, being in good shape the only thing keeping me in the game. If I had hair to fall back on, I wouldn't worry about my physique as much.


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Same here. I have been working out for close to 20 years now and the desire just isn't there like it used to be. At this point I am forced to do it because I know if I stop I will look like ****. At 38, being in good shape the only thing keeping me in the game. If I had hair to fall back on, I wouldn't worry about my physique as much.

If I had hair Id be back in the gym 5 days a week. I just constantly look in the mirrors when Im there and have to fix my hair (when its grown out).

Ill say the touch ups on my FUE are coming in MUCH better and I actually have a noticable hairline again. Even my GF was impressed and said she was happy I spent the money to fix it. But I know Ill never have "good" hair again, I just wont be N7 like my pops (I hope)
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Same here. I have been working out for close to 20 years now and the desire just isn't there like it used to be. At this point I am forced to do it because I know if I stop I will look like ****. At 38, being in good shape the only thing keeping me in the game. If I had hair to fall back on, I wouldn't worry about my physique as much.

Is that the only reason you train, for game?


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being in good shape the only thing keeping me in the game. If I had hair to fall back on, I wouldn't worry about my physique as much.

I agree, if your a bald/balding or simply average looking man, then having a good physique is a serious deal breaker with girls. Sure they say all this bs about how they hate vain guys and how a good physique isn't a top priority etc etc.... but when it comes to a choice between skinnyfat guy or muscular looking guy, which guy do you think they're going to fcuking choose?? lol

With regards to girls, it's ok to be thin and non-muscular, if you have a full head of luscious hair to pull off that kind of look, but the more bald you get, the more weird, androgynous and totally unattractive/repulsive this build looks and you start to become completely invisible to the opposite sex.

I am nearly 29 now and still work out, but not really for girls as few decent ones are attracted anymore with my type of hair lol, I do it more so for my own sense of self-worth, self-respect and masculinity. I never, ever want to be that skinny, bald cancer patient-looking guy, it's my absolute worst nightmare, so going to the gym twice a week is a small price to pay. Having a manly looking build makes me a great deal happier and more confident, as opposed to the skinnyfat build I had before, which made me fcuking miserable and most certainly had a negative impact on the way women judged me. Plus working out boosts testosterone, which gives me more stamina and keeps my brain sharp for work, so it's all win-win really.
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I agree, if your a bald/balding or simply average looking man, then having a good physique is a serious deal breaker with girls. Sure they say all this bs about how they hate vain guys and how a good physique isn't a top priority etc etc.... but when it comes to a choice between skinnyfat guy or muscular looking guy, which guy do you think they're going to fcuking choose?? lol

With regards to girls, it's ok to be thin and non-muscular, if you have a full head of luscious hair to pull off that kind of look, but the more bald you get, the more weird, androgynous and totally unattractive/repulsive this build looks and you start to become completely invisible to the opposite sex..
Very true.

Wolf Pack

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Primo speaks the truth. I maintain a lean slightly muscular physique but it's adequate for now with how I am overall (looks, hair e.t.c). Need to hit the gym hard if you go bald, not for the meathead look, just for personal confidence and masculine appearance. It really is not about compensating or for girls (most won't be interested as Primo hints at), rather for your own benefit. The corpse/clone/cancer look is never in. Otherwise you will be an egg on a stick unless you are afro-carib or very rough looking. The shorter or taller you are beyond average you will stand out in a bad way IMO.


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Why the hell is that skinnyfat expression thrown around everywhere?

It makes no sense, either you're fat or skinny, you can't be both.

What's next? Baldyhairy?

As I've said before, as long as you have your ideal weight, you're good.

Working out is only going to give a 5% advantage, if and only if she can see your muscles, so at the beach or at the swimming pool.

It's a new category of guys for them to feel like shit because they're not 'alpa males' with a ripped torso, perfect genetic hairline, chiseled jaw and 6 figure salary.

People are fucking stupid.
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Why the hell is that skinnyfat expression thrown around everywhere?

It makes no sense, either you're fat or skinny, you can't be both.

What's next? Baldyhairy?

Skinnyfat=spindly arms and legs, and a descended midsection.....body like a bloated spider, just like 99% of the western world. But hey, my mobile phones got more buttons than you.


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Skinny fat is just what it says, really. Skinny in most areas with fat collecting in the gut or chest.
Bald hairy might mean bald but a hairy back:)


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Now there is a new fad: Dadbod. Apparently women are saying "it's so hot" and the ideal way for men to look. Just think stereotypical "40-something dad", that's the body we should have. I'm game. Maybe having the hairline of a 40-something will become popular.
I'm pretty sure we'll be the hottest men around, lol!


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The "dadbod" is not a fad; it's just the media sucking Leonardo Dicaprio's nuts.

Skinny fat happens to people who gain weight in their mid section. Other people gain weight all over. It goes along with another tread I saw on this forum about having a fat face. Skinny fat happens to people who gain weight in their mid section and having a fat face happens to people who gain weight all over.

Bald hairy would be a NW7 with a long, flowing horseshoe.

Working out, as far as the western culture is concerned, is a waste of time. Eat healthy, stay active, stretch, and your good.

As far as the OP's question; I get **** about baldness. Its impossible to fight off every comment. Accepting baldness is realizing you're gonna get **** and turning the other cheak. That's what I hate about it. Although I've realized It helps to keep your chin up (I don't mean metaphorically) and look people in the eye. If you do that they won't likely say anything about your hair.


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The harshest comment i've received was "Where is all your hair ? " (it was a girl i've not since since three years), and that was like two years ago.

But then again i'm very selective and tend to not surround myself with assholes.


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I just commented on the vids. Would appreciate some back up support for my views cause I'll start to get murdered in 3....2....1