How Often do you Guys and Girls receive negative jibes about your hairloss?


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I gave you a like.

A like? You couldn't take the time to comment. No wonder bald guys get such a bad rap, 90% of us roll over and take it like prison rape victims.
Seriously take 4 fuqing minutes of your busy day away from here to support a comment.

God half of us deserve the abuse we get i guess


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A like? You couldn't take the time to comment. No wonder bald guys get such a bad rap, 90% of us roll over and take it like prison rape victims.
Seriously take 4 fuqing minutes of your busy day away from here to support a comment.

God half of us deserve the abuse we get i guess

I wanted to make a more legit YouTube account but encountered some problems. For instance before I could respond or like your comment I had to verify trough phone and for some reason just didn't receive the code. So it took me around 15-20 minutes. I had some other things to do that day so decided to leave it just with a like for now.

You know it appears that I am the only one that took the time to support it. So instead of bashing me you could just also ask me if I wanted to comment on it and most likely I would.

God I should become more selfish.

Update: I can't respond because I don't see a respond button. Can you change your setting that everyone can reply to your comment? Here is a YouTube video how to do that .


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I was bashing everyone

People post up articles and blog posts up here with links but NO ONE ever comments PR writes anything. Its a very defeatest attitude I notice sometimes.


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I do mostly nightfill/dayfill for a supermarket (i'm 22 going back to uni).

Dayfill is where i get most sh1t from customers and other people who work with me. I have social anxiety already, and it just makes me hate having to do day shifts because i gotta deal with people. I can't say anything back to the customers but when I have responded to work colleagues is where i've learned how stupid people are about hairloss. They think you can just not lose your hair and change it. Like being fat, most people can just work out eat less lose the weight... save for people with medical conditions. despite everybody knowing hairloss is genetic they can't seem to fathom you can't do anything about it. am i supposed to school them on hairloss? explain DHT? that i tried the only fvcking drug that inhibits the hormone but my liver wouldn't allow it?

I'm short, kinda chubby and losing my hair. Of course I'm a target lol
Yea..the average citizen is a complete, ignorant moron when it comes to hair loss.
I blame a lot of these adverts that are on TV that make regrowing your hair seem as simple as washing your car, or any other mundane life task.

These idiots swallow this misinformation without giving it a second thought. BECAUSE THEY DON'T FUQKING HAVE TOO!!! (give it a second thought. They are the chosen privileged!)

I swear all these bullshyte adverts about "regrowing your own hair" have further contributed to the contempt that bald men are held in.
Now.. we are just lazy too.


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I'm not joking every time I attend a social function I receive at least 1 negative hair loss comment.Its outrageous!It pisses me off,I take my time to get ready nice clothes,clean shaven,nice car,place my hair in position ie show as little scalp as possible,and off I go to a night out or wedding or just mates catching up at the pub.Then out of the blue some smart arse makes the comment like "Man your going thin on top".Or Man your losing your hair! And I feel like **** for the rest of the night.This has been going on for years now.The worst was a month ago at a family members funeral I was about to walk in for the service and a school mate I hadn't seen for a few years comes up and touches my head and says your losing your hair buddy.I was feeling crap already and this idiot makes that comment to me.I was just wandering How often you guys receive such negative comments when out and about? And how do you deal with it?thanks guys I had to vent..

I can totally relate. Everytime someone points it out it is like a burning shame that consumes my insides. It sounds dramatice but it hurts and it hurts that it hurts, because I probably should care.


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This happened to me this past summer and for some reason rather haunts me. I have a sailboat on a trailer that i take to the municpial boat launch near me. Its a park too and a lot of old guys hang out there, i have to talk to them because one of them runs the boat launch. They know me and that i'm single and probably spend too much time with my sailboat. I look at it as my escape from people. I have quite a bit of prep time for my boat and usually take it out overnight because its too much work for one day. The launch is kind of a hassle because people are always standing around watching me and a lot want to ask questions and talk to me or know some one i know or something. A group with some girls was watching me get ready. I wasn't sure what they wanted so I just said something about the water temp being too cold and hoping it would be better so i could swim that night. This really cute girl in the group assumes i'm talking to her and says 'Just look at me, why do you thing i would want to date a bald guy'. This really surprised me but i was really tired, plus i realized i had taken my hat off which is unusual because it was hot but i was in the shade of a tree. I didn't say a word but just put the boat in the water and finished preping on the dock. I realized later that the old guys or some of the other people i knew probably told the girls something about me being single. I also suspect the girls wanted a ride in the boat which isn't practial and isn't going to happen based on previous experience anyway. Note, this is a simplified version of what happened. And .. it basically happend a second time. For next year, I found a private marina some distance away and the water near the marina is better sailing. In some ways i feel like i'm leaving the public marina becase the public is just too much of a hassle to deal with. on the other hand i just need to try another place for a year just to see whats its like.


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This happened to me this past summer and for some reason rather haunts me. I have a sailboat on a trailer that i take to the municpial boat launch near me. Its a park too and a lot of old guys hang out there, i have to talk to them because one of them runs the boat launch. They know me and that i'm single and probably spend too much time with my sailboat. I look at it as my escape from people. I have quite a bit of prep time for my boat and usually take it out overnight because its too much work for one day. The launch is kind of a hassle because people are always standing around watching me and a lot want to ask questions and talk to me or know some one i know or something. A group with some girls was watching me get ready. I wasn't sure what they wanted so I just said something about the water temp being too cold and hoping it would be better so i could swim that night. This really cute girl in the group assumes i'm talking to her and says 'Just look at me, why do you thing i would want to date a bald guy'. This really surprised me but i was really tired, plus i realized i had taken my hat off which is unusual because it was hot but i was in the shade of a tree. I didn't say a word but just put the boat in the water and finished preping on the dock. I realized later that the old guys or some of the other people i knew probably told the girls something about me being single. I also suspect the girls wanted a ride in the boat which isn't practial and isn't going to happen based on previous experience anyway. Note, this is a simplified version of what happened. And .. it basically happend a second time. For next year, I found a private marina some distance away and the water near the marina is better sailing. In some ways i feel like i'm leaving the public marina becase the public is just too much of a hassle to deal with. on the other hand i just need to try another place for a year just to see whats its like.

Your story really builds up anger with me. Everytime I hear something like that happen I have so strong imagination of just calmly going to the stupid or ***.hole and shooting him in the face without saying a word and than continuing calmy my own bussines.


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Girls would never make that kind of remark in Belgium, this is 100% cultural here.

I've met a lot of foreign girls and its interesting where you get the attitude and where you don't. This girl was Italian. Around me they are notorious for considering themselves as princesses. My baldness could be saving me from accidently hooking up with one. I also suspect one of the reason they recommend working out a lot if your bald is so people are scared to say anything negative to you.

Here in the states they used to have this channel on cable called Hallmark with melodramatic movies. It was all about men doing wrong to women, and the storys always have the bald guy as the villian. One movie started out with a jock hitting his wife and they separate. the womans neighbor is a really nice helpful bald guy. But the bald guy turns out to be the bad guy and the jock hitting the wife was a good guy and him hitting her was just a misunderstanding. the jock and his wife lived happily ever after when the bald guy got sent to jail.


My Regimen
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I've met a lot of foreign girls and its interesting where you get the attitude and where you don't. This girl was Italian. Around me they are notorious for considering themselves as princesses. My baldness could be saving me from accidently hooking up with one. I also suspect one of the reason they recommend working out a lot if your bald is so people are scared to say anything negative to you.

Here in the states they used to have this channel on cable called Hallmark with melodramatic movies. It was all about men doing wrong to women, and the storys always have the bald guy as the villian. One movie started out with a jock hitting his wife and they separate. the womans neighbor is a really nice helpful bald guy. But the bald guy turns out to be the bad guy and the jock hitting the wife was a good guy and him hitting her was just a misunderstanding. the jock and his wife lived happily ever after when the bald guy got sent to jail.
:hairy:yep. sounds like typical bald discrimination in media. ugly or bald guy is always evil. although every now and then theres a subversion, where the villain is very good looking.

and about the OP. i remember my friend was talking to his girlfriend on the phone. i was venting about baldness and my friend tried consoling me by saying girls didn't care. so i told him to ask his girlfriend wat she thought about baldness (she didn't know me so it was unbiased) and she said she wouldn't date bald guys because if they are bald "that means they are too old for me". :firing:

lol the friends politically correct feel-good bull**** blew up right in his face xD

Norwood One

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:hairy:yep. sounds like typical bald discrimination in media. ugly or bald guy is always evil. although every now and then theres a subversion, where the villain is very good looking.

Lol it's funny. If the villain is good looking, the women gravitate towards him for his "mysterious bad boy behavior". Replace good looking villain with a baldy, and "oh he's such an a**h**" yada yada.

Looks are king my friends.