This happened to me this past summer and for some reason rather haunts me. I have a sailboat on a trailer that i take to the municpial boat launch near me. Its a park too and a lot of old guys hang out there, i have to talk to them because one of them runs the boat launch. They know me and that i'm single and probably spend too much time with my sailboat. I look at it as my escape from people. I have quite a bit of prep time for my boat and usually take it out overnight because its too much work for one day. The launch is kind of a hassle because people are always standing around watching me and a lot want to ask questions and talk to me or know some one i know or something. A group with some girls was watching me get ready. I wasn't sure what they wanted so I just said something about the water temp being too cold and hoping it would be better so i could swim that night. This really cute girl in the group assumes i'm talking to her and says 'Just look at me, why do you thing i would want to date a bald guy'. This really surprised me but i was really tired, plus i realized i had taken my hat off which is unusual because it was hot but i was in the shade of a tree. I didn't say a word but just put the boat in the water and finished preping on the dock. I realized later that the old guys or some of the other people i knew probably told the girls something about me being single. I also suspect the girls wanted a ride in the boat which isn't practial and isn't going to happen based on previous experience anyway. Note, this is a simplified version of what happened. And .. it basically happend a second time. For next year, I found a private marina some distance away and the water near the marina is better sailing. In some ways i feel like i'm leaving the public marina becase the public is just too much of a hassle to deal with. on the other hand i just need to try another place for a year just to see whats its like.